1,221 research outputs found

    ENG 1000-001: Fundamental English

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    ENG 1000-001: Fundamental English

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    A predicted dimer-based polymorph of 10,11-dihydrocarbamazepine (Form IV)

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    A novel polymorph of 10,11-dihydrocarbamazepine (form IV), which had been predicted to be thermodynamically feasible, was obtained from the vapour phase and displays an R22(8) hydrogen bonded dimer motif in contrast to the catemeric motifs in forms I–III

    A random forest model for predicting the crystallisability of organic molecules

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    A random forest model has for the first time enabled the prediction of the crystallisability (crystals vs. no crystals) of organic molecules with ∼70% accuracy. The predictive model is based on calculated molecular descriptors and published experimental crystallisation propensities of a library of substituted acylanilides

    Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research for Professional Academic Development in Higher Education

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    Although faculties are more diverse, decentralized, and increasingly isolated in technology-supported modern universities, effective technology use can also foster faculty professional academic development and collegiality. This scoping literature review applied Cooper’s systemic review model and a categorical content analysis technique targeting decentralized collaborative research teams in higher education. Findings indicate technology supports formal and informal university and nonuniversity networks, as well as various collaborative research structures; all contributing to professional academic development. Shared attributes of successful collaborative online teams include a sense of social presence, accountability, institutional and team leadership. Collaborative teams are integral to research and allow more faculty members to contribute and benefit from professional academic development through scholarship. Collaborative team research should be investigated further to understand and promote cross-discipline and cultural collaboration potential for research and professional academic development possibilities with special attention given to opportunities for women, online, and adjunct facult

    Ocena kratkotrajnega raztapljanja in izločanja karbonata z uporabo vrstičnega elektronskega mikroskopa: metodološki postopki in preliminarni rezultati iz Postojnske jame

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    Carbonate dissolution and precipitation are important geological processes whose rates often require quantification. In natural settings, these processes may be taking place at a slow rate, and thus, it may not be easily visible which of these processes is occurring. Alternatively, if the effects of precipitation/dissolution are visible, it may not be clear if they are still underway or an artefact of past conditions. Moreover, these two opposing processes may flip states depending on the environmental conditions, such as, on a seasonal basis. Here, we present the technical details and preliminary results of a method using carbonate tablets and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to evaluate which process (carbonate dissolution or precipitation) is occurring, using as an example, a cave environment. Our method involves making tablets by encasing blocks of carbonate rock into resin and polishing these to form a completely flat and smooth “zero surface”. These tablets are observed under SEM in exactly the same points both before and after exposure to the field environment, using a system of marking lines at specific locations on the resin. Our results show significant differences in the before and after images of the tablet surface after just six weeks in the cave. Furthermore, the use of the insoluble resin zero surface permits a comparison of the starting height with the new dissolved/precipitated surface that can be used to quantitatively estimate the rate of dissolution/precipitation happening at a field location in a relatively short time-frame (weeks/months). This method could be used in numerous natural and industrial settings to identify these processes that can be caused purely geochemically, but also through microbialmediation and physical weathering.Raztapljanje in izločanje karbonatnih mineralov spadata med geološke procese, katerih hitrost pogosto želimo kvantitativno ovrednotiti. V naravnih okoljih so ti procesi počasni, zato običajno ni enostavno oceniti, kateri proces trenutno poteka na določeni točki, niti tega, ali so vidni učinki raztapljanja ali izločanja posledica aktivnih pogojev in procesov ali dogajanj v preteklosti. Poleg tega se nasprotujoča si procesa lahko hitro izmenjujeta zaradi sprememb v jamskem okolju, na primer sezonsko. V članku prikazujemo metodologijo in preliminarne rezultate preiskave apnenčevih ploščic (tablet), izpostavljenih pogojem raztapljanja in/ali izločanja v jamskem okolju, pod vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM). Metodologija obsega izdelavo testnih ploščic iz apnenca, ki smo jih zalili v epoksidno smolo, izravnali in spolirali do ravne in gladke referenčne površine. Preden smo jih izpostavili naravnim pogojem, smo ploščice označili z referenčnimi lokacijskimi točkami na meji med smolnim obodom in kamnino ter referenčna področja fotografirali pod SEM v grobovakuumskih pogojih. Nadaljne analize z SEM so pokazale znatne razlike na površini ploščic že po šestih tednih izpostavljenosti jamskim pogojem: s primerjavo z nivojem netopne epoksidne smole smo lahko neposredno ugotovili, ali je na apnenčevi ploščici prišlo do raztapljanja ali do izločanja. Referenčna mejna področja na ploščicah smo nato pod SEM analizirali v tedenskih in mesečnih intervalih z uporabo stereoskopske topografske rekonstrukcije, s katero smo kvantitativno ocenili hitrost raztapljanja oziroma izločanja karbonata. Metoda je potencialno uporabna za proučevanje geokemijskih, mikrobno induciranih in mehanskih prosesov na mikroskopski ravni v naravnih in laboratorijskih (industrijskih) pogojih

    Preliminary results from an assessment of the South African P. delagoae rock lobster resource to investigate the recovery of the resource between two periods of experimental trap-fishing

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    Data from two trap-fishing experiments carried out on the east coast of South Africa targeting the P.delagoae rock lobster, along with trawl-catch information for the years 1985-2009, are used to develop a population assessment for this species. The assessment aims to investigate the extent, if any, of the recovery of the rock lobster between the two periods of fishing, as well as assess the current stock level and potential future sustainable catch. The model is an age-structured model and includes ageto-length conversions in order to assess the fit of the model-predicted catches to length data available from the trap experiments

    Preliminary results for a combined assessment of all seven southern hemisphere humpback whale breeding stocks

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    This paper reports preliminary results from the development of an assessment process that aims to include all seven Southern Hemisphere humpback whale breeding stocks in a single joint assessment, with the purpose of allowing highlatitude historic catches (i.e. catches taken south of 40˚S, where mixing amongst the populations occurs), to be allocated to breeding stocks in proportion to abundance, rather than on set ratios. The approach can be broadened to allow for uncertainties in the placement of the boundaries assumed to link high latitude catches to breeding stocks. Because of the interaction between populations arising from the procedure to allocate high latitude catches amongst breeding stocks, the conventional SIR-based Bayesian approach proved impractical to expand. Instead uniform priors on the various preexploitation level (K) parameters were assumed with the intent to later iteratively adjust these to account for their being informative about the values of the intrinsic growth rate (r) parameters. Initial results (which will need later refinement) are presented purely for the purposes of illustrating the application of the approach