208 research outputs found

    Les productions littéraires haïtiennes en Amérique du Nord (1969-1979)

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    Des conflits langagiers dans quelques romans haĂŻtiens

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    Exploring Dynamics of Facebook Health Support Groups: a Leadership Perspective

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    Online health support groups are among the most popular Internet groups, being employed daily to share and seek health-related information, support, and advice. The leaders of these groups often employ various strategies to encourage and regulate participation. In this work, using a mixed methods data collection and research methodology, we follow a health support group leadership framework to examine how the organic peer-leadership strategies grows in two distinct Facebook groups, both dedicated to patients with Sickle Cell Disease. Our results highlight how these organic leadership strategies follow the standard leadership frameworks in more traditional context. Our results also shows that different leadership strategies lead to different group dynamics in terms of level of interaction and content of the discussions

    PrĂ©sentation. L’invention du rĂ©cit amĂ©ricain

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    Le cinéma de SembÚne Ousmane, une (double) contre-ethnographie : (Notes pour une recherche)

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    Dans un premier temps, cet article brosse briĂšvement une biographie intellectuelle de SembĂšne Ousmane pour faire ressortir les rapports entre sa production et sa trajectoire de sujet sĂ©nĂ©galais, Ousmane SembĂšne de son vrai nom, devenu le romancier et cinĂ©aste SembĂšne Ousmane. Du mĂȘme coup, Ă  partir d’une lecture de l’évolution des titres de ses romans du français au wolof, du Docker noir (1956) Ă  Xala (1973), il tente d’expliquer son passage de l’écrit Ă  l’écran. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, ce texte montre la cohĂ©rence interne de l’oeuvre cinĂ©matographique de La Noire de... (1966) Ă  MoolaadĂ© (2004), en passant par Mandabi (1968), Ceddo (1976) ou Camp de Thiaroye (1988). Ces films qui, tous, mettent en scĂšne une crise suite Ă  une rencontre avec l’Autre (ou d’autres), plus spĂ©cifiquement l’irruption d’un ou des Ă©lĂ©ments Ă©trangers dans un corps social jamais un mais multiple, divers dans un procĂšs de confrontation/transformation. Cette double contre-ethnographie, portrait de Soi et portrait de l’Autre, ni Soi ni l’Autre n’étant un, mais multiple, divers/divisĂ© est une poĂ©thique (poĂ©tique et Ă©thique) liĂ©e Ă  un engagement personnel de l’écrivain-cinĂ©aste pour une redĂ©finition de l’image de l’Afrique sur les Ă©crans. En ce sens, son travail se fait notamment, du moins implicitement, contre un certain cinĂ©ma ethnographique dont Jean Rouch a Ă©tĂ© la figure de proue avec des documentaires comme Les MaĂźtres fous (1954) ou Mammy Water (1966).This article begins with a brief sketch of the intellectual biography of SembĂšne Ousmane (his real name, Ousmane SembĂšne being his pen name) in order to highlight the connections between his productions and his life as a Senegalese. At the same time, looking at the progression of the titles of his novels from French to Wolof, from Docker noir (1956) to Xala (1973), it attemps to explain his passage from novel writing to filmmaking. Secondly, we look at the internal consistency of his films from La Noire de... (1966) to MoolaadĂ© (2004), with Mandabi (1968), Ceddo (1976) or Camp de Thiaroye (1988) in between. These films all centre around a crisis caused by an encounter with an Other (or Others), more specifically the sudden introduction of multiple foreign elements into a social setting, thereby provoking confrontation/transformation. This double counter-ethnography, portrayal of the Self, portrayal of the Other, neither being One but Many, multiplied/divided is poethics (poetics and ethics) linked to a personal commitment of the writer-filmmaker to redefine the image of Africa on the screen. In this sense, his work runs counter, notably if implicitly, to a certain type of ethnographic film of which Jean Rouch was the figurehead with his documentaries Les MaĂźtres fous (1954) or Mammy Water (1966)

    Le labyrinthe des ayants droit

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    À partir d’une analyse des difficultĂ©s rencontrĂ©es ou posĂ©es pour consulter, reproduire ou diffuser (totalement ou partiellement) des documents Ă©crits ou audio-visuels d’AimĂ© CĂ©saire, de Saint-John Perse, FrankĂ©tienne et Boisrond-Tonnerre, qui sont archivĂ©s ou non, cet article appelle Ă  la simplification et l’harmonisation des rĂšgles d’accĂšs aux archives, et la mise en place d’un ensemble de procĂ©dures pour traiter avec les titulaires de droit d’auteur qui soit efficace et Ă©quitable pour toutes les parties.In the wake of an analysis of the difficulties encountered or envisioned to consult, reproduce, distribute or broadcast (fully or partially) written or audio-visual documents by AimĂ© CĂ©saire, Saint-John Perse, FrankĂ©tienne and Boisrond-Tonnerre, which are archived or not, this article calls for a simplification and an harmonization of the rules to access to archives, and the establishment of a standard set of procedures to deal with copyright holders that be efficient and fair for all parties

    Des éditions génétiques haïtiennes : pourquoi ? pour qui ? comment ?

