61 research outputs found

    Interactive effects of hydrology and fire drive differential biogeochemical legacies in subtropical wetlands

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    Fire is an important component of many ecosystems, as it impacts biodiversity, biogeochemical cycles, and primary production. In wetlands, fire interacts with hydrologic regimes and other ecosystem characteristics to determine soil carbon (C) gains or losses and rates of nutrient cycling. However, how legacies of fire interact with wetland hydroperiod to affect soil chemistry is uncertain. We used the Florida Everglades as a model landscape to study how fire regimes, hydroperiod, and soil types collectively contribute to long-term C, nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) concentrations and stoichiometric mass ratios (C:N, C:P, N:P) in both short- and long-hydroperiod subtropical wetlands that consist of marl and peat soils, respectively. We used fire records from 1948 to 2018 and hydroperiod from 1991 to 2003, and analyzed these data together with soil chemistry data collected during two extensive field surveys (n = 539) across different ecosystem and soil types throughout Everglades National Park. We also analyzed macrophyte and periphyton P concentrations (n = 150) collected from 2003 to 2016 in fire-impacted wetland sites. Hydroperiod was the main driver of soil C concentration in both marl and peat soils, but fire played a substantial role in nutrient cycling. Particularly in marl soils, soil P concentrations were affected by the absence of fire. In the first decade post-fire, we observed an amplification of P cycling with decreased soil C:P ratios by 95% and N:P ratios by 45%. After more than a decade post-fire, soil P became increasingly depleted (41% lower). Macrophyte P tissue concentration was 50% higher only in the first year post-fire, whereas periphyton P did not change. By recycling nutrients and through removal of litter accumulation, which forms a physical obstacle to photosynthesis, fire likely helps maintain high levels of macrophyte aboveground live biomass as well. Given its substantial effect on nutrient cycling, we advocate for fire management that uses fire return intervals that minimize depletion of soil nutrients and promote positive feedbacks to productivity in wetland ecosystems. In addition, coordinated management of fire return intervals and wetland hydroperiod can be used to set priorities for wetland soil nutrient concentrations and ratios

    Saltwater and phosphorus drive unique soil biogeochemical processes in freshwater and brackish wetland mesocosms

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    Coastal ecosystems are exposed to saltwater intrusion but differential effects on biogeochemical cycling are uncertain. We tested how elevated salinity and phosphorus (P) individually and interactively affect microbial activities and biogeochemical cycling in freshwater and brackish wetland soils. In experimental mesocosms, we added crossed gradients of elevated concentrations of soluble reactive P (SRP) (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 Όg/L) and salinity (0, 4, 7, 12, 16 ppt) to freshwater and brackish peat soils (10, 14, 17, 22, 26 ppt) for 35 d. We quantified changes in water chemistry [dissolved organic carbon (DOC), ammonium ((Formula presented.)), nitrate + nitrite (N + N), SRP concentrations], soil microbial extracellular enzyme activities, respiration rates, microbial biomass C, and soil chemistry (%C, %N, %P, C:N, C:P, N:P). DOC, (Formula presented.), and SRP increased in freshwater but decreased in brackish mesocosms with elevated salinity. DOC similarly decreased in brackish mesocosms with added P, and N + N decreased with elevated salinity in both freshwater and brackish mesocosms. In freshwater soils, water column P uptake occurred only in the absence of elevated salinity and when P was above 40 ”g/L. Freshwater microbial EEAs, respiration rates, and microbial biomass C were consistently higher compared to those from brackish soils, and soil phosphatase activities and microbial respiration rates in freshwater soils decreased with elevated salinity. Elevated salinity increased arylsulfatase activities and microbial biomass C in brackish soils, and elevated P increased microbial respiration rates in brackish soils. Freshwater soil %C, %N, %P decreased and C:P and N:P increased with elevated salinity. Elevated P increased %C and C:N in freshwater soils and increased %P but decreased C:P and N:P in brackish soils. Freshwater soils released more C and nutrients than brackish soils when exposed to elevated salinity, and both soils were less responsive to elevated P than expected. Freshwater soils became more nutrient-depleted with elevated salinity, whereas brackish soils were unaffected by salinity but increased P uptake. Microbial activities in freshwater soils were inhibited by elevated salinity and unaffected by added P, but brackish soil microbial activities slightly increased with elevated salinity and P

