1,509 research outputs found

    An electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer in the Fractional Quantum Hall effect

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    We compute the interference pattern of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer operating in the fractional quantum Hall effect. Our theoretical proposal is inspired by a remarkable experiment on edge states in the Integer Quantum Hall effect (IQHE). The Luttinger liquid model is solved via two independent methods: refermionization at nu=1/2 and the Bethe Ansatz solution available for Laughlin fractions. The current differs strongly from that of single electrons in the strong backscattering regime. The Fano factor is periodic in the flux, and it exhibits a sharp transition from sub-Poissonian (charge e/2) to Poissonian (charge e) in the neighborhood of destructive interferences

    Quantum phase transition of dynamical resistance in a mesoscopic capacitor

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    We study theoretically dynamic response of a mesoscopic capacitor, which consists of a quantum dot connected to an electron reservoir via a point contact and capacitively coupled to a gate voltage. A quantum Hall edge state with a filling factor nu is realized in a strong magnetic field applied perpendicular to the two-dimensional electron gas. We discuss a noise-driven quantum phase transition of the transport property of the edge state by taking into account an ohmic bath connected to the gate voltage. Without the noise, the charge relaxation for nu>1/2 is universally quantized at R_q=h/(2e^2), while for nu<1/2, the system undergoes the Kosterlitz-Thouless transtion, which drastically changes the nature of the dynamical resistance. The phase transition is facilitated by the noisy gate voltage, and we see that it can occur even for an integer quantum Hall edge at nu=1. When the dissipation by the noise is sufficiently small, the quantized value of R_q is shifted by the bath impedance.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, proceeding of the 19th International Conference on the Application of High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics and Nanotechnology (HMF-19

    Euclidean versus hyperbolic congestion in idealized versus experimental networks

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    This paper proposes a mathematical justification of the phenomenon of extreme congestion at a very limited number of nodes in very large networks. It is argued that this phenomenon occurs as a combination of the negative curvature property of the network together with minimum length routing. More specifically, it is shown that, in a large n-dimensional hyperbolic ball B of radius R viewed as a roughly similar model of a Gromov hyperbolic network, the proportion of traffic paths transiting through a small ball near the center is independent of the radius R whereas, in a Euclidean ball, the same proportion scales as 1/R^{n-1}. This discrepancy persists for the traffic load, which at the center of the hyperbolic ball scales as the square of the volume, whereas the same traffic load scales as the volume to the power (n+1)/n in the Euclidean ball. This provides a theoretical justification of the experimental exponent discrepancy observed by Narayan and Saniee between traffic loads in Gromov-hyperbolic networks from the Rocketfuel data base and synthetic Euclidean lattice networks. It is further conjectured that for networks that do not enjoy the obvious symmetry of hyperbolic and Euclidean balls, the point of maximum traffic is near the center of mass of the network.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Observation of coherent backscattering of light by cold atoms

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    Coherent backscattering (CBS) of light waves by a random medium is a signature of interference effects in multiple scattering. This effect has been studied in many systems ranging from white paint to biological tissues. Recently, we have observed CBS from a sample of laser-cooled atoms, a scattering medium with interesting new properties. In this paper we discuss various effects, which have to be taken into account for a quantitative study of coherent backscattering of light by cold atoms.Comment: 25 pages LaTex2e, 17 figures, submitted to J. Opt. B: Quant. Semicl. Op

    Reinforcement Learning vs. Gradient-Based Optimisation for Robust Energy Landscape Control of Spin-1/2 Quantum Networks

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    We explore the use of policy gradient methods in reinforcement learning for quantum control via energy landscape shaping of XX-Heisenberg spin chains in a model agnostic fashion. Their performance is compared to finding controllers using gradient-based L-BFGS optimisation with restarts, with full access to an analytical model. Hamiltonian noise and coarse-graining of fidelity measurements are considered. Reinforcement learning is able to tackle challenging, noisy quantum control problems where L-BFGS optimization algorithms struggle to perform well. Robustness analysis under different levels of Hamiltonian noise indicates that controllers found by reinforcement learning appear to be less affected by noise than those found with L-BFGS.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Molecules in external fields: a semiclassical analysis

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    We undertake a semiclassical analysis of the spectral properties (modulations of photoabsorption spectra, energy level statistics) of a simple Rydberg molecule in static fields within the framework of Closed-Orbit/Periodic-Orbit theories. We conclude that in addition to the usual classically allowed orbits one must consider classically forbidden diffractive paths. Further, the molecule brings in a new type of 'inelastic' diffractive trajectory, different from the usual 'elastic' diffractive orbits encountered in previous studies of atomic and analogous systems such as billiards with point-scatterers. The relative importance of inelastic versus elastic diffraction is quantified by merging the usual Closed Orbit theory framework with molecular quantum defect theory.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Weak localization of light by cold atoms: the impact of quantum internal structure

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    Since the work of Anderson on localization, interference effects for the propagation of a wave in the presence of disorder have been extensively studied, as exemplified in coherent backscattering (CBS) of light. In the multiple scattering of light by a disordered sample of thermal atoms, interference effects are usually washed out by the fast atomic motion. This is no longer true for cold atoms where CBS has recently been observed. However, the internal structure of the atoms strongly influences the interference properties. In this paper, we consider light scattering by an atomic dipole transition with arbitrary degeneracy and study its impact on coherent backscattering. We show that the interference contrast is strongly reduced. Assuming a uniform statistical distribution over internal degrees of freedom, we compute analytically the single and double scattering contributions to the intensity in the weak localization regime. The so-called ladder and crossed diagrams are generalized to the case of atoms and permit to calculate enhancement factors and backscattering intensity profiles for polarized light and any closed atomic dipole transition.Comment: 22 pages Revtex, 9 figures, to appear in PR

    Information transfer fidelity in spin networks and ring-based quantum routers

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    Spin networks are endowed with an Information Transfer Fidelity (ITF), which defines an absolute upper bound on the probability of transmission of an excitation from one spin to another. The ITF is easily computable but the bound can be reached asymptotically in time only under certain conditions. General conditions for attainability of the bound are established and the process of achieving the maximum transfer probability is given a dynamical model, the translation on the torus. The time to reach the maximum probability is estimated using the simultaneous Diophantine approximation, implemented using a variant of the Lenstra-Lenstra-Lov\'asz (LLL) algorithm. For a ring with uniform couplings, the network can be made a metric space by defining a distance (satisfying the triangle inequality) that quantifies the lack of transmission fidelity between two nodes. It is shown that transfer fidelities and transfer times can be improved significantly by means of simple controls taking the form of non-dynamic, spatially localized bias fields, opening up the possibility for intelligent design of spin networks and dynamic routing of information encoded in them, while being more flexible than engineering fixed couplings to favor some transfers, and less demanding than control schemes requiring fast dynamic controls

    Large Faraday rotation of resonant light in a cold atomic cloud

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    We experimentally studied the Faraday rotation of resonant light in an optically-thick cloud of laser-cooled rubidium atoms. Measurements yield a large Verdet constant in the range of 200 000 degrees/T/mm and a maximal polarization rotation of 150 degrees. A complete analysis of the polarization state of the transmitted light was necessary to account for the role of the probe laser's spectrum
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