46 research outputs found
Different glutamate receptors convey feedforward and recurrent processing in macaque V1
- Author
- Angelucci
- Angelucci
- Armstrong-James
- Bair
- Crick
- Desimone
- Ekstrom
- Fox
- Fox
- H. Super
- Hagihara
- Herrero
- Hubel
- Hupe
- Hup Â
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Kharazia
- Kohr
- Kumar
- Lamme
- Lamme
- Lamme
- Lamme
- Lamme
- Larkum
- Li
- Lumer
- M. W. Self
- Miller
- Moore
- N. W.
- P. R. Roelfsema
- Petralia
- R. N. Kooijmans
- Rivadulla
- Rockland
- Roelfsema
- Rosier
- Sandell
- Sherman
- Sup  r
- Sup  r
- Treue
- V. A. Lamme
- Wang
- Williams
- Zipser
- Publication venue
- 'Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A Reexamination of the Agency Doctrine of Election
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1982
- Field of study
Natural parenting : back to basics in infant care
- Author
- Ainsworth M. D. S.
- Ainsworth M. D. S.
- Ainsworth M. D. S.
- Ainsworth M. D. S.
- Ainsworth M. D. S.
- Ainsworth M. D. S.
- Ainsworth M. D. S.
- Altemus M.
- American Academy of Pediatrics.
- Anders T. F.
- Anderson G. C.
- Anderson G. C.
- Anderson V.
- Bar-Yakov L. R.
- Barkow J. H.
- Barr R. G.
- Barr R. G.
- Barr R. G.
- Barr R. G.
- Bauer I.
- Baumslag N.
- Belsky J.
- Blurton Jones N.
- Bobel C. G.
- Bostock J.
- Bostock J.
- Boucke L.
- Bower C.
- Bowlby J.
- Bowlby J.
- Bowlby J.
- Bowlby J.
- Brazelton T. B.
- Buckley R. H.
- Burton R. V.
- BĂĽschelberger J.
- Caviness V. S.
- Chen S. T.
- Chen X.
- Chisholm J. S.
- Davies E. G.
- Davis D. W.
- Dettwyler K. A.
- deVries M. W.
- Dzik M. A.
- DĂaz S.
- Elias M. F.
- Erikson E. H.
- Evoniuk G. E.
- Fagan B. M.
- Fettweis E.
- Field T.
- Field T. M.
- Fildes V.
- Fildes V. A.
- Firth R.
- Fontanel B.
- Frissell-Deppe T.
- Garofalo R. P.
- Gatts J. D.
- Gerhardt S.
- Gersh M. J.
- Granju K. A.
- Green K. E.
- Harrison L.
- Hartmann P. E.
- Holt L. E.
- Honigmann I.
- Hrdy S. B.
- Hunt J.
- Hunziker U. A.
- Jelliffe E. F. P.
- Jenni O. G.
- Johnson P.
- Keener M. A.
- Kirkilionis E.
- Kirkilionis E.
- Kirkilionis E.
- Kirkilionis E.
- Kirkilionis E.
- Kirkilionis E.
- Knöbel H. H.
- Kunz C.
- Labbok M. H.
- Labbok M. H.
- Lambesis C. C.
- Lawrence R. A.
- Lecanuet J.-P.
- LeVine R. A.
- Li R.
- Lipton E. L.
- Lozoff B.
- Lozoff B.
- Ludington S. M.
- Ludington-Hoe S. M.
- Lönnerdal B.
- Madansky D.
- Main M.
- Main M.
- Malecki M.
- McKenna J.
- McKenna J. J.
- McKenna J. J.
- McKenna J. J.
- Mead M.
- Mead M.
- Mead M.
- Medoff D.
- Micozzi M. S.
- Money J.
- Montagu A.
- Murooka H.
- Ottaviano S.
- Ourth L.
- Phillips R. B.
- Powers N. G.
- Prescott J. W.
- Provence S.
- Rao M.
- Ravindranathan S.
- Rayner P. H. W.
- Read P. E.
- Reynolds J.
- Richard C. A.
- Rodriguez-Palmero M.
- Salmon C.
- Schachter F. F.
- Schanberg S.
- Schanberg S. M.
- Schmidt K.
- Sears W.
- Siegel D. J.
- Small M. F.
- Soltis J.
- St. James-Roberts I.
- Stadtler A. C.
- Stuart-Macadam P.
- Super C. M.
- Tachdjian M. O.
- Taubman B.
- Taubman B.
- Thevenin T.
- Thompson R. A.
- Tuohy P. G.
- U.S. Department of Labor Children's Bureau.
- Uvnäs-Moberg K.
- van den Boom D. C.
- Walsh S. Z.
- Weinfield N. S.
- Whiting B. B.
- Whiting J. W. M.
- Whiting J. W. M.
- Wolf A. W.
- Wolff P. H.
- World Health Assembly.
- World Health Assembly.
- World Health Organization (Department of Reproductive Health and Research).
- World Health Organization (Nutrition Unit).
- World Health Organization.
- World Health Organization.
- World Health Organization.
- World Health Organization.
- World Health Organization.
- Wright A. L.