    Long-term ecological research and the COVID-19 anthropause: A window to understanding social-ecological disturbance

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    The period of disrupted human activity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, coined the anthropause, altered the nature of interactions between humans and ecosystems. It is uncertain how the anthropause has changed ecosystem states, functions, and feedback to human systems through shifts in ecosystem services. Here, we used an existing disturbance framework to propose new investigation pathways for coordinated studies of distributed, long-term social-ecological research to capture effects of the anthropause. Although it is still too early to comprehensively evaluate effects due to pandemic-related delays in data availability and ecological response lags, we detail three case studies that show how long-term data can be used to document and interpret changes in air and water quality and wildlife populations and behavior coinciding with the anthropause. These early findings may guide interpretations of effects of the anthropause as it interacts with other ongoing environmental changes in the future, particularly highlighting the importance of long-term data in separating disturbance impacts from natural variation and long-term trends. Effects of this global disturbance have local to global effects on ecosystems with feedback to social systems that may be detectable at spatial scales captured by nationally to globally distributed research networks

    Understanding drivers of aquatic ecosystem metabolism in freshwater subtropical ridge and slough wetlands

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    How climate and habitat drive variation in aquatic metabolism in wetlands remains uncertain. To quantify differences in seasonal aquatic metabolism among wetlands, we estimated aquatic ecosystem metabolism (gross primary productivity, GPP; ecosystem respiration, ER; net aquatic productivity, NAP) in subtropical ridge and slough wetlands of the Florida Everglades from more than 2 yr of continuously measured water column dissolved oxygen, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), water temperature, and water depth. Gross primary productivity and ER were modeled from light, temperature, and water depth using non-linear minimization and maximum likelihood. Reaeration rates were estimated from wind speed. Dissolved oxygen was below saturation at all sites during both wet and dry seasons. Water depth interacted with vegetation to influence PAR, water temperature, and spatiotemporal patterns in aquatic metabolism. Gross primary productivity and ER were highest at the slough with lowest submerged aquatic vegetation (low-SAV slough), intermediate in the sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) ridge site, and lowest at the slough with highest submerged aquatic vegetation (high-SAV slough). Ecosystem respiration was strongly positively correlated with GPP at the sawgrass ridge and low-SAV slough sites. Gross primary productivity increased with water temperature and PAR across all habitat types, whereas ER decreased (more respiration) with water temperature and PAR. Net aquatic productivity was negatively correlated with water temperature and positively correlated with PAR, suggesting that ER was more sensitive than GPP to water temperature. Aquatic metabolism was largely net heterotrophic in all wetlands, and high-SAV appeared to buffer seasonal variation in PAR and water temperatures that drive NAP in subtropical wetlands. Our results suggest that aquatic ecosystem metabolism in wetlands with seasonal hydrology is sensitive to changes in water depth and vegetation density that influence temperature and light. Expanding our understanding of how metabolic processes and carbon cycling in wetland ecosystems vary across gradients in hydrology, vegetation, and organic matter could enhance our understanding and protection of conditions that maximize carbon storage

    Extreme event ecology needs proactive funding

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    Commentary: Extreme events such as wildfires, hurricanes, and floods have increased in frequency and intensity. It is no longer a question of if, but rather when and where these events will occur (Stott 2016), with adverse impacts on essential ecosystemservices including clean water, harvestable materials, and carbon sequestration. In some cases, extreme events such as wildfires may have positive impacts on populations and ecosystems. Managing these impacts requires understanding how environmental context as well as ecosystem and disturbance characteristics drive system responses (Hogan et al. 2020). However, funding for ecological extreme events research, such as through the US National Science Foundation’s (NSF’s) RAPID program, is typically reactive. Pre-event data, a RAPID prerequisite, aretypically lacking or only sporadically available, and case studies of extreme events often arise from chance disturbances at existing long-term research sites. This reactive stochastic approach has seeded the literature with unplanned case studies describing individual events. While useful for meta-analyses (eg Patrick et al. 2022), such studies provide limited spatiotemporal inference and predictive capacity. Prioritizing the study of extreme events and empirically testing fundamental concepts in disturbance ecology is paramount (Aoki et al. 2022). (...

