489 research outputs found

    Feed Crops for Late Planting

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    Sometimes a farmer finds it necessary to plant a piece of land late in the season such action may be caused by drought, too much moisture, or other causes. This necessitates the use of a crop not ordinarily planted. Such crop, usually known as a catch crop , must be one which has a chance of producing a reasonable return from late planting

    Alfalfa Seed: Producing the Crop

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    The production of alfalfa seed is an important enterprise on many central and western South Dakota farms. South Dakota alfalfa see has long been in demand for planting in the northern states. All South Dakota farmers who produce alfalfa seed should become familiar with the market demands for this crop and earnestly strive to meet these demands in the quality of see produced

    Alfalfa in South Dakota

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    Alfalfa is a hardy, deep-rooted, long-lived drought resistant legume, belonging to the same family of plants as sweet, red clover and soybeans. Alfalfa is nearly a perfect forage. Alfalfa is very important as a crop for South Dakota. There should be a fair proportion of nearly every South Dakota farm planted to alfalfa

    Wheat for Profit

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    Wheat ranks as one of the important agricultural products of South Dakota. The soil and climatic conditions are favorable for the production of high quality wheats. Other factors are the choice of varieties, good cultural methods, crop rotation and the control of diseases

    The Soil and Seed Bed for Corn

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    In this circular, created by the Agricultural Extension Service at South Dakota State College, the information provided focuses on finding sufficient soil and seed beds to plant corn in through the guidance of the Agricultural Department

    Selecting, Testing, and Preparing Seed Ears for Planting

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    In this circular, created by the Agricultural Extension Service at South Dakota State College, the information provided focuses on preparing seed ears for testing and selecting through the guidance of the Agriculture Department

    Field Selection and Storage of Seed Corn

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    In this circular, created by the Agricultural Extension Service at South Dakota State College, the information provided focuses on field selection for the corn crop and then also the storage of seed corn. This information is provided through the guidance of the Agriculture Department

    Selecting and Planting the Corn Breeding Plot

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    In this circular, created by the Agricultural Extension Service at South Dakota State College, the information provided focuses on selecting and then planting a corn breeding plot through the guidance of the Agriculture Department

    Definite Corn Breeding Plots

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    There is no certainty among plant breeders as regards the origin of the corn plant. Certain authorities claim that corn originated in Mexico from a cross between game grass and a cross between a sport of teosinte grass and the original plant. Regardless of the origin of the corn plant we are very sure that great strides have been made in the development of the corn plant and there is no reason why we should assume that further development will not take place

    Late Summer Care of the Corn Crop

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    In this circular, created by the Agricultural Extension Service at South Dakota State College, the information provided focuses on caring for corn crops during the late summer period. This information is provided through the guidance of the Agriculture Department