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
Peer reviewe
Eizellenspende & Leihmutterschaft: Eine Rechtsvergleichung: Zweisprachig (Egg Donation and Surrogate Mothers: A Legal Comparison: Bi-Lingual)
- Author
- . L Loy
- / Joslin
- / Joslin
- / Pieroth
- A G Hamm
- Andrew &apos
- Auch Johnson V
- Br�ggemeier
- Bspw
- Buzzanca In Re
- Buzzanca In Re
- C V Jhordan
- Canesi V Wilson
- Doe V Doe
- Doe V Doe
- Elizabeth Falker
- Eric Allen Engle
- Eric Engle
- Eric Engle
- F S Henrich
- Famrz Scherpe
- Ferguson V Mckiernan
- Friederici
- Gert Br�ggemeier
- Harnicher V
- Huddleston V. Infertility
- I Absatz
- Jay A Soled
- Jeter V. Mayo Clinic
- John &apos
- Johnson V Cal
- Johnson V Calvert
- Johnson V Super
- Laura M Katers
- Leach &
- Lg K�ln
- Molloy V Meier
- Richard Posner
- Roger Brownsword
- Tracey Smith V. Gregory
- U L Q Wash
- Wald V
- Wald V
- Zfl Olg Rostock
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
The Influence of Career Stage on Police Officer Work Behavior
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Account Stated Resurrected: The Fiction of Implied Assent in Consumer Debt Collection
- Author
- ( S D ) N Citibank
- ( S D N A V Citibank
- A L C
- A L C
- A L C
- App
- Assuming
- C 1a
- Candace S Kovacic
- Com
- Comm&apos
- D S A Fin
- E G
- E G See
- Emanwel J. Turnbull
- F Supp
- Glover
- Id
- Id
- J Confl Cardozo
- Juli Loden
- Larry Lawrence
- Lewis &
- Ltd Brobst V. Johnson Realty Group
- N A V Citibank
- N E
- N E
- Restatement See
- Restatement See
- S Dreyer Medical Clinic
- See V Creditrust Corp
- Super
- U S Farley V. Chasebank
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2013
- Field of study
Factors that Influence Students' Choice of Careers in Construction Management
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Structural Subjugation: Theorizing Racialized Sexual Harassment in Housing
- Author
- ( W D N Y
- . L Cavalieri V
- A
- A
- Ala
- App
- App
- App
- App Dist
- B Barlow
- Boswell V
- Boswell V
- Braun V
- Cir
- Ct
- Douglas U Rosenthal
- Dubois V House
- E G See
- F
- F App
- F App
- F App
- F D Supp
- F D Supp
- F Supp
- F Supp
- F Supp
- F Supp
- F Supp
- F Supp
- F Supp
- Fahnbulleh V Gfz Realty
- Fla
- Forkenbrock Lindemyer
- Ga
- Glover V Jones
- Goluboff
- Grieger V Sheets
- Gurrola V Jervis
- Harmon V Mattson
- Harris-Perry
- Hurst V. Hochman
- Id
- Ill
- Inc Stevens
- Irving Joyner
- Jane Doe V
- Kan
- Kan
- Kate Sablosky Elengold
- Krueger V
- Kubiak V Meltzer
- Llc V Batavia Woods
- Luther Blissett
- M Brandon
- M D Pa
- Mcdonald V Burton
- Mich
- Miller
- Mo
- N
- N J Super
- Oh
- Pittman V Johnson
- R Lewis
- Ramirez V Wong
- Ramirez V Wong
- Richards V Bono
- Robbins V
- Seaton V. Sky Realty
- Thompson On Real
- Thompson See Generally2
- U S Dist
- U S Dist
- United States
- United States
- United States
- Va
- W D D Ohio
- Wis
- X
- X
- X
- X D Madison V
- X Rich V. Lubin
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2016
- Field of study
Specialist health promotion as a career choice in public health
- Author
- Adams L
- Bunton R
- Care
- Caroline Coen
- Chalmers F.
- Cohen report.
- Cornish Y.
- Dark P.
- Department of Health.
- Eraut M.
- Etzioni A.
- Friedson E.
- Holland JL
- Jane Wills
- Johnson T. Professions
- Larson M.
- Macdonald G.
- Nutbeam D. Health
- Rawson D.
- Schein EH
- Scott-Samuel A.
- Super DE
- Thurtle V.
- Tilford S.
- Tones K.
- Wanless D.
- World Health Organization.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Autoethnography and cognitive adaptation: two powerful buffers against the negative consequences of workplace bullying and academic mobbing
- Author
- Abbott K.
- Bochner A. P.
- Brenner M. H.
- Chappell D.
- Di Martino V.
- Du Gay P.
- Einarsen S.
- Ellis C.
- Ellis C.
- Ellis C.
- Frankl V. E.
- Freud S.
- Friedenberg J.
- Harpaz I.
- Johnson P.
- Kircher J. C.
- Lemme B. H.
- Meaning of Work (MOW) International Research Team.
- Motin S. H.
- Mpho M. Pheko
- Ngunjiri F. W.
- Randall P.
- Super D. E.
- Von Bergen C. W.
- Westhues K.
- Wiedmer T.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study