15,427 research outputs found

    Integrability of N=6 Chern-Simons Theory at Six Loops and Beyond

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    We study issues concerning perturbative integrability of N=6 Chern-Simons theory at planar and weak `t Hooft coupling regime. By Feynman diagrammatics, we derive so called maximal-ranged interactions in the quantum dilatation generator, originating from homogeneous and inhomogeneous diagrams. These diagrams require proper regularization of not only ultraviolet but also infrared divergences. We first consider standard operator mixing method. We show that homogeneous diagrams are obtainable by recursive method to all orders. The method, however, is not easily extendable to inhomogeneous diagrams. We thus consider two-point function method and study both operator contents and spectrum of the quantum dilatation generator up to six loop orders. We show that, of two possible classes of operators, only one linear combination actually contributes. Curiously, this is exactly the same combination as in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We then study spectrum of anomalous dimension up to six loops. We find that the spectrum agrees perfectly with the prediction based on quantum integrability. In evaluating the six loop diagrams, we utilized remarkable integer-relation algorithm (PSLQ) developed by Ferguson, Baily and Arno.Comment: 1+39 pages, 12 figures, references added, minor structural changes, typos correcte

    Destruction of Molecular Hydrogen During Cosmological Reionization

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    We investigate the ability of primordial gas clouds to retain molecular hydrogen (H_2) during the initial phase of the reionization epoch. We find that before the Stromgren spheres of the individual ionizing sources overlap, the UV background below the ionization threshold is able to penetrate large clouds and suppress their H_2 abundance. The consequent lack of H_2 cooling could prevent the collapse and fragmentation of clouds with virial temperatures T_vir < 10^4 K (or masses 10^8 Msun [(1+z_vir)/10]^{-3/2}). This negative feedback on structure-formation arises from the very first ionizing sources, and precedes the feedback due to the photoionization heating.Comment: 14 pages, uuencoded compressed Postscript, 4 figures included. To appear in Ap

    Effective temperature and Gilbert damping of a current-driven localized spin

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    Starting from a model that consists of a semiclassical spin coupled to two leads we present a microscopic derivation of the Langevin equation for the direction of the spin. For slowly-changing direction it takes on the form of the stochastic Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert equation. We give expressions for the Gilbert damping parameter and the strength of the fluctuations, including their bias-voltage dependence. At nonzero bias-voltage the fluctuations and damping are not related by the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. We find, however, that in the low-frequency limit it is possible to introduce a voltage-dependent effective temperature that characterizes the fluctuations in the direction of the spin, and its transport-steady-state probability distribution function.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. v2: published versio

    The "K-Correction" for Irradiated Emission Lines in LMXBs: Evidence for a Massive Neutron Star in X1822-371 (V691 CrA)

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    We study the K-correction for the case of emission lines formed in the X-ray illuminated atmosphere of a Roche lobe filling star. We compute the K-correction as function of the mass ratio 'q' and the disc flaring angle 'alpha' using a compact binary code where the companion's Roche lobe is divided into 10^5 resolution elements. We also study the effect of the inclination angle in the results. We apply our model to the case of the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary X1822-371 (V691 CrA), where a K-emission velocity K_em=300 +-8 km/s has been measured by Casares et al. (2003). Our numerical results, combined with previous determination of system parameters, yields 1.61Msun < M_NS < 2.32Msun and 0.44Msun < M_2 < 0.56Msun for the two binary components(i. e. 0.24 < q < 0.27), which provide a compelling evidence for a massive neutron star in this system. We also discuss the implications of these masses into the evolutionary history of the binary.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The discovery of two extremely low luminosity Milky Way globular clusters

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    We report the discovery of two extremely low luminosity globular clusters in the Milky Way Halo. These objects were detected in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5 and confirmed with deeper imaging at the Calar Alto Observatory. The clusters, Koposov 1 and Koposov 2, are located at 4050\sim 40-50 kpc and appear to have old stellar populations and luminosities of only MV1M_V \sim -1 mag. Their observed sizes of 3\sim 3 pc are well within the expected tidal limit of \sim10 pc at that distance. Together with Palomar 1, AM 4 and Whiting 1, these new clusters are the lowest luminosity globulars orbiting the Milky Way, with Koposov 2 the most extreme. Koposov 1 appears to lie close to distant branch of the Sagittarius stream. The half-mass relaxation times of Koposov 1 and 2 are only 70\sim 70 and 55\sim 55 Myr respectively (2 orders of magnitude shorter than the age of the stellar populations), so it would seem that they have undergone drastic mass segregation. Since they do not appear to be very concentrated, their evaporation timescales may be as low as 0.1tHubble\sim 0.1 t_{\rm Hubble}. These discoveries show that the structural parameter space of globular clusters in the Milky Way halo is not yet fully explored. They also add, through their short remaining survival times, significant direct evidence for a once much larger population of globular clusters.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ, minor revision

