19,168 research outputs found

    Flood management consideration in sustainability appraisal and strategic environmental assessment in England and Scotland

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    The impact of flood events in the UK has drawn attention to limitations associated with traditional flood defence regimes. In recognition of this there has been a significant level of advocacy for a systems based approach which assumes a greater role for spatial planning. This paper considers the extent to which strategic assessment contributes toward the consideration of flooding within spatial planning. The paper draws on four cases from England and Scotland. Specific attention is given to the nature of flood management approaches considered in assessment and the recommendations presented. The research indicates that assessment practice is dominated by probabilistic calculations of flood risk and typically replicates national policy and guidance on flood management. It is argued that there exists potential for assessment to foster more nuanced and tailored consideration of flood management by including multiple perspectives, such as management of the whole system, risk and vulnerability, resilience and adaptation


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    This report and the underlying research were undertaken by three research institutes based in the University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University: the Institute of Popular Music at the University of Liverpool; the European Institute of Urban Affairs at Liverpool John Moores University; and the Institute of Cultural Capital, a department jointly supported by both universities, established after the 2008 European Capital of Culture. The report is based on interviews with a snowball sample of the Beatles industry in Liverpool across Core, Semiperiphery and Periphery stakeholders. Interviews were supplemented by data from literature, prior work and regional economic data

    Organizational perspectives on outdoor talking therapy: Towards a position of 'environmental safe uncertainty'.

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    OBJECTIVES: There is growing support within the therapy professions for using talking therapy in alternative environments, such as outdoor spaces. The aim of the present study was to further understand how the organizational culture in clinical psychology may prevent or enable practitioners to step outside the conventional indoor consulting room. DESIGN: Informed grounded theory methodology was used within a pragmatist philosophy. METHODS: Participants (N = 15; nine male, six female) were identified using theoretical sampling. The sample consisted of experts and leaders within the profession of clinical psychology (e.g., heads of services, training programme directors, chairs of professional bodies, and developers of therapy models; M years in the profession = 34.80, SD = 9.77). One-to-one interviews and analysis ran concurrently over 9 months (April-December 2020). Mason's model of safe uncertainty was drawn upon to illuminate and organize themes. RESULTS: The main themes comprised organizational factors that either support a practitioner in maintaining a position of curiosity and flexibility towards the environment where therapy is located ('environmental safe uncertainty'), or push them towards adopting a more fixed position ('environmental certainty'). Themes included influences from therapy traditions, accessibility of alternative environments, internalized risk, workplace subcultures, business models, biomedical approaches, and the COVID-19 pandemic. CONCLUSIONS: Whether therapy is located in a consulting room, outdoors, clients' homes, or digitally, practitioners, clients, and services are encouraged to maintain a position of environmental safe uncertainty. PRACTITIONER POINTS: The therapy process and outcomes are influenced by the physical environment in which talking therapy is situated. Practitioners have often remained fixed in their preferred therapy environment, such as the indoor consulting room, without exploring the potential benefits of alternative environments or involving the client in this decision-making (i.e., 'environmental certainty'). Outdoor environments, as well as other alternatives to the consulting room (e.g., digital, home visits, and public places), can support access to therapy, subsequent engagement, and therefore health care equity. Practitioners and clients are encouraged to adopt a position of 'environmental safe uncertainty', which is defined as having openness, critical curiosity, and collaboration regarding the therapy environment and the possibility of other environments being more conducive to therapy

    Patient, clinician and independent observer perspectives of shared decision making in adult orthodontics.

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate and compare the extent of shared decision making (SDM) in orthodontics from the perspective of patients, clinicians and independent observers. DESIGN: A cross-sectional, observational study. SETTING: NHS teaching hospital. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 31 adult patients and their treating clinicians were included in the study. METHODS: The extent of SDM in new patient orthodontic consultations was measured using three versions of a validated instrument: the self-administered patient dyadic-OPTION scale; the self-administered clinician dyadic-OPTION scale; and an independent observer-rated OPTION12 scale. Patients and clinicians completed the 12-item dyadic-OPTION questionnaire independently at the end of the consultation to rate their perceived levels of SDM. The consultations were also audio-recorded and two calibrated raters independently rated the extent of SDM in these consultations using the OPTION12 scale. RESULTS: There was excellent inter-rater reliability between the two independent raters using the OPTION12 scale (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.909). The mean patient, clinician and independent observer OPTION scores for SDM were 90.4% (SD 9.1%, range 70.8% to 100%), 76.2% (SD 8.95%, range 62.5% to 95.8%) and 42.6% (SD 17.4%, range 13.5% to 68.8%), respectively. There was no significant correlation between the OPTION scores for the three groups (ICC = -0.323). CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that generally high levels of SDM were perceived by patients and clinicians but lower levels of SDM were scored by the independent observers. However, it could be argued that the patient's perception of SDM is the most important measure as it is their care that is affected by their involvement
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