131 research outputs found


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    Fertilization and larval development determine the coral population survivalof species, which has adifference characteristic of embryogenesis. This research wasaimed to compare the embryo and larvaldevelopment spawned in November 2011 in Grear Barrier Reef, Australia.Embryonic cellsdevelopment wereobserved in interval timesfrom one cell of egg tomulticellular stage (prawnchip), and larval developmentobserved from the prawnchip stageto the planulae.The results showed the development of embryos and larvaesignificantly differed between two species, i.e. embryos and larvae of Acropora millepora grew faster thanA.tenuis. The maximum size of planulae larvae of A. millepora (800-1000 μm) is biggerthan A. tenuis (650-900μm). Embryo and larvae development were different due to species variability, hence this reseach can beadapted for laboratory proccess of coral larvae nursery. Keywords: embryo, planulae, Acropora millepora, A. Tenui

    Metabolic responses of a phototrophic sponge to sedimentation supports transitions to sponge-dominated reefs

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    Declines in coral abundance have been linked to increased sedimentation at many locations across the world and at some of these locations there have been subsequent increases in sponge abundance. These shifts appear counterintuitive as sponges are suspension feeders and many rely on photosymbionts for carbon. At a sedimented reef in Indonesia (Wakatobi) corals have declined and the photoautotrophic sponge Lamellodysidea herbacea is now abundant. We hypothesise that this is partly due to L. herbacea's ability to clear its tissues of high levels of settled-sediment and compensate for associated metabolic demands by altering its respiration rate. Negligible detrimental effects to sponge tissue were observed after treatments up to five times the sedimentation rate of the highly sedimented reef. Rapid sediment clearance occurred that was potentially aided by mucus production. Finally, high sediment exposure caused an immediate reduction in respiration rate, likely due to reduced pumping to prevent clogging, whereas sustained high sedimentation caused an increase in respiration rate, potentially due to the energetic cost of mucus production. Our study provides evidence that some sponges can tolerate environments that appear unsuitable to many corals and with increased sedimentation this acclimation may support further transitions to sponge dominated reefs in the future

    Suorituskykyinen palvelinohjelmisto reaaliaikaiselle web-sovellukselle

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    Tiivistelmä. Internetin yleistymisen myötä selainten ominaisuudet ovat laajentuneet, ja nykyään web-teknologiat mahdollistavat alustariippumattoman ja kustannustehokkaan sovelluskehityksen. Interaktiiviset web-sovellukset luovat tarpeen palvelinohjelmistolle, joka kykenee tarjoamaan reaaliaikaisia resursseja suurelle määrälle samanaikaisia käyttäjiä. Tässä työssä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan skaalautuva palvelinjärjestelmä reaaliaikaiselle web-sovellukselle. Järjestelmän skaalauksen tarkoituksena on saavuttaa kyky palvella mahdollisimman suurta määrää yhtäaikaisia käyttäjiä. Käyttäjien tulee pystyä olemaan keskenään interaktiivisessa kanssakäymisessä jaettujen resurssien kautta. Järjestelmän suunnittelufilosofiana on, että tapahtumat välittyvät järjestelmästä niistä kiinnostuneille tahoille ilman, että mikään järjestelmän osa hakee minkään resurssin tilaa toistuvasti uudestaan. Sen sijaan resurssien muutokset ja muut viestit lähetetään suoraan niistä kiinnostuneille tahoille heti, kun ne tapahtuvat. Järjestelmän arkkitehtuurin vaatimuksiksi muodostuvat reaaliaikaisuus, interaktiivisuus, skaalautuvuus ja suorituskyky. Työssä käsitellään vaatimusten vaikutuksia järjestelmän arkkitehtuuriin ja sitä käyttävien ohjelmistojen suunnitteluun. Lisäksi arvioidaan järjestelmän soveltuvuutta erilaisten sovellusten käyttöön sekä sen arkkitehtuurin heikkouksia. Myös erilaisten ohjelmistokomponenttien skaalaaminen, suunnittelun kannalta olennaiset tekniikat sekä järjestelmän toteutuksessa käytetyt teknologiat käydään läpi. Järjestelmän arkkitehtuurivaatimusten täyttymisen arvioimiseksi toteutetaan esimerkkisovelluksen suorittamiseen käytettävä järjestelmä, jota testataan simuloimalla suuria määriä sovellusta käyttäviä käyttäjiä. Testeissä mitataan järjestelmän suorituskykyä ja skaalautuvuutta, ja tulosten avulla voidaan arvioida, miten skaalauksen kasvattamisella voidaan parantaa järjestelmän suorituskykyä. Tulosten avulla arvioidaan myös järjestelmän suunnittelun vaatimusten täyttymistä ja skaalauksen toimivuutta käytännössä. Lisäksi käydään läpi mahdollisia tapoja parantaa järjestelmän suorituskykyä. Tulokset olivat hyviä. Testien aikana järjestelmä pystyi käsittelemään parhaimmillaan lähes 5000 viestiä sekunnissa yli tuhannelta samanaikaiselta simuloidulta käyttäjältä. Tulosten perusteella järjestelmän suorituskykyvaatimuksen voidaan katsoa täyttyvän. Myös interaktiivisuus- ja skaalautumisvaatimusten katsotaan täyttyvän, sillä interaktiivisia toimintoja sisältävän esimerkkisovelluksen suorituskykyä voitiin merkitävästi parantaa muuttamalla järjestelmän osien skaalausta. Työn lopuksi käydään läpi järjestelmän jatkokehitysmahdollisuuksia pilvipalveluun siirtymisen osalta.High-performance server software for real-time web application. Abstract. With the spread of the Internet, the capabilities of browsers have expanded, and today’s web technologies enable platform-independent and cost-effective application development. Interactive web applications create a need for server software, capable of providing real-time resources to a large number of concurrent users. In this thesis, a scalable server system is designed and implemented for a real-time web application. The purpose of scaling is to achieve the ability to serve maximum number of simultaneous users. Users must be able to interact with each other through common shared resources. The design philosophy of the system is, that events are transmitted from the system to interested parties without any part of the system repeatedly fetching the state of any resource. Instead, resource changes and other messages are sent directly to interested parties immediately, when they happen. The requirements for the system’s architecture are real-time, interactivity, scalability and performance. The thesis discusses the effects of requirements on the system’s architecture and on to the design of the software that uses it. In addition, the system’s suitability for different applications is evaluated as well as the weaknesses of its architecture. The scaling of different software components, technologies relevant to design and the technologies used in the system’s implementation are also discussed. In order to evaluate the architectural requirements of the system, a test system is implemented to execute an example application. The system is tested by simulating large numbers of users using the example application. The tests measure system performance and scalability, and the results are used to assess, how increasing scaling can improve system performance. The results are also used to evaluate the fulfillment of the system design requirements and functionality of scaling in practice. In addition, possible ways to improve system performance are reviewed. The results were good. The system could handle almost 5000 messages per second with over a thousand simultaneous simulated users. The performance requirement of the system can therefore be considered met. Interactivity and scalability requirements are also considered met, as the performance of the example application containing interactive functions could be significantly improved by changing the scaling of system components. At the end of the thesis, future work is discussed in terms of moving the system to a cloud platform

