14 research outputs found

    How important is thermodynamics for identifying elementary flux modes?

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    International audienceWe present a method for computing thermodynamically feasible elementary flux modes (tEFMs) using equilibrium constants without need of internal metabolite concentrations. The method is compared with the method based on a binary distinction between reversible and irreversible reactions. When all reactions are reversible, adding the constraints based on equilibrium constants reduces the number of elementary flux modes (EFMs) by a factor of two. Declaring in advance some reactions as irreversible, based on reliable biochemical expertise, can in general reduce the number of EFMs by a greater factor. But, even in this case, computing tEFMs can rule out some EFMs which are biochemically irrelevant. We applied our method to two published models described with binary distinction: the monosaccharide metabolism and the central carbon metabolism of Chinese hamster ovary cells. The results show that the binary distinction is in good agreement with biochemical observations. Moreover, the suppression of the EFMs that are not consistent with the equilibrium constants appears to be biologically relevant

    A dynamic metabolic flux analysis of ABE (acetone-butanol-ethanol) fermentation by Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824, with riboflavin as a by-product

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    International audienceThe present study reveals that supplementing sodium acetate (NaAc) strongly stimulates riboflavin production in acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentation by Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 with xylose as carbon source. Riboflavin production increased from undetectable concentrations to approximate to 0.2gL(-1) (0.53mM) when supplementing 60mM NaAc. Of interest, solvents production and biomass yield were also promoted with fivefold acetone, 2.6-fold butanol, and 2.4-fold biomass adding NaAc. A kinetic metabolic model, developed to simulate ABE biosystem, with riboflavin production, revealed from a dynamic metabolic flux analysis (dMFA) simultaneous increase of riboflavin (ribA) and GTP (precursor of riboflavin) (PurM) synthesis flux rates under NaAc supplementation. The model includes 23 fluxes, 24 metabolites, and 72 kinetic parameters. It also suggested that NaAc condition has first stimulated the accumulation of intracellular metabolite intermediates during the acidogenic phase, which have then fed the solventogenic phase leading to increased ABE production. In addition, NaAc resulted in higher intracellular levels of NADH during the whole culture. Moreover, lower GTP-to-adenosine phosphates (ATP, ADP, AMP) ratio under NaAc supplemented condition suggests that GTP may have a minor role in the cell energetic metabolism compared to its contribution to riboflavin synthesis

    A kinetic metabolic study of lipid production in Chlorella protothecoides under heterotrophic condition

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    International audienceBackgroundMicroalgae have been proposed as potential platform to produce lipid-derived products, such as biofuels. Knowledge on the intracellular carbon flow distribution may identify key metabolic processes during lipid synthesis thus refining culture/genetic strategies to maximize cell lipid productivity. A kinetic metabolic model simulating cell metabolic behavior and lipid production was first applied in the microalgae platform Chlorella protothecoides under heterotrophic condition. It combines both physiology and flux information in a kinetic approach. Cell nutrition, growth, lipid production and almost 30 metabolic intermediates covering central carbon metabolism were included and simulated.ResultsModel simulations were shown to adequately agree with experimental data, which is suggesting that the proposed model copes with Chlorella protothecoides cells’ biology. The dynamic metabolic flux analysis using the model showed a reversible starch flux from accumulation to decomposing when glucose reached depletion, while net lipid flux shows a quasi-constant rate. The sensitive flux parameters on starch and lipid metabolism suggested that starch synthesis is the major competing pathway that affects lipid accumulation in C. protothecoides. Flux analysis also demonstrated that high lipid yield under heterotrophic condition is accompanied with high lipid flux and low TCA activity. Meanwhile, the dynamic flux distribution also suggests a relatively constant ratio of glucose distributed to biomass, lipid, starch, nucleotides as well as pentose phosphate pathway.ConclusionThe model described not only experimental data, but also unraveled intracellular carbon flow distribution and identify key metabolic processes during lipid synthesis. Most of the metabolic kinetics also showed statistical significance for metabolic mechanism. Therefore, this study unravels the mechanisms of the glucose impact on the dynamic carbon flux distribution, thus improving our understanding of the links between carbon fluxes and lipid metabolism in C. protothecoides

    Metabolic therapies inhibit tumor growth in vivo and in silico

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    Abstract In the recent years, cancer research succeeded with sensitive detection methods, targeted drug delivery systems, and the identification of a large set of genes differently expressed. However, although most therapies are still based on antimitotic agents, which are causing wide secondary effects, there is an increasing interest for metabolic therapies that can minimize side effects. In the early 20th century, Otto Warburg revealed that cancer cells rely on the cytoplasmic fermentation of glucose to lactic acid for energy synthesis (called “Warburg effect”). Our investigations aim to reverse this effect in reprogramming cancer cells’ metabolism. In this work, we present a metabolic therapy specifically targeting the activity of specific enzymes of central carbon metabolism, combining the METABLOC bi-therapeutic drugs combination (Alpha Lipoic Acid and Hydroxycitrate) to Metformin and Diclofenac, for treating tumors implanted in mice. Furthermore, a dynamic metabolic model describing central carbon metabolism as well as fluxes targeted by the drugs allowed to simulate tumors progression in both treated and non-treated mice, in addition to draw hypotheses on the effects of the drugs on tumor cells metabolism. Our model predicts metabolic therapies-induced reversed Warburg effect on tumor cells