77 research outputs found

    Neki biološki parametri trlje kamenjarke (Mullus surmuletus L.) iz Erdemitskog zaljeva, (Sjeverno Egejsko more, Turska)

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    Growth, sex ratio, and reproduction of striped red mullet (Mullus surmuletus L.) were determined from 520 specimens collected in the northwestern Aegean coast of Turkey from September 2009 to July 2010. Total length ranged from 7.7 to 17.0 cm while weight varied between 3.50 and 58.9 g. According to the length-weight relationship, positive allometry was confirmed for both sexes. The sex ratio was skewed in favour of males (1:1.73). The monthly values of gonadosomatic index (GSI) of females indicated that spawning occurred mainly between April and September with a peak in July. Values of Condition factor (CF) and Hepatosomatic index (HSI) varied between 0.71-1.57 and 0.10-1.43, respectively.Starost, rast i smrtnost trlje kamenjarke, (Mullus surmuletus L.) procijenjene su kod 520 jedinki prikupljenih na sjeverozapadnoj obali Egejskog mora, Erdemitski zaljev u Turskoj od rujna 2009. do srpnja 2010. Ukupna duljina jedinki je u rasponu od 7,7 do 17,0 cm, a masa je kolebala između 3,50 i 58,9 g. Prema dužinsko-težinskom odnosu, ustanovljena je pozitivna alometrija za oba spola. Omjer zastupljenosti spolova bio je u korist mužjaka (1: 1,73). Mjesečne vrijednosti gonadosomatskog indeksa (GSI) za ženke pokazuju da se mrijest obavlja posebice u razdoblju travanj - rujan, sa vrhuncem u srpnju. Vrijednosti kondicijskog faktora (CF) i hepatosomatskog indeksa (HSI) kolebali su između 0.71-1.57 i 0.10-1.43, respektivno

    Neka biološka svojstva različitih populacija atlantskog šaruna Trachurus trachurus (L.) u turskim morima

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    Age, growth, sex, and condition of different populations of the Atlantic horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus (L.) in the Turkish seas were determined from 300 specimens between November 2010 and March 2011. Fork length and total weight of the specimens ranged from 10.0 to 18.9 cm and from 12.81 to 81.71 g, respectively. Maximum age group was determined as IV, and sex ratio in samples did not differ significantly from a 1:1 ratio for all locations except for Bandirma, where it was skewed towards males (c 2 test, p>0.005). Weight increased allometrically for [Zonguldak (BS), Bandirma (MS1), Edremit (AS1), Izmir (AS2), Marmaris (AS3)] populations together with b=2.881, b=2.973, b=3.210, b=3.120, b= 2.820 respectively except for b=3.004 for Sarköy (MS2) as isometry.Starost, rast, spol i stanje različitih populacija atlantskog šaruna Trachurus trachurus (L) u turskim morima procijenjene su kod 300 jedinki u razdoblju od studenog 2010. do ožujka 2011. Dužina do repne peraje i ukupna masa jedinki u rasponu je od 10.0 do 18.9 cm, odnosno od 12.81 do 81.71 g. Najstarija dobna skupina označena je oznakom IV, dok se omjer zastupljenosti spolova nije značajno razlikovao od odnosa 1:1 koji je ustanovljen na svim postajama, osim u Bandirmi gdje je bio u korist mužjaka (c2 test, p>0.005). Masa se na sljedećim postajama [Zonguldak (BS) Bandirma (MSI), Edremit (AS1), Izmir (AS2), Marmaris (AS3)], povećavala uz koeficijente alometrije b=2.881, b=2.973, b=3.210, b=3.120, b= 2.820 respektivno, osim za b=3.004 u Sarköyu (MS2) koji ukazuje na izometriju

    Morfometrijske mjere mlađi psa modrulja Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758) i karakteristike potencijalnih lokaliteta za njegov mrijest u obalnim vodama Crne Gore (jugoistočni Jadran)

