9 research outputs found

    Toxicity by metsulfuron-methyl in the establishment of the soybean crop submitted to seed treatment

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    Different management strategies and products can be adopted for weed control and seed treatment. This study evaluated the effect of metsulfuron-methyl application on the establishment of soybean (Glycine max Merril. L) at two herbicide application times and in response to micronutrient and amino acid seed treatment. The soybean seeds, cultivar Nidera 5909, were submitted to the following treatments: control (without treatment); amino acid; micronutrient 1 (a product containing amino acids from seaweed, cobalt, and molybdenum) and micronutrient 2 (a product containing amino acids from seaweed). The sowing periods occurred 15 days after the herbicide application or immediately after its application. We evaluated the emergence of seedlings at seven and 14 days after sowing (DAS), and the dry matters of roots and shoots at 14 and 21 DAS. The metsulfuron-methyl affected the seedling emergence at seven days after the sowing in seed treated with micronutrient 1 immediately after the herbicide application. At 21 DAS, a reduction in the dry mass of seedling roots was observed, which sowing occurred immediately after the application of the herbicide. The application of metsulfuron-methyl at sowing may damage the establishment and performance of soybean seedlings. Therefore, it is important to carry out sowing respecting the period of carryover effects from the herbicide, in order to prevent phytotoxicity symptoms to the soybean crop. Different management strategies and products can be adopted for weed control and seed treatment. This study evaluated the effect of metsulfuron-methyl application on the establishment of soybean (Glycine max Merril. L) at two herbicide application times and in response to micronutrient and amino acid seed treatment. The soybean seeds, cultivar Nidera 5909, were submitted to the following treatments: control (without treatment); amino acid; micronutrient 1 (a product containing amino acids from seaweed, cobalt, and molybdenum) and micronutrient 2 (a product containing amino acids from seaweed). The sowing periods occurred 15 days after the herbicide application or immediately after its application. We evaluated the emergence of seedlings at seven and 14 days after sowing (DAS), and the dry matters of roots and shoots at 14 and 21 DAS. The metsulfuron-methyl affected the seedling emergence at seven days after the sowing in seed treated with micronutrient 1 immediately after the herbicide application. At 21 DAS, a reduction in the dry mass of seedling roots was observed, which sowing occurred immediately after the application of the herbicide. The application of metsulfuron-methyl at sowing may damage the establishment and performance of soybean seedlings. Therefore, it is important to carry out sowing respecting the period of carryover effects from the herbicide, in order to prevent phytotoxicity symptoms to the soybean crop

    Physiological quality, initial establishment and yield of wheat according to the seed treatment method

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    New technologies are being incorporated to the seed treatment process, such as the use of products on industrial scale. This study aimed at evaluating the seed quality of wheat cultivars, as well as the influence of the seed treatment method on the establishment and yield of this crop. Seeds of the cultivars Jadeite 11, Quartzo and Tec Frontale were treated with the Spectro® fungicide (difenoconazole - 200 mL 100 kg-1 of seeds), Cruiser Opti® insecticide (thiamethoxam + lambda-cyhalothrin - 200 mL 100 kg-1 of seeds) and Polifix G4 polymer (100 mL 100 kg-1 of seeds). A completely randomized design, with four replicates, was used. The treatments consisted of industrial treatment, on farm treatment with the same products and control. Germination, first germination count and moisture content tests were carried out immediately after the seed treatment and at 30, 90 and 150 days of storage. Seedling emergence in beds was evaluated at 30, 60 and 120 days of storage. Under a randomized block design, seedling emergence and grain yield were evaluated in the field in two sowing seasons. The conventional or industrial seed treatment methods do not reduce the physiological quality and emergence of high-vigor seeds stored for 150 days, under controlled conditions of temperature and humidity. The conventional or industrial seed treatment with diphenoconazole + thiamethoxam + lambda-cyhalothrin + polymer does not increase the wheat crop plant stand and grain yield

    Diversity of Collembola and occurrence of Talitroides sylvaticus in a Pinus elliottii Engelm afforestation

