31 research outputs found

    Effect of Phosphorus and Strontium Additions on Formation Temperature and Nucleation Density of Primary Silicon in Al-19 Wt Pct Si Alloy and Their Effect on Eutectic Temperature

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    The influence of P and Sr additions on the formation temperature and nucleation density of primary silicon in Al-19 wt pct Si alloy has been determined, for small volumes of melt solidified at cooling rates _T of ~0.3 and 1 K/s. The proportion of ingot featuring primary silicon decreased progressively with increased Sr addition, which also markedly reduced the temperature for first formation of primary silicon and the number of primary silicon particles per unit volume �Nv: When combined with previously published results, the effects of amount of P addition and cooling rate on �Nv are in reasonable accord with �Nv� _T ¼ ðp=6fÞ1=2 109 [250 � 215 (wt pct P)0.17]�3, where �Nv is in mm�3, _T is in K/s, and f is volume fraction of primary silicon. Increased P addition reduces the eutectic temperature, while increased Sr appears to generate a minimum in eutectic temperature at about 100 ppmw Sr

    The Outsider's Story

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    The Outsider's Story

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    This thesis presents perspectives upon how inclusion is experienced from thepoint of view of the individual. It seeks to compliment contemporary discourseby interpreting the concept as a fundamental human activity. In this wayacting as a counterpoint to narrower interpretations which are oftencharacterised by a deficit discourse or exclusionary sentiment. The researchis therefore underpinned by an emancipatory drive aligned to elements ofcritical pedagogy. The implication of this for practice is the acknowledgementthat inclusion does not just apply to those children who stand out, who arelabelled in some way, not an obvious minority or indeed marginalised, but toall children in the institutional space. In this study the concept of the Outsideris used as a motif for what is both universal and subjective. Such a literarydevice recognises the important subjective factors that underpin theexistential nature of inclusion. The study views narrative and the storiespeople tell of their lives as a rich source of data. Ten individuals who are newto the teaching profession participated in the study and it is their stories thatform the basis of the subsequent interpretation and analysis. The researchwas aligned to an interpretative paradigm seeking ideographic insight. Thedata generated was analysed both textually and aurally through a carefuliterative and inductive process of analysis. The themes of the findingssuggested the nature of inclusion to be underpinned by subjective anddynamic processes. Such processes linked to the notions of familiarity,application and adaptation that are used by the individual to facilitate aspectsof their inclusion in dynamic and creative ways

    The efficacy of a volunteer mentoring scheme in supporting young people at risk

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    In recent years, the development of mentoring schemes designed to support young people deemed as being at risk, both socially and in respect of educational underachievement has become a common strategy deployed by Local Authorities. The majority of these schemes have been school based or managed within the formal systems of other agencies such as social services. This paper describes how a mentoring scheme, which drew upon the services of volunteers, (the majority of whom had no professional experience of working with young people), was established and managed for the benefit of young people identified as having social, emotional or behavioural problems. The mentoring scheme was subjected to an independent evaluation as described within this paper. The findings of the research are used to discuss the efficacy of the scheme and to consider the development of the mentor and mentee relationship as observed within the specific context of this projec

    Inclusive practice for children with special educational needs (SEN)

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    This chapter addresses those conditions which have been indentified as necessary to ensure the effective inclusion of children with a range of special educational needs in early years settings. Drawing upon research and practical examples from classroom experience the chapter provides a discussion focussed upon encouraging pedagogy in inclusive early year classroom

    The Outsider’s Story

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    This thesis presents perspectives upon how inclusion is experienced from the point of view of the individual. It seeks to compliment contemporary discourse by interpreting the concept as a fundamental human activity. In this way acting as a counterpoint to narrower interpretations which are often characterised by a deficit discourse or exclusionary sentiment. The research is therefore underpinned by an emancipatory drive aligned to elements of critical pedagogy. The implication of this for practice is the acknowledgement that inclusion does not just apply to those children who stand out, who are labelled in some way, not an obvious minority or indeed marginalised, but to all children in the institutional space. In this study the concept of the Outsider is used as a motif for what is both universal and subjective. Such a literary device recognises the important subjective factors that underpin the existential nature of inclusion. The study views narrative and the stories people tell of their lives as a rich source of data. Ten individuals who are new to the teaching profession participated in the study and it is their stories that form the basis of the subsequent interpretation and analysis. The research was aligned to an interpretative paradigm seeking ideographic insight. The data generated was analysed both textually and aurally through a careful iterative and inductive process of analysis. The themes of the findings suggested the nature of inclusion to be underpinned by subjective and dynamic processes. Such processes linked to the notions of familiarity, application and adaptation that are used by the individual to facilitate aspects of their inclusion in dynamic and creative ways