3,349 research outputs found

    Influence of magnetic viscosity on domain wall dynamics under spin-polarized currents

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    We present a theoretical study of the influence of magnetic viscosity on current-driven domain wall dynamics. In particular we examine how domain wall depinning transitions, driven by thermal activation, are influenced by the adiabatic and nonadiabatic spin-torques. We find the Arrhenius law that describes the transition rate for activation over a single energy barrier remains applicable under currents but with a current-dependent barrier height. We show that the effective energy barrier is dominated by a linear current dependence under usual experimental conditions, with a variation that depends only on the nonadiabatic spin torque coefficient beta.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    On quantifying the topological charge in micromagnetics using a lattice-based approach

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    An implementation of a lattice-based approach for computing the topological skyrmion charge is provided for the open source micromagnetics code MuMax3. Its accuracy with respect to an existing method based on finite difference derivatives is compared for three different test cases. The lattice-based approach is found to be more robust for finite-temperature dynamics and for nucleation and annihilation processes in extended systems.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Trochoidal motion and pair generation in skyrmion and antiskyrmion dynamics under spin-orbit torques

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    Skyrmions and antiskyrmions in magnetic ultrathin films are characterised by a topological charge describing how the spins wind around their core. This topology governs their response to forces in the rigid core limit. However, when internal core excitations are relevant, the dynamics become far richer. We show that current-induced spin-orbit torques can lead to phenomena such as trochoidal motion and skyrmion-antiskyrmion pair generation that only occurs for either the skyrmion or antiskyrmion, depending on the symmetry of the underlying Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Such dynamics are induced by core deformations, leading to a time-dependent helicity that governs the motion of the skyrmion and antiskyrmion core. We compute the dynamical phase diagram through a combination of atomistic spin simulations, reduced-variable modelling, and machine learning algorithms. It predicts how spin-orbit torques can control the type of motion and the possibility to generate skyrmion lattices by antiskyrmion seeding

    Temperature dependence of nonlinear auto-oscillator linewidths: Application to spin-torque nano-oscillators

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    The temperature dependence of the generation linewidth for an auto-oscillator with a nonlinear frequency shift is calculated. It is shown that the frequency nonlinearity creates a finite correlation time, tau, for the phase fluctuations. In the low-temperature limit in which the spectral linewidth is smaller than 1/tau, the line shape is approximately Lorentzian and the linewidth is linear in temperature. In the opposite high-temperature limit in which the linewidth is larger than 1/tau, the nonlinearity leads to an apparent "inhomogeneous broadening" of the line, which becomes Gaussian in shape and has a square-root dependence on temperature. The results are illustrated for the spin-torque nano-oscillator.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Generation linewidth of an auto-oscillator with a nonlinear frequency shift: Spin-torque nano-oscillator

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    It is shown that the generation linewidth of an auto-oscillator with a nonlinear frequency shift (i.e. an auto-oscillator in which frequency depends on the oscillation amplitude) is substantially larger than the linewidth of a conventional quasi-linear auto-oscillator due to the renormalization of the phase noise caused by the nonlinearity of the oscillation frequency. The developed theory, when applied to a spin-torque nano-contact auto-oscillator, predicts a minimum of the generation linewidth when the nano-contact is magnetized at a critical angle to its plane, corresponding to the minimum nonlinear frequency shift, in good agreement with recent experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
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