68 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional boundary integral modeling of viscous drops and capsules

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    Three-dimensional boundary integral modeling of viscous drops and capsules

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    A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Protein Substitution in Human Burn Wounds

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    Objective: In major burn wounds of more than 15% total burn surface area mediator-associated reactions lead to capillary leak resulting in critical condition. Little is known about the efficiency of protein substitution. We quantified and qualified the systemic and local protein loss in burn patients during protein substitution, comparing fresh frozen plasma and the human serum protein solution Biseko. Methods: In 40 patients suffering from second-degree burn wounds with the total burn surface area between 20% and 60%, immediately after admission a defined wound surface area was enclosed with in a wound chamber. Wound fluid and serum samples were collected in 8 hour intervals for 2 days. Samples were analyzed for total protein, albumin, immunoglobulins -A, -G, -M, clotting parameters, c-reactive protein, and white blood cells. Protein substitution started 24 hour posttrauma. In a randomized pattern, patients received equal volumes of fresh frozen plasma or Biseko. Results: Total protein and albumin accumulated in high concentrations in wound fluid. With beginning of fresh frozen plasma substitution on day 2 posttrauma, serum total protein (1.7 g–3.9 g) and albumin (1.3 g–3.4 g) concentrations increased. Substitution of Biseko resulted in a stronger increase (serum total protein 1.8 g to 4.5 g, albumin 0.9 g to 3.4 g). Wound fluid concentrations revealed similar change patterns. Immunoglobulins showed higher serum levels in the Biseko group. C-reactive protein and white blood cell values indicated a lower immunological reaction in the Biseko group. Conclusions: Substitution of human protein solutions such as Biseko can result in significantly higher serum protein and albumin concentrations as well as lower infection parameters. Higher serum immunoglobulins could help to decrease potential immunodeficiency

    Investigation of formaldehyde degradation by using isolated microorganisms from waste water of chemical industries

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    Background and aims   Formaldehyde is one of hazardous compounds that may be found in waste water of different industries. This compound is toxic and biodegradation of it is difficult. The aim of this study is determination of efficiency of isolated microorganisms from polluted effluents by formaldehyde in aerobic and suspended and attached growth.   Methods   In this study formaldehyde degrading microorganisms were separated from waste  water and soil in a chemical industry. Then microorganisms were isolated and separated by using special culture medias. 12 microorganisms were separated and used for biodegradation of formaldehyde. Standard method was used to evaluated of degradation value.   Results   The results showed that pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most effective microorganisms. COD removal efficiency of pseudomonas aeruginosa was 85% in suspended  growth and 83% in attached growth condition. Also removal kinetic parameters were calculated That μmax, K, Y, Ks and Kd coefficients were 1.44 l/d , 3.28 mg COD/mg MLSS.day, 0.44 28 mg  COD/mg MLSS. day, 1.36 mg/l and 0.04 l/day respectively.   Conclusion   Using aerobic conditions in this study to degrade formaldehyde and acceptable output reduction in the COD can be the advantages of aerobic exercises method in comparison  with anaerobic exercises

    Dampak Perikanan Tangkap Terhadap Sumberdaya Ikan Dan Habitatnya Di Perairan Pantai Tabukan Tengah Kepulauan Sangihe

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    Overfishing and environmental degradation from fishing activities result in changes in aquatic ecosystems, and almost all fishing gears could cause habitat damages. This study attempted to evaluate the impact of different fishing gears utilized by traditional fishermen on the fish resources and their habitats and formulate an environmenttal friendly fishing fisheries concept. Data collection used two approaches, through a long-term catch analysis and a direct field observation on the fishing process. Results found that several fishing gears used were potential to cause damages on bottom habitats due to the operational technique and the treatment to the gear itself. Beside that, some gears were also potential to unbalance the stability and the the sustainability of the fish resources due to the utilization of excessively small-sized mesh. Based on the internal factor analysis strategy (IFAS) and the external factor analysis strategy (EFAS), the use of fish traps, circling gill nets, and turtle targeting hand lines in the coral reef area we­re potential to cause direct negative impact on the coral reefs and the sustainability of the fish resources.Keywords: impact, habitat damage, resources damage, over fishing, selectivity. Kelebihan tangkap dan degradasi lingkungan dari kegiatan perikanan mengakibatkan Perubahan ekosistem perairan dan hampir semua alat tangkap ikan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan habitat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi dampak alat tangkap yang digunakan oleh nelayan di perairan pantai Tabukan Tengah, Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe terhadap sumberdaya dan lingkungan dan merumuskan konsep kebijakan pengembangan perikanan tangkap yang ramah lingkungan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan dua pendekatan yakni menganalisis hasil tangkapan untuk jangka waktu yang panjang dan pengamatan langsung terhadap proses penangkapan ikan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa beberapa alat tangkap yang digunakan berpotensi merusak habitat dasar perairan karena tehnik pengoperasiannya dan perlakuan terhadap alat tangkap tersebut. Di samping itu, beberapa jenis alat tangkap berpotensi merobah stabilitas dan keberlangsungan sumberdaya ikan karena penggunaan mata jaring berukuran sangat kecil. Berdasarkan strategi analisis faktor internal dan strategi analisis faktor eksternal, maka penggunaan bubu ikan, jaring insang lingkar, jala lempar dan ladung penyu di daerah terumbu karang memiliki dampak negatif bagi terumbu karang dan keberlanjutan sumberdaya ikan