433 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor yang Berkontribusi dalam Pengembangan Wisata Halal dari Sudut Pandang Wisatawan di Jabodetabek

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    Halal product trends are expanding from food to lifestyle, namely halal tourism. The development of halal tourism is driven by the large Muslim market in the world. Indonesia as the country with the largest Muslim population. The halal tourism authority, CrescentRating, awards Indonesia as the first best halal tourist destination in the OIC category. Jakarta is the fourth best halal tourist area in Indonesia, which in its development has a coordination chain with the surrounding areas, namely Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi. Jabodetabek contributes greatly to the country's economy so that there is a need for the development of tourism in Jabodetabek. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the needs of tourists in order to increase tourist attraction. This study aims to identify the characteristics of tourists and analyze the factors that contribute to the development of halal tourism through 46 indicators of halal tourism. Data were analyzed using a factor analysis tool through SPSS software. The results showed that there were 11 new factors formed from the point of view of archipelago tourists and 14 new factors formed from the point of view of foreign tourists so that there were differences between tourists in the practice of halal tourism

    Pengaruh Entrepreneurial Marketing dan Internet Marketing Pada UMKM Bawang Goreng Kabupaten Kuningan Terhadap Daya Saing

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of internet marketing and entrepreneurial marketing on the competitive advantages of fried onion MSMEs in Kuningan Regency. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis and structural analysis with the PLS-SEM (Partial Square Least-Structural Equation Modeling) approach. The results of this study indicate that the characteristics of fried onion business actors are dominated by women as much as 67 percent, the age of the majority of business actors is in the productive age range of 30-40 years, and in general, they have a high school / vocational / MA education level and their initial job before starting a business is never or not working or housewives. The majority of business actors have the reason that the business they run follows in the footsteps of their parents/relatives and the majority of the businesses they run are 1-10 years old. SEM analysis indicates that internet marketing has a positive influence on entrepreneurial marketing and competitive advantages, as well as entrepreneurial marketing which has a positive influence on competitive advantages. Managerial implications that can be carried out by business actors are participating in skills development training using digital technology and actively using the internet to expand marketing reach. For the government by making skills development training using digital technology for marketing. Keywords: competitive advantages, entrepreneurial marketing, internet marketing, SEM PLS, SME

    Analisis Brand Equity Pocari Sweat Dalam Persaingan Industri Minuman (Studi Kasus: Mahasiswa Di Bogor)

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    Isotonic drink is a new kind of product in Indonesian consumer goods. This kind of product entered Indonesian market in mid-80s. However, isotonic drink industry is growing up along with the increase of people\u27s welfare and awareness of body health. One of isotonic drinks marketed in Indonesia is Pocari Sweat, produced by PT Amerta Indah Otsuka, which is the market leader in Indonesian isotonic drink industry. High level of competition put more burdens on the producer. PT Amerta has to ensure that Pocari Sweat get a strong position on consumers\u27 minds. The objective of this research is to analyze Pocari Sweat\u27s brand equity. It covers several elements: brand awareness, brand association, brand\u27s perceived quality and brand loyalty. In order to see the overall competition among isotonic drinks, this research also involves several other brands such as ProSweat, Mizone, Aqua, and Coca-Cola. This research is conducted in three universities in Bogor; Bogor Institute of Agriculture (Institut Pertanian Bogor), Pakuan University and Ibnu Khaldun University. The result shows that in the element of brand awareness, Pocari Sweat is the most memorized brand. The association of brand image in brand association element shows that Pocari Sweat has two brand images: safe for health and fresh taste to kill thirst. Analysis on perceived quality with biplot method shows that Pocari Sweat has several attributive characteristics namely benefit, safe for health, eliminates dehydration and recharge stamina. Meanwhile, analysis in brand loyalty shows that Pocari Sweat doesn\u27t have a strong brand loyalty yet

    Analisis Efektivitas Program Promosi IMOVSES Terhadap Tingkat Penggunaan Produk Microsoft Berlisensi Pada Sivitas IPB