    Low-to-moderate nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations accelerate microbially driven litter breakdown rates

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    Particulate organic matter (POM) processing is an important driver of aquatic ecosystem productivity that is sensitive to nutrient enrichment and drives ecosystem carbon (C) loss. Although studies of single concentrations of nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) have shown effects at relatively low concentrations, responses of litter breakdown rates along gradients of low‐to‐moderate N and P concentrations are needed to establish likely interdependent effects of dual N and P enrichment on baseline activity in stream ecosystems. We established 25 combinations of dissolved inorganic N (DIN; 55–545 ÎŒg/L) and soluble reactive P (SRP; 4–86 ÎŒg/L) concentrations with corresponding N:P molar ratios of 2–127 in experimental stream channels. We excluded macroinvertebrates, focusing on microbially driven breakdown of maple (Acer rubrum L.) and rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum L.) leaf litter. Breakdown rates, k, per day (d−1) and per degree‐day (dd−1), increased by up to 6× for maple and 12× for rhododendron over our N and P enrichment gradient compared to rates at low ambient N and P concentrations. The best models of k (d−1 and dd−1) included litter species identity and N and P concentrations; there was evidence for both additive and interactive effects of N and P. Models explaining variation in k dd−1 were supported by N and P for both maple and rhododendron ( = 0.67 and 0.33, respectively). Residuals in the relationship between k dd−1 and N concentration were largely explained by P, but residuals for k dd−1 and P concentration were less adequately explained by N. Breakdown rates were more closely related to nutrient concentrations than variables associated with measurements of two mechanistic parameters associated with C loss (fungal biomass and microbial respiration rate). We also determined the effects of nutrient addition on litter C : nutrient stoichiometry and found reductions in litter C:N and C:P along our experimental nutrient gradient. Our results indicate that microbially driven litter processing rates increase across low‐to‐moderate nutrient gradients that are now common throughout human‐modified landscapes

    Effects of mangrove cover on coastal erosion during a hurricane in Texas, USA

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    We tested the hypothesis that mangroves provide better coastal protection than salt marsh vegetation using 10 1,008-m2 plots in which we manipulated mangrove cover from 0 to 100%. Hurricane Harvey passed over the plots in 2017. Data from erosion stakes indicated up to 26 cm of vertical and 970 cm of horizontal erosion over 70 months in the plot with 0% mangrove cover, but relatively little erosion in other plots. The hurricane did not increase erosion, and erosion decreased after the hurricane passed. Data from drone images indicated 196 m2 of erosion in the 0% mangrove plot, relatively little erosion in other plots, and little ongoing erosion after the hurricane. Transects through the plots indicated that the levee (near the front of the plot) and the bank (the front edge of the plot) retreated up to 9 m as a continuous function of decreasing mangrove cover. Soil strength was greater in areas vegetated with mangroves than in areas vegetated by marsh plants, or nonvegetated areas, and increased as a function of plot-level mangrove cover. Mangroves prevented erosion better than marsh plants did, but this service was nonlinear, with low mangrove cover providing most of the benefits

    Detrital stoichiometry as a critical nexus for the effects of streamwater nutrients on leaf litter breakdown rates

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    Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations are elevated in many freshwater systems, stimulating breakdown rates of terrestrially derived plant litter; however, the relative importance of N and P in driving litter breakdown via microbial and detritivore processing are not fully understood. Here, we determined breakdown rates of two litter species, Acer rubrum (maple) and Rhododendron maximum (rhododendron), before (PRE) and during two years (YR1, YR2) of experimental N and P additions to five streams, and quantified the relative importance of hypothesized factors contributing to breakdown. Treatment streams received a gradient of P additions (low to high soluble reactive phosphorus [SRP]; ~10–85 ÎŒg/L) crossed with a gradient of N additions (high to low dissolved inorganic nitrogen [DIN]; ~472–96 ÎŒg/L) to achieve target molar N:P ratios ranging from 128 to 2. Litter breakdown rates increased above pre‐treatment levels by an average of 1.1–2.2× for maple, and 2.7–4.9× for rhododendron in YR1 and YR2. We used path analysis to compare fungal biomass, shredder biomass, litter stoichiometry (nutrient content as C:N or C:P), discharge, and streamwater temperature as predictors of breakdown rates and compared models containing streamwater N, P or N + P and litter C:N or C:P using model selection criteria. Litter breakdown rates were predicted equally with either streamwater N or P (R2 = 0.57). In models with N or P, fungal biomass, litter stoichiometry, discharge, and shredder biomass predicted breakdown rates; litter stoichiometry and fungal biomass were most important for model fit. However, N and P effects may have occurred via subtly different pathways. Litter N content increased with fungal biomass (N‐driven effects) and litter P content increased with streamwater P availability (P‐driven effects), presumably via P storage in fungal biomass. In either case, the effects of N and P through these pathways were associated with higher shredder biomass and breakdown rates. Our results suggest that N and P stimulate litter breakdown rates via mechanisms in which litter stoichiometry is an important nexus for associated microbial and detritivore effects

