2,561 research outputs found

    Population dynamics of two sympatric intertidal fish species (the shanny, Lipophrys pholis, and long-spined scorpion fish,Taurulus bubalis) of Great Britain

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    The shanny/common blenny (Lipophrys pholis) and long-spined scorpionfish/bullhead (Taurulus bubalis) are commonly encountered, sympatric species within much of Great Britain’s rocky intertidal zones. Despite being prey items of the cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) respectively, and both contributors to the diet of the near-threatened European otter (Lutra lutra), little is known on the population dynamics of the temperate specimens of Great Britain. It is further less known of the degrees of sympatricy between the two fish species and to what extent they are able to coexist. The current study examines spatio-temporal distributions and abundances at various resolutions: monthly population dynamics of both species along England’s Yorkshire coast and seasonal population dynamics along the Yorkshire coast and around the Isle of Anglesey, Wales. Studies of their abundances, sizes, degrees of rock pool co-occurrence and diel activities are further examined, which indicate coexistence is maintained when interspecific co-occurrence takes place only between specimens of similar sizes, thus demoting size-related dominance hierarchies

    Exocytosis in mouse vestibular Type II hair cells shows a high‐order Ca2+ dependence that is independent of synaptotagmin‐4

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    Mature hair cells transduce information over a wide range of stimulus intensities and frequencies for prolonged periods of time. The efficiency of such a demanding task is reflected in the characteristics of exocytosis at their specialized presynaptic ribbons. Ribbons are electron‐dense structures able to tether a large number of releasable vesicles allowing them to maintain high rates of vesicle release. Calcium entry through rapidly activating, non‐inactivating CaV1.3 (L‐type) Ca2+ channels in response to cell depolarization causes a local increase in Ca2+ at the ribbon synapses, which is detected by the exocytotic Ca2+ sensors. The Ca2+ dependence of vesicle exocytosis at mammalian vestibular hair cell (VHC) ribbon synapses is believed to be linear, similar to that observed in mature cochlear inner hair cells (IHCs). The linear relation has been shown to correlate with the presence of the Ca2+ sensor synaptotagmin‐4 (Syt‐4). Therefore, we studied the exocytotic Ca2+ dependence, and the release kinetics of different vesicle pool populations, in Type II VHCs of control and Syt‐4 knockout mice using patch‐clamp capacitance measurements, under physiological recording conditions. We found that exocytosis in mature control and knockout Type II VHCs displayed a high‐order dependence on Ca2+ entry, rather than the linear relation previously observed. Consistent with this finding, the Ca2+ dependence and release kinetics of the ready releasable pool (RRP) of vesicles were not affected by an absence of Syt‐4. However, we did find that Syt‐4 could play a role in regulating the release of the secondary releasable pool (SRP) in these cells. Our findings show that the coupling between Ca2+ influx and neurotransmitter release at mature Type II VHC ribbon synapses is faithfully described by a nonlinear relation that is likely to be more appropriate for the accurate encoding of low‐frequency vestibular information, consistent with that observed at low‐frequency mammalian auditory receptors

    Paired and altruistic kidney donation in the UK: algorithms and experimentation

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    We study the computational problem of identifying optimal sets of kidney exchanges in the UK. We show how to expand an integer programming-based formulation [1, 19] in order to model the criteria that constitute the UK definition of optimality. The software arising from this work has been used by the National Health Service Blood and Transplant to find optimal sets of kidney exchanges for their National Living Donor Kidney Sharing Schemes since July 2008.We report on the characteristics of the solutions that have been obtained in matching runs of the scheme since this time. We then present empirical results arising from the real datasets that stem from these matching runs, with the aim of establishing the extent to which the particular optimality criteria that are present in the UK influence the structure of the solutions that are ultimately computed. A key observation is that allowing 4-way exchanges would be likely to lead to a significant number of additional transplants

    The coupling between Ca2+ channels and the exocytotic Ca2+ sensor at hair cell ribbon synapses varies tonotopically along the mature cochlea.

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    The cochlea processes auditory signals over a wide range of frequencies and intensities. However, the transfer characteristics at hair cell ribbon synapses are still poorly understood at different frequency locations along the cochlea. Using recordings from mature gerbils, we report here a surprisingly strong block of exocytosis by the slow Ca(2+) buffer EGTA (10 mM) in basal hair cells tuned to high frequencies (∼30 kHz). In addition, using recordings from gerbil, mouse and bullfrog auditory organs, we find that the spatial coupling between Ca(2+) influx and exocytosis changes from nanodomain in low-frequency tuned hair cells (∼2 kHz). Hair cell synapses have thus developed remarkable frequency-dependent tuning of exocytosis: accurate low-latency encoding of onset and offset of sound intensity in the cochlea's base and submillisecond encoding of membrane receptor potential fluctuations in the apex for precise phase-locking to sound signals. We also found that synaptic vesicle pool recovery from depletion was sensitive to high concentrations of EGTA, suggesting that intracellular Ca(2+) buffers play an important role in vesicle recruitment in both low- and high-frequency hair cells. In conclusion, our results indicate that microdomain coupling plays an important role in the exocytosis of high-frequency hair cells, and suggest a novel hypothesis for why these cells are more susceptible to sound-induced damage than low-frequency cells; high-frequency IHCs must have a low Ca(2+) buffer capacity in order to sustain exocytosis, thus making them more prone to Ca(2+)-induced cytotoxicity. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: In the inner ear, sensory hair cells signal reception of sound. They do this by converting the sound induced movement of their hair bundles present at the top of these cells, into an electrical current. This current depolarizes the hair cell and triggers the calcium-induced release of the neurotransmitter glutamate that activates the postsynaptic auditory fibres. The speed and precision of this process enables the brain to perceive the vital components of sound such as frequency and intensity. We show that the coupling strength between calcium channels and the exocytosis calcium sensor at inner hair cell synapses changes along the mammalian cochlea such that the timing and/or intensity of sound is encoded with high precision