    Semi-Analytical Models for the Formation of Disk Galaxies II. Dark Matter versus Modified Newtonian Dynamics

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    We present detailed semi-analytical models for the formation of disk galaxies both in a Universe dominated by dark matter (DM), and in one for which the force law is given by modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). We tune the models to fit the observed near-infrared Tully-Fisher (TF) relation, and compare numerous predictions of the resulting models with observations. The DM and MOND models are almost indistinguishable. They both yield gas mass fractions and dynamical mass-to-light ratios which are in good agreement with observations. Both models reproduce the narrow relation between global mass-to-light ratio and central surface brightness, and reveal a characteristic acceleration, contrary to claims that these relations are not predicted by DM models. Both models require SN feedback in order to reproduce the lack of high surface brightness dwarf galaxies. However, the introduction of feedback to the MOND models steepens the TF relation and increases the scatter, making MOND only marginally consistent with observations. The most serious problem for the DM models is their prediction of steep central rotation curves. However, the DM rotation curves are only slightly steeper than those of MOND, and are only marginally inconsistent with the poor resolution data on LSB galaxies.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Stellar science from a blue wavelength range - A possible design for the blue arm of 4MOST

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    From stellar spectra, a variety of physical properties of stars can be derived. In particular, the chemical composition of stellar atmospheres can be inferred from absorption line analyses. These provide key information on large scales, such as the formation of our Galaxy, down to the small-scale nucleosynthesis processes that take place in stars and supernovae. By extending the observed wavelength range toward bluer wavelengths, we optimize such studies to also include critical absorption lines in metal-poor stars, and allow for studies of heavy elements (Z>38) whose formation processes remain poorly constrained. In this context, spectrographs optimized for observing blue wavelength ranges are essential, since many absorption lines at redder wavelengths are too weak to be detected in metal-poor stars. This means that some elements cannot be studied in the visual-redder regions, and important scientific tracers and science cases are lost. The present era of large public surveys will target millions of stars. Here we describe the requirements driving the design of the forthcoming survey instrument 4MOST, a multi-object spectrograph commissioned for the ESO VISTA 4m-telescope. We focus here on high-density, wide-area survey of stars and the science that can be achieved with high-resolution stellar spectroscopy. Scientific and technical requirements that governed the design are described along with a thorough line blending analysis. For the high-resolution spectrograph, we find that a sampling of >2.5 (pixels per resolving element), spectral resolution of 18000 or higher, and a wavelength range covering 393-436 nm, is the most well-balanced solution for the instrument. A spectrograph with these characteristics will enable accurate abundance analysis (+/-0.1 dex) in the blue and allow us to confront the outlined scientific questions. (abridged)Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Calculation of nanowire thermal conductivity using complete phonon dispersion relations

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    The lattice thermal conductivity of crystalline Si nanowires is calculated. The calculation uses complete phonon dispersions, and does not require any externally imposed frequency cutoffs. No adjustment to nanowire thermal conductivity measurements is required. Good agreement with experimental results for nanowires wider than 35 nm is obtained. A formulation in terms of the transmission function is given. Also, the use of a simpler, nondispersive "Callaway formula", is discussed from the complete dispersions perspective.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Charge current in ferromagnet-superconductor junction with pairing state of broken time-reversal symmetry

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    We calculate the tunneling conductance spectra of a ferromagnetic metal/insulator/superconductor using the Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk (BTK) formulation. Two possible states for the superconductor are considered with the time reversal symmetry (T\cal{T}) broken, i.e., dx2y2+isd_{x^2-y^2}+is, or dx2y2+idxyd_{x^2-y^2}+id_{xy}. In both cases the tunneling conductance within the gap is suppressed with the increase of the exchange interaction due to the suppression of the Andreev reflection. In the (dx2y2+is)(d_{x^2-y^2}+is)-wave case the peaks that exist when the ferromagnet is a normal metal in the amplitude of the s-wave component due to the bound state formation are reduced symmetrically, with the increase of the exchange field, while in the (dx2y2+idxy)(d_{x^2-y^2}+id_{xy})-wave case the residual density of states within the gap develops a dip around E=0 with the increase of the exchange field. These results would be useful to discriminate between T\cal{T}-broken pairing states near the surface in high-TcT_c superconductorsComment: 17 pages with 11 figure