4,637 research outputs found

    Oxygen and Sodium Abundances in M13 (NGC 6205) Giants: Linking Globular Cluster Formation Scenarios, Deep Mixing, and Post-RGB Evolution

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    We present O, Na, and Fe abundances, as well as radial velocities, for 113 red giant branch (RGB) and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in the globular cluster M13. The abundances and velocities are based on spectra obtained with the WIYN-Hydra spectrograph, and the observations range in luminosity from the horizontal branch (HB) to RGB-tip. The results are examined in the context of recent globular cluster formation scenarios. We find that M13 exhibits many key characteristics that suggest its formation and chemical enrichment are well-described by current models. Some of these observations include: the central concentration of O-poor stars, the notable decrease in [O/Fe] (but small increase in [Na/Fe]) with increasing luminosity that affects primarily the "extreme" population, the small fraction of stars with halo-like composition, and the paucity of O-poor AGB stars. In agreement with recent work, we conclude that the most O-poor M13 giants are likely He-enriched and that most (all?) O-poor RGB stars evolve to become extreme HB and AGB-manqu\'e stars. In contrast, the "primordial" and "intermediate" population stars appear to experience standard HB and AGB evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 18 pages; 3 figures; 1 tabl

    The Development of a Quality Scale to Measure the Impact of Quality on Supermarket Fruit Demand

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    This research examines how fluctuations in quality affect consumer expenditures for fresh fruit at the retail level. This paper examines how consumersÂ’' purchasing behaviors react to changes in fresh fruit quality by quantifying quality characteristics based on weekly observations. A four-point scale was created and used to quantify four different quality characteristics: bruising, markings, brilliance, and maturity. A non-linear Almost Ideal Demand System was used to model the share equations for Gala apples, Fuji apples, Red Delicious apples, other sweet apples, tart apples, pears, bananas, and oranges. Seventy-nine weeks of data on weekly store sales were collected from two grocery stores in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area. Results from the quality measures are provided and discussed. Suggestions are made for modifications to the quality measures to improve the modeling results of future fruit-demand studies.Demand and Price Analysis,

    Collecting Store-Level Data on Retail Supermarket Sales

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    Primary data-collection methods have been understood and studied to a great degree. For example, volumes can be written on the proper way to conduct a survey-based study. However, the process of collecting data from a retail establishment is not as well documented. This paper covers the tools and strategies used to collect weekly data in a retail environment and makes some suggestions for future researchers so that they may avoid similar problems that occurred during the data collection and entry process.Agribusiness,

    Marketing-Management Impacts on Produce Sales

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    Produce departments are important to the profitability and competitiveness of grocery stores. Understanding how variables beyond price and seasonality impact the demand and ultimately sales for produce is vital. This study finds display size and the use of multiple displays to be the most powerful tools (after price) that produce managers have available to them, but only with the right products. Also, point-of-purchase signage is found to have limited impact. These findings are based on the estimation of a demand system of fruits with prices, advertising size and location, display size (including multiple displays), and product origin among the explanatory variables.Agribusiness, Marketing,

    Adaptations: Expressions of sexuality, the law, and workplace sexual harassment [abstract]

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    Abstract only availableSexual harassment law within the US is unable to accurately handle the real life experiences of women, especially the workplace experience. Feminist theorists have suggested many options to deal with the laws' inefficiencies; however, many of the theories are confronted with modern obstacles upon application. In order to allow women to exist in the workplace while eliminating sexual harassment a balance between the workplace environment and the expression of feminine sexuality must be achieved. To strike this balance requires a redefinition of gender to breakout of the widely accepted false gender dichotomy that exists. In order for redefinition to take place theorists have suggested the necessity for a space in which the process can take place. Currently this space is imaginary. Overcoming the modern obstacles offers the possibility of a justice system that is more able to handle the variation of sexual harassment that faces women in the workplace. This project sets aside the redefinition aspect and moves into an area that involves the adaptation and application of the existing laws to address the varied experience of workplace sexual harassment. Through an analytical reading of feminist theoretical debates, case law, and court opinions multiple unaddressed issues have been identified within the law and the surrounding debates. Using current laws to work within the modern justice system can allow women to be heard and their experiences of workplace sexual harassment to be accurately taken up by the courts.McNair Scholars Progra

    Characterization of iodine particles with Volatilization-Humidification Tandem Differential Mobility Analyser (VH-TDMA), Raman and SEM techniques

