2,353 research outputs found

    Types of ectomycorrhizae on beech seedlings (Fagus sylvatica L.) in rhizotrons

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    Natural processes or human activities affect environmental conditions, as reflected in the structure of the communities and the level of ectomycorrhizalfungi. The aim of the study was to determine the potential impacts of several temperature regimes of air and soil (substrate) on the occurrence and species diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi in symbiosis and in the substrate. For this purpose, we analyzed the occurrence of types of ectomycorrhizae on beech seedlings in rhizotrons exposed to four different environmental temperature conditions: 1) air 15-25°C, 2) air 15-25°C in combination with cooling of roots for 5°C, 3) elevated air temperature from 30-50°C, and 4) ambiental conditions (air temperature in Ljubljana). Types of ectomycorrhizae were identified with a combined approach of anatomical morphological characterisation and with analysis of molecular markers (ITS1-5.8S rDNA-ITS2 ribosomal region in rDNA). We identified a total of 6 types of ectomycorrhizae on 51 root tips on 40 beech seedlings. The diversity of ectomycorrhizal types was the highest in terms of near-optimal growth conditions of beech. Most similar as far as species diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi are concerned were the experiments with air temperature of 15-25°C with or without cooling of the root system. The commonest ectomycorrhizal species was Hebeloma sacchariolens, which was also the most commonly seen species in fine roots of dead plants. Selected species of ectomycorrhizal fungi were further substantiated with DGGE method in all analyzed substrate samples

    Types of ectomycorrhizae on beech seedlings (Fagus sylvatica L.) in rhizotrons

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    Naravni procesi ali dejavnost človeka vplivajo na razmere v okolju, kar se zrcali v sestavi ektomikoriznih združb. V raziskavi smo želeli ugotavljati morebitne vplive več temperaturnih režimov zraka in tal (substrata) na pojavljanje in vrstno pestrost tipov ektomikorize na koreninskih vršičkih sadik bukve in v substratu. V ta namen smo analizirali pojavljanje tipov ektomikorize na sadikah bukve v rizotronih, izpostavljenih štirim temperaturnim razmeram v okolju: 1.) zrak 15-25 °C2.) zrak 15-25 °C v kombinaciji s hlajenim koreninskim sistemom za 5 °C3.) povišana temperatura zraka od 30-50 °C in 4.) zunanja (ambientalna) temperatura zraka v Ljubljani. Tipe ektomikorize smo identificirali s kombiniranim pristopom po anatomsko morfoloških znakih in z analizo molekularnih markerjev (ITS1-5.8S rDNK-ITS2 ribosomalna regija v rDNK). Na 51 koreninskih vršičkih 40 sadik smo identificirali 6 tipov ektomikorize. Pestrost ektomikoriznih tipov je bila največja pri razmerah blizu optimalnih za rast bukve. Po vrstni sestavi združbe ektomikoriznih gliv sta si najbolj podobna poskusa s temperaturo zraka15-25 °C z ali brez hlajenja koreninskega sistema. Najpogostejša ektomikorizna vrsta je bila Hebeloma sacchariolens, ki je bila tudi najpogosteje opažena vrsta na drobnih koreninah odmrlih sadik. Izbrane vrste ektomikoriznih gliv smo z metodo DGGE dokazali tudi v vseh analiziranih vzorcih substrata.Natural processes or human activities affect environmental conditions, as reflected in the structure of the communities and the level of ectomycorrhizalfungi. The aim of the study was to determine the potential impacts of several temperature regimes of air and soil (substrate) on the occurrence and species diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi in symbiosis and in the substrate. For this purpose, we analyzed the occurrence of types of ectomycorrhizae on beech seedlings in rhizotrons exposed to four different environmental temperature conditions: 1) air 15-25°C, 2) air 15-25°C in combination with cooling of roots for 5°C, 3) elevated air temperature from 30-50°C, and 4) ambiental conditions (air temperature in Ljubljana). Types of ectomycorrhizae were identified with a combined approach of anatomical morphological characterisation and with analysis of molecular markers (ITS1-5.8S rDNA-ITS2 ribosomal region in rDNA). We identified a total of 6 types of ectomycorrhizae on 51 root tips on 40 beech seedlings. The diversity of ectomycorrhizal types was the highest in terms of near-optimal growth conditions of beech. Most similar as far as species diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi are concerned were the experiments with air temperature of 15-25°C with or without cooling of the root system. The commonest ectomycorrhizal species was Hebeloma sacchariolens, which was also the most commonly seen species in fine roots of dead plants. Selected species of ectomycorrhizal fungi were further substantiated with DGGE method in all analyzed substrate samples

    Potensi Antagonistik Bakteri Lactobacillus Plantarum Terhadap Bakteri Patogen Aeromonas Salmonicida Secara in Vitro [the Potential Antagonistic Bacterium Lactobacillus Plantarum Against Bacterial Pathogens Aeromonas Salmonicida by in Vitro]