    Larvae of the Coral Acropora tenuis (Dana 1846) settle under controlled light intensity

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    Coral restoration using sexual reproduction could have many advantages over the currently more widely used asexual reproduction methods, in particular for maintaining genetic biodiversity. On-going research on controlled sexual reproduction of corals is seeking ways to achieve higher larval settlement and survival rates. Metamorphic settlement is a critical phase for the survival of coral larvae, due to morphological changes as well as threats of predation and competition. This study aimed to identify the effects of light intensity and substrate positioning on the metamorphosis of competent planula stage larvae. Five day old larvae of the Indo-Pacific coral Acropora tenuis (Dana 1846) were obtained from coral spawning under laboratory conditions. The light intensity experiments used 4 treatments: 170, 130, 90 and 45 μmol.m-2.s-1. Substrate positioning experiment treatments were vertical and horizontal orientations of the settlement plates. Coral larval settlement was not significantly correlated with light intensity, despite the higher settlement rates observed under light intensities between 130-170 μmol.m-2.s-1. The highest rate of settlement occurred on the ninth day post fertilisation and was significantly higher (α<0.05, df:2) than the rates on day seven and day eleven. The number of coral larvae settling on horizontal substrate was significantly higher compared to vertical plates, with a ratio of 11:1. This understanding of the factors affecting larval metamorphosis and settlement, in particular the importance of light intensity and substrate orientation, could be applied in the on-going efforts to mass produce juvenile corals for coral reef restoration

    Perkembangan Larva dalam Embriogenesis Karang Acropora Hasil Pemijahan Ex-situ

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    Fertilization and larval development determine the coral population survivalof species, which has adifference characteristic of embryogenesis. This research wasaimed to compare the embryo and larvaldevelopment spawned in November 2011 in Grear Barrier Reef, Australia.Embryonic cellsdevelopment wereobserved in interval timesfrom one cell of egg tomulticellular stage (prawnchip), and larval developmentobserved from the prawnchip stageto the planulae.The results showed the development of embryos and larvaesignificantly differed between two species, i.e. embryos and larvae of Acropora millepora grew faster thanA.tenuis. The maximum size of planulae larvae of A. millepora (800-1000 μm) is biggerthan A. tenuis (650-900μm). Embryo and larvae development were different due to species variability, hence this reseach can beadapted for laboratory proccess of coral larvae nursery

