86 research outputs found

    QEEG profile changes following three total body modification (TBM) treatments

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    The main research question of this study was to determine if the application of TBM would affect baseline states of QEEG activity. It was hypothesized that after completing three treatments of TBM there would be an increase of left hemispheric activity as well as an increase in mood states. This is hypothesized because depression has been shown to cause a decrease of frontal activity, specifically left hemispheric. Therefore, an increase of mood should lead to an increase of left hemispheric activityHonours Essa

    Biotechnologische Ansätze zur Ertragssteigerung in transgenen Kartoffeln (Solanum tuberosum) durch Manipulation der source/sink-Beziehung

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    Der universelle Rohstoff Stärke hat sowohl für die Nahrungsmittelindustrie als auch für die industrielle Verarbeitung einen hohen Stellenwert, wodurch die Anforderungen an Rohstoffpflanzen immer größer werden. In Deutschland ist die Kartoffelpflanze ein wichtiger Stärkelieferant. Daher besteht ein Ziel der biotechnologischen Forschung darin, deren Stärkeertrag pro Pflanze zu erhöhen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte durch Analysen dreifach transgener Kartoffelpflanzen untersucht werden, ob die gleichzeitige Erhöhung von source und sink Kapazität zu Ertragssteigerungen führt. Es wurden zwei unterschiedliche Ansätze zur Erhöhung der source Kapazität verwendet, zum einen die blattspezifische Repression der StAGPase und zum anderen die mesophyllspezifische Überexpression der EcPPase. Die Erhöhung der sink Kapazität erfolgte durch simultane knollenspezifische Überexpression des PsGPT und AtNTT, was bereits in früheren Studien zu Ertragssteigerungen in Kartoffelpflanzen führte (Zhang et al., 2008). Die AGN- und PGN-Pflanzen zeigten in Gewächshausanzuchten eindeutige Ertragsteigerungen im Vergleich zum Wildtyp und zu der zweifach transgenen Linie, deren sink Stärke erhöht ist. Der Knollenertrag war in den AGN-Linien um durchschnittlich 62%, der Stärkegehalt in Knollen um durchschnittlich 47% und der Stärkeertrag von Kartoffelknollen pro Pflanze durchschnittlich um den Faktor 2,4 im Vergleich zum Wildtyp gesteigert. In den PGN-Linien war der Knollenertrag um durchschnittlich 67%, der Stärkegehalt in Knollen um durchschnittlich 46% und der Stärkeertrag von Kartoffelknollen pro Pflanze durchschnittlich um den Faktor 2,5 im Vergleich zum Wildtyp erhöht. Diese Steigerungen lassen sich dadurch erklären, dass in den dreifach transgenen Pflanzen der Assimilatfluss in die Saccharosesynthese erfolgreich erhöht wurde, was eine erhöhte Zuckerexportkapazität zeigte. Dieser erhöhte Zuckerexport konnte in die sink Organe weitergeleitet werden und hatte zudem einen reduzierten Assmilatfluss in die Blattstärkesynthese und dadurch reduzierte Blattstärkegehalte zur Folge. Diese Erkenntnisse konnten für die AGN-Pflanzen in einer Beetanzucht unter freilandähnlichen Bedingungen bestätigt werden. Als Konsequenz der verbesserten Verfügbarkeit von ADP-Glukose in Knollen, aufgrund des erhöhten Imports von Glukose-6-Phosphat und ATP, konnte ein erhöhter Amylosegehalt in Knollen detektiert werden, was auf eine erhöhte Leistung der granagebundenen Stärkesynthase hinweist. Entwicklungs-abhängige Analysen der AGN-Pflanzen deuten darauf hin, dass die photosynthetische Aktivität in AGN-Pflanzen länger aufrechterhalten bleibt und die Pflanzen sich länger in der Speicherphase befinden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die gleichzeitige Erhöhung von source und sink Kapazität in Kartoffelpflanzen zu eindeutigen Ertragssteigerungen führt, was nicht nur für die Ertragssteigerung in der Kartoffelpflanze von großem biotechnologischem Interesse sein könnte, sondern auch für andere Nutzpflanzen

    Quels sens des personnes donnent à leurs itinéraires particuliers intégrant soins non conventionnels et recours au médecin traitant ?