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    Problems were often experienced by fish farmers is bacterial pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida which causes furunculosis disease in fish. The way to control the growth of this pathogenic bacteria was using antagonist bacteria of Lactobacillus plantarum. Growth of L. plantarum may inhibit contamination of pathogenic bacterial because of its ability to produce bacteriocins, produce lactic, moreover that these bacteria can produce hydrogen peroxide which can function as an antibacterial. This research aimed to provide information on the use of bacterial antagonists L. plantarum in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria A. salmonicida on In Vitro. This research was conducted on October 2012 until January 2013 at dry laboratory in Fisheries and Marine Faculty of Airlangga University Surabaya. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments and four replications. Bacteria L. plantarum with 0 concentration for control (A), 106 (B), 107 (C), 108 (D), 109 (E) tested challenge by paper disc method with 106 concentrate of pathogenic bacteria A. salmonicida in vitro. The results showed that L. plantarum with a concentration of 109 CFU/ml (E) was a treatment that produced average of obstacle on the distribution of A. salmonicida amounted to 12,375 mm. Then the treatment with a concentration of 108 CFU/ml (D) with the average of obstacle 8,95 mm. While treatment with a concentration of 107 CFU/ml (C) and 106 CFU/ml (B) was having average of obstacle 6.8 mm and 6 mm was not significantly different from the control (A) which had an average 6 mm obstacle. So it could be concluded that bacteria L. plantarum had antagonistic potential against bacterial pathogens A.salmonicida which indicated by the obstacle produced by L. plantarum on growth of pathogenic bacteria A.salmonicida

    Accueil des lycéens dans les bibliothèques de l\u27enseignement supérieur (L\u27)

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    Les lycéens constituent un public encore mal connu des bibliothèques de l’enseignement supérieur. Pourtant, leur accueil représente un enjeu réel, non seulement parce que leurs besoins méritent d’être identifiés avec précision, mais également parce qu’ils sont eux-mêmes de futurs étudiants pour qui la fréquentation de la bibliothèque constitue l’un des premiers contacts avec l’université et les services qu’elle propose. En mai 2016, la commission Pédagogie et documentation de l’ADBU a donc adressé, auprès de ses membres, un questionnaire d’enquête portant sur l’accueil des publics lycéens en bibliothèque. Parmi les 165 établissements ayant répondu à ce questionnaire, 141 accueillaient des lycéens d’une manière ou d’une autre. L’ensemble de ces établissements répondants constitue l’échantillon retenu et se situe dans toute la France, métropolitaine et ultramarin

    Fractal Kelvin-Helmholtz breakups

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    The Kelvin–Helmholtz billow developing in an infinite- Schmidt number mixing layer at Re=1500 between two density-contrasted fluids experiences a two-dimensional shear instability. Secondary Kelvin–Helmholtz billows are seen to emerge on the light side of the primary structure, and then are advected towards the core of the main billow as the wave overturns. Due to the inertial baroclinic vorticity production, the braid region turns into a sharp vorticity ridge holding high shear levels and is thus sensitized to the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability. We carry out numerical simulations of the temporal development of the secondary mode when the flow is seeded at t=18 with the perturbation obtained from a linear stability analysis of the primary billow

    Galhadores (Cecidomyiidae, Diptera) em Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae): descrições e biologia

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    Five new species of gall makers (Cecidomyiidae, Diptera) associated with Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae) are described and illustrated from Carapebus, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil : Lopesia caulinaris, L.conspicua, L. elliptica, L. linearis and Contarinia gemmae. Some biological and ecological data are given.Cinco espécies novas galhadoras (Cecidomyiidae, Diptera) associadas com Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae) são descritas e ilustradas de Carapebus, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Lopesia caulinaris, L. conspicua, L. elliptica, L. linearis and Contarinia gemmae. Algumas informações biológicas e ecológicas são fornecidas

    Synthèse de la journée d\u27étude sur L\u27indexation des ressources pédagogiques numériques

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    Synthèse de la journée d\u27étude "L\u27indexation des ressources pédagogiques numériques : un partenariat à créer entre les SCD et les services TICE au sein des universités" organisée par l\u27ENSSIB le 16 novembre 2004

    Изучение влияния сроков черенкования и концентрации ИМК на укореняемость некоторых сортов сирени обыкновенной (siringa vulgaris L.)

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    В результате эксперимента по укоренению нескольких популярных сортов сирени обыкновенной (siringa vulgaris L.), таких как "Мечта", "Buffon", "President Grevy", "Charles Joly" и "Jeanne d`Arc", были выявлены оптимальные сроки черенкования и концентрация индолилмасляной кислот

    Developing the host for targeted integration cell line development

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    Unlike the conventional random integration (RI) cell line development (CLD), the targeted integration (TI) CLD introduces the transgene at a predetermined “hot-spot” in the CHO genome with a defined copy number (1-2 copies). Given the low copy number and the pretested integration site, TI cell lines likely exhibit better stability compared to RI cell lines. In this study, we performed a genome wide screening using transposon based cassette integration and established a TI host (255-3) that has a single landing cassette inserted in its genome. Host 255-3 was able to support the CLD for three test molecules with product titers similar to those of the corresponding RI cell lines. For two regular antibody test cases, the top four TI cell lines achieved ~4-5g/L. For a proven difficult to express antibody, the top four TI lines achieved ~1-1.2g/L. The product titer for this hard to express molecule was increased 3-fold with additional vector improvement. Moreover, the timeline for CLD was shortened by ~2 weeks and resources required per cell line were substantially reduced using the TI method. Together these data indicate that the TI host we developed can be a suitable host to support our clinical / commercial CLD