2,153 research outputs found

    N* Spectrum using an O(a)-Improved Fermion Action

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    The construction of operators and calculational methods for the determination of the N* spectrum are discussed. The masses of the parity partners of the nucleon and delta are computed from the O(a)-improved data of the UKQCD Collaboration, and a clear splitting observed between the mass of the nucleon and its parity partner.Comment: Lattice 2000 (subject), 4 pages, 5 postscript figure

    Magnetic field induced effects in the high source-drain bias current of weakly coupled vertical quantum dot molecules

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    We report on the basic properties of recently observed magnetic field resonance, induced time dependent oscillation, and hysteresis effects in the current flowing through two weakly coupled vertical quantum dots at high source-drain bias (up to a few tens of mV). These effects bare some similarity to those reported in the N=2 spin-blockade regime, usually for weak in-plane magnetic field, of quantum dot molecules and attributed to hyperfine coupling, except here the measurements are conducted outside of the spin-blockade regime and the out-of-plane magnetic field is up to ~6 T.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physica E in EP2DS 17 conference proceeding

    Feasibility of undertaking off-site infant eye-tracking assessments of neuro-cognitive functioning in early-intervention centres

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    Recent work suggests that differences in functional brain development are already identifiable in 6- to 9-month-old infants from low socio-economic status (SES) backgrounds. Investigation of early SES-related differences in neuro-cognitive functioning requires the recruitment of large and diverse samples of infants, yet it is often difficult to persuade low-SES parents to come to a university setting. One solution is to recruit infants through early intervention children’s centres (CCs). These are often located in areas of high relative deprivation to support young children. Given the increasing portability of eye-tracking equipment, assessment of large clusters of infants could be undertaken in centres by suitably trained early intervention staff. Here we report on a study involving 174 infants and their parents, carried out in partnership with CCs, exploring the feasibility of this approach, We report the processes of setting up the project and participant recruitment. We report the diversity of sample obtained on the engagement of CC staff in training and the process of assessment itself. We report the quality of the data obtained, and the levels of engagement of parents, and infants. We conclude that this approach has great potential for recruiting large and diverse samples worldwide, provides sufficiently reliable data, and is engaging to staff, parents and infants

    Observations of Wood Bison Swimming across the Liard River, Northwest Territories, Canada

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    We observed a group of 18 wood bison, of mixed sex and age classes, swimming across a 1.7 km wide section of the Liard River on 16 July 2002. Water levels and flow rates were above the long-term average for that time of year, and there was a river current of 14-16 km/h. The animals took at least 27 minutes to negotiate their 3.6 km swim. Younger animals were able to keep more of their head and body above the water level than older mature males. Calves of the year, observed swimming across a secondary channel of the river on 15 July 2003, had only their heads above water. Bison are capable of swimming across lakes and rivers (Wood Buffalo National Park, Yellowstone National Park), but well-documented cases of bison navigating rapidly flowing northern rivers are rare. Open-water crossings of the Liard River are important to the ecology of the Nahanni wood bison population, especially since seismic activity in the Liard River Valley is likely to increase.Le 16 juillet 2002, on a observé un groupe de 18 bisons des bois, des deux sexes et de groupes d'âge divers, traversant à la nage une section de la rivière Liard large de 1,7 km. Le niveau d'eau et le débit fluvial dépassaient la moyenne à long terme pour cette période de l'année, et le courant fluvial y était de 14 à 16 km/h. Les animaux ont mis au moins 27 minutes pour négocier leur traversée de 3,6 km. Les plus jeunes pouvaient garder hors de l'eau une plus grande partie de leur tête et de leur corps que d'autres mâles plus âgés. Les veaux de l'année, que l'on a observés le 15 juillet 2003, durant leur traversée à la nage d'une branche secondaire de la rivière, n'avaient que la tête hors de l'eau. Les bisons sont capables de traverser des lacs et des rivières (parc national Wood Buffalo, parc national Yellowstone), mais on ne connaît que peu de cas bien documentés de bisons négociant la traversée de cours d'eau nordiques à courant rapide. La traversée des eaux libres de la Liard est importante pour l'écologie de la population du bison des bois de la Nahanni, en particulier si l'on considère que la prospection sismique va probablement augmenter dans la vallée de la Liard

    New Insights into Uniformly Accelerated Detector in a Quantum Field

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    We obtained an exact solution for a uniformly accelerated Unruh-DeWitt detector interacting with a massless scalar field in (3+1) dimensions which enables us to study the entire evolution of the total system, from the initial transient to late-time steady state. We find that the Unruh effect as derived from time-dependent perturbation theory is valid only in the transient stage and is totally invalid for cases with proper acceleration smaller than the damping constant. We also found that, unlike in (1+1)D results, the (3+1)D uniformly accelerated Unruh-DeWitt detector in a steady state does emit a positive radiated power of quantum nature at late-times, but it is not connected to the thermal radiance experienced by the detector in the Unruh effect proper.Comment: 6 pages, invited talk given by SYL at the conference of International Association for Relativistic Dynamics (IARD), June 2006, Storrs, Connecticut, US