    Consequences of non-random species loss for decomposition dynamics: experimental evidence for additive and non-additive effects

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    1.   Although litter decomposition is a fundamental ecological process, most of our understanding comes from studies of single-species decay. Recently, litter-mixing studies have tested whether monoculture data can be applied to mixed-litter systems. These studies have mainly attempted to detect non-additive effects of litter mixing, which address potential consequences of random species loss – the focus is not on which species are lost, but the decline in diversity per se . 2.   Under global change, species loss is likely to be non-random, with some species more vulnerable to extinction than others. Under such scenarios, the effects of individual species (additivity) as well as of species interactions (non-additivity) on decomposition rates are of interest. 3.   To examine potential impacts of non-random species loss on ecosystems, we studied additive and non-additive effects of litter mixing on decomposition. A full-factorial litterbag experiment was conducted using four deciduous leaf species, from which mass loss and nitrogen content were measured. Data were analysed using a statistical approach that first looks for additive identity effects based on the presence or absence of species and then significant species interactions occurring beyond those. It partitions non-additive effects into those caused by richness and/or composition. 4.   This approach addresses questions key to understanding the potential effects of species loss on ecosystem processes. If additive effects dominate, the consequences for decomposition dynamics will be predictable based on our knowledge of individual species, but not statistically predictable if non-additive effects dominate. 5.   We found additive (identity) effects on mass loss and non-additive (composition) effects on litter nitrogen dynamics, suggesting that non-random species loss could significantly affect this system. We were able to identify the species responsible for effects that would otherwise have been considered idiosyncratic or absent when analysed by the methods used in previous work. 6.   Synthesis . We observed both additive and non-additive effects of litter-mixing on decomposition, indicating consequences of non-random species loss. To predict the consequences of global change for ecosystem functioning, studies should examine the effects of both random and non-random species loss, which will help identify the mechanisms that influence the response of ecosystems to environmental change.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73943/1/j.1365-2745.2007.01346.x.pd

    Elevated CO 2 alters leaf-litter-derived dissolved organic carbon: effects on stream periphyton and crayfish feeding preference

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    Elevated atmospheric CO2 increases plant C fixation, and much of the soluble C content of deciduous leaf litter entering streams is leached as dissolved organic C (DOC). The effects of DOC from trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michaux) leaf litter grown under elevated (ELEV ! 720 ppm) and ambient (AMB! 360 ppm) CO2 on stream periphyton were measured during a 35-d experiment in outdoor artificial stream chambers. Crayfish feeding preferences for periphyton grown in AMB and ELEV treatments were evaluated in short-term foraging trials using a Y-maze. Periphyton was sampled through time for ash- free dry mass (AFDM), chlorophyll a, total C:N, algal biovolume and species composition, and bacterial productivity and biomass. Leaf litter from plants grown under ELEV CO2 produced higher concentrations of refractory DOC than did leaf litter from plants grown under AMB CO2, and chlorophyll a concentrations were lower in periphyton enriched with ELEV DOC than in periphyton enriched with AMB DOC. ELEV DOC did not significantly affect bacterial productivity and biomass or total periphyton C:N, but cyanobacterial biovolume was higher in ELEValgal assemblages than in AMB algal assemblages after 35 d. AMB algal assemblages were dominated by the diatom Epithemia adnata var. proboscidea, which contains N- fixing endosymbionts. Orconectes virilis crayfish preferred AMB periphyton stimulus when offered the choice of AMB and ELEV stimuli or AMB and control stimuli. Our results suggest that DOC from trembling aspen leaf litter produced under ELEV CO2 alters algal accrual and species assemblages of stream periphyton, and this shift in basal resource quantity and quality could affect feeding preferences of crayfish
