846 research outputs found

    The role of geographical conditions in water circulation, retention and migration of substances within a small drainage basin

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    artykuł przeglądowyIn the article some problems connected with the role of physiographical conditions in water circulation process and migration of substances within a little drainage basin situated on the outskirts of a large town (Łódź) were discussed. The description was given in two basic aspects: runoff forming and retention shaping. The results referred especially to the role of relief of the Earth’s surface (inclination of slopes), soil permeability and ground susceptibility to shaping the runoff forms. As regards water retention, surface retention of channels and waterbodies, water capacity of the rhizoshpere, and groundwater resources were mentioned. Great attention was given to the presentation and analyses of spatial variability of the drainage basin characteristics. To illustrate it digital maps were used, which were based on elementary squares network (fig. 3–11). These maps are the most important results of the research.W artykule omówiono kilka zagadnień dotyczących roli warunków fizjograficznych w procesie obiegu wody i migracji innych substancji w obrębie małej zlewni położonej w strefie podmiejskiej dużego miasta (Łodzi). Opisu dokonano w dwu zasadniczych aspektach: formowania odpływu i kształtowania retencji. Wyniki dotyczą w szczególności roli: rzeźby terenu (nachyleń stoków), przepuszczalności gruntu oraz podatności terenu w procesie formowania różnych form odpływu. W odniesieniu do retencji, omówiono problemy retencji powierzchniowej, w tym koryt i zbiorników wodnych, pojemności wodnej ryzosfery (strefy korzeniowej roślin) oraz zasobów wód podziemnych. Szczególnie dużo uwagi poświęcono zagadnieniom prezentacji i analizy zmienności przestrzennej wymienionych cech zlewni. Do ich zobrazowania wykorzystano mapy rastrowe oparte o siatkę pól elementarnych (rys. 3–11)

    Big Cities. Big Water. Big Challenges: Water in an Urbanizing World.

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    This paper applies the water footprint methodology to six megacities across Africa, Asia, and Latin America to explore the effect of urbanization on water use and demand and determine what measures need to be taken to meet this demand. Key threats to water resources in many or all of the cities studied include: water stress or scarcity, pollution and decreasing water quality, and vulnerability to extreme weather caused by climate change

    Chain of services

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    Nonparametric estimators of inequality curves and inequality measures

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    Classical inequality curves and inequality measures are defined for distributions with finite mean value. Moreover, their empirical counterparts are not resistant to outliers. For these reasons, quantile versions of known inequality curves such as the Lorenz, Bonferroni, Zenga and DD curves, and quantile versions of inequality measures such as the Gini, Bonferroni, Zenga and DD indices have been proposed in the literature. We propose various nonparametric estimators of quantile versions of inequality curves and inequality measures, prove their consistency, and compare their accuracy in a~simulation study. We also give examples of the use of quantile versions of inequality measures in real data analysis.Comment: 19 pages, 22 figures, 6 table

    Norma i uzus w dydaktyce przekładu specjalistycznego wobec oczekiwań rynku pracy

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    The author focuses on issues related to university teaching of interpretation and translation: consecutive interpretation and sight translation in respect of a specialist language, in particular the economic one. The starting point for further considerations is the presentation of the characteristics of the above-mentioned specialist language and the question regarding the role and importance of specialist knowledge and quality criteria in the process of interpretation and translation teaching. From the viewpoint of author’s own teaching and practical experience, an attempt is made to diversify priorities, goals and methodological approaches in relation to the above-mentioned forms of interpretation and translation. Market requirements and expectations of potential employers, resulting from job advertisements, become of a particular importance in this context, as they need to be taken into consideration in order to optimize teaching of interpretation and translation