28 research outputs found

    Testing for the fitness benefits of natural transformation during community-embedded evolution

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    Natural transformation is a process where bacteria actively take up DNA from the environment and recombine it into their genome or reconvert it into extra-chromosomal genetic elements. The evolutionary benefits of transformation are still under debate. One main explanation is that foreign allele and gene uptake facilitates natural selection by increasing genetic variation, analogous to meiotic sex. However, previous experimental evolution studies comparing fitness gains of evolved transforming- and isogenic non-transforming strains have yielded mixed support for the ‘sex hypothesis.’ Previous studies testing the sex hypothesis for natural transformation have largely ignored species interactions, which theory predicts provide conditions favourable to sex. To test for the adaptive benefits of bacterial transformation, the naturally transformable wild-type Acinetobacter baylyi and a transformation-deficient ∆comA mutant were evolved for 5weeks. To provide strong and potentially fluctuating selection, A. baylyi was embedded in a community of five other bacterial species. DNA from a pool of different Acinetobacter strains was provided as a substrate for transformation. No effect of transformation ability on the fitness of evolved populations was found, with fitness increasing non-significantly in most treatments. Populations showed fitness improvement in their respective environments, with no apparent costs of adaptation to competing species. Despite the absence of fitness effects of transformation, wild-type populations evolved variable transformation frequencies that were slightly greater than their ancestor which potentially could be caused by genetic drift

    Evolution of β-lactamase-mediated cefiderocol resistance

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    Background: Cefiderocol is a novel siderophore β-lactam with improved hydrolytic stability toward β-lactamases, including carbapenemases, achieved by combining structural moieties of two clinically efficient cephalosporins, ceftazidime and cefepime. Consequently, cefiderocol represents a treatment alternative for infections caused by MDR Gram-negatives. Objectives: To study the role of cefiderocol on resistance development and on the evolution of β-lactamases from all Ambler classes, including KPC-2, CTX-M-15, NDM-1, CMY-2 and OXA-48. Methods: Directed evolution, using error-prone PCR followed by selective plating, was utilized to investigate how the production and the evolution of different β-lactamases cause changes in cefiderocol susceptibility determined using microbroth dilution assays (MIC and IC50). Results: We found that the expression of blaOXA-48 did not affect cefiderocol susceptibility. On the contrary, the expression of blaKPC-2, blaCMY-2, blaCTX-M-15 and blaNDM-1 substantially reduced cefiderocol susceptibility by 4-, 16-, 8- and 32-fold, respectively. Further, directed evolution on these enzymes showed that, with the acquisition of only 1–2 non-synonymous mutations, all β-lactamases were evolvable to further cefiderocol resistance by 2- (NDM-1, CTX-M-15), 4- (CMY-2), 8- (OXA-48) and 16-fold (KPC-2). Cefiderocol resistance development was often associated with collateral susceptibility changes including increased resistance to ceftazidime and ceftazidime/ avibactam as well as functional trade-offs against different β-lactam drugs. Conclusions: The expression of contemporary β-lactamase genes can potentially contribute to cefiderocol resistance development and the acquisition of mutations in these genes results in enzymes adapting to increasing cefiderocol concentrations. Resistance development caused clinically important cross-resistance, especially against ceftazidime and ceftazidime/avibactam

    Antimicrobial resistance acquisition via natural transformation: context is everything

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    Natural transformation is a process where bacterial cells actively take up free DNA from the environment and recombine it into their genome or reconvert it into extra-chromosomal genetic elements. Although this mechanism is known to mediate the uptake of antibiotic resistance determinants in a range of human pathogens, its importance in the spread of antimicrobial resistance is not always appreciated. This review highlights the context in which transformation takes place: in diverse microbiomes, in interaction with other forms of horizontal gene transfer and in increasingly polluted environments. This examination of the abiotic and biotic drivers of transformation reveals that it could be more important in the dissemination of resistance genes than is often recognised

    Piggybacking on Niche Adaptation Improves the Maintenance of Multidrug-Resistance Plasmids

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    The persistence of plasmids in bacterial populations represents a puzzling evolutionary problem with serious clinical implications due to their role in the ongoing antibiotic resistance crisis. Recently, major advancements have been made toward resolving this “plasmid paradox” but mainly in a nonclinical context. Here, we propose an additional explanation for the maintenance of multidrug‐resistance plasmids in clinical Escherichia coli strains. After coevolving two multidrug‐resistance plasmids encoding resistance to last resort carbapenems with an extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli strain, we observed that chromosomal media adaptive mutations in the global regulatory systems CCR (carbon catabolite repression) and ArcAB (aerobic respiration control) pleiotropically improved the maintenance of both plasmids. Mechanistically, a net downregulation of plasmid gene expression reduced the fitness cost. Our results suggest that global chromosomal transcriptional rewiring during bacterial niche adaptation may facilitate plasmid maintenance

    Evolutionary Instability of Collateral Susceptibility Networks in Ciprofloxacin-Resistant Clinical Escherichia coli Strains