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    Le recours aux soins alternatifs est fréquent pour les usagers du système de soins. D'après l'OMS, 75 % des français ont eu recours au moins une fois dans leur vie à une médecine complémentaire et alternative. Peu en parlent à leurs médecins. Cette étude s'intéresse aux sens que donnent des personnes à leurs recours à des soins alternatifs et à leur médecin traitant au sein de leurs itinéraires de soins particuliers. Une méthode de recherche qualitative à base d'entretiens semi-dirigés a été employée. Les entretiens ont été enregistrés, retranscrits et analysés par les deux chercheurs. Des codages ont été effectués individuellement puis une catégorisation et une mise en lien des données a été faite à deux. Seize entretiens ont été réalisés avant d'arriver à saturation des données. La recherche d'efficacité à résoudre les problèmes rencontrés et d'une relation de qualité semblent orienter les recours aux soins. Le choix semble se faire en fonction des expériences vécues et des convictions quant aux qualités des différents types de soins, expériences et convictions se nourrissant réciproquement. Les influences extérieures relationnelles et socioculturelles contribuent également à donner du sens aux différents recours. Des éléments recherchés dans les recours aux soins alternatifs correspondent souvent à des reproches faits à l'encontre des médecins : notamment une prise en charge globale, une ouverture manifestée par l'écoute et le dialogue, une limitation des médications. Pour conclure, les personnes hiérarchisent leurs recours aux soins de façons variées mais souhaitent généralement une coopération entre le conventionnel et l'alternatif.Resort to alternative health care has become common in the health system. According to the WHO, 75 % of french people have had recourse to a complementary and alternative medecine at least once in their life. Many have recourse to it but few tell their physicians.This study is about the meanings people give to alternative health care and their family doctor within their health itinerary. A qualitative reasearch method based on interviews was used. The verbatims were transcripted and analysed by the two researchers. They coded individually then categorized and linked the data together, using anchored therorisation, according to Paillé. Sixteen interviews were made before data saturation point. Meanings people give to their health wanderings correspond here to orientations, significations and empiric perceptions. Efficacity and relations of quality seem to be aimed in recourses. Choices seem based on experiences and beliefs about the qualities of differents kinds of medicines, experiences and beliefs influencing one another. Relational and sociocultural influences also contribute to give an orientation and a signification to different recourses. What people research in alternative care are often what they lack with the physicians. Holistic approach, openmindness in listening and dialogue and less medication are specially wanted. In conclusion, people seem to organise their health itineraries in various ways and subjectively but ask for cooperation and dialogue between conventional and alternative medicines to make the health system evolve.GRENOBLE1-BU Médecine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Active heat shock transcription factor 1 supports migration of the melanoma cells via vinculin down-regulation

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    AbstractHeat shock transcription factor 1 (HSF1), the major regulator of stress response, is frequently activated in cancer and has an apparent role in malignant transformation. Here we analyzed the influence of the over-expression of a constitutively active transcriptionally-competent HSF1 mutant form on phenotypes of mouse and human melanoma cells. We observed that the expression of active HSF1 supported anchorage-independent growth in vitro, and metastatic spread in the animal model in vivo, although the proliferation rate of cancer cells was not affected. Furthermore, active HSF1 enhanced cell motility, reduced the adherence of cells to a fibronectin-coated surface, and affected the actin cytoskeleton. We found that although the expression of active HSF1 did not affect levels of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition markers, it caused transcriptional down-regulation of vinculin, protein involved in cell motility, and adherence. Functional HSF1-binding sites were found in mouse and human Vcl/VCL genes, indicating a direct role of HSF1 in the regulation of this gene. An apparent association between HSF1-induced down-regulation of vinculin, increased motility, and a reduced adherence of cells suggests a possible mechanism of HSF1-mediated enhancement of the metastatic potential of cancer cells

    Heat shock factor 1 (Hsf1) cooperates with estrogen receptor α (erα) in the regulation of estrogen action in breast cancer cells

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    Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), a key regulator of transcriptional responses to proteotoxic stress, was linked to estrogen (E2) signaling through estrogen receptor α (ERα). We found that an HSF1 deficiency may decrease ERα level, attenuate the mitogenic action of E2, counteract E2-stimulated cell scattering, and reduce adhesion to collagens and cell motility in ER-positive breast cancer cells. The stimulatory effect of E2 on the transcriptome is largely weaker in HSF1-deficient cells, in part due to the higher basal expression of E2-dependent genes, which correlates with the enhanced binding of unliganded ERα to chromatin in such cells. HSF1 and ERα can cooperate directly in E2-stimulated regulation of transcription, and HSF1 potentiates the action of ERα through a mechanism involving chromatin reorganization. Furthermore, HSF1 deficiency may increase the sensitivity to hormonal therapy (4-hydroxytamoxifen) or CDK4/6 inhibitors (palbociclib). Analyses of data from The Cancer Genome Atlas database indicate that HSF1 increases the transcriptome disparity in ER-positive breast cancer and can enhance the genomic action of ERα. Moreover, only in ER-positive cancers an elevated HSF1 level is associated with metastatic disease.publishedVersio

