3,594 research outputs found

    A semi-implicit version of the MPAS-atmosphere dynamical core

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    An important question for atmospheric modeling is the viability of semi-implicit time integration schemes on massively parallel computing architectures. Semi-implicit schemes can provide increased stability and accuracy. However, they require the solution of an elliptic problem at each time step, creating concerns about their parallel efficiency and scalability. Here, a semi-implicit (SI) version of the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) is developed and compared with the original model version, which uses a split Runge-Kutta (SRK3) time integration scheme. The SI scheme is based on a quasi-Newton iteration toward a Crank-Nicolson scheme. Each Newton iteration requires the solution of a Helmholtz problem; here, the Helmholtz problem is derived, and its solution using a geometric multigrid method is described. On two standard test cases, a midlatitude baroclinic wave and a small-planet nonhydrostatic gravity wave, the SI and SRK3 versions produce almost identical results. On the baroclinic wave test, the SI version can use somewhat larger time steps (about 60%) than the SRK3 version before losing stability. The SI version costs 10%-20% more per step than the SRK3 version, and the weak and strong scalability characteristics of the two versions are very similar for the processor configurations the authors have been able to test (up to 1920 processors). Because of the spatial discretization of the pressure gradient in the lowest model layer, the SI version becomes unstable in the presence of realistic orography. Some further work will be needed to demonstrate the viability of the SI scheme in this case.UK Natural Environment Research Council as part of the G8 ICOMEX projec

    Multivariate discrimination and the Higgs + W/Z search

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    A systematic method for optimizing multivariate discriminants is developed and applied to the important example of a light Higgs boson search at the Tevatron and the LHC. The Significance Improvement Characteristic (SIC), defined as the signal efficiency of a cut or multivariate discriminant divided by the square root of the background efficiency, is shown to be an extremely powerful visualization tool. SIC curves demonstrate numerical instabilities in the multivariate discriminants, show convergence as the number of variables is increased, and display the sensitivity to the optimal cut values. For our application, we concentrate on Higgs boson production in association with a W or Z boson with H -> bb and compare to the irreducible standard model background, Z/W + bb. We explore thousands of experimentally motivated, physically motivated, and unmotivated single variable discriminants. Along with the standard kinematic variables, a number of new ones, such as twist, are described which should have applicability to many processes. We find that some single variables, such as the pull angle, are weak discriminants, but when combined with others they provide important marginal improvement. We also find that multiple Higgs boson-candidate mass measures, such as from mild and aggressively trimmed jets, when combined may provide additional discriminating power. Comparing the significance improvement from our variables to those used in recent CDF and DZero searches, we find that a 10-20% improvement in significance against Z/W + bb is possible. Our analysis also suggests that the H + W/Z channel with H -> bb is also viable at the LHC, without requiring a hard cut on the W/Z transverse momentum.Comment: 41 pages, 5 tables, 29 figure

    Global Diversity of the Stylasteridae (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Athecatae)

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    The history and rate of discovery of the 247 valid Recent stylasterid species are discussed and graphed, with emphasis on five historical pulses of species descriptions. A table listing all genera, their species numbers, and their bathymetric ranges are presented. The number of species in 19 oceanographic regions is mapped, the southwestern temperate Pacific (region including New Zealand) having the most species; species are cosmopolitan from the Arctic Circle to the Antarctic at depths from 0 to 2789 m. The current phylogenetic classification of the genera is briefly discussed. An illustrated glossary of 53 morphological characters is presented. Biological and ecological information pertaining to reproduction, development, commensals, and distribution is discussed. Aspects of stylasterid mineralogy and taxa of commercial value are discussed, concluding with suggestions for future work

    Contemporary understanding of riots: classical crowd psychology, ideology and the social identity approach

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    This article explores the origins and ideology of classical crowd psychology, a body of theory reflected in contemporary popularised understandings such as of the 2011 English ‘riots’. This article argues that during the nineteenth century, the crowd came to symbolise a fear of ‘mass society’ and that ‘classical’ crowd psychology was a product of these fears. Classical crowd psychology pathologised, reified and decontextualised the crowd, offering the ruling elites a perceived opportunity to control it. We contend that classical theory misrepresents crowd psychology and survives in contemporary understanding because it is ideological. We conclude by discussing how classical theory has been supplanted in academic contexts by an identity-based crowd psychology that restores the meaning to crowd action, replaces it in its social context and in so doing transforms theoretical understanding of ‘riots’ and the nature of the self

    Gamma-Ray Telescopes (in "400 Years of Astronomical Telescopes")

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    The last half-century has seen dramatic developments in gamma-ray telescopes, from their initial conception and development through to their blossoming into full maturity as a potent research tool in astronomy. Gamma-ray telescopes are leading research in diverse areas such as gamma-ray bursts, blazars, Galactic transients, and the Galactic distribution of aluminum-26.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures/ in "400 Years of Astronomical Telescopes: A Review of History, Science and Technology", ed. B.R. Brandl, R. Stuik, & J.K. Katgert-Merkeli (Exp. Astron. 26, 111-122 [2009]

    Anthrax Lethal Toxin-Mediated Killing of Human and Murine Dendritic Cells Impairs the Adaptive Immune Response

