12 research outputs found

    Kaip padėti žmogui po bandymo nusižudyti

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    Suicidologijos moksle gerai žinoma, kad bandę nusižudyti asmenys turi didesnę vėlesnės mirties dėl savižudybės riziką (Hawton, Zall & Weatherall, 2003; Runeson, 2002), ypač pirmaisiais mėnesiais po bandymo nusižudyti (Cedereke & Ojehagen, 2005). Taip pat žmonės po mėginimo nusižudyti dažnai patenka į ligoninę, taigi tai yra gera proga savižudybių prevencijai – būnant ligoninėje galima užmegzti pirmąjį kontaktą su pacientu. Šiame straipsnyje pateikiame rekomendacijas, kaip bendrauti su asmeniu netrukus po jo (jos) bandymo nusižudyti. Jas suformulavome mūsų su kolegomis Vilniaus universitete atlikto mokslinio tyrimo metu (Dadašev, 2017), remdamiesi interviu su 21 asmeniu, kurie po mėginimo nusižudyti buvo patekę į bendrojo profilio arba psichiatrijos ligoninę.Suicidologijos moksle gerai žinoma, kad bandę nusižudyti asmenys turi didesnę vėlesnės mirties dėl savižudybės riziką (Hawton, Zall & Weatherall, 2003; Runeson, 2002), ypač pirmaisiais mėnesiais po bandymo nusižudyti (Cedereke & Ojehagen, 2005). Taip pat žmonės po mėginimo nusižudyti dažnai patenka į ligoninę, taigi tai yra gera proga savižudybių prevencijai – būnant ligoninėje galima užmegzti pirmąjį kontaktą su pacientu. Šiame straipsnyje pateikiame rekomendacijas, kaip bendrauti su asmeniu netrukus po jo (jos) bandymo nusižudyti. Jas suformulavome mūsų su kolegomis Vilniaus universitete atlikto mokslinio tyrimo metu (Dadašev, 2017), remdamiesi interviu su 21 asmeniu, kurie po mėginimo nusižudyti buvo patekę į bendrojo profilio arba psichiatrijos ligoninę

    Trumpalaikės bandymo nusižudyti intervencijos programos (ASSIP) tinkamumas taikyti Lietuvoje: pacientų perspektyva

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    Given the higher risk of subsequent suicide attempts and deaths by suicide, various healthcare approaches after suicide attempt are implemented. However, most interventions are designed and effectiveness studies are conducted in countries with low suicide rates and well-developed healthcare systems. Thus, it is not clear whether they are appropriate, positively assessed by patients in countries other than those in which they were developed – where suicide rates are high, the healthcare system is less developed and medicalized, and suicide stigma prevails. This study, combining quantitative and qualitative data analysis strategies, aimed to evaluate the feasibility of applying Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP) in Lithuania from the perspective of patients. The study included 19 participants (12 women and 7 men; mean age 29.8 years) after a recent suicide attempt: 8 received treatment as usual (TAU) in a psychiatric hospital, 11 received the ASSIP program in addition to TAU. The results revealed that the psychological state of all patients improved after treatment – the assessments of psychological well-being became higher and depressiveness decreased. But the intensity of suicidal ideation and overall suicidality decreased only in the ASSIP group. Various aspects of TAU have been assessed ambiguously or negatively, and feedback on the ASSIP program has been purely positive. Thus, ASSIP is a feasible complementary intervention that appropriately responds to patients’ needs for collaborative, empathic, suicide-specific care

    Feasibility of applying Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP) in Lithuania: Patients’ perspective

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    Given the higher risk of subsequent suicide attempts and deaths by suicide, various healthcare approaches after suicide attempt are implemented. However, most interventions are designed and effectiveness studies are conducted in countries with low suicide rates and well-developed healthcare systems. Thus, it is not clear whether they are appropriate, positively assessed by patients in countries other than those in which they were developed – where suicide rates are high, the healthcare system is less developed and medicalized, and suicide stigma prevails. This study, combining quantitative and qualitative data analysis strategies, aimed to evaluate the feasibility of applying Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP) in Lithuania from the perspective of patients. The study included 19 participants (12 women and 7 men; mean age 29.8 years) after a recent suicide attempt: 8 received treatment as usual (TAU) in a psychiatric hospital, 11 received the ASSIP program in addition to TAU. The results revealed that the psychological state of all patients improved after treatment – the assessments of psychological well-being became higher and depressiveness decreased. But the intensity of suicidal ideation and overall suicidality decreased only in the ASSIP group. Various aspects of TAU have been assessed ambiguously or negatively, and feedback on the ASSIP program has been purely positive. Thus, ASSIP is a feasible complementary intervention that appropriately responds to patients’ needs for collaborative, empathic, suicide-specific care

