1,535 research outputs found

    Monitoring and mentoring strategies for diffusing sustainability in supply networks

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    Purpose - This paper aims to investigate the impact of monitoring and mentoring strategies on sustainability diffusion within supply networks through focal companies and how suppliers engage in implementing these strategies. Design/methodology/approach - The paper reports on three in-depth case studies conducted with focal companies and their suppliers. An interaction approach was adopted to guide the analysis of focal companies’ strategies for implementing and diffusing sustainability in supply networks. Findings - The monitoring strategy impacts sustainability diffusion at the dyadic level, while the mentoring strategy is a prerequisite for the diffusion of sustainability at the supply network level. The findings suggest that coupling monitoring with mentoring can lead to diffusion beyond first-tier suppliers. Interaction intensity, supplier proactiveness and mindset change facilitate sustainability diffusion in supply networks. Research limitations/implications - The authors suggest more research be conducted on specific practices within monitoring and mentoring, as some of these imply very different levels of commitment and interaction. Practical implications - The paper suggests that in the future, companies will be increasingly called upon to adopt cooperative initiatives to enable the diffusion of sustainability in supply networks. Originality/value - The contribution of the paper lies in its identification of the impacts of monitoring and mentoring strategies on the diffusion of sustainability in networks, revealing different supplier engagement in these strategies, which may foster or hinder sustainability diffusion.©2020 Emerald Publishing Limited. This manuscript version is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY–NC 4.0) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Så du det ikke? Objektsveksling av det med nominale og ikke-nominale antesedenter

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    Denne masteroppgaven omhandler objektsveksling av den pronominale anaforen det med nominale og ikke-nominale antesedenter. Objektsveksling i fastlandskandinaviske språk går ut på at bestemte trykksvake pronominale objekter veksler på tvers av negasjon og eventuelle adverb i en setning. Dette vil si at objektene flytter til en posisjon til venstre for negasjon/adverb. Den pronominale anaforen det kan referere både til nominale antesedenter i intetkjønn og ikke-nominale antesedenter. Slike det-objekter med ikke-nominale antesedenter opptrer som hovedregel sjelden i den veksla posisjonen i en setning. I denne oppgaven presenteres en undersøkelse som er gjennomført i nordisk dialektkorpus der slike det-objekter er sortert ut, og videre etter ulike kategorier som antas å påvirke hvor ofte objektet veksler. Kategoriene de relevante objektene ble sortert etter var etter type antesedent, hovedverbet det-objektet stod som komplement til, og om det-objektet refererte til et videreført tema eller en felles kontekst i diskursen. Undersøkelsen viser at det-objektene med ikke-nominale antesedenter som er komplement til faktive hovedverb, eller som refererer til et videreført tema eller en felles kontekst i diskursen, veksler oftere enn andre slike det-objekter. De objektene som refererer til predikative ledd eller står som komplement til ikke-faktive- eller kopulaverb veksler derimot sjeldnere enn andre tilsvarende objekter gjennomsnittlig har veksla. I oppgaven analyseres disse resultatene i lys av faktivitet og antesedentens kognitive status i diskursen

    Light and Vision in the Deep-Sea Benthos: II. Vision in Deep-Sea Crustaceans

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    Using new collecting techniques with the Johnson-Sea-Link submersible, eight species of deep-sea benthic crustaceans were collected with intact visual systems. Their spectral sensitivities and temporal resolutions were determined shipboard using electroretinography. Useable spectral sensitivity data were obtained from seven species, and in the dark-adapted eyes, the spectral sensitivity peaks were in the blue region of the visible spectrum, ranging from 470 to 497 nm. Under blue chromatic adaptation, a secondary sensitivity peak in the UV portion of the spectrum appeared for two species of anomuran crabs:Eumunida picta (λmax 363 nm) and Gastroptychus spinifer (λmax 383 nm). Wavelength-specific differences in response waveforms under blue chromatic adaptation in these two species suggest that two populations of photoreceptor cells are present. Temporal resolution was determined in all eight species using the maximum critical flicker frequency (CFFmax). The CFFmax for the isopodBooralana tricarinata of 4 Hz proved to be the lowest ever measured using this technique, and suggests that this species is not able to track even slow-moving prey. Both the putative dual visual pigment system in the crabs and the extremely slow eye of the isopod may be adaptations for seeing bioluminescence in the benthic environment

    French Policy Toward NATO: Enhanced Selectivity, Vice Rapprochement

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    The authors of this report explain how French policy toward NATO has changed since 1992. Importantly, they discuss how these changes have been effected. However, certain key elements of French external policy have not changed. In effect, therefore, the authors argue that while France may wish to cooperate with NATO, this does not imply that there will be a more cooperative French attitude toward the Alliance.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1890/thumbnail.jp

    Collaboration for sustainability in the food supply chain: A multi-stage study in Italy

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    The objective of this study is twofold. Firstly, to analyze sustainability practices adopted in collaboration, including vertical collaboration i.e., with other actors or stages upstream or downstream in the supply chain, and horizontal collaboration i.e., with actors such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Secondly, to identify the sustainability performance expected from sustainability practices implemented in different supply chain stages. The study reports on a set of case studies representing four different food supply chain (FSC) stages: breeding/growing, processing, distribution and retail. The findings indicate that each stage selects different collaboration schemes for sustainability practices' implementation, prioritizing relations with upstream actors, namely grower/breeder, as these are key actors responsible for ensuring product quality and safety. In addition, the type of collaborative relationship is shown to be predominantly transactional for environmental and community practices, especially for solving specific short-term issues. Finally, varied areas of environmental and social sustainability performance are recognized, upstream and downstream, as a result of collaborative practices applied in different FSC stages, showing the diverse sustainability objectives pursued along the chain

    On the management of collaborative innovation in networks

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