4,768 research outputs found

    Guarding the border: watchtowers of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada. Characterization and vulnerability assessment

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    RUIZ-JARAMILLO, J. y GARCÍA-PULIDO, L.J., 2018. Guarding the border: watchtowers of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada. Characterization and vulnerability assessment. Heritage 2018: 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development. Granada: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, pp. 1511-1518The Islamic Nasrid kingdom of Granada occupied the mountainous areas of the south-eastern of the Iberian Peninsula. The frontier between the Nasrid kingdom and the Christian kingdom of Castile from 1232 to 1492 was controlled by an extensive network of watchtowers built by Nasrid through the provinces of Granada, Malaga, Almeria and the eastern parts of Jaen, Cordoba and Cadiz. They allowed controlling this frontier stablishing visual communication between them and the Nasrid centre at the Alhambra citadel. Even protected by Spanish Heritage law, many of these medieval towers and their cultural landscapes are in severe risk be-cause of anthropic action as well as natural deterioration. Within the framework of the R&D project called ‘Las atalayas que defendieron el reino nazarí de Granada. Análisis y docu-mentación científica (Nazalaya)”, the towers are being studied. As a complement of planimetry obtained by procedures as photogrammetry or terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), complete architectural surveys using non-destructive techniques are being performed as part of the analysis to obtain a global description of construction systems used.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Muslim heritage and environment: the case of the watchtowers of the nasrid kingdom of Granada (thirteenth to fifteenth century)

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    Luis José García-Pulido y Jonathan Ruiz-Jaramillo. “Muslim heritage and environment: the case of the watchtowers of the nasrid kingdom of Granada (thirteenth to fifteenth century)”. En: Heritage 2018. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development (10th Anniversary Edition) Granada, Spain, 12-15 June 2018. Edited by Rogério Amoêda, Sérgio Lira, Cristina Pinheiro, Juan M. Santiago Zaragoza, Julio Calvo Serrano, Fabián García Carrillo. Editorial Universidad de Granada y Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, Granada, 2018. e-ISBN 978-84-338-6261-7This paper is devoted to the study of the different towers of the Nasrid kingdom of Granada (1232 to 1492) and their linked landscapes, as well as the evolution, preservation, resilience or transformation of their environment until present days. These late Islamic territories in medieval Iberia occupied the mountainous areas of the southeastern area of today’s Spain. There, a natural border was established between the Nasrid kingdom and the expansion of Castile during more than two centuries and a half. To control this frontier and establish visual communication between it and the Nasrid power centres lead by the Alhambra citadel, an extensive network of watchtowers and defensive towers linked to farmsteads was constructed. These towers are located in unique sites; being erected as reference landmarks of the territories on which they stand. These fortifications, with very diverse typology and morphology, are a faithful testimony to the different territorial structure that has taken place throughout history.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This paper has been written within the framework of the Spanish Proyecto del Plan Nacional I+D+i (Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia) entitled ‘Las atalayas que defendieron el reino nazarí de Granada. Análisis y documentación científica (Nazalaya)’ (‘The watchtowers that defended the nasrid kingdom of Granada. Analysis and scientific survey’, HAR2016-79689-P), directed by PhD Luis José García-Pulido and PhD Jonathan Ruiz Jaramillo. This contribution is also been framed within the projects ‘La construcción de un paisaje: arquitectura de tapial en la Alta Andalucía en el siglo XIII. Estudio y análisis del sistema de torres andalusíes en el valle de Segura de la Sierra’ (‘The building of a Landscape: rammed earth architecture in High Andalusia during the thirteenth century. Analysis of the andalusí tower system in the Segura de la Sierra valley’, Proyecto de Investigación Precompetitivo (mod. A) from the Plan Propio de la Universidad de Málaga), and ‘Torres medievales y modernas conservadas en Andalucía. Documentación gráfica, análisis científico e interrelaciones’ (‘Medieval and Modern towers preserved in Andalusia. Graphical survey, scientific analysis and interrelations’, X Convocatoria de Proyectos de Investigación de la Fundación Pública Andaluza Centro de Estudios Andaluces en la modalidad de proyectos individuales, PRY/259/17)