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    Many pathogens have acquired strategies to combat the immune response. Bacillus anthracis interferes with host defenses by releasing anthrax lethal toxin (LT), which inactivates mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways, rendering dendritic cells (DCs) and T lymphocytes nonresponsive to immune stimulation. However, these cell types are considered resistant to killing by LT. Here we show that LT kills primary human DCs in vitro, and murine DCs in vitro and in vivo. Kinetics of LT-mediated killing of murine DCs, as well as cell death pathways induced, were dependent upon genetic background: LT triggered rapid necrosis in BALB/c-derived DCs, and slow apoptosis in C57BL/6-derived DCs. This is consistent with rapid and slow killing of LT-injected BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice, respectively. We present evidence that anthrax LT impairs adaptive immunity by specifically targeting DCs. This may represent an immune-evasion strategy of the bacterium, and contribute to anthrax disease progression. We also established that genetic background determines whether apoptosis or necrosis is induced by LT. Finally, killing of C57BL/6-derived DCs by LT mirrors that of human DCs, suggesting that C57BL/6 DCs represent a better model system for human anthrax than the prototypical BALB/c macrophages

    A Novel Unsupervised Method to Identify Genes Important in the Anti-viral Response: Application to Interferon/Ribavirin in Hepatitis C Patients

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    Background: Treating hepatitis C with interferon/ribavirin results in a varied response in terms of decrease in viral titer and ultimate outcome. Marked responders have a sharp decline in viral titer within a few days of treatment initiation, whereas in other patients there is no effect on the virus (poor responders). Previous studies have shown that combination therapy modifies expression of hundreds of genes in vitro and in vivo. However, identifying which, if any, of these genes have a role in viral clearance remains challenging. Aims: The goal of this paper is to link viral levels with gene expression and thereby identify genes that may be responsible for early decrease in viral titer. Methods: Microarrays were performed on RNA isolated from PBMC of patients undergoing interferon/ribavirin therapy. Samples were collected at pre-treatment (day 0), and 1, 2, 7, 14 and 28 days after initiating treatment. A novel method was applied to identify genes that are linked to a decrease in viral titer during interferon/ribavirin treatment. The method uses the relationship between inter-patient gene expression based proximities and inter-patient viral titer based proximities to define the association between microarray gene expression measurements of each gene and viral-titer measurements. Results: We detected 36 unique genes whose expressions provide a clustering of patients that resembles viral titer based clustering of patients. These genes include IRF7, MX1, OASL and OAS2, viperin and many ISG's of unknown function. Conclusion: The genes identified by this method appear to play a major role in the reduction of hepatitis C virus during the early phase of treatment. The method has broad utility and can be used to analyze response to any group of factors influencing biological outcome such as antiviral drugs or anti-cancer agents where microarray data are available. © 2007 Brodsky et al

    Oral tolerance to cancer can be abrogated by T regulatory cell inhibition

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    Oral administration of tumour cells induces an immune hypo-responsiveness known as oral tolerance. We have previously shown that oral tolerance to a cancer is tumour antigen specific, non-cross-reactive and confers a tumour growth advantage. We investigated the utilisation of regulatory T cell (Treg) depletion on oral tolerance to a cancer and its ability to control tumour growth. Balb/C mice were gavage fed homogenised tumour tissue – JBS fibrosarcoma (to induce oral tolerance to a cancer), or PBS as control. Growth of subcutaneous JBS tumours were measured; splenic tissue excised and flow cytometry used to quantify and compare systemic Tregs and T effector (Teff) cell populations. Prior to and/or following tumour feeding, mice were intraperitoneally administered anti-CD25, to inactivate systemic Tregs, or given isotype antibody as a control. Mice which were orally tolerised prior to subcutaneous tumour induction, displayed significantly higher systemic Treg levels (14% vs 6%) and faster tumour growth rates than controls (p<0.05). Complete regression of tumours were only seen after Treg inactivation and occurred in all groups - this was not inhibited by tumour feeding. The cure rates for Treg inactivation were 60% during tolerisation, 75% during tumour growth and 100% during inactivation for both tolerisation and tumour growth. Depletion of Tregs gave rise to an increased number of Teff cells. Treg depletion post-tolerisation and post-tumour induction led to the complete regression of all tumours on tumour bearing mice. Oral administration of tumour tissue, confers a tumour growth advantage and is accompanied by an increase in systemic Treg levels. The administration of anti-CD25 Ab decreased Treg numbers and caused an increase in Teffs. Most notably Treg cell inhibition overcame established oral tolerance with consequent tumor regression, especially relevant to foregut cancers where oral tolerance is likely to be induced by the shedding of tumour tissue into the gut

    Biological control of Diamondback moth—Increased efficacy with mixtures of Beauveria fungi

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    Diamondback moth (DBM) is an important horticultural pest worldwide as the larvae of these moths feed on the leaves of cruciferous vegetables. As DBM has developed resistance to more than 100 classes of synthetic insecticides, new biological control options are urgently required. Beauveria species are entomopathogenic fungi recognized as the most important fungal genus for controlling a wide range of agricultural, forestry, and veterinary arthropod pests. Previous research, aimed at developing new Beauveria-based biopesticides for DBM, has focused on screening single isolates of Beauveria bassiana. However, these fungal isolates have individual requirements, which may limit their effectiveness in some environments. This current study separately assessed 14 Beauveria isolates, from a range of habitats and aligned to four different species (Beauveria bassiana, B. caledonica, B. malawiensis, and B. pseudobassiana), to determine the most effective isolate for the control of DBM. Further assays then assessed whether selected combinations of these fungal isolates could increase the overall efficacy against DBM. Six Beauveria isolates (three B. bassiana and three B. pseudobassiana) achieved high DBM mortality at a low application rate with the first documented report of B. pseudobassiana able to kill 100% of DBM larvae. Further research determined that applications of low-virulent Beauveria isolates improved the control of DBM compared to mixtures containing high-virulent isolates. This novel approach increased the DBM pest mortality and shortened the time to kill