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    Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) Microsoft Open Value Subcscription for Education Solution atau IMOVSES merupakan program promosi Microsoft yang dikelola oleh IPB dalam rangka memperkenalkan sekaligus meningkatkan penggunaan produk Microsoft berlisensi kepada sivitas akademika IPB dengan cara menawarkan produk Microsoft berlisensi dengan potongan harga yang signifikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik sivitas IPB terkait keputusan penggunaan software berlisensi, menganalisis respon sivitas IPB terhadap program promosi IMOVSES, serta menganalisis efektivitas penganggaran biaya program promosi IMOVSES. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik sivitas IPB adalah chi square, untuk menganalisis respon sivitas digunakan EPIC Model dan Direct Rating Method, sedangkan untuk menganalisis efektivitas penganggaran promosi digunakan analisis regresi. EPIC Rate yang dihasilkan adalah sebesar 3,15, yang menunjukkan bahwa promosi berada pada rentang cukup efektif. Nilai direct rating (ǧ) diperoleh sebesar 64,14, yang menunjukkan bahwa promosi masuk dalam kategori baik. Persamaan regresi yang diperoleh adalah “Jumlah sivitas = 27,2+0,000027 Biaya promosi” yang menunjukan bahwa apabila biaya promosi ditambah sebesar Rp100.000,- akan menambah jumlah sivitas sebanyak 3 orang. Dibutuhkan setidaknya biaya sebesar Rp127.300.000,- untuk menjadikan program promosi efektif secara penjualan

    Strategi Periklanan Kosmetik Efektif Untuk Generasi Y Menggunakan Celebrity Endorsement

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    Celebrity endorsement on social media has become a trendy way to advertise today. Examining the effectiveness of celebrity endorsers using the familiarity variable is deemed necessary, considering the risks that arise from selecting inappropriate celebrities. It is also important to explore whether different categories lead to different responses. The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of differences in endorser familiarity and product categories on compatibility with products, attitudes towards advertisements and brands and purchase intentions of Y generation consumers in cosmetic advertisements. This research is a 2x2 factorial experimental study using Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). There were 2 stages of the research, the first stage was the pre-test with 30 research participants to select celebrities and the second stage was the main test with 156 participants who were divided into 4 experimental groups. The results of the study stated that differences in celebrity familiarity had no effect on compatibility with products and attitudes towards brands, but had an effect on attitudes towards advertisements and purchase intentions. Differences in product categories and interactions between familiarity and categories show insignificant results. Celebrity endorsers with high or low familiarity currently both have the same potential and each endorser has its own market. Companies should increase consumer product involvement by repeating information. Keywords: attitude towards advertising and brand, endorser familiarity, experimental study, purchase intention, product categorie

    Pilkada Amidst a Pandemic: The Role of The Electronic Word of Mouth in Political Brand and Voting Intention

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    The Regional Head Election campaign frequently uses electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) communication because of social media's growth and the Covid-19 pandemic that took place during the election year. In commercial brands, eWOM impact has influence brand equity and purchase decisions. However, in political brands, this has not been proven. Therefore, by using the regional head candidate of Purbalingga Regency as a political brand, this study examines the effect of eWOM on developing candidate brand equity and relates it to voting intention. Brand equity using a brand pyramid model with brand equity forming variables consisting of a candidate brand awareness, a candidate brand performance-imagery, a candidate brand judgment-feelings, and a candidate brand resonance. The study involved 260 respondents who are people of Purbalingga Regency who may vote and use social media. The sampling method used was purposive sampling by conducting direct interviews with respondents. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (SEM PLS) analysis. The results showed that electronic Word of Mouth has a positive and significant effect on brand equity development variables. Developing brand equity affects the voting intention on candidate brand awareness and candidate brand resonance. The Result of this study found electronic Word of Mouth to have no direct influence on voting intention

    Analisis Pencapaian Peran Wanita dan Entrepreneurial Marketing terhadap Pengembangan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah di Jepara