    The problems of research in the effectiveness of short-term psychological attempted suicide interventions

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    A risk of further suicidal behavior is greater for those who have attempted suicide, but there is a lack of empirical data on the effectiveness of specific psychological interventions. This article aims to reveal problems in the effectiveness research of short-term psychological attempted suicide intervention and the ways of resolving them. Methodology. Research Review. Results. Three groups of research problems are distinguished: 1) methodological problems – research strategies are extremely heterogeneous (different samples of respondents, intervention durations vary from 4 weeks to 24 months after suicide attempt), so validity is an issue. Participants are rarely asked about their satisfaction with the aid received; 2) population inappropriateness – studies are conducted mainly in countries with a low suicide rate, having a developed system of aid; 3) contradictory results – the effectiveness of interventions applied in comparable conditions and methods in different studies vary, sometimes reasons for these differences remain unclear. Conclusions. It is important to strengthen the research methodology, starting with the development of valid and reliable assessment tools, researchers’ bias control, discovering ways to keep participants and to monitor long-term results. An examination of new, cost-effective interventions in countries with high suicide rates could help achieve more consistent research results

    Bandymas nusižudyti : paauglių merginų išgyvenimų kokybinis tyrimas

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    Background. Different aspects of adolescent suicidal behaviour are explored, however, they are interpreted in terms suitable mostly for adult suicidal behaviour. Knowledge on adolescent suicidality is far from comprehensive. Aims. To describe the lived experience of attempted suicide among young females and to unfold distinctiveness of such experience. Method. Three adolescent females aged 13 to 17, who attempted suicide within one year period while not in the state of psychosis, took part in the study. Research was conducted using interpretative phenomenological analysis –a qualitative research method which aims to explore both experience of a person and one’s trying to make sense of it. Data was collected during semi-structured interviews which allowed setting a closer contact with respondents. Results. Data analysis showed that though a fair amount of attempted suicide experiences of adolescent females is similar to those of adults, there are some distinct features: sense of overwhelming experience and amassing bothers, liveliness of past experiences in the present, great lack of support in close relationships, difficulties reflecting and controlling emotions and thoughts. Conclusions. These results support the huge importance of appropriate responses of the surrounding people and mental health care professionals to the state of suicidal adolescent female. Also, it is necessary to teach adolescent females to effectively manage their emotions and impulses, and to develop mature ego defense mechanisms. Further research could contribute to the creation of guidelines to such behaviour or training and a deeper understanding of the psychological state of suicidal adolescents.Problema. Įvairūs paauglių savižudiško elgesio aspektai nagrinėjami plačiai, tačiau jie dažniausiai interpretuojami suaugusiesiems tinkamais terminais. Paauglių suicidiškumo specifika dar nėra pakankamai ištirta. Tyrimo tikslai. Tyrimu siekiama aprašyti merginų išgyvenimus, susijusius su bandymu nusižudyti, ir atskleisti šio patyrimo ypatumus. Metodai. Tyrime dalyvavo trys 13–17 metų merginos, per pastaruosius vienerius metus bandžiusios nusižudyti ne psichozės epizodo metu. Tyrime taikytas vienas iš kokybinių tyrimų metodų – interpretacinė fenomenologinė analizė, kurios tikslas yra tyrinėti asmeninę žmogaus patirtį ir tai, kaip jis bando su tuo susidoroti. Duomenys rinkti pusiau struktūruotų interviu metu, todėl buvo galimybė užmegzti artimesnį kontaktą su respondentėmis. Rezultatai. Duomenų analizė atskleidė, kad nors nemaža dalis bandžiusių nusižudyti paauglių merginų išgyvenimų panašūs į suaugusiųjų, yra keletas svarbių skirtumų: patyrimo neaprėpiamumo ir sunkumų kaupimosi išgyvenimas, praeities įvykių gyvumas dabartyje, stiprus artimųjų palaikymo trūkumas, sunkumai reflektuojant ir kontroliuojant emocijas bei mintis. Išvados. Šio tyrimo rezultatai rodo didžiulę deramo aplinkinių ir psichikos sveikatos specialistų rea-gavimo į savižudiškai besielgiančios paauglės būseną svarbą. Taip pat išryškėja būtinybė mokyti pačias paaugles efektyviai tvarkytis su emocijomis, impulsais ir taikyti brandesnius ego gynybos mechanizmus. Tolesni tyrimai galėtų padėti kurti tokias elgesio ar mokymų gaires ir giliau suprasti savižudiškai besielgiančių paauglių psichologinę būseną

