142,658 research outputs found

    Efficacy of a four-week uphill sprint training intervention in field hockey players

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    Current evidence increasingly suggests that very short, supra-maximal bouts of exercise can have significant health and performance benefits. The majority of research conducted in the area however, uses laboratory-based protocols, which can lack ecological validity. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a high intensity sprint-training programme on hockey related performance measures. 14 semi-professional hockey players completed either a 4-week high intensity training (HIT) intervention, consisting of a total of six sessions HIT, which progressively increased in volume (n=7), or followed their normal training programme (Con; n=7). Straight-line sprint speed with and without a hockey stick and ball, and slalom sprint speed, with and without a hockey stick and ball were used as performance indicators. Maximal sprint speed over 22.9m was also assessed. Upon completion of the four-week intervention, straight-line sprint speed improved significantly in the HIT group (~3%), with no change in performance for the Con group. Slalom sprint speed, both with and without a hockey ball was not significantly different following the training programme in either group. Maximal sprint speed improved significantly (12.1%) in the HIT group, but there was no significant performance change in the Con group. The findings of this study indicate that a short period of HIT can significantly improve hockey related performance measures, and could be beneficial to athletes and coaches in field settings

    Simulating the impacts of climate change on ecosystems: the importance of mortality

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    Griffith Sciences, Griffith School of EnvironmentNo Full Tex

    Process-dependence of biogenic feedback effects in models of plankton dynamics.

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    The prospect of human-induced climate change has stimulated research into several biological processes that might affect climate. One such process that has attracted a substantial research effort is the so-called CLAW hypothesis (Charlson et al. 1987). This hypothesis suggests that marine plankton ecosystems may effectively regulate climate by a feedback associated with the production of dimethylsulphide (DMS). Charlson et al. (1987) observed that some of the DMS produced by marine ecosystems is transferred from the ocean to the atmosphere where it is the major source of cloud condensing nuclei (CCN) over the remote oceans. The aerosols resulting from biogenic DMS emissions can have a direct effect on the solar radiative forcing experienced by the Earth through scattering, absorption and reflection and can also lead to increased cloud formation; the CLAW hypothesis proposes that these mechanisms could regulate climate. Charlson et al (1987) argued that an increase in global temperature would lead to increased biogenic DMS emissions from the ocean and result in an increase in scattering, cloud cover and cloud albedo that would increase the proportion of the incoming solar radiation reflected back into space (thus changing the global albedo), and thereby cooling the planet. The objective of this paper is to examine the implications of the climate regulation process proposed by Charlson et al. (1987) for the dynamics of the ecosystems that produce it. Cropp et al. (2007) developed a simple plankton model that incorporated the DMS feedback mechanism and compared its dynamics to the same ecosystem model without the feedback. These simulations revealed that the presence of the feedback generally enhanced the stability of the ecosystem by making it more resilient to perturbation. In this research, we compare the effect of the feedbacks on a similar NPZ ecosystem model that has a greater range of dynamical behaviour than the model used by Cropp et al. (2007). The results of simulations with the new feedback model are compared to the results of Cropp et al. (2007) to elucidate the influence of the model formulation on the effects of the feedback

    Space education: Deriving benefits from industrial consortia

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    As the number of spacefaring nations of the world increases, so does the difficulty of competing in a global economy. The development of high technology products and services for space programs, and the economic exploitation of these technologies for national economic growth, requires professionals versed in both technical and commercial aspects of space. Meeting this requirement academically presents two challenges. On the technical side, enrollment in science and engineering is decreasing in some of the spacefaring nations. From the commerce perspective, very few colleges and universities offer specific courses in space business

    \u27Takings\u27 Clarified: U.S. Supreme Court Provides Clear Direction

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    The United States Supreme Court holding in Lingle v. Chevron U.S.A., Inc. clarified years of takings jurisprudence and overturned a controversial decision in the case of Agins v. City of Tiburon. This article discusses how the Lingle court denounced the “substantially advances” test created in Agins, as a due process inquiry rather than a proper takings test. The Lingle court instead opted to create a clear four-category paradigm for takings cases, which focuses on the burden the government places on private property rights in order to distinguish takings categories

    Zoning for Solar Energy: Resource Guide

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    This document is designed to help New York State localities amend zoning and other land use regulations to permit the development of solar energy systems in their jurisdictions. While it applies to many types of solar energy systems, this resource guide focuses primarily on solar electric or photovoltaic (PV) systems. It begins by describing the local government’s role in land use planning and regulation. It then discusses the importance of defining all solar energy systems that a community wants to allow in existing zoning districts and shows how to incorporate those definitions in the zoning ordinance. Next, the guide explains how a municipality can amend zoning to permit these systems either as principal, secondary, accessory, or specially permitted land uses in existing zoning districts, as well as how to exempt certain systems from zoning altogether. The resource then explains how relevant bulk and area requirements must be amended to accommodate permitted solar energy systems. Subsequently, the guide discusses how to amend site plan requirements to include standards for solar energy systems, examines how local governments can modify environmental impact review under SEQRA, and considers the role of other local boards in streamlining the approval process for solar energy systems. Beyond permitting solar energy systems, the guide discusses ways to amend land use laws to either require or encourage them. Throughout, this document provides helpful resources and examples that communities can use when regulating to allow, encourage, or require various solar energy systems. Although land use terminology may vary by regional and jurisdictional practice, the examples generally represent approaches discussed throughout the guide. The examples are intended to be illustrative samples and are not intended to be an endorsement of the content
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