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    Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) mempunyai peran penting bagi ekonomi Indonesia, tidak hanya  menjadi tulang punggung dalam menggerakkan roda ekonomi, akan tetapi UMKM  juga berperan sebagai pencipta lapangan kerja, keberlanjutan ekonomi, dan inovasi. Pendekatan pemasaran dengan menggunakan entrepreneurial marketing, merupakan pendekatan yang tepat yang bisa diterapkan pada UMKM, Entrepreneurial marketing dapat membuat UMKM lebih terarah sesuai dengan tujuan apa yang telah ditetapkan. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan analisis transformasi indeks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik wanita wirausaha secara umum memiliki tingkat pendidikan menengah atas, mayoritas responden berada, pencapaian peran wanita dalam mengelola usaha konfeksi di Desa Sendang Kecamatan Kalinyamat dan Desa Pancur Kecamatan Mayong Kabupaten Jepara secara umum mencapai 78.14%. Pencapaian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan peran wanita dalam menjalankan usaha konfeksi sudah baik. Pencapaian entrepreneurial marketing secara umum mencapai 83.19%. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan Entrepreneurial Marketing oleh wanita wirausaha sudah sangat baik. Kemampuan ini mampu memberikan peluang pada UMKM agar usaha konfeksi dapat berkembang di kemudian hari. Pencapaian dalam pengembangan usaha mencapai 63.69%. Pencapaian tersebut menggambarkan bahwa kemampuan pengembangan usaha yang dimiliki oleh para pelaku usaha cukup baik. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa UMKM belum memiliki rencana pengembangan usaha untuk menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas

    The Impact of Digital Application Usage on Customer Experience, Satisfaction, and Loyalty in A Life Insurance Company

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    Since 2016, XYZ Insurance has measured customer satisfaction using a CXI value but it has not shown the relationship of using self-servicing digital application to customer satisfaction. This research will examine the impact of usage of digital applications on customer experience, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty at XYZ Insurance. The research is used non-probability sampling with the quota sampling method by taking survey from 203 respondents who have used the features in the eXYZ application at least 2 times,. The specified sample criteria are customers who have used the eXYZ application at least twice since downloading the application. In this research, with an expected error rate of 5%, the number of samples required is 349, from a population of 3800 customers. then the data is processed using SEM PLS. From this research it was concluded that usage of digital applications has a significant relationship and has a positive impact on customer experience, customer experience has a significant and a positive impact on customer satisfaction, customer experience does not have a direct positive impact on customer loyalty but it has indirect impact through customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction has a significant and a positive impact on customer loyalty. The most important factors for customers when using digital applications are digital application innovation, the convenience, and perceived value to customers. Keywords: customer experience, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, digital applications, insuranc

    Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Jasa Laboratorium Pangan (Studi Kasus Pada M-Brio Food Laboratory)

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    The competition is very tight, so M-BRIO Food Laboratory as one of the food testing laboratory requires suitable of marketing strategy. The purpose of this study were (1) Identify and analyze internal and external environmental factors that affect effectivity of the marketing strategy at M-BRIO Food Laboratory, (2) Recommend priorities and appropriate marketing strategies can be applied to the M-BRIO Food Laboratory. Formulation of marketing strategies that go through three stages, (1) the input stage using EFE matrix and IFE matrix,(2) matching stage using the SWOT matrix and,(3) decision stages using paired comparison method for selecting alternative strategies and continued with the analitycal hierarchy process (AHP) method to prioritize marketing strategies appropriate for the company. Internal environmental factors that become the main force is lead by a food expert that has been recognized nationally and Internationally. While its main weakness are display of exterior and interior of the laboratory building has not been well-organized and performance of employees who have not been standardized. External environmental factors that can be used as the main opportunity is the development of the technology food testing laboratory. While the main threat for companies is bargaining power of consumers against the company's so high. Priorities recommended marketing strategies are (1) Conduct promotion and education to inform the quality of service, scope of product coverage and the parameters that have been accredited, to food companies, (2) campaign of food safety to the public as a form of promotion and education through food expert as endorser