4,006 research outputs found

    The Influence of Culture on ABMP Negotiation Parameters

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    Negotiations are known to proceed differently across cultures. A realistic agent model of international negotiations has to take cultural differences into account. This paper presents an agent-based model that tackles this challenge. The context is a trade game where commodities with a hidden quality attribute are exchanged. The negotiation model uses the ABMP negotiation architecture. It applies a utility function that includes market value, quality preference, and risk attitude. The indices of the five dimensions of Hofstedeā€™s model of national cultures are used, in combination with agentā€™s group membership and societal status, to differentiate negotiation behavior by adaptation of weight factors in the utility function and ABMP parameters. The paper presents test runs with synthetic cultures and a set of actual national cultures. The present version of the model helps to understand behaviors in international trade networks. It proves that Hofstedeā€™s dimensions can be used to generate culturally differentiated agent

    Optical spectroscopy of (candidate) ultra-compact X-ray binaries: constraints on the composition of the donor stars

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    We present optical spectroscopy of several (candidate) ultra-compact X-ray binaries (UCXBs) obtained with the ESO VLT and Gemini-North telescopes. In only one of five observed UCXB candidates did we find evidence for H in its spectrum (4U 1556-60). For XB 1905+00 the optical counterpart is not detected. For the known UCXBs 4U 1626-67 and XB 1916-05 we find spectra consistent with a C/O and a He/N accretion disc respectively, the latter is the first optical spectrum of a He-rich donor in an UCXB. Interestingly, the C/O spectrum of 4U 1626-67 shows both similarities as well as marked differences from the optical C/O spectrum of 4U 0614+09. We obtained phase resolved spectroscopy of 4U 0614+09 and the 44 min transient XTE J0929-314. In neither object were we able to detect clear orbital periodicities, highlighting the difficulties of period determinations in UCXBs. We reanalysed the spectra of XTE J0929-314 that were taken close to the peak of its 2003 X-ray outburst and do not confirm the detection of Halpha emission as was claimed in the literature. The peak spectra do show strong C or N emission around 4640A, as has also been detected in other UCXBs. We discuss the implications of our findings for our understanding of the formation of UCXBs and the Galactic population of UCXBs. At the moment all studied systems are consistent with having white dwarf donors, the majority being C/O rich.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Epitaxial Growth of an n-type Ferromagnetic Semiconductor CdCr2Se4 on GaAs(001) and GaP(001)

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    We report the epitaxial growth of CdCr2Se4, an n-type ferromagnetic semiconductor, on both GaAs and GaP(001) substrates, and describe the structural, magnetic and electronic properties. Magnetometry data confirm ferromagnetic order with a Curie temperature of 130 K, as in the bulk material. The magnetization exhibits hysteretic behavior with significant remanence, and an in-plane easy axis with a coercive field of ~125 Oe. Temperature dependent transport data show that the films are semiconducting in character and n-type as grown, with room temperature carrier concentrations of n ~ 1 x 10^18 cm-3.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Characterisation of a candidate dual AGN

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    We present Chandra and optical observations of a candidate dual AGN discovered serendipitously while searching for recoiling black holes via a cross-correlation between the serendipitous XMM source catalog (2XMMi) and SDSS-DR7 galaxies with a separation no larger than ten times the sum of their Petrosian radii. The system has a stellar mass ratio M1_{1}/M2ā‰ˆ0.7_{2}\approx 0.7. One of the galaxies (Source 1) shows clear evidence for AGN activity in the form of hard X-ray emission and optical emission-line diagnostics typical of AGN ionisation. The nucleus of the other galaxy (Source 2) has a soft X-ray spectrum, bluer colours, and optical emission line ratios dominated by stellar photoionisation with a "composite" signature, which might indicate the presence of a weak AGN. When plotted on a diagram with X-ray luminosity vs [OIII] luminosity both nuclei fall within the locus defined by local Seyfert galaxies. From the optical spectrum we estimate the electron densities finding n1<27_{1} < 27 eāˆ’^{-} cmāˆ’3^{-3} and n2ā‰ˆ200_{2} \approx 200 eāˆ’^{-} cmāˆ’3^{-3}. From a 2D decomposition of the surface brightness distribution we infer that both galaxies host rotationally supported bulges (Sersic index <1< 1). While the active nature of Source 1 can be established with confidence, whether the nucleus of Source 2 is active remains a matter of debate. Evidence that a faint AGN might reside in its nucleus is, however, tantalising.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication on MNRAS. Comments welcom

    Chandra observations of the millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J00291+5934 in quiescence

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    In this Paper we report on our analysis of three Chandra observations of the accretion-powered millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J00291+5934 obtained during the late stages of the 2004 outburst. We also report the serendipitous detection of the source in quiescence by ROSAT during MJD 48830-48839. The detected 0.3-10 keV source count rates varied significantly between the Chandra observations from (7.2+-1.2)x10^-3, (6.8+-0.9)x10^-3, and (1.4+-0.1)x10^-2 counts per second for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Chandra observation, on MJD 53371.88, 53383.99, and 53407.57, respectively. The count rate for the 3rd observation is 2.0+-0.4 times as high as that of the average of the first two observations. The unabsorbed 0.5-10 keV source flux for the best-fit power-law model to the source spectrum was (7.9+-2.5)x10^-14, (7.3+-2.0)x10^-14, and (1.17+-0.22)x10^-13 erg cm^-2 s^-1 for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Chandra observation, respectively. We find that this source flux is consistent with that found by ROSAT [~(5.4+-2.4)x10^-14 erg cm^-2 s^-1]. Under the assumption that the interstellar extinction, N_H, does not vary between the observations, we find that the blackbody temperature during the 2nd Chandra observation is significantly higher than that during the 1st and 3rd observation. Furthermore, the effective temperature of the neutron star derived from fitting an absorbed blackbody or neutron star atmosphere model to the data is rather high in comparison with many other neutron star soft X-ray transients in quiescence, even during the 1st and 3rd observation. If we assume that the source quiescent luminosity is similar to that measured for two other accretion powered millisecond pulsars in quiescence, the distance to IGR J00291+5934 is 2.6-3.6 kpc.Comment: 7 pages, 3 Figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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