    The real Ginibre ensemble with k=O(n)k = O(n) real eigenvalues

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    We consider the ensemble of Real Ginibre matrices with a positive fraction α>0\alpha>0 of real eigenvalues. We demonstrate a large deviations principle for the joint eigenvalue density of such matrices and we introduce a two phase log-gas whose stationary distribution coincides with the spectral measure of the ensemble. Using these tools we provide an asymptotic expansion for the probability pαnnp^n_{\alpha n} that an n×nn\times n Ginibre matrix has k=αnk=\alpha n real eigenvalues and we characterize the spectral measures of these matrices.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Sistema prototipo Fly-by-Wire

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    Este proyecto está destinado a ofrecer una herramienta a la carrera de aeronáutica para realizar experimentos de navegación y seguimiento de aviones, de la forma más real posible. Con este prototipo lo que se pretende es introducir practicas reales a esta carrera. En este documento se presenta un prototipo para guiado de aviones Radio control (RC). Se ha diseñado la implementación de un sistema FLY by WIRE (FbW) reducido, para incorporarlo en un modelo de RC, capaz de recoger datos referentes a la inclinación del aparato así como la aceleración en cualquier dirección que sufra el avión RC, también este prototipo esta provisto de unas entradas auxiliares para conectar los sensores que se deseen, debidamente acondicionados

    Inspección y análisis científico de las torres atalaya que defendieron el último reino islámico de la Península Ibérica

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    The Islamic Nasrid kingdom of Granada occupied the mountainous areas of the south-eastern area of the Iberian Peninsula. The Baetic mountain range worked as a natural frontier between the Nasrid kingdom and the Christian kingdom of Castile from 1232 to 1492. An extensive network of watchtowers was built by Nasrid to control this frontier stablishing visual communication between them and the Nasrid centre at the Alhambra citadel. Many of them are still standing, disperse through the provinces of Granada, Malaga, Almeria and the eastern parts of Jaen, Cordoba and Cadiz. Even being this military architecture protected by Spanish Heritage law, many of these medieval towers and their cultural landscapes are in severe risk. There are studies of individual towers, but any global comparative study has been developed. For this reason, within the framework of the R&D project called ‘Las atalayas que defendieron el reino nazarí de Granada. Análisis y documentación científica (Nazalaya)” (HAR2016-79689-P) financed by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain, the towers are being studied as individual exemplars as well as components of the same typological group. This generates a complete documentation constituted by a homogenous and exhaustively planimetry which supplements the existing information and enabling comparative analysis. Furthermore complete architectural surveys are being carried out using techniques as photogrammetry. In addition to the analysis of construction systems, the structural safety of these towers is evaluated formulating guidelines for its restoration.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyecto del Plan Nacional I+D+i (Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia) entitled ‘Las atalayas que defendieron el reino nazarí de Granada. Análisis y documentación científica (Nazalaya)’ (HAR2016-79689-P) Proyecto de Investigación Precompetitivo (mod. A) del Plan Propio de la Universidad de Málaga ‘La construcción de un paisaje: arquitectura de tapial en la Alta Andalucía en el siglo XIII. Estudio y análisis del sistema de torres andalusíes en el valle de Segura de la Sierra’ X Convocatoria de Proyectos de Investigación de la Fundación Pública Andaluza Centro de Estudios Andaluces en la modalidad de proyectos individuales, PRY/259/17 ‘Torres medievales y modernas conservadas en Andalucía. Documentación gráfica, análisis científico e interrelaciones

