5,043 research outputs found

    Improving Manufacturing Performance: Conditions Favoring the Use of Cellular Manufacturing

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    Justification of conversions to cellular manufacturing must show that cells are either a more cost effective way to obtain the improvements desired, or that the desired performance improvements cannot be achieved through improvements to the existing system. Although the model-based literature that compares the throughput time performance of functional and cellular layouts has identified conditions that are important for these conversion decisions, the question remains whether the underlying factors in these studies are the same as those relied on by industry when making cell conversion decisions. If not, what other factors should be considered? This study uses information obtained from case studies of four manufacturing plants to address these issues

    Current status and future challenges in psychological research of sport injury prediction and prevention : a methodological perspective

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    The purpose of this critical review was to propose methodological developments in sport injury prediction and prevention research. Altogether, 24 studies (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, and prevention intervention studies) conducted from 2006 forward were analysed, related to the "stress-injury model." The injury prediction studies were mostly based on prospective designs, using regression analysis, and studied trait anxiety and life stress. The qualitative studies used mainly thematic analysis, and the intervention studies showed some promising effects, but also inconclusive results. We proposed five specific needs for future research: (a) focus on separate research cohorts, (b) variation in preventive intervention designs, including sound protocols conducting experimental studies, (c) focus on behaviours in relation to cognition, (d) application of repeated-measure designs, and (e) use of statistics that could test complex interactions and intraindividual differences. Future research attention should also be oriented towards the psychology of overuse injuries, biopsychosocial perspectives, and health economic evaluations. While progress has been made in research on psychological antecedents of sport injury, prevention, and intervention in the last 10-15 years, several methodological issues still remain to be further developed, as outlined in this article.El propósito de esta revisión crítica es proponer una serie de progresos metodológicos en la investigación sobre predicción y prevención de lesiones. Para ello, se analizaron conjuntamente 24 estudios (cuantitativos, cualitativos y de intervención preventiva) llevados a cabo desde el año 2006 en adelante relacionados con el "modelo de estrés-lesión". Los estudios de predicción de lesiones utilizaron mayoritariamente diseños prospectivos, utilizando el análisis de regresión y estudiando el rasgo ansiedad y los eventos vitales. Los estudios cualitativos utilizaron principalmente el análisis temático. Los estudios de intervención mostraron resultados promisorios, aunque todavía no definitivos. En este trabajo proponemos cinco necesidades específicas para la investigación futura: (a) centrarse en diferentes cohortes, (b) variar los diseños de intervención preventiva, incluyendo protocolos experimentales, (c) centrarse en las conductas relacionadas con las cogniciones, (d) utilización de diseños de medidas repetidas, y (e) utilización de estadísticos que puedan verificar las complejas interacciones y las diferencias individuales. El foco de la investigación futura también debe orientarse hacia la psicología de las lesiones por desgaste excesivo, las perspectivas biopsicosociales y las evaluaciones económicas del impacto en la salud. Si bien en los últimos 10-15 años se han conseguido importantes avances en la investigación sobre los antecedentes psicológicos de la lesión deportiva, la prevención y la intervención, algunas cuestiones metodológicas deben ser aún desarrolladas, tal y como se señala en este artículo.O objectivo desta revisão crítica é propor uma série de progressos metodológicos na investigação sobre a predição e prevenção de lesões. Para tal, analisaram-se conjuntamente 24 estudos (quantitativos, qualitativos e de intervenção preventiva), realizados a partir do ano de 2006, relacionados com o "modelo de stress-lesão". Os estudos de predição de lesões utilizaram maioritariamente delineamentos prospectivos, utilizando a análise de regressão e analisando o traço de ansiedade e os acontecimentos de vida. Os estudos qualitativos utilizaram principalmente a análise temática. Os estudos de intervenção revelaram resultados promissores, embora ainda não definitivos. Neste trabalho propomos cinco necessidades específicas para futuras investigações: (a) foco em diferentes grupos, (b) variar os delineamentos de intervenção preventiva, incluindo protocolos experimentais, (c) abordar os comportamentos relacionados com as cognições, (d) utilização de delineamentos de medidas repetidas, e (e) utilização de métodos estatísticos que permitam verificar as interacções complexas e as diferenças individuais. O foco da investigação futura também deve ser direccionado para a psicologia das lesões por desgaste excessivo, as perspectivas biopsicossociais e as avaliações económicas do impacto na saúde. Embora nos últimos 10-15 anos se tenham conseguido importantes progressos na investigação sobre os antecedentes psicológicos da lesão desportiva, a prevenção e a intervenção, algumas questões metodológicas necessitam ainda de ser desenvolvidas, tal como se assinala neste artigo

    Rabi flopping between ground and Rydberg states with dipole-dipole atomic interactions

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    We demonstrate Rabi flopping of small numbers of 87Rb\rm{^{87}Rb} atoms between ground and Rydberg states with n43n\le 43. Coherent population oscillations are observed for single atom flopping, while the presence of two or more atoms decoheres the oscillations. We show that these observations are consistent with van der Waals interactions of Rydberg atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Analyzing Mitochondrial Bioenergetics to Improve Organ Hibernation Methods.