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    The blue shark belongs to the group of the most widespread pelagic sharks in the world. It inhabits the pelagic zone of almost all warm and temperate seas and oceans. As it is one of the most abundant shark species, it is frequently caught in different types of fishing gear operated in the pelagic zone. This study provides the first data on the reproduction of this species in Montenegrin waters (in the Southeastern Adriatic Sea). Six newborn blue sharks were found during our field excursions. For three of them, detailed morphometric measurements are presented. Alongside the newborns, a gravid female was also recorded. The data was collected in the period from April to October 2017. According to the published literature and the data presented in this paper, species reproduction is likely to be seasonal. A review of the areas where the specimens were recorded was carried out in order to infer if the adult females choose them specifically as their parturition grounds.Pas modrulj pripada grupi najviše rasprostranjenih pelagičnih morskih pasa na svijetu. Obitava u pelagičnoj zoni gotovo svih umjerenih i toplih mora i oceana. Premda je jedan od najčešćih morskih pasa, često se lovi različitim ribolovnim alatima koji se koriste u pelagijalu. Ovim istraživanjem sakupljeni su prvi podaci o reprodukciji ove vrste u Crnoj Gori (Jugoistočni Jadran). Tijekom terenskih istraživanja, evidentirano je šest tek rođenih jedinki. Za tri jedinke, prikazane su detaljne morfo-metrijske mjere. Pored spomenutih jedinki, zabilježena je i gravidna ženka ove vrste. Svi podaci su sakupljeni u razdoblju od travnja do listopada 2017. Prema do sada objavljenoj literaturi i ovdje prikazanim podacima, moguće je da je reprodukcija ove vrste sezonska. Izvršen je i pregled lokaliteta na kojima su jedinke pronađene, kako bi se utvrdilo biraju li ih ženke kao mjesta za rađanje mladih

    Prvi nalaz novorođene jedinke morskog psa prasca Oxynotus centrina u istočnom Jadranskom moru

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    Many biological aspects of deep-water sharks are poorly known due to their rarity and difficulties in conducting detailed research on them. The angular roughshark (Oxynotus centrina) is a rare species, critically endangered in the Mediterranean Sea, of which records are scarce across this region. Here we present a record of a female neonate O. centrina from the south-eastern Adriatic Sea, caught by a Montenegrin commercial trawler. Scientific observers were present on-board and collected the specimen, which was subsequently analysed in the laboratory. The specimen was 225 mm long (TL), weighed 59.6 g and had an unhealed umbilical scar. To date, records of this species in the Adriatic Sea have comprised of both adult and older juvenile individuals, but no records of neonates were found in the published literature. In this work, the basic biological observations of the specimen are reported.Mnogi biološki aspekti dubokomorskih morskih pasa slabo su poznati zbog rijetkih nalaza te nedostatka detaljnijih istraživanja. Morski pas prasac (Oxynotus centrina) je rijetka i kritično ugrožena vrsta u Sredozemnom moru, a nalazi ove vrste na tom području su oskudni. U ovom radu se prikazuje nalaz novorođene ženke O. centrina iz jugoistočnog područja Jadranskog mora, uhvaćene od strane crnogorskog komercijalnog ribarskog broda. Jedinka je prikupljena od strane znanstvenih promatrača koji su bili na brodu u trenutku ulova, te je naknadno analizirana u laboratoriju. Jedinka je bila duga 225 mm (TL), težila je 59,6 g i imala je vidljiv nezarasli pupčani ožiljak. Dosadašnji nalazi ove vrste u Jadranskom moru uključivali su samo odrasle i starije juvenilne jedinke, dok nalazi novorođenih jedinki do sada nisu dokumentirani. U ovom radu su prikazana osnovna biološka zapažanja o analiziranoj jedinci

    Isokinetic profiles of hamstring and quadriceps muscles in the police special force operators

