15,902 research outputs found

    Eddy Impacts on the Florida Current

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    The Gulf Stream in the Atlantic carries warm water northwards and forms both the return closure of the subtropical gyre as well as the upper limb of the meridional overturning circulation. Recent time series recorded east of the Bahamas at 26°N indicate that from May 2009 to April 2011, in contrast with past observations, the northward flowing Antilles Current covaried with the Gulf Stream in the Florida Straits—the Florida Current—even though the Florida and Antilles Currents are separated by banks and islands spanning 150?km. The peak-to-trough amplitude of transport variations during this period was 15?×?106?m3?s?1 for the Florida Current and 12?×?106?m3?s?1 for the Antilles Current, at time scales of 50?days to a year. From satellite observations, we show that the fluctuations in both the Florida and Antilles Currents between May 2009 and April 2011 are driven by eddy activity east of the Bahamas. Since the Florida Current time series is a critical time series for the state of the oceans, and often compared to climate models, this newly identified source of variability needs careful consideration when attributing the variability of the Florida Current to changes in the larger-scale circulations (e.g., gyre and overturning) or wind forcing.<br/

    Non-detection of the OH Meinel system in comet P/Swift-Tuttle

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    We report a search for emissions from the OH Meinel system in high-resolution near-infrared spectra of comet P/Swift-Tuttle. Because of the large cometary heliocentric velocity and high resolution of the spectrograph, the cometary lines should be well separated from the bright OH sky lines. Contrary to the findings of Tozzi et al. (1994) - who report seeing cometary OH at intensities comparable to the sky emissions in their low-resolution spectra - we find no OH in these spectra with an upper limit of 5% the value of the night sky lines. The non-detection of these cometary lines is consistent with theoretical calculations of expected emission strengths from prompt and fluorescent emission from cometary OH

    A high-Resolution Catalog of Cometary Emission Lines

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    Using high-resolution spectra obtained with the Hamilton echelle spectrograph at Lick Observatory, we have constructed a catalog of emission lines observed in comets Swift-Tuttle and Brorsen-Metcalf. The spectra cover the range between 3800 Å and 9900 Å with a spectral resolution of λ/Δλ~42000. In the spectra, we catalog 2997 emission lines of which we identify 2438. We find cometary lines due to H, O, C_2, CN, NH_2, C_3, H_2O^+, CH, and CH^+. We list 559 unidentified lines compiled from the two spectra and comment on possibilities for their origins

    Magnetic fields of intermediate mass T Tauri stars

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    Aims. In this paper, we aim to measure the strength of the surface magnetic fields for a sample of five intermediate mass T Tauri stars and one low mass T Tauri star from late-F to mid-K spectral types. While magnetic fields of T Tauri stars at the low mass range have been extensively characterized, our work complements previous studies towards the intermediate mass range; this complementary study is key to evaluate how magnetic fields evolve during the transition from a convective to a radiative core. Methods. We studied the Zeeman broadening of magnetically sensitive spectral lines in the H-band spectra obtained with the CRIRES high-resolution near-infrared spectrometer. These data are modelled using magnetic spectral synthesis and model atmospheres. Additional constraints on non-magnetic line broadening mechanisms are obtained from modelling molecular lines in the K band or atomic lines in the optical wavelength region. Results. We detect and measure mean surface magnetic fields for five of the six stars in our sample: CHXR 28, COUP 107, V2062 Oph, V1149 Sco, and Par 2441. Magnetic field strengths inferred from the most magnetically sensitive diagnostic line range from 0.8 to 1.8 kG. We also estimate a magnetic field strength of 1.9 kG for COUP 107 from an alternative diagnostic. The magnetic field on YLW 19 is the weakest in our sample and is marginally detected, with a strength of 0.8 kG. Conclusions. We populate an uncharted area of the pre-main-sequence HR diagram with mean magnetic field measurements from high-resolution near-infrared spectra. Our sample of intermediate mass T Tauri stars in general exhibits weaker magnetic fields than their lower mass counterparts. Our measurements will be used in combination with other spectropolarimetric studies of intermediate mass and lower mass T Tauri stars to provide input into pre-main-sequence stellar evolutionary models.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Natural nitrogen-15 abundance of soil and plant samples