    M\"obius function of semigroup posets through Hilbert series

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    In this paper, we investigate the M{\"o}bius function μ_S\mu\_{\mathcal{S}} associated to a (locally finite) poset arising from a semigroup S\mathcal{S} of Zm\mathbb{Z}^m. We introduce and develop a new approach to study μ_S\mu\_{\mathcal{S}} by using the Hilbert series of S\mathcal{S}. The latter enables us to provide formulas for μ_S\mu\_{\mathcal{S}} when S\mathcal{S} belongs to certain families of semigroups. Finally, a characterization for a locally finite poset to be isomorphic to a semigroup poset is given.Comment: 11 page

    Intensidad tecnológica de las exportaciones de El Salvador

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    La sofisticación de la producción de bienes y servicios de un país puede tener impactos positivos en el crecimiento y desarrollo económicos de dicho país. Por otro lado, la identificación de la ventaja comparativa en las exportaciones de bienes y servicios permitiría determinar qué productos y/o servicios debería especializar o diversificar sus exportaciones. A partir de datos del Sistema de Estadísticas de Comercio (SEC) de la Secretaria de Integración Centroamericana (SIECA) y de una clasificación de la intensidad de tecnológica de las exportaciones desarrollada por la Comisión Económica para América Latina (CEPAL) se analizará la ventaja comparativa de los productos de exportación con algún nivel de intensidad tecnológica de El Salvador contra su segundo socio comercial más importante: la región centroamericana

    Impacto de la resiliencia en pacientes con Artritis Reumatoide

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    Introducción: La artritis reumatoide (AR) es una enfermedad autoinmune-inflamatoria, que compromete las articulaciones diartrodiales. Tiene una importante repercusión sistémica que incluye la depresión; por lo tanto, tiene un severo impacto sobre la calidad de vida. Es posible que mecanismos de defensa, tales como la resiliencia, puedan amortiguar dicho impacto. Metodología: estudio de corte transversal, multicéntrico (análisis inicial dentro del grupo AR, con muestra no probabilística de 66 pacientes, posterior selección aleatoria simple de 16 pacientes de la muestra inicial y selección de 16 individuos sanos pareados). Posteriormente, se comparó la resiliencia entre sujetos con AR y sujetos sanos, mediante las escalas RS y CD-RISC25. Adicionalmente, se aplicaron las escalas EEAE, EADZ, SF-36 y PANAS. Los datos fueron evaluados mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman, las pruebas U Mann-Whitney, Kruskall-Wallis, T de Student y análisis de varianza. Resultados: se encontraron diferencias significativas en las estrategias de afrontamiento no espirituales en grupos de resiliencia baja, media y alta; diferencias en las medianas de resiliencia en los grupos de depresión por EAZD en los pacientes. No se encontraron resultados significativos en las variables clínicas de la AR ni en la comparación con sujetos sanos. Conclusiones: el uso de estrategias de afrontamiento no espirituales y la ausencia de depresión, se asoció a mayores niveles de resiliencia en los pacientes con AR, por lo cual, los componentes emocionales y cognitivos se asocian a la resiliencia.Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune-inflammatory disease, which affects diarthrodial joints. It has a significant systemic impact including depression; therefore, it has a severe impact on quality of life. It is possible that defense mechanisms, such as resilience to cushion the impact. Methodology: cross-sectional study, multicenter (Initial analysis within the AR group, with non-probabilistic sample of 66 patients, subsequent simple random selection of 16 patients of the initial sample and selection of 16 matched healthy individuals). Subsequently, resilience among subjects with RA and healthy subjects were compared, using the RS and CD-RISC25 scales. Additionally, EEAE, EADZ, SF-36 and PANAS scales were applied. Data were evaluated using the Spearman correlation coefficient, the Mann-Whitney U Test, Kruskal-Wallis, T Student, and ANOVA. Results: Significant differences were found in the non-spiritual coping strategies in groups of low, medium and high resilience; differences in the medians of resilience groups EAZD depression in patients. No significant results were found in clinical variables or the RA compared to healthy subjects. Conclusions: The use of non-spiritual coping strategies and the absence of depression, was associated with higher levels of resilience in RA patients, therefore, the emotional and cognitive components associated with resilience.Centro de Estudio de Enfermedades Autoinmunes (CREA