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    Knee injuries are of concern to police. The aims of this study were to determine initial reference values for isokinetic knee extension and flexion in police special force operators to explore the conventional hamstring contraction (Hcon) quadriceps contraction (Qcon) ratio, and to determine the limb symmetry index of the quadriceps and hamstring muscles. Absolute and relative isokinetic torque of quadriceps and hamstrings were assessed in 10 police special force operators using an isokinetic dynamometer Con-Trex. Subjects performed maximal knee extension and flexion at a contraction velocity of 60°/s at 90° of knee flexion. Means, standard deviations, 95% confidence interval values, and effect sizes were calculated. A paired samples t-test was used to test the between-leg differences in absolute and relative torques of quadriceps and hamstring muscles and to test the between-leg difference in Hcon/Qcon ratios as well as strength asymmetries of quadriceps and hamstrings. Descriptive statistics revealed torque values similar to athletes, and paired sample t-tests showed no significant between-leg differences in torque values at a group level. Small effect sizes were observed between legs in both the absolute and relative peak torque of the hamstring muscles. While, on a group level, no Hcon/Qcon ratio disparity between legs or asymmetries were observed, individual results indicated a trend towards greater dispersion for the dominant leg and some individual results indicated an increased asymmetry in isometric strength of hamstrings. The study provides normative data for this unique police population and highlights the need for relative strength work in this population

    Učinci pridnenog koćarenja na bentoske zajednice u južnom Jadranu (Crna Gora)

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    The purpose of this study is to show the effects of bottom trawling on the benthic assemblages in the south Adriatic Sea as well as to report detailed quantitative and qualitative data on some invertebrate groups of no commercial value that are affected by trawling. Short-term effects of bottom trawling on the soft bottom seafloor were studied on the continental shelf and upper slope in the southeastern Adriatic Sea. Ten sites were trawled in July 2011. A total of 14,069 invertebrate organisms belonging to 44 taxa were collected within the study period. Of these, 93 were Sponges (4 species), 509 Cnidarians (7 species), 3,670 Molluscs (5 species), 48 Bryozoa (1 species), 3,154 Echinoderms (14 species), and 7,054 Tunicates (13 species). Cluster analysis performed with the data from different depth layers showed two clearly separated main groups that corresponded to shelf and slope zone. The shelf zone samples were characterized by higher species richness, while samples taken from the slope contained one species, Pteroeides spinosums. The obtained results showed that the most common species during the survey were Pteria hirundo, Ascidia virginea, Phallusia mammillata, Botryllus schlosseri, and Centrostephanus longispinus. Species P. mammillata, B. schlosseri, and P. regalis presented the highest value of biomass index (kg/km2). Our results showed that ascidians, cnidarians, and echinoderms are the most vulnerable taxa to trawling.Cilj ovog istraživanja je prikazati koje učinke pridneno koćarenje ima na bentoske zajednice u južnom Jadranu, kao i izvijestiti o detaljnim kvantitativnim i kvalitativnim podacima o grupama beskralješnjaka koji nemaju komercijalnu vrijednost, a koje su pogođene koćarenjem. Kratkoročni učinci pridnenog koćarenja na mekano morsko dno proučavali su se na epikontinentalnom pojasu i gornjem nagibu u jugoistočnom dijelu Jadranskog mora. Tijekom srpnja 2011. koćarilo se na deset lokacija. Tijekom razdoblja istraživanja prikupljeno je ukupno 14069 jedinki beskralježnjaka koji pripadaju u 44 svojte od čega su 93 spužve (4 vrste), 509 žarnjaka (7 vrsta), 3670 mekušaca (5 vrsta), 48 mahovnjaka (1 vrsta) 3154 bodljikaša (14 vrsta) i 7054 plaštenjaka (13 vrsta). Cluster analiza, koja je provedena s podacima prikupljenim na različitim dubinama, pokazala je da postoje dvije jasno razdvojene grupe koje pripadaju padini i nagibu. Uzorci prikupljeni u padinskoj zoni bili su bogatiji vrstama, dok je u uzorcima prikupljenima na nagibu pronađena samo jedna vrsta, Pteroeides spinosums. Iz prikupljenih uzoraka zaključili smo da su sljedeće vrste bile najučestalije: Pteria hirundo, Ascidia virginea, Phallusia mammillata, Botryllus schlosseri, i Centrostephanus longispinus. Kod vrsta P. mammillata, B. schlosseri, i P. regalis, uočena je najviša vrijednost indeksa biomase (kg/km2). Naši rezultati pokazali su da su svojte organizama poput mješčićnica, žarnjaka i bodljikaša najugroženije koćarenjem

    Observations of juvenile sandbar sharks Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo, 1827) around the Bojana River delta (Southern Adriatic Sea)

