4,488 research outputs found

    Direct Mailing Decisions for a Dutch Fundraiser

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    Direct marketing firms want to transfer their message as efficientlyas possible in order to obtain a profitable long-term relationshipwith individual customers. Much attention has been paid to addressselection of existing customers and on identifying new profitableprospects. Less attention has been paid to the optimal frequency ofthe contacts with customers. We provide a decision support system thathelps the direct mailer to determine mailing frequency for activecustomers. The system observes the mailing pattern of these customersin terms of the well known R(ecency), F(requency) and M(onetary)variables. The underlying model is based on an optimization model forthe frequency of direct mailings. The system provides the directmailer with tools to define preferred response behavior and advisesthe direct mailer on the mailing strategy that will steer thecustomers towards this preferred response behavior.decision support system;direct marketing;Markov decision process

    Deriving Target Selection Rules from Endogenously Selected Samples

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    One of the aims of direct marketing in practice is to target the most profitable customers in the database at hand. This selection is often done based on observed behavior in the past. As a consequence, databases arising from the responses to direct mailings are not a random sample from all potential respondents. When not all heterogeneity is observed, part of the target selection rule will be based on the unobserved heterogeneity, so selection is endogenous. Treating an endogenously selected sample as a random sample results in inconsistent parameter estimates, which in general also harms the predictive performance of the model. We develop an adjustment to the likelihood of the model that corrects for the endogenous sample selection. We apply this technique to the selection of mail targets for a charitable organization. In the application we also show that, based on a model for the response rate and the amount donated simultaneously, we can create a target selection rule that maximizes expected revenues. Such a selection rule outperforms selection rules based on response rates or donated amount only. The traditional approach of maximizing response is therefore not the optimal approach to target selection.econometric models;direct marketing;target selection;endogeneity;sample selection

    Edge Elimination in TSP Instances

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    The Traveling Salesman Problem is one of the best studied NP-hard problems in combinatorial optimization. Powerful methods have been developed over the last 60 years to find optimum solutions to large TSP instances. The largest TSP instance so far that has been solved optimally has 85,900 vertices. Its solution required more than 136 years of total CPU time using the branch-and-cut based Concorde TSP code [1]. In this paper we present graph theoretic results that allow to prove that some edges of a TSP instance cannot occur in any optimum TSP tour. Based on these results we propose a combinatorial algorithm to identify such edges. The runtime of the main part of our algorithm is O(n2logn)O(n^2 \log n) for an n-vertex TSP instance. By combining our approach with the Concorde TSP solver we are able to solve a large TSPLIB instance more than 11 times faster than Concorde alone

    Further Constraints on Thermal Quiescent X-ray Emission from SAX J1808.4-3658

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    We observed SAX J1808.4-3658 (1808), the first accreting millisecond pulsar, in deep quiescence with XMM-Newton and (near-simultaneously) Gemini-South. The X-ray spectrum of 1808 is similar to that observed in quiescence in 2001 and 2006, describable by an absorbed power-law with photon index 1.74+-0.11 and unabsorbed X-ray luminosity L_X=7.9+-0.7*10^{31} ergs/s, for N_H=1.3*10^{21} cm^{-2}. Fitting all the quiescent XMM-Newton X-ray spectra with a power-law, we constrain any thermally emitting neutron star with a hydrogen atmosphere to have a temperature less than 30 eV and L_{NS}(0.01-10 keV)<6.2*10^{30} ergs/s. A thermal plasma model also gives an acceptable fit to the continuum. Adding a neutron star component to the plasma model produces less stringent constraints on the neutron star; a temperature of 36^{+4}_{-8} eV and L_{NS}(0.01-10 keV)=1.3^{+0.6}_{-0.8}*10^{31} ergs/s. In the framework of the current theory of neutron star heating and cooling, the constraints on the thermal luminosity of 1808 and 1H 1905+000 require strongly enhanced cooling in the cores of these neutron stars. We compile data from the literature on the mass transfer rates and quiescent thermal flux of the largest possible sample of transient neutron star LMXBs. We identify a thermal component in the quiescent spectrum of the accreting millisecond pulsar IGR J00291+5934, which is consistent with the standard cooling model. The contrast between the cooling rates of IGR J00291+5934 and 1808 suggests that 1808 may have a significantly larger mass. This can be interpreted as arising from differences in the binary evolution history or initial neutron star mass in these otherwise similar systems.Comment: ApJ in press, 7 pages, 2 color figure