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    ABSTRACT Collateral sensitivity and resistance occur when resistance development toward one antimicrobial either potentiates or deteriorates the effect of others. Previous reports on collateral effects on susceptibility focus on newly acquired resistance determinants and propose that novel treatment guidelines informed by collateral networks may reduce the evolution, selection, and spread of antimicrobial resistance. In this study, we investigate the evolutionary stability of collateral networks in five ciprofloxacin-resistant, clinical Escherichia coli strains. After 300 generations of experimental evolution without antimicrobials, we show complete fitness restoration in four of five genetic backgrounds and demonstrate evolutionary instability in collateral networks of newly acquired resistance determinants. We show that compensatory mutations reducing efflux expression are the main drivers destabilizing initial collateral networks and identify rpoS as a putative target for compensatory evolution. Our results add another layer of complexity to future predictions and clinical application of collateral networks. IMPORTANCE Antimicrobial resistance occurs due to genetic alterations that affect different processes in bacteria. Thus, developing resistance toward one antimicrobial drug may also alter the response toward others (collateral effects). Understanding the mechanisms of such collateral effects may provide clinicians with a framework for informed antimicrobial treatment strategies, limiting the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. However, for clinical implementation, it is important that the collateral effects of resistance development are repeatable and temporarily stable. Here, we show that collateral effects caused by resistance development toward ciprofloxacin in clinical Escherichia coli strains are not temporarily stable because of compensatory mutations restoring the fitness burden of the initial resistance mutations. Consequently, this instability is complicating the general applicability and clinical implementation of collateral effects into treatment strategies

    Mge-cluster: a reference-free approach for typing bacterial plasmids

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    Extrachromosomal elements of bacterial cells such as plasmids are notorious for their importance in evolution and adaptation to changing ecology. However, high-resolution population-wide analysis of plasmids has only become accessible recently with the advent of scalable long-read sequencing technology. Current typing methods for the classification of plasmids remain limited in their scope which motivated us to develop a computationally efficient approach to simultaneously recognize novel types and classify plasmids into previously identified groups. Here, we introduce mge-cluster that can easily handle thousands of input sequences which are compressed using a unitig representation in a de Bruijn graph. Our approach offers a faster runtime than existing algorithms, with moderate memory usage, and enables an intuitive visualization, classification and clustering scheme that users can explore interactively within a single framework. M ge-cluster platform for plasmid analysis can be easily distributed and replicated, enabling a consistent labelling of plasmids across past, present, and future sequence collections. We underscore the advantages of our approach by analysing a population-wide plasmid data set obtained from the opportunistic pathogen Escherichia coli, studying the prevalence of the colistin resistance gene mcr-1.1 within the plasmid population, and describing an instance of resistance plasmid transmission within a hospital environment

    Tn1 transposition in the course of natural transformation enables horizontal antibiotic resistance spread in Acinetobacter baylyi

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    Transposons are genetic elements that change their intracellular genomic position by transposition and are spread horizontally between bacteria when located on plasmids. It was recently discovered that transposition from fully heterologous DNA also occurs in the course of natural transformation. Here, we characterize the molecular details and constraints of this process using the replicative transposon Tn1 and the naturally competent bacterium Acinetobacter baylyi . We find that chromosomal insertion of Tn1 by transposition occurs at low but detectable frequencies and preferably around the A. baylyi terminus of replication. We show that Tn1 transposition is facilitated by transient expression of the transposase and resolvase encoded by the donor DNA. RecA protein is essential for the formation of a circular, double-stranded cytoplasmic intermediate from incoming donor DNA, and RecO is beneficial but not essential in this process. Absence of the recipient RecBCD nuclease stabilizes the double-stranded intermediate. Based on these results, we suggest a mechanistic model for transposition during natural transformation

    Bacterial evolution on demand

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    Bacteria carry antibiotic resistant genes on movable sections of DNA that allow them to select the relevant genes on demand

    Host dependent maintenance of a blaNDM-1-encoding plasmid in clinical Escherichia coli isolates

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    Dissemination of bacterial clones carrying plasmid-mediated resistance genes is a major factor contributing to the increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistance. Understanding the evolution of successful clones and the association to mobile resistance elements are therefore crucial. In this study, we determined the sequence of a 145 kb IncC multi-drug resistance plasmid (pK71-77-1-NDM), harbouring resistance genes to last-resort antibiotics including carbapenems. We show that the plasmid is able to transfer into a range of genetically diverse clinical Escherichia coli strains and that the fitness cost imposed on the host is often low. Moreover, the plasmid is stably maintained under non-selective conditions across different genetic backgrounds. However, we also observed a lower conjugation frequency and higher fitness cost in the E. coli sequence type (ST) 73 background, which could partially explain why this clone is associated with a lower level of antibiotic resistance than other E. coli clones. This is supported by a bioinformatical analysis showing that the ST73 background harbours plasmids less frequently than the other studied E. coli STs. Studying the evolution of antibiotic resistance in a clinical context and in diverse genetic backgrounds improves our understanding of the variability in plasmid-host associations