    Bandymas nusižudyti: paauglių merginų išgyvenimų kokybinis tyrimas

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    Background. Different aspects of adolescent suicidal behaviour are explored, however, they are interpreted in terms suitable mostly for adult suicidal behaviour. Knowledge on adolescent suicidality is far from comprehensive. Aims. To describe the lived experience of attempted suicide among young females and to unfold distinctiveness of such experience. Method. Three adolescent females aged 13 to 17, who attempted suicide within one year period while not in the state of psychosis, took part in the study. Research was conducted using interpretative phenomenological analysis – a qualitative research method which aims to explore both experience of a person and one’s trying to make sense of it. Data was collected during semi-structured interviews which allowed setting a closer contact with respondents. Results. Data analysis showed that though a fair amount of attempted suicide experiences of adolescent females is similar to those of adults, there are some distinct features: sense of overwhelming experience and amassing bothers, liveliness of past experiences in the present, great lack of support in close relationships, difficulties reflecting and controlling emotions and thoughts. Conclusions. These results support the huge importance of appropriate responses of the surrounding people and mental health care professionals to the state of suicidal adolescent female. Also, it is necessary to teach adolescent females to effectively manage their emotions and impulses, and to develop mature ego defense mechanisms. Further research could contribute to the creation of guidelines to such behaviour or training and a deeper understanding of the psychological state of suicidal adolescents

    “I Didn’t Feel Treated as Mental Weirdo”: Primary Findings on Helpful Relationship Characteristics in Suicide Attempt Health Care in Lithuania

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    This article aims to investigate helpful relationship characteristics in suicide attempt health care. Semistructured interviews with seven participants (five women and two men; meanage = 26) were conducted after a suicide attempt. All participants took part in the Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP). Findings revealed the necessity of an egalitarian, attentive, benevolent, and competent relationship with health-care specialists. Coercive clinical management was considered disrespectful, while the needs for physical safety and freedom were expressed. A suicide-specific treatment program in addition to standard care was considered helpful, in particular the development of warning signs and safety strategies

    Factors of seeking professional psychological help by the bereaved by suicide

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    Background: Studies show that people bereaved by suicide often feel a strong need for professional help. It is hypothesized that aspects related to suicide bereavement, such as stigmatization, shame or guilt, hinder help-seeking process of the bereaved. However, little is known about help-seeking behaviors of people who has lost someone due to suicide. Aims: This study was conducted to attain a better understanding of the contributing factors, including the specific features of grief following suicide, to help-seeking behaviors of the bereaved by suicide. Methods: The sample consisted of 82 adults bereaved by suicide (64 female; average age 37.79, SD = 14.33). Instruments assessing stigmatization, shame, guilt levels, well-being, tendency to disclose emotional distress and attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help were used. The participants were also asked an open-ended question what professional help-seeking barriers they had encountered. Comparisons between the groups, logistic regression analysis and thematic analysis of the qualitative data were performed. Results: The findings revealed that bereaved participants who sought professional psychological help reported experiencing stigmatization and feeling guilty after the loss significantly more often. Also the results showed that attitudes toward mental health specialists had the highest prognostic value in predicting help-seeking behaviors of the bereaved. The participants themselves identified the gaps in the health care system as main barriers to seeking help. Conclusion: The results challenge previously spread notion that stigmatization, guilt and shame after suicide can act only as help-seeking barriers