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    A 52-year-old pine forest is characterized as an environment with low plant diversity and large accumulation of allelopathic litter with poor nutrient content. Collembola is sensitive to environmental conditions and may have difficulties living in these forests. This study aimed (1) to evaluate the abundance and richness of Collembola in the soil of a 52-year-old pine afforestation with different moisture contents; and (2) to identify the landhopper sampled unintentionally. For sampling, pitfall traps were set up for four days, in areas of a Pinus elliottii afforestation with high and low soil moisture located at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Collembola specimens were counted and identified to family and genus level. The total abundance of springtails was greater in the low soil moisture area. The genera Desoria and Lepidocyrtus, and specimens of the family Onychiuridae were more abundant in low soil moisture, meanwhile, the genus Ceratophysella was more abundant in the high soil moisture. The landhopper Talitroides sylvaticus was sampled unintentionally by traps set up in the soil with higher moisture and calcium content. Six genera of Collembola and the landhopper T. sylvaticus were identified in soil of a P. elliottii afforestation and their distribution is influenced by soil moisture


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    Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes usos do solo na abundância, riqueza, diversidade e atividade de organismos da fauna edáfica. A fauna do solo foi amostrada em: florestamento de Eucalyptus spp., florestamento de Pinus spp., lavoura de grãos, solo impactado pela construção civil e pastagem natural. Para a avaliação dos organismos da fauna epiedáfica empregou-se o método da armadilha de queda e para a amostragem dos organismos da fauna hemiedáfica utilizou-se o método TSBF. A atividade biológica do solo foi avaliada pelo método de lâminas bait. Foram coletados 5.413 organismos epiedáficos e 813 organismos hemiedáficos, distribuídos em 18 grupos taxonômicos. Os florestamentos de Pinus e Eucalyptus abrigaram as maiores abundâncias de organismos epiedáficos, com dominância de Collembola, o que resultou em menor índice de diversidade. O solo afetado pela construção civil apresentou as menores abundância e riqueza de organismos epiedáficos. A abundância, riqueza e diversidade de organismos hemiedáficos foram maiores na pastagem natural e menores no florestamento de Pinus e no solo impactado pela construção civil. A atividade biológica do solo foi maior no florestamento de Eucalyptus e menor no solo impactado pela construção civil. A abundância, riqueza e diversidade da fauna edáfica é afetada pelo uso do solo.Palavras-chave: atividade biológica do solo; bioindicadores; degradação do solo; invertebrados do solo; qualidade do solo; RELATION OF SOIL USE WITH DIVERSITY AND ACTIVITY OF EDAPHIC FAUNA ABSTRACT:This study evaluated the effect of different land uses on the abundance, richness, diversity and activity of edaphic fauna. The soil fauna was sampled in: Eucalyptus spp. afforestation, Pinus spp. afforestation, grain cropping, soil impacted by construction and natural grassland. The epiedaphic fauna was sampled by pitfalls and the hemiedaphic fauna by TSBF method. The soil biological activity was evaluated by the lamina-bait test. 5,413 epiedaphic organisms and 813 hemiedaphic organisms were collected, classified in 18 taxonomic groups. The afforestation of Pinus and Eucalyptus had the greatest abundance of epiedaphic organisms, with dominance of springtails, which resulted in a lower index of diversity. The soil affected by the construction had the lowest abundances and the richness of epiedaphic organisms. The abundance, richness and diversity of hemiedaphic organisms were higher in natural grassland; and smaller in Pinus afforestation and soil impacted by construction. Soil biological activity was higher in the Eucalyptus afforestation and lower in the soil impacted by construction. Soil use affects the abundance, richness and diversity of edaphic fauna.Keywords: soil biological activity; bioindicators; soil degradation; soil invertebrates; soil quality


