33,844 research outputs found

    An HI Imaging Survey of Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars

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    We present an imaging study of a sample of eight asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in the HI 21-cm line. Using observations from the Very Large Array, we have unambiguously detected HI emission associated with the extended circumstellar envelopes of six of the targets. The detected HI masses range from M_HI ~ 0.015-0.055 M_sun. The HI morphologies and kinematics are diverse, but in all cases appear to be significantly influenced by the interaction between the circumstellar envelope and the surrounding medium. Four stars (RX Lep, Y UMa, Y CVn, and V1942 Sgr) are surrounded by detached HI shells ranging from 0.36 to 0.76 pc across. We interpret these shells as resulting from material entrained in a stellar outflow being abruptly slowed at a termination shock where it meets the local medium. RX Lep and TX Psc, two stars with moderately high space velocities (V_space>56 km/s), exhibit extended gaseous wakes (~0.3 and 0.6 pc in the plane of the sky), trailing their motion through space. The other detected star, R Peg, displays a peculiar "horseshoe-shaped" HI morphology with emission extended on scales up to ~1.7 pc; in this case, the circumstellar debris may have been distorted by transverse flows in the local interstellar medium. We briefly discuss our new results in the context of the entire sample of evolved stars that has been imaged in HI to date.Comment: Accepted to AJ. A version with full resolution figures is available at http://www.haystack.mit.edu/hay/staff/lmatthew/matthews_HI_survey.pd

    Existence of nodal solutions for Dirac equations with singular nonlinearities

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    We prove, by a shooting method, the existence of infinitely many solutions of the form ψ(x0,x)=e−iΩx0χ(x)\psi(x^0,x) = e^{-i\Omega x^0}\chi(x) of the nonlinear Dirac equation {equation*} i\underset{\mu=0}{\overset{3}{\sum}} \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \psi- m\psi - F(\bar{\psi}\psi)\psi = 0 {equation*} where Ω>m>0,\Omega>m>0, χ\chi is compactly supported and \[F(x) = \{{array}{ll} p|x|^{p-1} & \text{if} |x|>0 0 & \text{if} x=0 {array}.] with p∈(0,1),p\in(0,1), under some restrictions on the parameters pp and Ω.\Omega. We study also the behavior of the solutions as pp tends to zero to establish the link between these equations and the M.I.T. bag model ones

    HI Observations of the Asymptotic Giant Branch Star X Herculis: Discovery of an Extended Circumstellar Wake Superposed on a Compact High-Velocity Cloud

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    We report HI 21-cm line observations of the AGB star X Her obtained with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) and the Very Large Array (VLA). We have detected HI emission totaling M_HI=2.1e-03 M_sun associated with the circumstellar envelope of the star. The HI distribution exhibits a head-tail morphology, similar to those previously observed around Mira and RS Cnc. The tail extends ~6.0' (0.24 pc) in the plane of the sky, along the direction of the star's space motion. We also detect a velocity gradient of ~6.5 km/s across the envelope, consistent with the HI tracing a turbulent wake that arises from the motion of a mass-losing star through the ISM. GBT mapping of a 2x2deg region around X Her reveals that the star lies (in projection) near the periphery of a much larger HI cloud that also exhibits signatures of ISM interaction. The properties of the cloud are consistent with those of compact high-velocity clouds. Using CO observations, we have placed an upper limit on its molecular gas content of N_H2<1.3e20 cm^-2. Although the distance to the cloud is poorly constrained, the probability of a chance coincidence in position, velocity, and apparent position angle of space motion between X Her and the cloud is extremely small, suggesting a possible physical association. However, the large HI mass of the cloud (~>2.4~M_sun) and the blueshift of its mean velocity relative to X Her are inconsistent with an origin tied directly to stellar ejection. (abridged)Comment: Accepted to AJ; 47 pages, 15 figures; version with full resolution figures available at http://www.haystack.mit.edu/hay/staff/lmatthew/matthews_XHer.pd