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 50).Nitrogen isotope analysis of total soil N and soil-derived nitrate for nine selected Chernozemic and Luvisolic Ap horizons showed mean ήa15N values based on atmospheric abundance of 8.8. Luvisolic soils were characterized by a relatively low level of the heavier isotope. Isotope enrichment of the total N reached a maximum in the lower B horizon. Subsoil nitrate (180-cm depth) had a ήa15N value 1/3 that of the Ap horizon. The ήa15N of subsurface soil horizons containing residual fertilizer N were low (−5.2) compared to the surface horizon (7.0). The ήa15N of NH4-N in commercial fertilizers is close to that of atmospheric-N whereas the NO3-N has higher values. The data suggest that variations in ή15N abundance between horizons of the same soil, or between different soils, may be of real use in evaluating stresses which have been placed in the nitrogen cycle due to man's activities in the past. Similarly, differences in 15N abundance of soil, legume and air samples may provide an integrated estimation of symbiotic nitrogen fixation under field conditions. More detailed understanding of biological and other processes which control the N isotope concentrations must be obtained before the data reported can be further interpreted

    Effect of pH and Buffering Capacity of Wood on The Gelation Time of Urea-Formaldehyde Resin

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    The pH and buffering capacity for water extract of the heartwood and sapwood of ten hardwoods and nine softwoods were determined. pH values ranged from 4.00 to 5.86 for hardwood and 4.02 to 5.82 for softwood. The gelation time for a urea-formaldehyde resin as affected by wood flour for each wood was determined. Analysis shows that a strong correlation between gel time of wood flour and either pH or acid buffering capacity of water extract exists

    Global Rights, Local Wrongs, and Legal Fixes: An International Human Rights Critique of Immigration and Welfare Reform

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    The United States enjoys a lofty reputation worldwide as the land of opportunity and dreams, the welcoming home to all who want to be free, the brave new world that embraces huddled masses and offers them limitless possibilities to find freedom, liberty, and happiness. In marked juxtaposition to this welcomeness narrative is the counter-narrative of historic exclusion evidenced by the harsh description of these huddled masses, yearning to breathe free as wretched refuse. Indeed, to describe some immigrants as wretched refuse manifests that Lady Liberty\u27s welcome is, at best, highly selective and, at worst, patently discriminatory. The irony, of course, lies in the basic truth of both narratives - anecdotes imbued with tension throughout

    The Far-Ultraviolet Spectra of TW Hya. II. Models of H2 Fluorescence in a Disk

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    We measure the temperature of warm gas at planet-forming radii in the disk around the classical T Tauri star (CTTS) TW Hya by modelling the H2 fluorescence observed in HST/STIS and FUSE spectra. Strong Ly-alpha emission irradiates a warm disk surface within 2 AU of the central star and pumps certain excited levels of H2. We simulate a 1D plane-parallel atmosphere to estimate fluxes for the 140 observed H2 emission lines and to reconstruct the Ly-alpha emission profile incident upon the warm H2. The excitation of H2 can be determined from relative line strengths by measuring self-absorption in lines with low-energy lower levels, or by reconstructing the Ly-alpha profile incident upon the warm H2 using the total flux from a single upper level and the opacity in the pumping transition. Based on those diagnostics, we estimate that the warm disk surface has a column density of log N(H2)=18.5^{+1.2}_{-0.8}, a temperature T=2500^{+700}_{-500} K, and a filling factor of H2, as seen by the source of Ly-alpha emission, of 0.25\pm0.08 (all 2-sigma error bars). TW Hya produces approximately 10^{-3} L_\odot in the FUV, about 85% of which is in the Ly-alpha emission line. From the H I absorption observed in the Ly-alpha emission, we infer that dust extinction in our line of sight to TW Hya is negligible.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. 26 pages, 17 figures, 6 table

    The declining representativeness of the British party system, and why it matters

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    In a recent article, Michael Laver has explained ‘Why Vote-Seeking Parties May Make Voters Miserable’. His model shows that, while ideological convergence may boost congruence between governments and the median voter, it can reduce congruence between the party system and the electorate as a whole. Specifically, convergence can increase the mean distance between voters and their nearest party. In this article we show that this captures the reality of today’s British party system. Policy scale placements in British Election Studies from 1987 to 2010 confirm that the pronounced convergence during the past decade has left the Conservatives and Labour closer together than would be optimal in terms of minimising the policy distance between the average voter and the nearest major party. We go on to demonstrate that this comes at a cost. Respondents who perceive themselves as further away from one of the major parties in the system tend to score lower on satisfaction with democracy. In short, vote-seeking parties have left the British party system less representative of the ideological diversity in the electorate, and thus made at least some British voters miserable
