2,440 research outputs found

    High Efficiency RF Amplifier Design

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    High efficiency RF power amplifiers are key to the operation of modern wireless systems. From reducing power consumption at base stations to increasing battery life in handsets, high efficiency amplifiers help system designers to meet key performance criteria for their customers. The advent of the Internet of Things and 5G will lead to mass proliferation of battery operated wireless devices, increasing demand for high efficiency systems. In this project, a high efficiency 4W narrowband PA operating at 1GHz is designed, built and tested for the IMS2020 high efficiency power amplifier (HEPA) design competition. Emphasis is placed on achieving maximum power-added efficiency. The resulting amplifier provides 81.5% power added efficiency while delivering 4.8W to a 50 ohm load with 0.25W input power

    Doubly stochastic continuous-time hidden Markov approach for analyzing genome tiling arrays

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    Microarrays have been developed that tile the entire nonrepetitive genomes of many different organisms, allowing for the unbiased mapping of active transcription regions or protein binding sites across the entire genome. These tiling array experiments produce massive correlated data sets that have many experimental artifacts, presenting many challenges to researchers that require innovative analysis methods and efficient computational algorithms. This paper presents a doubly stochastic latent variable analysis method for transcript discovery and protein binding region localization using tiling array data. This model is unique in that it considers actual genomic distance between probes. Additionally, the model is designed to be robust to cross-hybridized and nonresponsive probes, which can often lead to false-positive results in microarray experiments. We apply our model to a transcript finding data set to illustrate the consistency of our method. Additionally, we apply our method to a spike-in experiment that can be used as a benchmark data set for researchers interested in developing and comparing future tiling array methods. The results indicate that our method is very powerful, accurate and can be used on a single sample and without control experiments, thus defraying some of the overhead cost of conducting experiments on tiling arrays.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOAS248 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    The California-Kepler Survey. IV. Metal-rich Stars Host a Greater Diversity of Planets

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    Probing the connection between a star's metallicity and the presence and properties of any associated planets offers an observational link between conditions during the epoch of planet formation and mature planetary systems. We explore this connection by analyzing the metallicities of Kepler target stars and the subset of stars found to host transiting planets. After correcting for survey incompleteness, we measure planet occurrence: the number of planets per 100 stars with a given metallicity MM. Planet occurrence correlates with metallicity for some, but not all, planet sizes and orbital periods. For warm super-Earths having P=10100P = 10-100 days and RP=1.01.7 RER_P = 1.0-1.7~R_E, planet occurrence is nearly constant over metallicities spanning -0.4 dex to +0.4 dex. We find 20 warm super-Earths per 100 stars, regardless of metallicity. In contrast, the occurrence of warm sub-Neptunes (RP=1.74.0 RER_P = 1.7-4.0~R_E) doubles over that same metallicity interval, from 20 to 40 planets per 100 stars. We model the distribution of planets as df10βMdMd f \propto 10^{\beta M} d M, where β\beta characterizes the strength of any metallicity correlation. This correlation steepens with decreasing orbital period and increasing planet size. For warm super-Earths β=0.30.2+0.2\beta = -0.3^{+0.2}_{-0.2}, while for hot Jupiters β=+3.40.8+0.9\beta = +3.4^{+0.9}_{-0.8}. High metallicities in protoplanetary disks may increase the mass of the largest rocky cores or the speed at which they are assembled, enhancing the production of planets larger than 1.7 RER_E. The association between high metallicity and short-period planets may reflect disk density profiles that facilitate the inward migration of solids or higher rates of planet-planet scattering.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures, 9 tables, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    The California-Kepler Survey. III. A Gap in the Radius Distribution of Small Planets

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    The size of a planet is an observable property directly connected to the physics of its formation and evolution. We used precise radius measurements from the California-Kepler Survey (CKS) to study the size distribution of 2025 Kepler\textit{Kepler} planets in fine detail. We detect a factor of \geq2 deficit in the occurrence rate distribution at 1.5-2.0 R_{\oplus}. This gap splits the population of close-in (PP < 100 d) small planets into two size regimes: RP_P < 1.5 R_{\oplus} and RP_P = 2.0-3.0 R_{\oplus}, with few planets in between. Planets in these two regimes have nearly the same intrinsic frequency based on occurrence measurements that account for planet detection efficiencies. The paucity of planets between 1.5 and 2.0 R_{\oplus} supports the emerging picture that close-in planets smaller than Neptune are composed of rocky cores measuring 1.5 R_{\oplus} or smaller with varying amounts of low-density gas that determine their total sizes.Comment: Paper III in the California-Kepler Survey series, accepted to the Astronomical Journa

    A single-sample microarray normalization method to facilitate personalized-medicine workflows

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    AbstractGene-expression microarrays allow researchers to characterize biological phenomena in a high-throughput fashion but are subject to technological biases and inevitable variabilities that arise during sample collection and processing. Normalization techniques aim to correct such biases. Most existing methods require multiple samples to be processed in aggregate; consequently, each sample's output is influenced by other samples processed jointly. However, in personalized-medicine workflows, samples may arrive serially, so renormalizing all samples upon each new arrival would be impractical. We have developed Single Channel Array Normalization (SCAN), a single-sample technique that models the effects of probe-nucleotide composition on fluorescence intensity and corrects for such effects, dramatically increasing the signal-to-noise ratio within individual samples while decreasing variation across samples. In various benchmark comparisons, we show that SCAN performs as well as or better than competing methods yet has no dependence on external reference samples and can be applied to any single-channel microarray platform

    The California-Kepler Survey. II. Precise Physical Properties of 2025 Kepler Planets and Their Host Stars