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    Partant des questions de Sartre dans Qu’est-ce que la littĂ©rature ?, cet article met en lumiĂšre le Pourquoi, le Pour qui, et le Comment d’une entreprise d’édition gĂ©nĂ©tique d’Ɠuvres haĂŻtiennes, plus particuliĂšrement de DĂ©zafi/Les Affres d’un dĂ©fi de FrankĂ©tienne. En effet, pour la pĂ©riode contemporaine, ces Ɠuvres sont fort caractĂ©ristiques des productions littĂ©raires haĂŻtiennes avec leur double tension : d’une part, linguistique – langue de la majoritĂ© de la population (l’haĂŻtien)/langue principale des productions littĂ©raires (le français) – ; d’autre part spatiale – l’ici de la reprĂ©sentation/l’ailleurs des procĂšs de production et de consĂ©cration. Enfin, sur le plan thĂ©orique, il montre comment une telle recherche peut contribuer Ă  enrichir la gĂ©nĂ©tique textuelle, notamment sur le plan des traductions auctoriales et de la stylistique comparĂ©e.Taking as its starting point Sartre’s questions in What is Literature ?, this article highlights the “Why”, the “ “For whom”, and the “How” of a genetic edition of Haitian works, in particular [of] FrankĂ©tienne’s DĂ©safi/Les Affres d’un dĂ©fi. Indeed, these works are characteristic of contemporary Haitian literature. At play here is a twofold pressure : on the one hand a linguistic tension, the majority of the population’s language (Haitian) vs. the main language of literary productions (French), on the other, a spatial tension, the Here of representation vs. the Elsewhere of production and recognition processes. Finally, on a theoretical level, this article shows how such an analysis can enrich textual genetics, in particular for auctorial translations and compared stylistics.Partiendo de las preguntas que Sartre plantea en ÂżQuĂ© es la literatura ?, este artĂ­culo estudia el Por quĂ©, el Para quiĂ©n y el CĂłmo de una ediciĂłn genĂ©tica de obras haitianas, y mĂĄs particularmente de los textos DĂ©zafi y Les Affres d’un dĂ©fi de FrankĂ©tienne. En efecto, estas obras son muy caracterĂ­sticas de las producciones literarias del periodo contemporĂĄneo, con su doble tensiĂłn : por una parte, lingĂŒĂ­stica -idioma de la mayorĂ­a de la poblaciĂłn (el haitiano)/idioma principal de las producciones literarias (el fran-cĂ©s)-, por otra parte, espacial -el aquĂ­ de la representaciĂłn/el allĂĄ de los procesos de producciĂłn y consagraciĂłn. Finalmente, este estudio demuestra, a nivel teĂłrico, hasta que punto una investigaciĂłn de este tipo puede contribuir a enriquecer la genĂ©tica textual, en particular, en lo que se refiere a las traducciones autorales y a la estilĂ­stica comparada.Ausgehend von den Fragen Sartres in Qu’est-ce que la littĂ©rature ? beleuchtet dieser Beitrag das Was, das FĂŒr wen, und das Wie einer Unternehmung genetischer Ausgaben haitischer Literatur insbesondere von DĂ©zafi/Les Affres d’un dĂ©fi von FrankĂ©tienne. In der Tat sind diese Werke, was die zeitgenössische Periode betrifft, sehr charakteristisch fĂŒr die haitische, literarische Produktion, mit ihrer doppelten Spannung : zum einen sprachlich – die Sprache der Bevölkerungsmehrheit (das Haitische)/Hauptsprache der literarischen Produktion (das Französische) – ; zum anderen rĂ€umlich – das Hier der Darstellung/das Woanders der Produktions- und BestĂ€tigungsprozesse. Schließlich zeigt sich auf theoretischer Ebene, wie solche Forschungsarbeit bereichernd zu einer Textgenetik beitragen kann, insbesondere auf der Ebene auktorialer Übersetzung und vergleichender Stilistik.A Partire dalle questioni di Sartre in Qu’est-ce que la littĂ©rature ?, questo articolo mette in luce il PerchĂ©, il Per chi, et il Come di un’iniziativa di edizione genetica di opere haitiane, piĂč particolarmente di DĂ©zafi/Les Affres d’un dĂ©fi di FrankĂ©tienne. In effetti, per il periodo contemporaneo queste opere sono emblematiche delle produzioni letterarie haitiane, con la loro duplice tensione : da una parte linguistica - lingua della maggioranza della popolazione (l’haitiano)/lingua principale delle produzioni letterarie (il francese) ; dall’altra spaziale - il qui della rappresentazione/l’altrove dei processi di produzione e consacrazione. Infine, sul piano teorico si mostra come tale ricerca possa contribuire a arricchire la genetica testuale, propriamente delle traduzioni d’autore e della stilistica comparata.Com base nas perguntas de Sartre em Qu’est-ce que la littĂ©rature ?, este artigo pĂ”e em destaque o PorquĂȘ, o Para quem, e o Como de um empreendimento de edição genĂ©tica de obras haitianas, mais particularmente de DĂ©zafi/Les Affres d’un dĂ©fi de FrankĂ©tienne. Com efeito, para o perĂ­odo contemporĂąneo, estas obras sĂŁo muito caracterĂ­sticas das produçÔes literĂĄrias haitianas com a sua dupla tensĂŁo : por um lado, linguĂ­stica – lĂ­ngua da maioria da população (o haitiano)/langue principal das produçÔes literĂĄrias (o francĂȘs) – ; por outro lado, espacial – o aqui da representação/o outro lugar dos processos de produção e de consagração. Por Ășltimo, no plano teĂłrico, ele mostra como essa investigação pode contribuir para enriquecer a genĂ©tica textual, nomeadamente no plano das traduçÔes autorais e da estilĂ­stica comparada