    Increasing Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Temperature on Growth and Histopathology of Tropic Macroalgae Halimeda SP

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    The increasing CO2 concentration and temperature affected growth, chlorophyll content, calcium content, and histological tissue of tropical macroalgae Halimeda sp. The study was conducted to examine the interaction effect of the increased CO2 concentration and temperature on growth, chlorophyll-a content, calcium content, and histological tissue of tropical macroalgae Halimeda sp in a laboratory. Research was set with a completely randomized factorial design at 3 levels of factors (A) the CO2 concentration: 385 ppm (ambient), 750 ppm (medium), 1000 ppm (high), and 3 levels of factor (B) the temperature: 30oC, 32oC, 34oC. Microcolony of macroalgae Halimeda sp were selected and obtained from the Lae-lae island then growing in the aquarium 30 x 30 x 45 cm3. Biological parameters observed were growth rate (total, specific and relative), chlorophyll-a content, calcium content, and histopathology tissue. The results showed that the increased of CO2 concentration and temperature negatively affected on the growth of Halimeda sp, reduced of the growth rate, the chlorophyll-a content, calcium content and damaged to histopatology tissue of the Halimeda sp at trophical macroalgae

    Bakteri Assosiasi Di Karang Batu (Skleractinian) Yang Terinfeksi Penyakit Tumor (Growth Anomalies) Yang Berasal Dari Pulau Salemo Kabupaten Pangkep

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    Coral disease is one of the threats to the health of coral but is not yet widely known. This study was conducted todetermine the types of bacterial associations in hard corals infected with growth anomaly (GA). Coral samplesinfected with GA disease were taken by using SCUBA tool on Salemo Island, Mattiro Bombang Village, PangkepDistrict. Bacterial isolation was performed by removing mucus from corals infected by growth anomaly by 1ml and diluted to dilution 10-3 . Purification of bacteria is done by inoculating the solid medium of Marine Agar.Furthermore, Gram staining and biochemical tests were performed. Bacterial identification was performed basedon colony morphology and biochemical reaction test results. The results showed that GA disease can infectcoral Porites, Acropora digitate, Platygyra and pocillopora . Bacteria are found from the genus Flavobacterium,Acinetobacter and, Neiseria

    Pemetaan Spasio-temporal Ikan-ikan Herbivora di Kepulauan Spermonde, Sulawesi Selatan [Spatio-temporal Mapping Of Herbivorous Fishes At Spermonde Islands, South Sulawesi]

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    Ikan herbivora di terumbu karang menjadi salah satu indikator tingkat kesehatan ekosistem. Pada terumbu karang yang sehat biasanya ditandai dengan kelimpahan ikan herbivora yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan distribusi spasial dan temporal ikan herbivora dalam kaitannya dengan kondisi kesehatan karang. Pendataan jumlah jenis dan kepadatan ikan herbivora dengan metode transek sabuk dan pencacahan dengan teknik visual sensus, sedangkan penilaian kesehatan karang dengan metode transek kuadran. Data sebaran diplot dengan teknik pemetaan sedangkan data kepadatan dikelompokkan berdasarkan pulau dan dianalisis perbedaannya dengan analisis ragam. Hubungan antara kepadatan ikan herbivora dengan kesehatan karang dilakukan dengan menggunakan regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata kepadatan ikan herbivora periode April-Agustus dengan kisaran 0,014-0,532 ekor.m-2. Hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan kepadatan ikan herbivora antarpulau. Hubungan antara kepadatan ikan herbivora dengan kondisi kesehatan karang berkorelasi positif dan nyat

    Spatial variation in the benthic community composition of coral reefs in the Wakatobi Marine National Park, Indonesia: updated baselines and limited benthic community shifts.

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    Coral reefs have experienced extensive degradation across the world over the last 50 years as a result of a variety of stressors operating at a range of spatial and temporal scales. In order to assess whether declines are continuing, or if reefs are recovering, detailed baseline information is required from across wide spatial scales. Unfortunately, for some regions this information is not readily available, making future reef trajectories difficult to determine. Here we characterized the current benthic community state for coral reefs in the Wakatobi region of Indonesia, one of the most biodiverse marine regions in the world. We surveyed 10 reef sites (5, 10 and 15 m depth) to explore spatial variation in coral reef benthic communities and provide a detailed baseline. Previous data (2002–2011) were available for coral, sponges, algae and soft coral at six of our study sites. Using this information, we determined if any changes had occurred in dominance of these benthic groups. We found that benthic assemblage composition differed significantly over relatively small spatial scales (2–10 km) and hard coral cover was highly variable, ranging from 7–48% (average 19.5% ± 1.5 SE). While coral cover appears to have declined at all sites where data were available since 2002, we found little evidence for widespread increases in other benthic groups or regime shifts. Our study provides a comprehensive baseline dataset for the region that can be used in the future to determine rates of change in benthic communities