    PIP30/FAM192A is a novel regulator of the nuclear proteasome activator PA28Îł

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    PA28Îł is a nuclear activator of the 20S proteasome involved in the regulation of several essential cellular processes, such as cell proliferation, apoptosis, nuclear dynamics, and cellular stress response. Unlike the 19S regulator of the proteasome, which specifically recognizes ubiquitylated proteins, PA28Îł promotes the degradation of several substrates by the proteasome in an ATP- and ubiquitin-independent manner. However, its exact mechanisms of action are unclear and likely involve additional partners that remain to be identified. Here we report the identification of a cofactor of PA28Îł, PIP30/FAM192A. PIP30 binds directly and specifically via its C-terminal end and in an interaction stabilized by casein kinase 2 phosphorylation to both free and 20S proteasome-associated PA28Îł. Its recruitment to proteasome-containing complexes depends on PA28Îł and its expression increases the association of PA28Îł with the 20S proteasome in cells. Further dissection of its possible roles shows that PIP30 alters PA28Îł-dependent activation of peptide degradation by the 20S proteasome in vitro and negatively controls in cells the presence of PA28Îł in Cajal bodies by inhibition of its association with the key Cajal body component coilin. Taken together, our data show that PIP30 deeply affects PA28Îł interactions with cellular proteins, including the 20S proteasome, demonstrating that it is an important regulator of PA28Îł in cells and thus a new player in the control of the multiple functions of the proteasome within the nucleus

    The Abundance and Spatial Distribution of Soft Sediment Communities in Tanjung Bungah, Malaysia: A Preliminary Study

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    Abstract: Benthic faunal communities are important components in the intertidal zones. The diversity and abundance of the benthic communities are subjected to different natural and anthropogenic disturbances. The study was conducted as one off sampling on 6th November 2013 (1) to investigate the abundance and distribution of soft sediment communities in relation to environmental variables and (2) investigate the changes of population structure and diversity using spatial scales of 1 m, 10 m, and 100 m. Results indicated a total of 110 individuals of macrobenthos consisting of 7 different groups (Annelida, Bivalvia, Crustacea, Gastropoda, Nematoda, Nemertea, Polychaeta) and 4 different groups of meiobenthos (Copepoda, Nematoda, Ostracoda, Polychaeta) consisting 920 individuals were recorded. Dissolved oxygen played the most significant role in affecting the distribution of soft sediment communities while ammonia concentrations only affected marcobenthic organisms. However, sediment grain size did not show significant correlation (p>0.05) on soft sediment communities. Hence, understanding how different properties of benthos respond to changes in environmental variables is crucial in determining how the impacts on the sediment are tolerated by the benthic organisms

    Long-term outcomes and quality of life following implementation of dedicated mitral valve Heart Team decisions for patients with severe mitral valve regurgitation in tertiary cardiovascular care center

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    Background: This study was purposed to investigate which treatment strategy was associated with the most favourable prognosis for patients with severe mitral regurgitation (MR) following Heart Team (HT)-decisions implementation. Methods: In this retrospective study, long-term outcomes of patients with severe MR qualified after HT discussion to: optimal medical treatment (OMT) alone, OMT and MitraClip (MC) procedure or OMT and mitral valve replacement (MVR) were evaluated. The primary endpoint was defined as cardiovascular (CV) death and the secondary endpoints included all-cause mortality, myocardial infarctions (MI), strokes, hospitalizations for heart failure exacerbation and CV events during a mean (standard deviation [SD]) follow-up of 29 (15) months. Results: From 2016 to 2019, 176 HT meetings were held and a total of 157 participants (mean age [SD] = 71.0 [9.2], 63.7% male) with severe MR and completely implemented HT decisions (OMT, MC or MVR for 53, 58 and 46 patients, respectively) were included into final analysis. Comparing OMT, MC and MVR groups statistically significant differences between the implemented procedures and occurrence of primary and secondary endpoints with the most frequent in OMT-group were observed (p < 0.05). However, for interventional strategy MC was non-inferior to MVR for all endpoints (p > 0.05). General health status assessed at the end of follow-up were significantly the lowest for MVR, then for MC and the highest for OMT-group (p < 0.01). Conclusions: In the present study it was demonstrated that after careful HT evaluation of patients with severe MR at high risk of surgery, percutaneous strategy (MC) can be considered as equivalent to surgical treatment (MVR) with non-inferior outcomes
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