    Two fast X-ray transients in archival Chandra data

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    We present the discovery of two new X-ray transients in archival Chandra data. The first transient, XRT 110103, occurred in January 2011 and shows a sharp rise of at least three orders of magnitude in count rate in less than 10 s, a flat peak for about 20 s and decays by two orders of magnitude in the next 60 s. We find no optical or infrared counterpart to this event in preexisting survey data or in an observation taken by the SIRIUS instrument at the Infrared Survey Facility 2.1 yr after the transient, providing limiting magnitudes of J>18.1, H>17.6 and Ks>16.3. This event shows similarities to the transient previously reported in Jonker et al. which was interpreted as the possible tidal disruption of a white dwarf by an intermediate mass black hole. We discuss the possibility that these transients originate from the same type of event. If we assume these events are related a rough estimate of the rates gives 1.4*10^5 per year over the whole sky with a peak 0.3-7 keV X-ray flux greater than 2*10^-10 erg cm^-2 s^-1 . The second transient, XRT 120830, occurred in August 2012 and shows a rise of at least three orders of magnitude in count rate and a subsequent decay of around one order of magnitude all within 10 s, followed by a slower quasi-exponential decay over the remaining 30 ks of the observation. We detect a likely infrared counterpart with magnitudes J=16.70+/-0.06, H=15.92+/-0.04 and Ks=15.37+/-0.06 which shows an average proper motion of 74+/-19 milliarcsec per year compared to archival 2MASS observations. The JHKs magnitudes, proper motion and X-ray flux of XRT 120830 are consistent with a bright flare from a nearby late M or early L dwarf.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 6 pages, 5 figure

    High-resolution NMR structure of an RNA model system : the 14-mer cUUCGg tetraloop hairpin RNA

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    We present a high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) solution structure of a 14-mer RNA hairpin capped by cUUCGg tetraloop. This short and very stable RNA presents an important model system for the study of RNA structure and dynamics using NMR spectroscopy, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and RNA force-field development. The extraordinary high precision of the structure (root mean square deviation of 0.3 Å) could be achieved by measuring and incorporating all currently accessible NMR parameters, including distances derived from nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) intensities, torsion-angle dependent homonuclear and heteronuclear scalar coupling constants, projection-angle-dependent cross-correlated relaxation rates and residual dipolar couplings. The structure calculations were performed with the program CNS using the ARIA setup and protocols. The structure quality was further improved by a final refinement in explicit water using OPLS force field parameters for non-bonded interactions and charges. In addition, the 2'-hydroxyl groups have been assigned and their conformation has been analyzed based on NOE contacts. The structure currently defines a benchmark for the precision and accuracy amenable to RNA structure determination by NMR spectroscopy. Here, we discuss the impact of various NMR restraints on structure quality and discuss in detail the dynamics of this system as previously determined

    A Framework for Computational Design and Adaptation of Extended Reality User Interfaces

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    To facilitate high quality interaction during the regular use of computing systems, it is essential that the user interface (UI) deliver content and components in an appropriate manner. Although extended reality (XR) is emerging as a new computing platform, we still have a limited understanding of how best to design and present interactive content to users in such immersive environments. Adaptive UIs offer a promising approach for optimal presentation in XR as the user's environment, tasks, capabilities, and preferences vary under changing context. In this position paper, we present a design framework for adapting various characteristics of content presented in XR. We frame these as five considerations that need to be taken into account for adaptive XR UIs: What?, How Much?, Where?, How?, and When?. With this framework, we review literature on UI design and adaptation to reflect on approaches that have been adopted or developed in the past towards identifying current gaps and challenges, and opportunities for applying such approaches in XR. Using our framework, future work could identify and develop novel computational approaches for achieving successful adaptive user interfaces in such immersive environments.Comment: 5 pages, CHI 2023 Workshop on The Future of Computational Approaches for Understanding and Adapting User Interface

    Development and validation of the Dutch Questionnaire God Image:Effects of mental health and religious culture

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    This article presents the Dutch Questionnaire God Image (QGI), which has two theory-based dimensions: feelings towards God and perceptions of God’s actions. This instrument was validated among a sample of 804 respondents, of which 244 persons received psychotherapy. Results showed relationships between the affective and cognitive aspect of the God image. The God image of psychiatric patients had a more negative and threatening nature than the God image of the non-psychiatric respondents. Also, religious culture appeared to affect the God image

    Wind and boundary layers in Rayleigh-Benard convection. I: analysis and modeling

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    The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding and to model the processes controlling the amplitude of the wind of Rayleigh-Benard convection. We analyze results from direct simulation of an L/H = 4 aspect-ratio domain with periodic sidewalls at Ra = 1e5; 1e6; 1e7; 1e8 and at Pr = 1 by decomposing independent realizations into wind and fluctuations. It is shown that deep inside the thermal boundary layer, horizontal heat-fuxes exceed the average vertical heat-fux by a factor 3 due to the interaction between the wind and the mean temperature field. These large horizontal heat-fluxes are responsible for spatial temperature differences that drive the wind by creating pressure gradients. The wall fluxes and turbulent mixing in the bulk provide damping. Using the DNS results to parameterise the unclosed terms, a simple model capturing the essential processes governing the wind structure is derived. The model consists of two coupled differential equations for wind velocity and temperature amplitude. The equations indicate that the formation of a wind structure is inevitable due to the positive feedback resulting from the interaction between the wind and temperature field. Furthermore, the wind velocity is largely determined by the turbulence in the bulk rather than by the wall-shear stress. The model reproduces the Ra dependence of wind Reynolds number and temperature amplitude