78,051 research outputs found

    One-loop renormalisation of general N=1/2 supersymmetric gauge theory

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    We investigate the one-loop renormalisability of a general N=1/2 supersymmetric gauge theory coupled to chiral matter, and show the existence of an N=1/2 supersymmetric SU(N)xU(1) theory which is renormalisable at one loop.Comment: 30 pages, including 8 figures. Plain TeX. Uses Harvmac and eps

    Beam Dynamics Studies for the CLIC Main Linac

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    The implications of long-range wakefields on the beam quality are investigated through a detailed beam dynamics study. Injection offsets are considered and the resulting emittance dilution recorded, including systematic sources of error. These simulations have been conducted for damped and detuned structures (DDS) and for waveguide damped structures-both for the CLIC collider.Comment: 3 pages, 6 figures, IPAC1

    One-loop renormalisation of N=1/2 supersymmetric gauge theory with a superpotential

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    We construct a superpotential for the general N=1/2 supersymmetric gauge theory coupled to chiral matter in the fundamental and adjoint representations, and investigate the one-loop renormalisability of the theories.Comment: 67 pages, including 17 figures. Plain TeX. Uses Harvmac and epsf. Combined and condensed version of hep-th/0607194 and hep-th/0607195 with some added material including in particular a generalisation of the Lunin-Rey classification of potentially divergent operator

    Sensitivity of the magnetic state of a spin lattice on itinerant electron orbital phase

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    Spatially extended localized spins can interact via indirect exchange interaction through Friedel oscillations in the Fermi sea. In arrays of localized spins such interaction can lead to a magnetically ordered phase. Without external magnetic field such a phase is well understood via a "two-impurity" Kondo model. Here we employ non-equilibrium transport spectroscopy to investigate the role of the orbital phase of conduction electrons on the magnetic state of a spin lattice. We show experimentally, that even tiniest perpendicular magnetic field can influence the magnitude of the inter-spin magnetic exchange.Comment: To be published in PhysicaE EP2DS proceedin

    Renormalisation of supersymmetric gauge theory in the uneliminated component formalism

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    We show that the renormalisation of the N=1 supersymmetric gauge theory when working in the component formalism, without eliminating auxiliary fields and using a standard covariant gauge, requires a non-linear renormalisation of the auxiliary fields.Comment: 9 pages, including 4 figures. Plain TeX. Uses Harvmac and epsf; reference added and minor changes to Introductio

    Fano effect and Kondo effect in quantum dots formed in strongly coupled quantum wells

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    We present lateral transport measurements on strongly, vertically coupled quantum dots formed in separate quantum wells in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. Coulomb oscillations are observed forming a honeycomb lattice consistent with two strongly coupled dots. When the tunnel barriers in the upper well are reduced we observe the Fano effect due to the interfering paths through a resonant state in the lower well and a continuum state in the upper well. In both regimes an in plane magnetic field reduces the coupling between the wells when the magnetic length is comparable to the center to center separation of the wells. We also observe the Kondo effect which allows the spin states of the double dot system to be probed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure