3,591 research outputs found

    Rhizome Yourself: Experiencing Deleuze and Guattari from Theory to Practice

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    The leitmotif of this paper is the act of bridging gaps between the conceptual, methodological and experiential. Foremost it is an attempt to productively fuse aspects of the abstract and literary philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari with anthropological understandings of Global Assemblages (Ong and Collier 2005) through incorporation of theory in to everyday life. Here, we describe our journey exploring Deleuze and Guattari's conceptual Rhizome. It was an experiment, undertaken in order to bring new ideas to bear on our current and future ethnographic research relating to bioethics, clinical trials and the complexities of international science collaborations in Sri Lanka. In working to bridge a perceived gap between Deleuze and Guattari's philosophy and our familiar anthropological canon, we made real the abstract rhizomatic thinking they describe, through interaction with a physical rhizome, or plant root. In this paper we introduce BLAD, the Double Articulated Lobster Body (BLAD, acronym, in reverse) which acts as the focus of the narrative of the journey: how BLAD came to live in our house in a vase, how BLAD got 'its' name, how BLAD is a rhizome, a lobster and a deity, and how we subsequently replanted it. We suggest that just as a root of the rhizomic plant needs to be close to the surface to flower, so does rhizomatic thinking need to be present in daily life to affect thought. It is a tool most effective when personally incorporated. The story we tell in this paper is just one way in which the gap between the physical rhizomatic root and the conceptual tool has been bridged. The method described is as much creative as it is destructive. In order to 'live' the theory as commanded, the tool has been woven into thought as far more than a metaphor. For this to occur, a physical root has served as the means for breaking prior (arborescent) templates of thought, clearing the path for the thinking of new thoughts, extension of ideas and hopefully a fuller understanding of the productive relations between Deleuze-Guattarian Rhizomes and anthropological analysis

    Nanostructure and paramagnetic centres in diamond-like carbon: Effect of Ar dilution in PECVD process

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    Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films were deposited utilising plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) with acetylene precursor, diluted with 0 – 45% argon. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements show the presence of one paramagnetic centre with no change in spin population over the range of film deposition conditions. However, the EPR linewidth decreases with increasing argon content of the precursor mix, suggesting an enhancement of motional narrowing due to an increase in electron delocalization, related to an increase in the sp2 cluster size. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements indicate the surface of the DLC is formed of nanoscale asperities of material. With radii of tens of nanometres for films deposited with zero argon, the size of the features increases with the argon dilution of the acetylene. Energy dispersive x-ray analysis and electrical measurements further elucidate the changes in film structure

    Synthesis of [3-C-13]-2,3-dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde

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    An efficient synthesis of [3-13C]-2,3-dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde, an isotopically labelled probe of a common intermediate used in the synthesis of a number of biologically relevant molecules, has been achieved in 9 steps from an acyclic, non-aromatic precursor. A 13C label for molecular imaging was introduced in a linear synthesis from the reaction of [13C]-labelled methyl iodide with glutaric monomethyl ester chloride. Cyclisation then aromatisation gave 1,3-dimethoxybenzene and an additional methoxy group was introduced by a formylation/Baeyer–Villiger/hydrolysis/methylation sequence. Subsequent ortho-formylation and selective demethylation yielded the desired [3-13C]-2,3-dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde

    Suppression of nuclear factor-κB activity in macrophages by chylomicron remnants: modulation by the fatty acid composition of the particles

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    Current evidence indicates that chylomicron remnants (CMR) induce macrophage foam cell formation, an early event in atherosclerosis. Inflammation also plays a part in atherogenesis and the transcription factor nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) has been implicated. In this study, the influence of CMR on the activity of NF-κB in macrophages and its modulation by the fatty acid composition of the particles were investigated using macrophages derived from the human monocyte cell line THP-1 and CMR-like particles (CRLPs). Incubation of THP-1 macrophages with CRLPs caused decreased NF-κB activation and downregulated the expression of phospho-p65–NF-κB and phospho-IκBα (pIκBα). Secretion of the inflammatory cytokines tumour necrosis factor α, interleukin-6 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, which are under NF-κB transcriptional control, was inhibited and mRNA expression for cyclooxygenase-2, an NF-κB target gene, was reduced. CRLPs enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acids compared with saturated or monounsaturated fatty acids had a markedly greater inhibitory effect on NF-κB binding to DNA and the expression of phospho-p65–NF-κB and pIκB. Lipid loading of macrophages with CRLPs enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acids compared with monounsaturated fatty acids or saturated fatty acids also increased the subsequent rate of cholesterol efflux, an effect which may be linked to the inhibition of NF-κB activity. These findings demonstrate that CMR suppress NF-κB activity in macrophages, and that this effect is modulated by their fatty acid composition. This downregulation of inflammatory processes in macrophages may represent a protective effect of CMR which is enhanced by dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids

    Is group psychotherapy feasible for oncology outpatients attenders selected on the basis of psychological morbidity?

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    Of 120 consecutive attenders at an oncology outpatients department, 108 were screened for psychological symptoms using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (Zigmond & Snaith, 1983). Thirty-nine patients had significant scores indicating moderate anxiety and/or depression. We felt that this warranted an offer of group psychotherapy in the belief that sharing issues and exploring personal concerns may alleviate some of the experienced psychological distress. Only 10 patients consented to and were able to attend this group, with which five patients persisted. Thus in this group of patients with advanced cancer group psychotherapy was applicable only to a limited number of selected patients. The nature of this study and the size of the population markedly limited our ability to comment on the usefulness of group psychotherapy. Many patients, particularly the most severely psychologically distressed, continued to require other forms of support, particularly domiciliary individual therapy

    Transitions to Proton States in the 90-Zr(p,p') Reaction at 160 MeV

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    This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grant PHY 76-84033 and Indiana Universit