    Ag on Ge(111): 2D X-ray structure analysis of the (Wurzel)3 x (Wurzel)3 superstructure

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    We have studied the Ag/Ge(111)(Wurzel)3 x (Wurzel)3 superstructure by grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction. In our structural analysis we find striking similarities to the geometry of Au on Si(111). The Ag atoms form trimer clusters with an Ag-Ag distance of 2.94+-0.04°A with the centers of the trimers being located at the origins of the (Wurzel)3 x (Wurzel)3 lattice. The Ag layer is incomplete and at least one substrate layer is distorted

    Supporting and managing EFL students\u27 online learning in Vietnamese blended learning environments

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    It is well-known that blended learning (BL) makes use of the advantages of both face-to-face learning and online learning and can take many different forms. However, for English as a foreign language (EFL) lecturers in Vietnamese universities, BL is still in its early stages of implementation on which this article is focused. This study examined Vietnamese university lecturers’ perspectives of supporting and managing EFL students’ online learning in BL environments, using semi-structured interviews with 20 EFL lecturers from 10 different Vietnamese universities. The results reveal EFL lecturers implemented five combinations of online and face-to-face learning, of which two were widely used. Due to different university-based policies and varied teaching experience, EFL lecturers in these Vietnamese universities applied three sets of strategies to support and manage students’ online learning in BL environments. Some implications for consideration are proposed for improving EFL lecturers’ implementations of online learning and BL in Vietnamese universities

    The extinction curve in the visible and the value of Rv

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    This article discusses the interstellar extinction curve in the visible and the value of Rv. It is concluded that the visible extinction curve is likely to be linear in the visible, and that indirect estimates of Rv from tentative determinations of Av, infrared, or UV observations are questionable. There is currently no evidence of any variation of Rv with direction. If Rv is close to 3, as it has been inferred from mid-infrared data, starlight in the visible is extinguished by a factor F/F_0=(2.5exp{-2micron/lambda})^{E(B-V)} in the visible. But if the visible wavelength range alone is considered, 4 appears as its most natural and probable value, and F/F_0= exp{-2E(B-V)/lambda}.Comment: 4 figures. Published in Astronomische Nachrichten. Label of Fig. 1 is corrected in the present version. Paper previously rejected by MNRAS (MJ Barlow editor, review is available

    Preventing Repeat Victimization: A Systematic Review

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    This report presents a systematic review, including a statistical meta-analysis, of the effects of initiatives to prevent repeat victimization

    Diagnostic Validity of Patient-Reported History for Shoulder Pathology

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    Objective The purpose of this article is to determine whether patient-reported history items are predictive of shoulder pathology and have the potential for use in triaging patients with shoulder pathology to orthopaedic outpatient clinics. Setting It is set at two tertiary orthopaedic clinics. Patients All new patients reporting pain and/or disability of the shoulder joint were prospectively recruited. A total of 193 patients were enrolled, 15 of whom withdrew, leaving 178 patients composing the study sample. Design Patients completed a questionnaire on the history of their pathology, then the surgeon took a thorough history indicating the most likely diagnosis. The clinician then performed appropriate physical examination. Arthroscopy was the reference standard for those undergoing surgery and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with arthrogram for all others. We calculated the sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios (LRs) of history items alone and in combination. We used the LRs to generate a clinical decision algorithm. Main Outcome Measures Diagnosis was determined through arthroscopy or MRI arthrogram. Reporting was standardized to ensure review of all structures. Results The physical examination and history agreed in 75% of cases. Of those that did not agree, the physical examination misdirected the diagnosis in 47% of our cases. In particular, history items were strong predictors of anterior and posterior instability and subscapularis tears and were combined in a tool to be utilized for screening patients. Conclusion The patient-reported history items were effective for diagnosing shoulder pathology and should be considered for use in a triaging instrument
