881 research outputs found

    Laju tangkap dan musim penangkapan madidihang (Thunnus albacares) dengan tuna hand line yang didaratkan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bitung (Fishing rate and season at hand line caught-Tuna (Thunnus albacares) landed in Bitung Oceanic Fisheries Port)

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    Tuna (Thunnus albacares) is a big pelagic fish with an extensive distribution from tropics to subtropics. It is categorized as highly economic fish and takes important role in promoting fisheries trades at the national and international level. This study was aimed at knowing the handline fishing rate and appropriate fishing season. The method used in this study was descriptive through case study approach. The study employed secondary data of Bitung oceanic fisheries port based on 5 year-fisheries log data, from 2011 to 2015. Results showed that the lowest fishing rate occurred in November 2013, 2.24 kg/hr/fisher and the highest was found in November 2011, 93.14 kg/hr/fisher. Based on fishing season, it was found that fishing season occurred in January, July, August, September, October and November. Keywords :  fishing rate, season, tuna   ABSTRAK Madidihang (Thunnus albacares) merupakan ikan pelagis besar dengan distribusi geografis mulai dari daerah tropis sampai sub tropis. Madidihang tergolong ikan bernilai ekonomis tinggi serta berperan penting dalam menggerakkan perdagangan hasil perikanan secara nasional dan internasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya laju tangkap madidihang dengan tuna hand line dan mengetahui musim yang baik untuk penangkapan madidihang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Data yang digunakan dalam analisis laju tangkap dan musim penangkapan yaitu data sekunder yang di peroleh dari data log perikanan selama 5 tahun (2011-2015) yang tercatat di PPS Bitung . Hasil analisis laju tangkap diperoleh laju tangkap terendah berada pada bulan November 2013 yaitu 2,24 kg/jam/pemancing, sedangkan pada bulan November 2011 memiliki nilai laju tangkap tertinggi yaitu 93,14 kg/jam/pemancing. Berdasarkan hasil analisis musim penangkapan, diketahui bahwa musim penangkapan madidihang terjadi pada bulan Januari, Juli, Agustus, September, Oktober dan Nopember. Kata kunci : Laju tangkap, musim tangkap, madidhan

    Non-Intrusive Electrical Load Monitoring System Applying Neural Networks with Combined Steady-State Electrical Variables

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    This paper presents a full electrical load identification model that considers steady-state parameters obtained easily from low-cost residential smart meters. The model was developed using neural networks including combinations of real power, current, impedance and admittance variables to identify the best input parameters. The monitoring model was improved by training one neural network to identify changing events and another neural network to identify the load state. The proposed model was tested using two different groups of residential loads: residential appliances measured in the laboratory and a public database of electrical measurements. The results show that the impedance model and a feedforward neural network achieved the best performance to characterise the load. In addition, when combining the different input parameters, those that consider impedance as an input parameter produced better results. The output provides simultaneous information about the operation state of all the loads before and after an event occurs

    Catch per unit effort (CPUE) periode lima tahunan perikanan pukat cincin di Kota Manado dan Kota Bitung