    Changes in epidemiological patterns of sea lice infestation on farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in Scotland between 1996 and 2006

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    Analyses of a unique database containing sea lice records over an 11 year period provide evidence of changing infestation patterns in Scotland. The data, collected from more than 50 commercial Atlantic salmon farms, indicate that both species of sea lice commonly found in Scotland, Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus elongatus, have declined on farms over the past decade. Reductions for both species have been particularly marked since 2001 when more effective veterinary medicines became available. Treatment data were also available in the database and these show a growing trend towards the use of the in feed medication emamectin benzoate (Slice), particularly in the first year of the salmon production cycle. However, this trend to wards single product use has not been sustained in 2006, the latest year for which data are available. There is some evidence of region to region variation within Scotland with the Western Isles experiencing higher levels of infestation. However, compared to the levels observed between 1996 and 2000, all regions have benefited from reduced lice infestation, with the overall pattern showing a particular reduction in the second and third quarters of the second year of production

    Cholinergic efferent synaptic transmission regulates the maturation of auditory hair cell ribbon synapses.

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    Spontaneous electrical activity generated by developing sensory cells and neurons is crucial for the maturation of neural circuits. The full maturation of mammalian auditory inner hair cells (IHCs) depends on patterns of spontaneous action potentials during a 'critical period' of development. The intrinsic spiking activity of IHCs can be modulated by inhibitory input from cholinergic efferent fibres descending from the brainstem, which transiently innervate immature IHCs. However, it remains unknown whether this transient efferent input to developing IHCs is required for their functional maturation. We used a mouse model that lacks the α9-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit (α9nAChR) in IHCs and another lacking synaptotagmin-2 in the efferent terminals to remove or reduce efferent input to IHCs, respectively. We found that the efferent system is required for the developmental linearization of the Ca(2+)-sensitivity of vesicle fusion at IHC ribbon synapses, without affecting their general cell development. This provides the first direct evidence that the efferent system, by modulating IHC electrical activity, is required for the maturation of the IHC synaptic machinery. The central control of sensory cell development is unique among sensory systems

    Undirected Graphs of Entanglement Two

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    Entanglement is a complexity measure of directed graphs that origins in fixed point theory. This measure has shown its use in designing efficient algorithms to verify logical properties of transition systems. We are interested in the problem of deciding whether a graph has entanglement at most k. As this measure is defined by means of games, game theoretic ideas naturally lead to design polynomial algorithms that, for fixed k, decide the problem. Known characterizations of directed graphs of entanglement at most 1 lead, for k = 1, to design even faster algorithms. In this paper we present an explicit characterization of undirected graphs of entanglement at most 2. With such a characterization at hand, we devise a linear time algorithm to decide whether an undirected graph has this property

    Pathophysiological changes in inner hair cell ribbon synapses in the ageing mammalian cochlea

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    Mammalian cochlear inner hair cells (IHCs) are specialized sensory receptors able to provide dynamic coding of sound signals. This ability is largely conferred by their ribbon synapses, which tether a large number of vesicles at the IHC's presynaptic active zones, allowing high rates of sustained synaptic transmission onto the afferent fibres. How the physiological and morphological properties of ribbon synapses change with age remains largely unknown. Here, we have investigated the biophysical and morphological properties of IHC ribbon synapses in the ageing cochlea (9–12 kHz region) of four mouse strains commonly used in hearing research: early‐onset progressive hearing loss (C57BL/6J and C57BL/6NTac) and ‘good hearing’ strains (C57BL/6NTacCdh23+ and C3H/HeJ). We found that with age, both modiolar and pillar sides of the IHC exhibited a loss of ribbons, but there was an increased volume of those that remained. These morphological changes, which only occurred after 6 months of age, were correlated with the level of hearing loss in the different mouse strains, being most severe for C57BL/6NTac and C57BL/6J, less so for C57BL/6NTacCdh23+ and absent for C3H/HeJ strains. Despite the age‐related reduction in ribbon number in three of the four strains, the size and kinetics of Ca2+‐dependent exocytosis, as well as the replenishment of synaptic vesicles, in IHCs was not affected. The degree of vesicle release at the fewer, but larger, individual remaining ribbon synapses colocalized with the post‐synaptic afferent terminals is likely to increase, indicating the presence of a previously unknown degree of functional compensation in the ageing mouse cochlea