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    Particles formed upon photo-oxidation of CH2I2 and particles of I2O5 and HIO3 have been studied using a Volatilisation and Humidification Tandem Differential Mobility Analyser (VH-TDMA) system. Volatilization and hygroscopic behaviour have been investigated as function of temperature (from 25 to 400 degrees Celsius), humidity (RH from 80 to 98%), initial aerosol sizes (from 27 to 100 nm mobility diameter) and in nitrogen or air as the sheath gasses. The volatility behaviour of particles formed upon photo-oxidation of CH2I2 is more similar to that of HIO3 particles in a filtered sheath air than in nitrogen, with the particle shrinkage occurring at 190 degrees Celsius and accompanied by hygroscopic growth. Despite its high solubility, HIO3 was found not to be hygroscopic at room temperature with no significant growth displayed until the thermodenuder temperature reached 200 degrees Celsius or above when the particles have transformed into I2O5. Diiodopentaoxide (I2O5) particles exhibit relatively low hygroscopic growth factors of 1.2-2 in the humidity range investigated. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of particles formed upon photo-oxidation of CH2I2 shows that their primary elemental components were iodine and oxygen in a stoichiometric ratio of approximately 1:2 with 10% error. Both Raman spectra and SEM show poor crystallinity for all the aerosols produced

    Detailed Abundances for a Large Sample of Giant Stars in the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae (NGC 104)

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    47 Tuc is an ideal target to study chemical evolution and GC formation in massive more metal-rich GCs since is the closest, massive GC. We present chemical abundances for O, Na, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Fe, Ni, La, and Eu in 164 red giant branch (RGB) stars in the massive globular cluster 47 Tuc using spectra obtained with both the Hydra multi-fiber spectrograph at the Blanco 4-m telescope and the FLAMES multi-object spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope. We find an average [Fe/H]=--0.79±\pm0.09 dex, consistent with literature values, as well as over-abundances of alpha-elements ([\alpha/\mbox{Fe}]\sim0.3 dex). The n-capture process elements indicate that 47 Tuc is r-process dominated ([Eu/La]=+0.24), and the light elements O, Na, and Al exhibit star-to-star variations. The Na-O anti-correlation, a signature typically seen in Galactic globular clusters, is present in 47 Tuc, and extends to include a small number of stars with [O/Fe] \sim\,--0.5. Additionally, the [O/Na] ratios of our sample reveal that the cluster stars can be separated into three distinct populations. A KS-test demonstrates that the O-poor/Na-rich stars are more centrally concentrated than the O-rich/Na-poor stars. The observed number and radial distribution of 47 Tuc's stellar populations, as distinguished by their light element composition, agrees closely with the results obtained from photometric data. We do not find evidence supporting a strong Na-Al correlation in 47 Tuc, which is consistent with current models of AGB nucleosynthesis yields.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Evaluating the Quality of Information Found in the Most Common Health Websites in Google Using DISCERN and CRAAP

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    Objectives: Google search results can have an outsized impact on the health information that consumers find and trust. The researchers analyzed the health-related websites that show up most frequently on the first page of Google search results. After determining the websites that appear most frequently, the authors would evaluate the quality of the health information on these websites using the DISCERN instrument and the CRAAP test. Methods: To replicate a common health information search, a list of search terms was gathered from the most frequently searched health-related topics on Google Trends. Each term would then be searched on Google and the authors compiled a list of the first 10 search results for each term. The authors cleared their search history and cookies from their browsers before searching. They also set their browsers to incognito/private mode and conducted the same search in three different regions of the country using a VPN to avoid any targeted results. The websites that appeared most frequently were then independently evaluated by two of the authors using the DISCERN tool and CRAAP (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose) test to determine if these sites were providing quality information. Results: A total of 62 terms were identified from Google Trends and searched on Google. 174 unique websites were found through the search results from all the terms. The top six websites that appeared most frequently for all the Google searches were WebMD(61), Mayo Clinic (57), MedlinePlus (52), Medical News Today (48), Center for Disease Control (36), and MedicineNet (28). The only website to rate an excellent score in both evaluation tools was MedlinePlus (DISCERN 67.5; CRAAP 21). The lowest rated website was Medical News Today (DISCERN 44.5; CRAAP 14.5). Conclusions: Through our search of the most frequently searched health-related terms, it was evident that Google search results appear most often from six common websites. Evaluating the information from these six websites revealed that there was a wide range in terms of quality. Based on this assessment, MedlinePlus should be recommended by health information professionals and those in the healthcare field for general health information. The health information on the most popular websites is of at least average quality, regardless of which website is used. Health science librarians can use these scores to help educate their students and faculty about the differences between websites when searching for health information on Google