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    O presente estudo constitui uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os aspectos fenológicos de duas espécies arbóreas exóticas amplamente utilizadas em ambientes urbanos. Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don. (jacarandá-mimoso) é uma espécie caducifólia que tende a perder as folhas no inverno, com brotação entre outubro e novembro. A floração, atrativo ornamental da espécie, ocorre entre setembro e março, enquanto a frutificação pode ser visualizada durante a maior parte do ano. Em contraste, Ligustrum lucidum W.T.Aiton (ligustro) é considerada perene (sempre-verde). Nesta, o surgimento de botões florais e a antese podem ocorrer em todos os meses do ano ou períodos menores. A antese tem maior intensidade entre novembro e janeiro, época do ano em que a abundância do pólen potencialmente alergênico pode afetar a saúde da população. Tem frutificação abundante e mais intensa de maio a agosto, comportamento fenológico que facilita a dispersão zoocórica e contribui para o potencial de invasão do ligustro em ambientes naturais. Esta espécie é condicionada por variáveis como fotoperíodo, temperatura e precipitação em pelo menos uma fenofase. Novas pesquisas sobre o comportamento fenológico das espécies jacarandá-mimoso e ligustro são importantes para elucidar a progressão das fenofases e as possíveis relações com variáveis ambientais e condições de cultivo na arborização urbana. Palavras-chave: dendrologia; silvicultura urbana; paisagismo; fenofases; variáveis ambientais.   Phenological performance of Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don (jacaranda) and Ligustrum lucidum W.T.Aiton (privet) species in urban trees   ABSTRACT: This study constitutes of a review on phenological aspects of two exotic species widely used in urban environments. Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don. (jacaranda) is a deciduous species that tends to lose its leaves in winter, with sprouting between October and November. Flowering, the best ornamental attraction of this species, occurs between September and March, while fruiting can be seen along the year. In contrast, Ligustrum lucidum W.T.Aiton (privet) is a perennial species. The flower bud’s emergence and anthesis of this species occur whether along the year or during shorter periods. Anthesis is higher between November and January, which is the time of the year when population’s health can be affected by the potentially allergenic pollen. Privet has abundant fruiting from May to August, which is a phenological behavior that facilitates zoochoric dispersion, and may contributes to the invasion’s potential, typical for this species in natural environments. Privet can be conditioned by variables such as photoperiod, temperature and precipitation, in at least, one of its phenological phases. New researches on the phenological behavior of jacaranda and privet species are important to clarify the progression on phenological phases, to investigate the possible interactions with environmental variables and growing conditions in urban trees. Keywords: dendrology; urban forestry; landscape; phenophases; environmental variables

    Seed treatment and its impact on wheat crop yield potential

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    Abstract: In the sowing process, the technique of seed treatment may assist in maintaining crop yield potential. This present study aimed to assess how wheat seed treatment with two different sources of micronutrients, combined with fungicide + insecticide protective treatment and coating with liquid polymer, may impact its vegetative development and grain production. Wheat seeds of cultivar Tec Vigore were subjected to three different treatments using micronutrient containing zinc: no micronutrient, micronutrient 1 (1% Mn, 0.1% Mo, 10% Zn); micronutrient 2 (0.3% B, 0.3% Co; 3% Zn), where micronutrient treatments were combined with different protective treatments used for seed treatment: untreated seeds, polymer (Color seed He), fungicide (Vitavax® Thiram 200 SC) + insecticide (Cruiser® 350 FS) and combination of polymer + fungicide + insecticide. We assessed parameters related to crop development, such as seedling emergence, dry matter of root and shoot, tillers, and for physiological maturity, we assessed grain yield and hectoliter weight. Seed treatment with micronutrients, polymer, fungicide + insecticide and combinations thereof does not reduce emergence and may increase seedling stand, but without influencing wheat grain yield

    Physiological performance of wheat seeds treated with micronutrients and protection products during storage

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    Abstract: Seeds with high quality are one of the important factors to consider in the crops establishment on field. Therefore, the physical and physiological quality of wheat seeds treated with mixes of micronutrients including zinc and protective products were aimed. The wheat seeds were analyzed in a factorial scheme 5x3x4, with five storage time: 0, 60, 120, 180 and 240 days; three micronutrients: micronutrients 1 (1% Mn; 0.1% Mo; 10% Zn); micronutrients 2 (0.3% B; 0.3% Co; 3% Zn) and no micronutrients, and four protective products: untreated seeds, polymer (Colorseed He), fungicide carboxin + thiram (Vitavax® Thiram 200 SC) + insecticide thiamethoxam (Cruiser® 350 FS) and polymer + fungicide + insecticide. After treatment, the seeds were stored under uncontrolled conditions for 240 days and at intervals of 60 days, the germination, accelerated aging and moisture content were determined. Wheat seeds untreated and treated with polymer have the best physiological performance during storage, regardless micronutrients treatments. The wheat seeds treated with carboxin + thiram + thiamethoxam and polymer + carboxin + thiram + thiamethoxam can be storage up to 120 days, under uncontrolled conditions, regardless micronutrients treatments. The seed treatment does not alter the moisture content of wheat seeds