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    ABSTRACT Overfishing is due to increasing fishing capacity through increasing the size of fishing gears and vessels. This research aims to analyze the development of the five-year CPUE and maximum production of purse seine fishery in Manado and Bitung Cities periodically and determine changes in fishing capacity and its influence on CPUE. The results of this study are expected to provide information in the purse seine fishery management in the city of Manado and Bitung. The results of the analysis is the highest CPUE for Bitung occurred in the period 2005-2009, the lowest CPUE occurred in the period 2008-2012 and the highest CPUE for Manado occurred in the period 2008-2012, the lowest CPUE occurred in the period 2006-2010. The highest maximum production Bitung occurred in the period 2008-2012 amounted to 22.083 tons and maximum production of Manado occurred in the period 2006-2010 amounted to 7.855 tons. The number of vessels and their sizes in each five-year period there increased in line with the increase of production. Keywords: catch, effort, purse seine, pelagic fish.   ABSTRAK Penangkapan ikan secara berlebihan terjadi karena meningkatnya kapasitas tangkap yaitu melalui penambahan ukuran alat tangkap dan ukuran kapal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perkembangan lima tahunan CPUE maupun produksi maksimum perikanan pukat cincin di Kota Manado dan Kota Bitung secara periodik dan mengetahui perubahan kapasitas tangkap dan pengaruhnya terhadap CPUE. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi dalam pengelolaan perikanan pukat cincin di Kota Manado dan Kota Bitung. Hasil analisis yang diperoleh adalah CPUE tertinggi untuk Kota Bitung terjadi pada periode tahun 2005-2009, CPUE terendah terjadi pada periode tahun 2008-2012 dan CPUE tertinggi untuk Kota Manado terjadi pada periode tahun 2008-2012, CPUE terendahnya terjadi pada periode tahun 2006-2010. Produksi maksimum tertinggi Kota Bitung terjadi pada periode tahun 2008-2012 sebesar 22.083 ton dan produksi maksimum Kota Manado terjadi pada periode tahun 2006-2010 sebesar 7.855 ton. Jumlah kapal dan ukuran kapal pada setiap periode lima tahunan meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan produksi. Kata-kata kunci: hasil tangkapan, upaya, pukat cincin, ikan pelagi


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    ABSTRAKTulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kebijakan politik luar negeri Indonesia pada pemerintahan Jokowi dalam upaya penyelesaian konflik di Myanmar. Beberapa temuan dari penelitian menggambarkan: Pertama, kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia dalam merespon isu Rohingya tidak lepas dari berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhinya, baik internal maupun eksternal, diantaranya: 1. National Interest, tercermin dari dorongan masyarakat muslim Indonesia agar pemerintah Indonesia terlibat dalam penyelesaian konflik dan melindungi etnis muslim Rohingya; 2. Kepentingan nasional, yang menjadikan konflik Rohingya sebagai kesempatan bagi Indonesia untuk membangun kepercayaan internasional; 3. Proteksi negara, untuk mengantisipasi ancaman dan implikasi yang dihasilkan oleh konflik, baik dalam aspek teritorial security maupun ekonomi; 4. Ujian kredibiltas ASEAN, yang selama ini dianggap lemah, sehingga memaksa Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara berpengaruh di ASEAN turun tangan; 5. Tekanan internasional terhadap negara-negara kawasan atas apa yang terjadi di Myanmar, menjadi faktor yang juga mempengaruhi kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia; 6) Faktor pengambil keputusan. Kata Kunci   : Konflik Etnis Rohingya; Kebijakan Politik Luar Negeri.  INDONESIA FOREIGN POLITICAL POLICY IN JOKOWI GOVERNMENT IN CONFLICT SETTLEMENT EFFORTS IN MYANMARBy:Ninggimus Yolemal Djumati, Johny P. Lengkong, Trilke E. Tulung ABSTRACTThis paper aims to describe Indonesia's foreign policy in the Jokowi government in the efforts to resolve conflicts in Myanmar. Some findings from the study illustrate: First, Indonesia's foreign policy in responding to the Rohingya issue cannot be separated from various factors that influence it, both internal and external, including: 1. National Interest, reflected by the encouragement of Indonesian Muslim communities so that the Indonesian government is involved in conflict resolution and protect Rohingya Muslim ethnicities; 2. National interest, which makes the Rohingya conflict an opportunity for Indonesia to build international trust; 3. State protection, to anticipate threats and implications generated by the conflict, both in territorial and economic aspects of security; 4. The ASEAN credibility test, which has been considered weak, has forced Indonesia as an influential country in ASEAN to intervene; 5. International pressure on regional countries over what is happening in Myanmar, is a factor that also affects Indonesia's foreign policy; 6) Decision making factors. Keywords: Rohingya Ethnic Conflict; Foreign Polic