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    The sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus) is considered rare in the Adriatic Sea and the majority of records originate from the northern Adriatic, where a nursery area for this species close to the Po delta system has been repeatedly proposed. This study provides 5 new records and analyses the previously published records of sandbar sharks recorded around the delta of the River Bojana (in Montenegro, in the south-eastern Adriatic). The River Bojana located on the border between Montenegro and Albania, is the second largest river flowing into the Adriatic Sea, where it forms a highly productive ecosystem already known as a local hotspot for smooth-hound sharks (Mustelus spp.). New records of sandbar sharks have emerged as a result of citizen science (a social media survey) and direct reports from fishermen. The total length of C. plumbeus juveniles ranged from approximately 800 mm to 1100 mm, and most (n=5) were caught by set gillnets. The data presented here show that juveniles are consistently present around the estuary and indicate the importance of this fragile estuarine ecosystem for sandbar sharks. Additionally, this study also provides morphometric data collected from a single individual


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    Football and futsal belong to the group of polystructural activities of a complex character. From the motor aspect, both games are defined by a complex structure, comprised of various movements of the cyclic and acyclic type. Football and futsal are characterized by specific movements of the lower limbs, which are used to regulate possession of the ball (leading, passing) as well as the movement of the torso and hitting the ball with the head. The movement structure is comprised of various activities: running, jumping, turning, reception and shooting the ball. The aim of this research is to establish whether there are statistically significant differences in the explosive strength of the legs in football and futsal players. The analysis involved a sample of 37 participants, divided into two subsamples, the first being senior football players (first lineup) of FC "Radnički" from Niš – 23, and the second being senior futsal players (first lineup) of Futsal Club "Kopernikus" from Niš – 14 participants. The explosive strength of the lower limbs was estimated through the following tests: Squat Jump (SJ), Counter Movement Jump without arms swing (CMJ) and Counter Movement Jump with arms swing (CMJS). The Multivariate Analysis of Variance method(МАNOVA) was used to determine the differences between the groups, while the Analysis of Variance method (ANOVA) was used for the differences between the groups in terms of separate measuringt instruments. It has been determined that there are differences in the explosive strength of the legs between football players and futsal players

    Utjecaj selektivnosti promjera oka mreže na dužinsku raspodjelu arbuna, Pagellus erythrinus L. 1758, u koćarskim lovinama na području kontinentalne podine crnogorskog primorja (južni Jadran)

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    Selectivity curves of pandora (Pagellus erythrinus, L. 1758) have been estimated in the areaof the Montenegrin shelf (South Adriatic), for trawls with bar mesh sizes of 13.5, 16.1, 17.5, 22and 35 mm (according to national legislation in Montenegro bar mesh size is measured from knotto knot which is, according to Commission Regulation (EC) No. 129/2003, stretched mesh sizedivided by 2). Although the existing national legislation prescribes that the minimum mesh size ofthe trawl be not smaller than 20 mm, trawls with forbidden mesh sizes are often used in this area.Results obtained showed that meshes smaller than 20 mm (13.5 mm, 16.1 mm, 17.5 mm) catch largenumbers of immature individuals, since the length of 50% retention (L50%) for all these meshes issmaller than the length of fish at first spawning and which is, for Pagellus erythrinus in Montenegrinwaters, ≈ 12 cm. L50% is longer than the average length of the first spawning only for nets withopenings of 22 mm and 35 mm bar mesh size.Krivulje selektivnosti arbuna (Pagellus erythrinus, L. 1758) procjenjivane su na kontinentalnoj podini crnogorskog primorja korištenjem dubinskih povlačnih mreža (koća) čija je veličina oka na saki mreže iznosila 13.5 mm, 16.1 mm, 17.5 mm, 22 mm i 35 mm, (mjereno od čvora do čvora). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako su se mreže, čija minimalna veličina oka na saki ne smije biti manja od 20 mm, na ovom području upotrebljavale i sa manjim veličinama oka od propisane. Rezultati dobiveni istraživanjima pokazuju da su mreže čija je veličina oka bila ispod 20 mm (zakonom propisana minimalna veličina oka) lovile izrazito veliki broj spolno nezrelih jedinki, a 50% dužina zadržavanja u mreži (L50%) za navedene mreže bila je ispod dužine kod koje nastupa prva spolna zrelostost kod ove vrste (12 cm). Za mreže čija je veličina oka bila veća od 20 mm, dužina L50% bila je veća od dužine pri kojoj nastupa prva spolna zrelost. Provedena istraživanja potvrđuju opravdanost reguliranja veličine oka na pridnenim povlačnim mrežama kao jednog od ključnih čimbenika zaštite nedoraslih primjeraka, te samim time i osiguravanja dugoročno održivog iskorištavanja obnovljivih bogatstava mora

