178 research outputs found

    STJÄRNKVALITET I SIKTE. Kvalitetskriterier för preventivt alkohol- och drogarbete

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    Raittiusliikkeen krapula

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    Kirja-arvostelu: Seuraavat sata vuotta : Ylioppilaiden raittiusyhdistys ry 100 v. toim. Markku Soikkel

    Responsive and Personalized Web Layouts with Integer Programming

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    Over the past decade, responsive web design (RWD) has become the de facto standard for adapting web pages to a wide range of devices used for browsing. While RWD has improved the usability of web pages, it is not without drawbacks and limitations: designers and developers must manually design the web layouts for multiple screen sizes and implement associated adaptation rules, and its "one responsive design fits all"approach lacks support for personalization. This paper presents a novel approach for automated generation of responsive and personalized web layouts. Given an existing web page design and preferences related to design objectives, our integer programming -based optimizer generates a consistent set of web designs. Where relevant data is available, these can be further automatically personalized for the user and browsing device. The paper includes presentation of techniques for runtime adaptation of the designs generated into a fully responsive grid layout for web browsing. Results from our ratings-based online studies with end users (N = 86) and designers (N = 64) show that the proposed approach can automatically create high-quality responsive web layouts for a variety of real-world websites.Peer reviewe

    Challenges with Voice Assistants for the Elderly in Semi-Public Spaces

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    Voice Assistants such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home have recently made inroads into all walks of life as is evident from their popularity, and the growing number of users. Traditionally, research on elderly people with voice assistants has focused on private spaces - bedrooms, kitchens, and living rooms. Due to privacy concerns, ethical issues, legal issues, and noisy environments, their use in public and semi-public spaces are discouraged. However, by carefully mitigating these concerns, voice assistants could still find applications in semi-public spaces for elderly people. This paper summarizes the preliminary insights from 8 interviews that we conducted with elderly people and throws light on the potential areas where voice assistants could be used in semi-public spaces.Peer reviewe

    Supporting Document for Surrogate Model Construction of Welded HSS Tubular Y-Joints: Preliminary version

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    Tubular structures with welded joints are used in the wide range of structural applications. The most typical application is tubular trusses. The structural analysis model is frequently constructed using beam finite elements, and the braces are connected to the chords using hinges. In reality, the welded joint does not behave as a hinge when it is loaded by the moment. The joint has resistance against the moment, but in the joint area deformations may occur both at the brace and at the chord, so the stiffness against the moment has to be taken into account in the global analysis of the structure. In the EN 1993-1-8 (2005) only the moment resistance is given for the joint where the angle between the brace and the chord is 90 degrees. In (Grotmann and Sedlacek, 1998) there is the equation which can be used to calculate the initial rotational stiffness for the same case, angle 90 degrees.When aiming to economic and environmental friendly design the stiffness of the joints must be taken into account. This is especially true when using high strength steel in structures, because then buckling at the ultimate limit state and deflections and vibrations in the serviceability limit state are often critical. In (Boel, 2010) and (Snijder et al., 2011) it has been shown that the rotational stiffness of the welded tubular joint is the main parameter when considering buckling of members of tubular trusses. However, this information is very limited, as given above.In design it is possible to define the rotational stiffness for the joint using comprehensive finite element analysis (FEA). In practice, this is impossible, especially when performing optimization of structures when the structural analysis must be done thousands and thousands times. In order to avoid these computationally heavy calculations so called surrogate models (or meta models) have been developed. Surrogate models have been used widely in the aerospace applications (Roux et al., 1998), (Jin et al., 2001), (Queipo et al., 2005), (Kleijnen, 2008), (Müller, 2012). Civil engineering applications can be found, too (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2015). In (Díaz et al., 2012) there are 9 references presented (Yun et al., 2008), (Jadid and Fairbairn, 1996), (Anderson et al., 1997), (Stavroulakis et al., 1997), (De Lima et al., 2005), (Guzelbey et al., 2006), (Pirmoz and Gholizadeh, 2007), (Salajegheh et al., 2008), (Kim et al., 2010) dealing with steel structures using surrogate models. In (Díaz et al., 2012) the optimum design of steel frames is presented using semi-rigid joints and surrogate models.The standard steps in the construction of the surrogate model are:· Design of experiments (DOE);· Surrogate model construction;· Surrogate model validation.Moreover, the fourth step is the fidelity validation, but it is not needed her