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    We present stellar and planetary properties for 1305 Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs) hosting 2025 planet candidates observed as part of the California-Kepler Survey. We combine spectroscopic constraints, presented in Paper I, with stellar interior modeling to estimate stellar masses, radii, and ages. Stellar radii are typically constrained to 11%, compared to 40% when only photometric constraints are used. Stellar masses are constrained to 4%, and ages are constrained to 30%. We verify the integrity of the stellar parameters through comparisons with asteroseismic studies and Gaia parallaxes. We also recompute planetary radii for 2025 planet candidates. Because knowledge of planetary radii is often limited by uncertainties in stellar size, we improve the uncertainties in planet radii from typically 42% to 12%. We also leverage improved knowledge of stellar effective temperature to recompute incident stellar fluxes for the planets, now precise to 21%, compared to a factor of two when derived from photometry.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in AJ; full versions of tables 3 and 4 are include

    The California-Kepler Survey. I. High Resolution Spectroscopy of 1305 Stars Hosting Kepler Transiting Planets

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    The California-Kepler Survey (CKS) is an observational program to improve our knowledge of the properties of stars found to host transiting planets by NASA's Kepler Mission. The improvement stems from new high-resolution optical spectra obtained using HIRES at the W. M. Keck Observatory. The CKS stellar sample comprises 1305 stars classified as Kepler Objects of Interest, hosting a total of 2075 transiting planets. The primary sample is magnitude-limited (Kp < 14.2) and contains 960 stars with 1385 planets. The sample was extended to include some fainter stars that host multiple planets, ultra short period planets, or habitable zone planets. The spectroscopic parameters were determined with two different codes, one based on template matching and the other on direct spectral synthesis using radiative transfer. We demonstrate a precision of 60 K in effective temperature, 0.10 dex in surface gravity, 0.04 dex in [Fe/H], and 1.0 km/s in projected rotational velocity. In this paper we describe the CKS project and present a uniform catalog of spectroscopic parameters. Subsequent papers in this series present catalogs of derived stellar properties such as mass, radius and age; revised planet properties; and statistical explorations of the ensemble. CKS is the largest survey to determine the properties of Kepler stars using a uniform set of high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra. The HIRES spectra are available to the community for independent analyses.Comment: 20 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in AJ; a full version of Table 5 is included as tab_cks.csv and tab_cks.te

    Semi-Quantitative Models for Identifying Potent and Selective Transthyretin Amyloidogenesis Inhibitors

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    Rate-limiting dissociation of the tetrameric protein transthyretin (TTR), followed by monomer misfolding and misassembly, appears to cause degenerative diseases in humans known as the transthyretin amyloidoses, based on human genetic, biochemical and pharmacologic evidence. Small molecules that bind to the generally unoccupied thyroxine binding pockets in the native TTR tetramer kinetically stabilize the tetramer, slowing subunit dissociation proportional to the extent that the molecules stabilize the native state over the dissociative transition state—thereby inhibiting amyloidogenesis. Herein, we use previously reported structure-activity relationship data to develop two semi-quantitative algorithms for identifying the structures of potent and selective transthyretin kinetic stabilizers/amyloidogenesis inhibitors. The viability of these prediction algorithms, in particular the more robust in silico docking model, is perhaps best validated by the clinical success of tafamidis, the first-in-class drug approved in Europe, Japan, South America, and elsewhere for treating transthyretin aggregation-associated familial amyloid polyneuropathy. Tafamidis is also being evaluated in a fully-enrolled placebo-controlled clinical trial for its efficacy against TTR cardiomyopathy. These prediction algorithms will be useful for identifying second generation TTR kinetic stabilizers, should these be needed to ameliorate the central nervous system or ophthalmologic pathology caused by TTR aggregation in organs not accessed by oral tafamidis administration

    Hnrnph1 Is A Quantitative Trait Gene for Methamphetamine Sensitivity.

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    Psychostimulant addiction is a heritable substance use disorder; however its genetic basis is almost entirely unknown. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping in mice offers a complementary approach to human genome-wide association studies and can facilitate environment control, statistical power, novel gene discovery, and neurobiological mechanisms. We used interval-specific congenic mouse lines carrying various segments of chromosome 11 from the DBA/2J strain on an isogenic C57BL/6J background to positionally clone a 206 kb QTL (50,185,512-50,391,845 bp) that was causally associated with a reduction in the locomotor stimulant response to methamphetamine (2 mg/kg, i.p.; DBA/2J &lt; C57BL/6J)-a non-contingent, drug-induced behavior that is associated with stimulation of the dopaminergic reward circuitry. This chromosomal region contained only two protein coding genes-heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein, H1 (Hnrnph1) and RUN and FYVE domain-containing 1 (Rufy1). Transcriptome analysis via mRNA sequencing in the striatum implicated a neurobiological mechanism involving a reduction in mesolimbic innervation and striatal neurotransmission. For instance, Nr4a2 (nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 2), a transcription factor crucial for midbrain dopaminergic neuron development, exhibited a 2.1-fold decrease in expression (DBA/2J &lt; C57BL/6J; p 4.2 x 10-15). Transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs)-mediated introduction of frameshift deletions in the first coding exon of Hnrnph1, but not Rufy1, recapitulated the reduced methamphetamine behavioral response, thus identifying Hnrnph1 as a quantitative trait gene for methamphetamine sensitivity. These results define a novel contribution of Hnrnph1 to neurobehavioral dysfunction associated with dopaminergic neurotransmission. These findings could have implications for understanding the genetic basis of methamphetamine addiction in humans and the development of novel therapeutics for prevention and treatment of substance abuse and possibly other psychiatric disorders