    Peran Komunikasi Keluarga Dalam Mencegah Perilaku Merokok Bagi Remaja Di Kelurahan Winangun Kecamatan Malalayang Kota Manado

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    The background of this research problem is the phenomenon of smoking among adolescents are high enough to make researchers interested in studying. In this study defined each of understanding Role in Preventing Family Communication for Adolescent Smoking Behavior. As for the supporting theories applied that Theory of Interpersonal Communication and Stimulus Response Theory. The research methodology is descriptive method with a single variable. The population is 1149 with a sample of 20 respondents. Data collection techniques drawn consist of primary data and secondary data using descriptive statistical data analysis techniques. The results showed that the role of family communication is very important in preventing smoking behavior for adolescents. Communication is able to build a harmonious relationship between parents and children, making it easier for parents to influence and deliver all the advice, guidance, motivation and expectations of families included in preventing smoking behavior is not good for children


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    The development of e-government in Manado city is one of the programs implemented by the Manado city government to facilitate services to the public and private parties using advances in information technology. This research aims to explain the implementation of E-government in supporting transparency and openness of public information in Manado City. The research was conducted by descriptive method with qualitative approach, data obtained through observation, interview and secondary data. The focus of this research used Charles Jones's theory of application or application. The results showed that the implementation of e-government in Manado city is still not going well because the Department of Communication and Informatics is still experiencing constraints on its implementation such as lack of employees, little funds, facilities and infrastructure that have not been supported, lack of community participation, lack of commitment from the government so as to have an impact on transparency and openness of public information

    Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Standar Pelayanan Paspor pada Kantor Imigrasi Kelas 1 Manado Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2009

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    Public services can not be separated from issues of public interest, which became the origin of the emergence of the term public service. The globalization of information technology for carrying all agencies, the Institute, the Agency, the Department and the Office of Government towards changes on attitudes about how to provide public services effectively and efficiently. Rapid technological advances have led to a huge influence on all areas, namely in the information technology services to a government agency. This research is located at the Immigration Office Class 1 Manado is one of his duties is a service passport, service passport to analyze the terms of Law No. 25 of 2009 on public services. This study used qualitative research methods. From the results of research on public perception inside the passport is quite good but there are still things considered less

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan pada Klinik Esther House Of Beauty Manado

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    The purpose of this research to find determine wheter quality of service that reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty, and tangibles influential throught of customer loyalty in Esther House of Beauty Manado.This type of research is quantitative research with descirptive approach. The population of this research in Esther House of Beauty Manado customers, with 60 respondents. The result of this simultaneous showed that the impact of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty, tangibles takes controlled of customer loyalty in Esther House of Beauty Manado is 84,5%. Whereas, variable tangibles uninfluenced simultaneously throught loyalty in Esther House of Beauty. Whereas, the result of this research showed that the partial tangibles has no influence though customer loyalty in Esther House of Beauty Manado. And the quality variable of service that mostly influence is responsiveness

    Kajian Perikanan Tangkap Mene Maculata Di Teluk Buyat

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    Moonfish (Mene maculata) known locally as bete tamako or peda Cina, is one of the economically important fish resources resulting from Buyat Bay. Although it has relatively small size (estimated length 25-30 cm), but the fish has a good taste. The presence of moonfish is usually a sign of sailfish fishing season in the Buyat Bay. Common fishing gear used to catch moonfish is hand line , noru. However, scientific information about the status of moonfish fishery was not yet understood. Therefore, this study aims to determine the status of moonfish fishery and map out the fishing location. This research was conducted in the Buyat Bay, Ratatotok District, Southeast Minahasa Regency (March-September 2013); using a survey method with a descriptive approach. Catch data were analyzed by a surplus production model. These results informed that the maximum sustainable yields (MSYs) was 1707 fish/trip/year where the number of the suitable fishing trips was 470 trips