5,093 research outputs found

    Management of tomato bacterial spot in the field by foliar applications of bacteriophages and SAR inducers

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    Various combinations of the harpin protein, acibenzolar-S-methyl, and bacteriophages were compared for controlling tomato bacterial spot in field experiments. Harpin protein and acibenzolar-S-methyl were applied every 14 days beginning twice before transplanting and then an additional four applications throughout the season. Formulated bacteriophages were applied prior to inoculation followed by twice a week at dusk. A standard bactericide treatment, consisting of copper hydroxide plus mancozeb, was applied once prior to inoculation and then every 7 days, while untreated plants served as an untreated control. Experiments were conducted in north and central Florida fields during fall 2001, spring 2002, and fall 2002. In three consecutive seasons, acibenzolar-S-methyl applied in combination with bacteriophage or bacteriophage and harpin significantly reduced bacterial spot compared with the other treatments. However, it did not significantly affect the total yield compared with the standard or untreated control. Application of host-specific bacteriophages was effective against the bacterial spot pathogen in all three experiments, providing better disease control than copper-mancozeb or untreated control. When results of the disease severity assessments or harvested yield from the bacteriophage-treated plots were grouped and compared with the results of the corresponding nonbacteriophage group, the former provided significantly better disease control and yield of total marketable fruit

    The Apollo Medical Operations Project: Recommendations to Improve Crew Health and Performance for Future Exploration Missions and Lunar Surface Operations

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    Medical requirements for the future Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV), Lunar Surface Access Module (LSAM), advanced Extravehicular Activity (EVA) suits and Lunar habitat are currently being developed. Crews returning to the lunar surface will construct the lunar habitat and conduct scientific research. Inherent in aggressive surface activities is the potential risk of injury to crewmembers. Physiological responses and the operational environment for short forays during the Apollo lunar missions were studied and documented. Little is known about the operational environment in which crews will live and work and the hardware will be used for long-duration lunar surface operations. Additional information is needed regarding productivity and the events that affect crew function such as a compressed timeline. The Space Medicine Division at the NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) requested a study in December 2005 to identify Apollo mission issues relevant to medical operations that had impact to crew health and/or performance. The operationally oriented goals of this project were to develop or modify medical requirements for new exploration vehicles and habitats, create a centralized database for future access, and share relevant Apollo information with the multiple entities at NASA and abroad participating in the exploration effort

    Effects of Growing Season Fire on Northern Bobwhite Nest Site Selection and Survival

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    Restoration and management of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) communities necessitates frequent prescribed fire. Prior to human colonization of the southeastern United States thousands of years ago, longleaf pine forests burned primarily during the growing-season as a result of lightning-ignited fires. Growing-season prescribed fire may suppress woody vegetation and promote herbaceous groundcover better than dormant-season fire. Despite the potential ecological benefits of growing-season fire, many land managers use only dormant-season prescribed fire to avoid destruction of ground nests, including those from northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). Our objective was to determine bobwhite nest survival and nest-site selection in the presence of early, growing-season prescribed fire on a 3-year return interval. We compared vegetation composition and structure at nest sites and paired random sites to identify important predictors of nest-site selection and to evaluate the effects of habitat covariates on nest survival. We captured bobwhite and attached radio transmitters. Radio-marked individuals were tracked to locate nests and determine nest survival. We documented 2 nests that burned during a growing-season prescribed fire. All 14 nests were located within units that were burned at least 2 years prior, putting these nests at a greater risk for being destroyed by prescribed fire that occurred on a 3-year return interval. We suggest that restricting early, growing-season prescribed burning to April through early June should limit an overlap between prescribed burns and the peak of northern bobwhite nesting season, which occurred mid-July at our study site. Additionally, longer fire return intervals may be needed to allow development of woody understory structure selected by bobwhites for nesting, especially on poor soils like those on our study site in the Sandhills physiographic region

    Search for nearby Earth analogs I. 15 planet candidates found in PFS data

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    30 pages, 20 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in ApJSThe radial velocity (RV) method plays a major role in the discovery of nearby exoplanets. To efficiently find planet candidates from the data obtained in high-precision RV surveys, we apply a signal diagnostic framework to detect RV signals that are statistically significant, consistent in time, robust in the choice of noise models, and do not correlated with stellar activity. Based on the application of this approach to the survey data of the Planet Finder Spectrograph, we report 15 planet candidates located in 14 stellar systems. We find that the orbits of the planet candidates around HD 210193, 103949, 8326, and 71135 are consistent with temperate zones around these stars (where liquid water could exist on the surface). With periods of 7.76 and 15.14 days, respectively, the planet candidates around star HIP 54373 form a 1:2 resonance system. These discoveries demonstrate the feasibility of automated detection of exoplanets from large RV surveys, which may provide a complete sample of nearby Earth analogs.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Improved efficacy of newly formulated bacteriophages for management of bacterial spot on tomato