    Reproduktivne značajke srdele, Sardina pilchardus (Walb, 1792), u Boki Kotorskoj (Crna Gora, južni Jadran)

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    The annual alteration of gonad morphology in sardine (Sardina pilchardus, Walbaum 1792) caught in the period from November 2006 to October 2007 using beach seines in the region of Boka Kotorska Bay (Montenegro, southern Adriatic) was studied. Samples were taken in the middle of each month. Total length of individuals ranged from 8.7 to 14.7 cm and weight ranged from 4.67 to 22.61 g. Their gonads were extracted and weighed, and a piece of gonad tissue was sampled for histological analysis. The length–weight relationship of all sardine specimens was described by the equation: W=0.0059 LT3.0891; (r2 = 0.963). The lowest gonadosomatic index (GSI) values, below 1, were found in June, July and August, corresponding to the state of gonad rest. The GSI increased gradually from September and October and reached its highest value in February, at 5.22 for females and 6.58 for males. After February the GSI started to decrease throughout March (4.5), April (2.4) and May (2.4). In June all gonads had a GSI bellow 1. Although primary oocytes (stage I) were present during all months, their percentage increased from May and was the highest during the summer months (June-September 100%). Mature stage IV oocytes were recorded from November to April, with the highest percentage recorded during January (26.7%). An increase in the percentage of oocytes in the yolk vesicle (II) and yolk (III) stages occurred in October, remaining almost unchanged until May. During the summer months (May – September), only stage I spermatogonia were present in the testicles. In October, spermatocytes (stage II) started to appear, while from November the spermatids (stage III) appeared as well. Spermatozoa (stage IV) appeared in December and reached their maximum level in January and February.Istraživana je godišnja promjena morfologije gonada kod srdele (Sardina pilchardus Walbaum 1792) ulovljene obalnom mrežom potegačom u razdoblju od studenog 2006. do listopada 2007. na području Bokokotorskog zaljeva (Crna Gora, južni Jadran). Ukupna dužina primjeraka kretala se od 8.7 do 14.7 cm, a težina od 4.67 do 22.61 g. Obavljena je histološka analiza gonada. Dužinsko– težinski odnos za sve jedinke može se opisati jednadžbom: W=0.0059 LT 3.0891 (r2 = 0.963). Najniže vrijednosti gonadosomatskog indeksa (GSI) utvrđene su u lipnju, srpnju i kolovozu, što odgovara stadiju mirovanja gonada. GSI vrijednosti su se postupno ovećavale u rujnu i listopadu te dosegle najviše vrijednosti u veljači 5.22 za ženke, odnosno 6.58 za mužjake. Nakon veljače, GSI vrijednosti su opadale, kroz ožujak (4.5), travanj (2.4) i svibanj (2.4). U lipnju su GSI vrijednosti bile manje od 1. Iako su primarne oocite bile prisutne u svim mjesecima, njihova zastupljenost je počela rasti u svibnju i dosegla najvišu vrijednost u ljetnim mjesecima (100% u razdoblju od srpnja do rujna). Zrele oocite u stadiju IV zabilježene su od studenog do travnja, sa najvišom zastupljenošću u siječnju (26.7%). Povećanje postotka oocita u stadijima II i III uočeno je u listopadu i ostaje gotovo nepromijenjeno do svibnja. Za ljetnjih mjeseci (svibanj–rujan), u testisima su bili prisutni samo spermatogoniji stadija I. U listopadu se započinju pojavljivati spermatociti (stadij II), a od studenog i spermatidi (stadij III). Spermatozoi (stadij IV) se javljaju u prosincu, a najvišu razinu dostižu u tijekom siječnja i veljače