1,508 research outputs found

    Design Factors for Two-Dimensional, External-Compression Supersonic Inlets

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    Geometric and aerodynamic design factors were studied for the design of two-dimensional, external-compression inlets operating at a freestream Mach number of Mach 1.7. Computational simulations of the inlet flows were performed to obtain the inlet performance metrics consisting of the inlet flow rates, total pressure recovery, and total pressure distortion at the engine face. The key design factors identified included the external diffuser Mach number, cowl lip interior angle, bleed slot length, throat section aft centerbody slope, and subsonic diffuser length. Using the results of the Mach 1.7 inlet study, inlets were designed for Mach 1.4 and 2.0. The results provide useful insight on the significance of the design factors for the design of such inlets for commercial supersonic aircraft

    External-Compression Supersonic Inlet Design Code

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    A computer code named SUPIN has been developed to perform aerodynamic design and analysis of external-compression, supersonic inlets. The baseline set of inlets include axisymmetric pitot, two-dimensional single-duct, axisymmetric outward-turning, and two-dimensional bifurcated-duct inlets. The aerodynamic methods are based on low-fidelity analytical and numerical procedures. The geometric methods are based on planar geometry elements. SUPIN has three modes of operation: 1) generate the inlet geometry from a explicit set of geometry information, 2) size and design the inlet geometry and analyze the aerodynamic performance, and 3) compute the aerodynamic performance of a specified inlet geometry. The aerodynamic performance quantities includes inlet flow rates, total pressure recovery, and drag. The geometry output from SUPIN includes inlet dimensions, cross-sectional areas, coordinates of planar profiles, and surface grids suitable for input to grid generators for analysis by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods. The input data file for SUPIN and the output file from SUPIN are text (ASCII) files. The surface grid files are output as formatted Plot3D or stereolithography (STL) files. SUPIN executes in batch mode and is available as a Microsoft Windows executable and Fortran95 source code with a makefile for Linux

    Refinement of Vortex Generators in a Streamline-Traced, External-Compression Supersonic Inlet

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    Computational simulations of the flow within a streamline-traced, external-compression supersonic inlet for Mach 1.664 without and with vortex generators were performed to refine the characterization of the inlet performance as measured by the total pressure recovery and the radial and circumferential total pressure distortion indices at the engine face. The refinement of the simulations concerned two aspects: 1) refinement of the grid for the simulations to evaluate and reduce uncertainty, and 2) refinement of the modeling and design of the vortex generators. The vortex generators studied were rectangular vane-type vortex generators arranged in co-rotating arrays within the subsonic diffuser. The vortex generator geometric factors of interest included the height, circumferential spacing, and angle-of-incidence. The flow through the inlet was simulated numerically through the solution of the steady-state, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations on multi-block, structured grids using the Wind-US flow solver. The vortex generators were simulated using either a vortex generator model or with grids generated about each vortex generator. Statistical methods were used to compute confidence intervals and grid convergence indices to establish the uncertainties of the analyses with respect to grid refinement. Design-of-experiments methods were applied to quantify the effects of the geometric factors of the vortex generators. The analyses of the computed results illustrate the complexities of quantifying the uncertainties of the inlet performance and the implications of the uncertainties for the design of a vortex generator array for the STEX inlet

    Design and Analysis Tool for External-Compression Supersonic Inlets

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    A computational tool named SUPIN has been developed to design and analyze external-compression supersonic inlets for aircraft at cruise speeds from Mach 1.6 to 2.0. The inlet types available include the axisymmetric outward-turning, two-dimensional single-duct, two-dimensional bifurcated-duct, and streamline-traced Busemann inlets. The aerodynamic performance is characterized by the flow rates, total pressure recovery, and drag. The inlet flowfield is divided into parts to provide a framework for the geometry and aerodynamic modeling and the parts are defined in terms of geometric factors. The low-fidelity aerodynamic analysis and design methods are based on analytic, empirical, and numerical methods which provide for quick analysis. SUPIN provides inlet geometry in the form of coordinates and surface grids useable by grid generation methods for higher-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis. SUPIN is demonstrated through a series of design studies and CFD analyses were performed to verify some of the analysis results

