2,033 research outputs found

    The Evolution of Clinical Practice and Supervision in the United States

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    Clinical practice in teacher education has evolved from an apprenticeship model to one that finds it more intertwined with collaborative arrangements with partnering public schools. We look at how this evolution has had a major impact on the effectiveness of how teachers are prepared in an ever more complex society. We also describe how instructional supervision has been intertwined with clinical practice throughout the decades

    Luncheon Address: Emerging Trends in Teacher Education

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    Luncheon Addres

    Honors Accounting Thesis

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    This thesis is made up of twelve case studies completed during my junior year over various financial accounting topics. The class was led by Dr. Vicki Dickinson, who oversaw every aspect of each particular case study. The topics covered in this thesis range from various fields and expanded my knowledge on many accounting ideas. I know for sure that each case study prepared us as students for the ever-changing accounting world as we begin to start our careers in financial accounting

    Canadian Furniture: An Annotated Bibliography

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    An Argentine Child’s Wake, with Music and Dancing – As seen by Alfred Ébélot and R. B. Cunninghame Graham

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    The French engineer Alfred Ébélot in 1870s Argentina helped lay out a ditch 300-plus kilometres long across the grasslands – the pampa – of the huge Province of Buenos Aires. This was to hinder Indian raiders seeking to make off south with white captives and huge numbers of animals. Somewhere Ébélot witnessed a traditional child’s wake, accompanied by music and dancing. Graham, fluent Spanish speaker and expert horseman, was in the 1870s utterly captivated by the unfenced pampa and by its cow-herders, the gauchos. He too witnessed a child’s wake with music and dancing. “El Velorio” (The Wake), the first of Ébélot’s vignettes in La Pampa (1890), describes such a child’s wake. In 1894 W. H. Hudson, the Argentine-born naturalist and author, recommended La Pampa to his friend Graham, advising him to switch his writing focus to short sketches based on his pampa experiences. In 1899, Graham’s “El Angelito” (The Little Angel) is a five-part description of a child’s wake very similar in design to Ébélot’s “El Velorio”. Ébélot, a positivist, is more critical than Graham of the commercialisation of the child’s wake tradition. Graham’s passion for the pampa and especially his ability to highlight compelling details give the literary edge to Graham’s sketch. Ébélot’s La Pampa proved a useful help to Graham in his rapid development in the late 1890s as a writer of literary sketches. In 1870, two foreigners landed in Argentina for the first time – the Frenchman Alfred Ébélot and the Scotsman Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham. In different places each witnessed a traditional child’s wake accompanied by music and dancing. This article compares their experiences of Argentina and their literary interpretations of an intriguing piece of Hispano-Argentine folklore

    Diffusion and Vision: A Case Study of the Ebenezer Doan House in Sharon, Ontario

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    This case study of the 1819 Ebenezer Doan house in Sharon, Ontario, illustrates ways in which a seemingly simple, straightforward building may be analyzed to yield information about its architectural antecedents and its builder's background and attitudes. It suggests how British and Germanic traditions were interwoven on the Pennsylvania frontier, modified, and brought to Upper Canada by American settlers. In the Doan house, the very traditional hall/kitchen, which was the focal point of family life, reflects the Doan family's concern for maintaining close ties with family and friends from Pennsylvania despite the disruption of migration to a distant land. The conservatism of vernacular builders like Ebenezer Doan, however, did not preclude vision or the will to innovate. The temple and study Doan built for a religious sect known as the Children of Peace attest to that. Résumé Cette recherche effectuée sur la maison Ebenezer Doan, qui fut érigée en 1819 à Sharon (Ontario), montre comment une construction qui semble ordinaire peut livrer des renseignements à propos des courants qui en ont influencé l'architecture et des informations sur le caractère et la formation de l'entrepreneur. On y reconnaît l'influence britannique et germanique particulière aux maisons de la Pennsylvanie. Les loyalistes avaient introduit et modifié ce style dans le territoire qui deviendra le Haut-Canada. La grande cuisine de type traditionnel de la maison Doan, centre de la vie familiale, indique à quel point la famille désirait préserver des relations étroites avec les parents et amis restés en Pennsylvanie, malgré l'obstacle de la distance créé par l'émigration. Les constructeurs comme Ebenezer faisaient preuve de conformisme, mais ceci ne les empêchait pas d'avoir une imagination créatrice et la volonté de l'exprimer. A preuve, nous pouvons nous référer au Temple et à la salle de travail que Doan construisit pour une secte religieuse appelée «-Les enfants de la Paix»
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