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    β-hydroxybutyrate is a molecule synthesized in the liver that can be used as an alternative to glucose in cellular metabolism. BHB metabolism does not produce lactic acidosis which makes it an optimal source of energy for tissues in an ischemic state. Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland that aids in slowing the metabolic rate. Both BHB and Melatonin have antioxidant properties that assist in relieving oxidative stress due to an increased metabolic rate during post-ischemic reperfusion. Testing consisted of infusing donor pigs with either BHB/M or a vehicle control. The pigs were then made brain-dead and their hearts were harvested under standard conditions and placed in a UW solution or a UW+BHB/M solution under static cold conditions. Tissue samples were then analyzed immediately after harvest, 2 days, and 8 days post-harvest using a Seahorse XFe96 Flux Analyzer. This test analyzed the oxygen consumption rate in order to show mitochondrial function. We hypothesize that the BHB/M solution will aid in mitochondrial function while the tissues are in an ischemic state. We believe this will prolong the viability of harvested organs in order to increase the amount of available organs for transplantation. We also believe that future testing will show that the BHB/M will relieve the effects of oxidative stress during reperfusion of the tissues which will decrease the risk or organ failure post-transplantation.https://digitalcommons.unmc.edu/surp2023/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Common demanding conditions among professional high-level military and sport leaders: a cross-contextual qualitative reflexive thematic analysis

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    Military and sport have attracted increased research interest separately as two distinctly demanding performance- and leadership-driven contexts. However, cross-contextual psychological research in leadership is lacking. Such research has potential to expose unique cross-fertilising insights into resemblances in leadership challenges among military and sport leaders, transferable to a broader range of contexts. Thus, the current study simultaneously explored high-level military and sport leaders’ real-life experiences of similarities in demanding conditions and their psychological manifestations. Sixteen participants - eight Swedish high-level military leaders and eight Swedish high-level sport leaders, participated in the study. Using a qualitative inductive cross-contextual design enabled in-depth knowledge and transferability. A reflexive thematic analysis (RTA) of sixteen interview transcripts generated four common themes of demanding conditions: (1) Developing organisations: Leading under an extensive workload and responsibility, (2) Managing destructive superiors and subordinates: Standing up for oneself, (3) Taking care of the minds and moods of others: Leading deliberated difficult conversations, and (4) Periods of extreme concentration: Leading critical coordination, decisions, and timing. The findings tie high-level military and sports leaders together into a high-stress and high-stakes leader role invoked to manoeuvre a complex buildup of demanding conditions. Implications are presented. Keywords: High-level leaders, military, sport, demanding conditions

    Fast Ground State Manipulation of Neutral Atoms in Microscopic Optical Traps

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    We demonstrate Rabi flopping at MHz rates between ground hyperfine states of neutral 87^{87}Rb atoms that are trapped in two micron sized optical traps. Using tightly focused laser beams we demonstrate high fidelity, site specific Rabi rotations with crosstalk on neighboring sites separated by 8μm8 \mu\rm m at the level of 10310^{-3}. Ramsey spectroscopy is used to measure a dephasing time of 870μs870 \mu\rm s which is \approx 5000 times longer than the time for a π/2\pi/2 pulse.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The Role of the Results of Functional Tests and Psychological Factors on Prediction of Injuries in Adolescent Female Football Players

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    Football is a popular sport among adolescent females. Given the rate of injuries in female footballers, identifying factors that can predict injuries are important. These injuries are often caused by complex reasons. The aim of this study was to investigate if the combination of demographic (age, number of training and match play hours/week), psychosocial (perceived stress, adaptive coping strategies) and physiological factors (functional performance) can predict a traumatic injury in adolescent female footballers. A cohort consisting of 419 female football players aged 13–16 years was established. Baseline questionnaires covered potential risk factors for sport injuries, and measurements included football-related functional performance tests. Data were collected prospectively with a weekly online questionnaire for 52 weeks covering, e.g., injuries, training, and match play hours/week. A total of 62% of the players reported at least one traumatic injury during the 52 weeks. The coping strategy “positive reframing” had the strongest association with the risk of traumatic injuries. The combination of more frequent use of the coping strategy, positive reframing, and high levels of physical performance capacity may prevent a traumatic injury in adolescent female footballers. Coaches are encouraged to adopt both physiological and psychological factors when preventing injuries in young female footballers.publishedVersio