    Off-Design Performance of a Streamline-Traced, External-Compression Supersonic Inlet

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    A computational study was performed to explore the aerodynamic performance of a streamline-traced, external-compression inlet designed for Mach 1.664 at off-design conditions of freestream Mach number, angle-of-attack, and angle-of-sideslip. Serious degradation of the inlet performance occurred for negative angles-of-attack and angles-of-sideslip greater than 3 degrees. At low subsonic speeds, the swept leading edges of the inlet created a pair of vortices that propagated to the engine face. Increasing the bluntness of the cowl lip showed no real improvement in the inlet performance at the low speeds, but did improve the inlet performance at the design conditions. Reducing the inlet flow rate improved the inlet performance, but at the likely expense of reduced thrust of the propulsion system. Deforming the cowl lip for low-speed operation of the inlet increased the inlet capture area and improved the inlet performance

    A Combined Geometric Approach for Computational Fluid Dynamics on Dynamic Grids

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    A combined geometric approach for computational fluid dynamics is presented for the analysis of unsteady flow about mechanisms in which its components are in moderate relative motion. For a CFD analysis, the total dynamics problem involves the dynamics of the aspects of geometry modeling, grid generation, and flow modeling. The interrelationships between these three aspects allow for a more natural formulation of the problem and the sharing of information which can be advantageous to the computation of the dynamics. The approach is applied to planar geometries with the use of an efficient multi-block, structured grid generation method to compute unsteady, two-dimensional and axisymmetric flow. The applications presented include the computation of the unsteady, inviscid flow about a hinged-flap with flap deflections and a high-speed inlet with centerbody motion as part of the unstart / restart operation

    Research Efforts in Development of NPARC 2D/3D CFD Codes

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    The objective of the research was to develop a capability in the NPARC computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code to efficiently solve for unsteady airflows with moving geometry and grids. The application of interest was the unsteady flow in a high-speed aircraft inlet operating at the supercritical condition in which a terminal shock resides within the diffuser

    A Moving Grid Capability for NPARC

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    Version 3.1 of the NPARC computational fluid dynamics flow solver introduces a capability to solve unsteady flow on moving multi-block, structured grids with nominally second-order time accuracy. The grid motion is due to segments of the boundary grid that translate and rotate in a rigid-body manner or deform. The grid is regenerated at each time step to accommodate the boundary grid motion. The flow equations and computational models sense the moving grid through the grid velocities, which are computed from a time-difference of the grids at two consecutive time levels. For three-dimensional flow domains, it is assumed that the grid retains a planar character with respect to one coordinate. The application and accuracy of NPARC v3.1 is demonstrated for flow about a flying wedge, rotating flap, a collapsing bump in a duct, and the upstart / restart flow in a variable-geometry inlet. The results compare well with analytic and experimental results

    A combined geometric approach for solving the Navier-Stokes equations on dynamic grids

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    A combined geometric approach for solving the Navier-Stokes equations is presented for the analysis of planar, unsteady flow about mechanisms with components in moderate relative motion. The approach emphasizes the relationships between the geometry model, grid, and flow model for the benefit of the total dynamics problem. One application is the analysis of the restart operation of a variable-geometry, high-speed inlet

    Modeling of Fixed-Exit Porous Bleed Systems

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    A model has been developed to simulate a fixed-exit porous bleed system for supersonic inlets. The fixed-exit model allows the amount of bleed flow to vary according to local flow conditions and fixed-exit characteristics of the bleed system. This variation is important for the control of shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions within the inlet. The model computes the bleed plenum static pressure rather than requiring its specification. The model was implemented in the Wind-US computational fluid dynamics code. The model was then verified and validated against experimental data for bleed on a flat plate with and without an impinging oblique shock and for bleed in a Mach 3.0 axisymmetric, mixed-compression inlet. The model was able to accurately correlate the plenum pressures with bleed rates and simulate the effect of the bleed on the downstream boundary layer. Further, the model provided a realistic simulation of the initiation of inlet unstart. The results provide the most in-depth examination to date of bleed models for use in the simulation of supersonic inlets. The results also highlight the limitations of the models and aspects that require further research