    Understanding Sleep in Pediatric Patients with Sickle Cell Disease Admitted for Vaso-Occlusive Pain Crisis through Objective Data

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    Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited red cell disorder that leads to sickling of red blood cells, anemia and vaso-occlusion. The most common reason for hospitalization and morbidity in children is pain due to vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC). Importantly, poor sleep quality can lead to increased pain the subsequent day and nocturnal pain leads to reduced deep sleep, both which can then modify pain sensitivity. Studies using sleep diaries have shown this cyclical relationship between sleep and pain. Frequent occurrences of restless sleep are therefore believed to contribute to an increased severity and intensity of pain episodes. There is very little data, however, looking at objective data such as vital signs to define sleep in patients with SCD admitted for VOC. We aimed to make comparisons between sleep hours and daytime hours for pain scores, patient controlled analgesia (PCA) usage and vital sign data in effort to better define and understand sleep in SCD


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    Ce premier dossier de la revue « Continents manuscrits » propose un tour d’horizon des recherches en cours dans le domaine des genĂšses littĂ©raires en Afrique et dans la CaraĂŻbe. Cela fait cinq ans maintenant que l’équipe « manuscrits francophones du Sud » de l’Institut des Textes et Manuscrits modernes (ITEM, CNRS/ENS) a ouvert un vaste chantier de fouilles dans le champ littĂ©raire africain et caribĂ©en, Ă  la recherche de massifs et d’ülots manuscrits disparus ou en pĂ©ril. Pour deux objectifs ..

    AAPT Diagnostic Criteria for Chronic Sickle Cell Disease Pain

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    Pain in sickle cell disease (SCD) is associated with increased morbidity, mortality, and high health care costs. Although episodic acute pain is the hallmark of this disorder, there is an increasing awareness that chronic pain is part of the pain experience of many older adolescents and adults. A common set of criteria for classifying chronic pain associated with SCD would enhance SCD pain research efforts in epidemiology, pain mechanisms, and clinical trials of pain management interventions, and ultimately improve clinical assessment and management. As part of the collaborative effort between the Analgesic, Anesthetic, and Addiction Clinical Trial Translations Innovations Opportunities and Networks public-private partnership with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the American Pain Society, the Analgesic, Anesthetic, and Addiction Clinical Trial Translations Innovations Opportunities and Networks-American Pain Society Pain Taxonomy initiative developed the outline of an optimal diagnostic system for chronic pain conditions. Subsequently, a working group of experts in SCD pain was convened to generate core diagnostic criteria for chronic pain associated with SCD. The working group synthesized available literature to provide evidence for the dimensions of this disease-specific pain taxonomy. A single pain condition labeled chronic SCD pain was derived with 3 modifiers reflecting different clinical features. Future systematic research is needed to evaluate the feasibility, validity, and reliability of these criteria. Perspective: An evidence-based classification system for chronic SCD pain was constructed for the Analgesic, Anesthetic, and Addiction Clinical Trial Translations Innovations Opportunities and Networks-American Pain Society Pain Taxonomy initiative. Applying this taxonomy may improve assessment and management of SCD pain and accelerate research on epidemiology, mechanisms, and treatments for chronic SCD pain