    An NMR-based nanostructure switch for quantum logic

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    We propose a nanostructure switch based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) which offers reliable quantum gate operation, an essential ingredient for building a quantum computer. The nuclear resonance is controlled by the magic number transitions of a few-electron quantum dot in an external magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 2 separate PostScript figures. Minor changes included. One reference adde

    Mineral exploration in the Lower Palaeozoic rocks of south-west Cumbria. Part 1, regional surveys

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    The results of geochemical, geological and geophysical surveys over Lower Palaeozoic rocks in the south-western part of Cumbria are given in two reports. This report (Part 1) describes the results of a geochemical drainage survey and an examination of mineralised sites, and relates them to information from new geological mapping and an assessment of regional geophysical data. Part 2 contains details of follow-up surveys in the Black Combe inlier. The geochemical drainage survey, involving the collection and analysis of heavy mineral concentrates and stream sediment samples from 119 sites, found substantial antimony, arsenic, barium, bismuth, copper, iron, lead, tin, tungsten and zinc anomalies. Gold was reported for the first time from this part of the Lake District: small amounts were noted in panned concentrates from five sites. Other minerals identified in panned concentrates included arsenopyrite, baryte, bismutite, bismuthinite, cassiterite, chalcopyrite, cerussite, pyrite, pyromorphite, scheelite, sphalerite, stolzite and wolfram&e. The examination of old workings and outcrops revealed many undocumented occurrences of quartzsulphide vein-style mineralisation. The chemical analysis of samples taken from old workings and other occurrences confirmed field observations that locally, particularly in the Black Combe area, this mineralisation is polymetallic with variable amounts of arsenic, gold, bismuth, copper, lead, zinc and in a few cases antimony, barium, cobalt, nickel, tungsten and tin. Iron mineralisation occurs both as oxide (hematite) and sulphide deposits. Mercury was present in appreciable amounts in samples from the High Brow pyrite mine. The distribution of panned concentrate anomalies suggests that the vein-style mineralisation is polyphase and that individual phases may be zoned. Highest zinc anomalies occur near Torver and the highest lead on the west side of Black Combe. Tin and tungsten are restricted largely to the central part of Black Combe, and the most prominent arsenic and bismuth anomalies are found in the same area. Copper anomalies are widespread over the Skiddaw Group and the Borrowdale Volcanic Group. Barium anomalies indicate that baryte mineralisation is weak and localised, occurring principally within the Black Combe area and close to the Windermere Supergroup basal unconformity. Iron oxides from host rocks and hematite mineralisation are responsible for local enrichments of iron, antimony, arsenic and molybdenum in panned concentrates

    The Degasperis-Procesi equation as a non-metric Euler equation

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    In this paper we present a geometric interpretation of the periodic Degasperis-Procesi equation as the geodesic flow of a right invariant symmetric linear connection on the diffeomorphism group of the circle. We also show that for any evolution in the family of bb-equations there is neither gain nor loss of the spatial regularity of solutions. This in turn allows us to view the Degasperis-Procesi and the Camassa-Holm equation as an ODE on the Fr\'echet space of all smooth functions on the circle.Comment: 17 page

    Efficiency of scanning and attention to faces in infancy independently predict language development in a multiethnic and bilingual sample of 2-year-olds

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    Efficient visual exploration in infancy is essential for cognitive and language development. It allows infants to participate in social interactions by attending to faces and learning about objects of interest. Visual scanning of scenes depends on a number of factors and early differences in efficiency are likely contributing to differences in learning and language development during subsequent years. Predicting language development in diverse samples is particularly challenging, as additional multiple sources of variability affect infant performance. In this study we tested how the complexity of visual scanning in the presence or absence of a face at 6-7 months of age is related to language development at 2 years of age in a multi-ethnic and predominantly bilingual sample from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. We used Recurrence Quantification Analysis to measure the temporal and spatial distribution of fixations recurring in the same area of a visual scene. We found that in the absence of a face the temporal distribution of re-fixations on selected objects of interest (but not all) significantly predicted both receptive and expressive language scores, explaining 16 - 20% of the variance. Also, lower rate of re-fixations recurring in the presence of a face predicted higher receptive language scores, suggesting larger vocabulary in infants that effectively disengage from faces. Altogether, our results suggest that dynamic measures, which quantify the complexity of visual scanning can reliably and robustly predict language development in highly diverse samples. They suggest that selective attending to objects predicts language independently of attention to faces. As eye-tracking and language assessments were carried out in early intervention centres, our study demonstrates the utility of mobile eye-tracking setups for early detection of risk in attention and language development
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