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    Bacteriophages are currently used as an alternative method for controlling bacterial spot disease on tomato incited by Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria. However, the efficacy of phage is greatly reduced due to its short residual activity on plant foliage. Three formulations that significantly increased phage longevity on the plant surface were tested in field and greenhouse trials: (i) PCF, 0.5% pregelatinized corn flour (PCF) + 0.5% sucrose; (ii) Casecrete, 0.5% Casecrete NH-400 + 0.5% sucrose + 0.25% PCF; and (iii) skim milk, 0.75% powdered skim milk + 0.5% sucrose. In greenhouse experiments, the nonformulated, PCF-, Casecrete-, and skim milk-formulated phage mixtures reduced disease severity on plants compared with the control by 1, 30, 51, and 62%, respectively. In three consecutive field trials, nonformulated phage caused 15, 20, and 9% reduction in disease on treated plants compared with untreated control plants, whereas plants treated with PCF- and Casecrete-formulated phage had 27, 32, and 12% and 30, 43, and 24% disease reduction, respectively. Plants receiving copper-mancozeb treatments were included in two field trials and had a 20% decrease in disease in the first trial and a 13% increase in the second one. Skim milk-formulated phage was tested only once and caused an 18% disease reduction. PCF-formulated phage was more effective when applied in the evening than in the morning, reducing disease on plants by 27 and 13%, respectively. The Casecrete-formulated phage populations were over 1,000-fold higher than the nonformulated phage populations 36 h after phage application

    A leaf spot and blight of greenhouse tomato seedlings incited by a Herbaspirillum sp.

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    A leaf spot and blighting were observed on leaves of tomato transplants from a producer in Florida in 2001 and 2002. A nonfluorescent bacterium was isolated consistently from affected tissue. The typical bacterium was a gram negative, strictly aerobic, slightly curved rod with one or two flagella. Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA indicated that two representative strains, F1 and SE1, had greater than 99% nucleotide sequence identity with Herbaspirillum huttiense and H. rubrisubalbicans. The cellular fatty acid composition of the total of 16 tomato strains was very similar to H. huttiense and H. rubrisubalbicans. Based on carbon utilization, six of nine strains tested with the Biolog system were identified as Herbaspirillum spp. The tomato strains were oxidase positive and grew at 40 degrees C, but were negative for levan production, pectate hydrolysis, and arginine dihydrolase activity. Based upon this polyphasic analysis, we concluded that the strains were most closely related to H. huttiense, although placement in this species would require further analyses. However, the tomato strains and H. rubrisubalbicans, but not H. huttiense, caused confluent necrosis when infiltrated at high concentrations into tomato leaves and were able to produce leaf spot symptoms on inoculated tomato seedlings in the greenhouse. Using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, we determined that there was considerable variability between the strains collected in 2001 and 2002

    Integration of biological control agents and systemic acquired resistance inducers against bacterial spot on tomato

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    Two strains of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, two systemic acquired resistance inducers (harpin and acibenzolar-S-methyl), host-specific unformulated bacteriophages, and two antagonistic bacteria were evaluated for control of tomato bacterial spot incited by Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria in greenhouse experiments. Untreated plants and plants treated with copper hydroxide were used as controls. The plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria or a tap water control were applied as a drench to the potting mix containing the seedlings, while the other treatments were applied to the foliage using a handheld sprayer. The plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria strains, when applied alone or in combination with other treatments, had no significant effect on bacterial spot intensity. Messenger and the antagonistic bacterial strains, when applied alone, had negligible effects on disease intensity. Unformulated phage or copper bactericide applications were inconsistent in performance under greenhouse conditions against bacterial spot. Although acibenzolar-S-methyl completely prevented occurrence of typical symptoms of the disease, necrotic spots typical of a hypersensitive reaction (HR) were observed on plants treated with acibenzolar-S-methyl alone. Electrolyte leakage and population dynamics experiments confirmed that acibenzolar-S-methyl-treated plants responded to inoculation by eliciting an HR. Application of bacteriophages in combination with acibenzolar-S-methyl suppressed a visible HR and provided excellent disease control. Although we were unable to quantify populations of the bacterium on the leaf surface, indirectly we determined that bacteriophages specific to the target bacterium reduced populations of a tomato race 3 strain of the pathogen on the leaf surface of acibenzolar-S-methyl-treated plants to levels that did not induce a visible HR. Integrated use of acibenzolar-S-m ethyl and phages may complement each other as an alternative management strategy against bacterial spot on tomato

    Introduction à l’épidémiologie participative et son application à la surveillance participative de l’influenza aviaire hautement pathogène: Manuel pour les praticiens de la surveillance participative des maladies

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    Dans le cadre du projet de détection précoce, de rapportage et de surveillance de l’influenza aviaire en Afrique, financé par l’Agence américaine pour le développement international (USAID), un certain nombre de formations en surveillance participative de la maladie (SPM) concernant l’influenza aviaire hautement pathogène (IAHP) ont été réalisés en Afrique de l’Ouest et de l’Est en 2008 et 2009. L’objet de ce manuel est d’offrir une référence aux vétérinaires et aux agents de santé animale pendant et après une formation en SPM. Le manuel est principalement axé sur la SPM de l’IAHP, mais les méthodes peuvent être facilement adaptées et appliquées à d’autres maladies du bétail
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