    Vasemman kammion mekaaninen tukihoito : siltahoito tai vaihtoehto sydämensiirrolle

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    Sydämen vajaatoiminnan osuus ihmisten sairastuvuudessa ja kuolleisuudessa on edelleen merkittävä lääke- ja muun hoidon kehityksestä huolimatta. Sydämensiirto on paras loppuvaiheen vaikeaa sydämen vajaatoimintaa sairastavan potilaan hoitomuoto, kun mikään muu hoito ei auta. Sydämensiirtojen määrää rajoittaa kuitenkin pula siirrännäisistä. Aikaisemmin verenkierron mekaanista tukihoitoa käytettiin lyhytaikaisena siltahoitona vajaatoiminnan ­loppuvaiheesta sydämensiirtoon. Viime vuosina tapahtunut kehitys on moninkertaistunut verenkierron mekaanisen tukihoidon käytön vaikeassa sydämen vajaatoiminnassa siltahoitona tai vaihtoehtona sydämensiirrolle. Mekaanisesti sydämen vasenta kammiota ja systeemiverenkiertoa tukevasta hoidosta saattaa tulla merkittävä vaihtoehto sydämensiirrolle, sillä tarkasti valikoiduilla potilailla kahden vuoden elinajan ennuste lähentelee sydämensiirtopotilaiden ennustetta.Peer reviewe

    Measurement report : Long-term measurements of aerosol precursor concentrations in the Finnish subarctic boreal forest

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    Aerosol particles form in the atmosphere via the clustering of certain atmospheric vapors. After growing into larger particles by the condensation of low-volatility gases, they can affect the Earth's climate by scattering light and acting as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). Observations of low-volatility aerosol precursor gases have been reported around the world, but longer-term measurement series and any Arctic data sets showing seasonal variation are close to nonexistent. Here, we present similar to 7 months of aerosol precursor gas measurements performed with a nitrate-based chemical ionization atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight (CI-APi-TOF) mass spectrometer. We deployed our measurements similar to 150 km north of the Arctic Circle at the SMEAR I (Station for Measuring Ecosystem-Atmosphere Relations) continental Finnish subarctic field station, located in the Varrio strict nature reserve. We report concentration measurements of the most common compounds related to new particle formation (NPF): sulfuric acid (SA), methane sulfonic acid (MSA), iodic acid (IA) and the total concentration of highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs). At this remote measurement site, SA originates from both anthropogenic and biological sources and has a clear diurnal cycle but no significant seasonal variation. MSA shows a more distinct seasonal cycle, with concentrations peaking in the summer. Of the measured compounds, IA concentrations are the most stable throughout the measurement period, except in April during which time the concentration of IA is significantly higher than during the rest of the year. Otherwise, IA has almost identical daily maximum concentrations in spring, summer and autumn, and on NPF event or non-event days. HOMs are abundant during the summer months and low in the autumn months. Due to their low autumn concentrations and high correlation with ambient air temperature, we suggest that most HOMs are products of biogenic emissions, most probably monoterpene oxidation products. NPF events at SMEAR I happen under relatively low-temperature (1-8 degrees C) conditions, with a fast temperature rise in the early morning hours as well as lower and decreasing relative humidity (RH, 55% vs. 80 %) during NPF days compared with non-event days. NPF days have clearly higher global irradiance values (similar to 450 m(-2) vs. similar to 200 m(-2) and about 10 ppbv higher ozone concentrations than non-event days. During NPF days, we have, on average, higher SA concentrations, peaking at noon; higher MSA concentrations in the afternoon; and slightly higher IA concentration than during non-event days. In summary, these are the first long-term measurements of aerosol-forming vapors from SMEAR I in the subarctic region, and the results of this work will help develop an understanding of atmospheric chemical processes and aerosol formation in the rapidly changing Arctic.Peer reviewe

    How Do Amines Affect the Growth of Recently Formed Aerosol Particles

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    Growth rates of recently born nanometer-scale particles were measured during the CLOUD experiments at CERN. Combining the data from several recently developed measurement techniques allowed us to follow the growth of the particles starting from molecules to molecular clusters and finally to climatically relevant particles. We studied the binary system with sulphuric acid and water, and the ternary systems with ammonia or dimethylamine added to the chamber, both in purely neutral situation, and with ionization from cosmic rays or the CERN particle beam