    Physiological performance of wheat seeds treated with micronutrients and protection products during storage

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    <div><p>Abstract: Seeds with high quality are one of the important factors to consider in the crops establishment on field. Therefore, the physical and physiological quality of wheat seeds treated with mixes of micronutrients including zinc and protective products were aimed. The wheat seeds were analyzed in a factorial scheme 5x3x4, with five storage time: 0, 60, 120, 180 and 240 days; three micronutrients: micronutrients 1 (1% Mn; 0.1% Mo; 10% Zn); micronutrients 2 (0.3% B; 0.3% Co; 3% Zn) and no micronutrients, and four protective products: untreated seeds, polymer (Colorseed He), fungicide carboxin + thiram (Vitavax® Thiram 200 SC) + insecticide thiamethoxam (Cruiser® 350 FS) and polymer + fungicide + insecticide. After treatment, the seeds were stored under uncontrolled conditions for 240 days and at intervals of 60 days, the germination, accelerated aging and moisture content were determined. Wheat seeds untreated and treated with polymer have the best physiological performance during storage, regardless micronutrients treatments. The wheat seeds treated with carboxin + thiram + thiamethoxam and polymer + carboxin + thiram + thiamethoxam can be storage up to 120 days, under uncontrolled conditions, regardless micronutrients treatments. The seed treatment does not alter the moisture content of wheat seeds.</p></div


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    Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes usos do solo na abundância, riqueza, diversidade e atividade de organismos da fauna edáfica. A fauna do solo foi amostrada em: florestamento de Eucalyptus spp., florestamento de Pinus spp., lavoura de grãos, solo impactado pela construção civil e pastagem natural. Para a avaliação dos organismos da fauna epiedáfica empregou-se o método da armadilha de queda e para a amostragem dos organismos da fauna hemiedáfica utilizou-se o método TSBF. A atividade biológica do solo foi avaliada pelo método de lâminas bait. Foram coletados 5.413 organismos epiedáficos e 813 organismos hemiedáficos, distribuídos em 18 grupos taxonômicos. Os florestamentos de Pinus e Eucalyptus abrigaram as maiores abundâncias de organismos epiedáficos, com dominância de Collembola, o que resultou em menor índice de diversidade. O solo afetado pela construção civil apresentou as menores abundância e riqueza de organismos epiedáficos. A abundância, riqueza e diversidade de organismos hemiedáficos foram maiores na pastagem natural e menores no florestamento de Pinus e no solo impactado pela construção civil. A atividade biológica do solo foi maior no florestamento de Eucalyptus e menor no solo impactado pela construção civil. A abundância, riqueza e diversidade da fauna edáfica é afetada pelo uso do solo.Palavras-chave: atividade biológica do solo; bioindicadores; degradação do solo; invertebrados do solo; qualidade do solo; RELATION OF SOIL USE WITH DIVERSITY AND ACTIVITY OF EDAPHIC FAUNA ABSTRACT:This study evaluated the effect of different land uses on the abundance, richness, diversity and activity of edaphic fauna. The soil fauna was sampled in: Eucalyptus spp. afforestation, Pinus spp. afforestation, grain cropping, soil impacted by construction and natural grassland. The epiedaphic fauna was sampled by pitfalls and the hemiedaphic fauna by TSBF method. The soil biological activity was evaluated by the lamina-bait test. 5,413 epiedaphic organisms and 813 hemiedaphic organisms were collected, classified in 18 taxonomic groups. The afforestation of Pinus and Eucalyptus had the greatest abundance of epiedaphic organisms, with dominance of springtails, which resulted in a lower index of diversity. The soil affected by the construction had the lowest abundances and the richness of epiedaphic organisms. The abundance, richness and diversity of hemiedaphic organisms were higher in natural grassland; and smaller in Pinus afforestation and soil impacted by construction. Soil biological activity was higher in the Eucalyptus afforestation and lower in the soil impacted by construction. Soil use affects the abundance, richness and diversity of edaphic fauna.Keywords: soil biological activity; bioindicators; soil degradation; soil invertebrates; soil quality