760 research outputs found

    The Efficiency of Secondary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: EESSA Project The Case of Uganda

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    There is limited research on secondary education in sub-Saharan African context that explores the keyfactors that promote efficient and effective secondary schools. What there is includes IIEP studies byLewin and Caillods (2001), and the outputs from the World Bank's Secondary Education in Africa programme that includes analysis of costs and efficiency (Lewin 2008). Knowledge gaps remain withthe risk that African governments embarking on large scale reforms in secondary education may investin ways that fail to identify the components of the system and processes that drive efficient and effectivedelivery of secondary education, and therefore which areas to prioritize investment to achieve universalaccess. This large study of secondary school efficiency and effectiveness in Uganda responds to this gapand provides evidence to inform discussions about key reforms in secondary education to improve qualityand equitable access, especially for disadvantaged groups

    A Cure for HIV Infection: "Not in My Lifetime" or "Just Around the Corner"?

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    With the advent and stunning success of combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) to prolong and improve quality of life for persons with HIV infection, HIV research has been afforded the opportunity to pivot towards studies aimed at finding "a cure." The mere idea that cure of HIV might be possible has energized researchers and the community towards achieving this goal. Funding agencies, both governmental and private, have targeted HIV cure as a high priority; many in the field have responded to these initiatives and the cure research agenda is robust. In this "salon" two editors of Pathogens and Immunity, Michael Lederman and Daniel Douek ask whether curing HIV is a realistic, scalable objective. We start with an overview perspective and have asked a number of prominent HIV researchers to add to the discussion

    Two-Modality Mammography May Confer an Advantage Over Either Full-Field Digital Mammography or Screen-Film Mammography

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    To compare the cancer detection rate and ROC area under the curve of full-field digital mammography, screen-film mammography, and a combined technique that allowed diagnosis if a finding was suspicious on film, on digital, or both

    Are ulcers a marker for invasive carcinoma in barrett's esophagus? data from a diagnostic variability study with clinical follow-up

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    We correlated follow-up information from 138 patients with Barrett's esophagus and varying degrees of dysplasia with the presence of ulcers. Methods A group of pathologist participants were asked to contribute patients’ initial biopsy slides showing Barrett's esophagus (BE) without dysplasia and with epithelial changes indefinite for dysplasia, low grade dysplasia (LGD), high grade dysplasia (HGD), and adenocarcinoma. From the initial 250 cases used for a diagnostic reproducibility study, follow-up information was available for 138 patients. Results There were 44 cases submitted as BE, 22 as BE with epithelial changes indefinite for dysplasia, 26 as BE with LGD, 33 as BE with HGD, and 13 as BE with adenocarcinoma. Ulcers were present in 35/138 cases (25%), including 3/44 cases of BE without dysplasia (7%), 2/22 cases of BE with epithelial changes indefinite for dysplasia (9%), 0/26 cases of BE with LGD (0%), 10/33 cases of BE with HGD (30%), and 7/13 cases of BE with adenocarcinoma (54%). On follow-up, there were no invasive carcinomas detected among the BE without dysplasia group (median follow-up = 38.5 months). Adenocarcinomas were detected in 4/22 cases (18%) submitted as BE with epithelial changes indefinite for dysplasia at 19, 55, 60, and 62 months and in 4/26 cases (15%) of BE with LGD at 9, 9, 11, and 60 months. None of these carcinomas occurred in cases in which an ulcer was present in the initial biopsy specimen. Among the 33 HGD cases, 20 (60%) were found to have adenocarcinoma on subsequent resection specimens. The presence of an ulcer with HGD increased the likelihood of finding carcinoma in the resection specimen, as 8/10 biopsies (80%) of HGD patients with ulcers had carcinoma, compared to 12/23 biopsies (52%) of HGD patients without ulcers. All of the cases interpreted as adenocarcinomas on biopsy were found either to have invasive carcinoma on esophageal resection or to have metastases that were demonstrated in unresectable patients. Conclusion If an ulcer accompanies HGD in a biopsy specimen from a patient with BE, it is likely that invasive carcinoma is also present at that time.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75186/1/j.1572-0241.2002.05420.x.pd

    Bias in trials comparing paired continuous tests can cause researchers to choose the wrong screening modality

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To compare the diagnostic accuracy of two continuous screening tests, a common approach is to test the difference between the areas under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. After study participants are screened with both screening tests, the disease status is determined as accurately as possible, either by an invasive, sensitive and specific secondary test, or by a less invasive, but less sensitive approach. For most participants, disease status is approximated through the less sensitive approach. The invasive test must be limited to the fraction of the participants whose results on either or both screening tests exceed a threshold of suspicion, or who develop signs and symptoms of the disease after the initial screening tests.</p> <p>The limitations of this study design lead to a bias in the ROC curves we call <it>paired screening trial bias</it>. This bias reflects the synergistic effects of inappropriate reference standard bias, differential verification bias, and partial verification bias. The absence of a gold reference standard leads to inappropriate reference standard bias. When different reference standards are used to ascertain disease status, it creates differential verification bias. When only suspicious screening test scores trigger a sensitive and specific secondary test, the result is a form of partial verification bias.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>For paired screening tests with bivariate normally distributed scores, we give formulae and programs to quantify the effect of <it>paired screening trial bias </it>on a paired comparison of area under the curves. We fix the prevalence of disease, and the chance a diseased subject manifests signs and symptoms. We derive the formulas for true sensitivity and specificity, and those for the sensitivity and specificity observed by the study investigator.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The observed area under the ROC curves is quite different from the true area under the ROC curves. The typical direction of the bias is a strong inflation in sensitivity, paired with a concomitant slight deflation of specificity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In paired trials of screening tests, when area under the ROC curve is used as the metric, bias may lead researchers to make the wrong decision as to which screening test is better.</p

    Pathogenicity and immunogenicity of attenuated, nef-deleted HIV-1 strains in vivo

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    In efforts to develop an effective vaccine, sterilizing immunity to primate lentiviruses has only been achieved by the use of live attenuated viruses carrying major deletions in nef and other accessory genes. Although live attenuated HIV vaccines are unlikely to be developed due to a myriad of safety concerns, opportunities exist to better understand the correlates of immune protection against HIV infection by studying rare cohorts of long-term survivors infected with attenuated, nef-deleted HIV strains such as the Sydney blood bank cohort (SBBC). Here, we review studies of viral evolution, pathogenicity, and immune responses to HIV infection in SBBC members. The studies show that potent, broadly neutralizing anti-HIV antibodies and robust CD8+ T-cell responses to HIV infection were not necessary for long-term control of HIV infection in a subset of SBBC members, and were not sufficient to prevent HIV sequence evolution, augmentation of pathogenicity and eventual progression of HIV infection in another subset. However, a persistent T-helper proliferative response to HIV p24 antigen was associated with long-term control of infection. Together, these results underscore the importance of the host in the eventual outcome of infection. Thus, whilst generating an effective antibody and CD8+ T-cell response are an essential component of vaccines aimed at preventing primary HIV infection, T-helper responses may be important in the generation of an effective therapeutic vaccine aimed at blunting chronic HIV infection
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