1,112 research outputs found

    Antenna design for microwave hepatic ablation using an axisymmetric electromagnetic model

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    BACKGROUND: An axisymmetric finite element method (FEM) model was employed to demonstrate important techniques used in the design of antennas for hepatic microwave ablation (MWA). To effectively treat deep-seated hepatic tumors, these antennas should produce a highly localized specific absorption rate (SAR) pattern and be efficient radiators at approved generator frequencies. METHODS AND RESULTS: As an example, a double slot choked antenna for hepatic MWA was designed and implemented using FEMLAB™ 3.0. DISCUSSION: This paper emphasizes the importance of factors that can affect simulation accuracy, which include boundary conditions, the dielectric properties of liver tissue, and mesh resolution

    A C3(H20) recycling pathway is a component of the intracellular complement system

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    An intracellular complement system (ICS) has recently been described in immune and nonimmune human cells. This system can be activated in a convertase-independent manner from intracellular stores of the complement component C3. The source of these stores has not been rigorously investigated. In the present study, Western blotting identified a band corresponding to C3 in freshly isolated human peripheral blood cells that was absent in corresponding cell lines. One difference between native cells and cell lines was the time absent from a fluid-phase complement source; therefore, we hypothesized that loading C3 from plasma was a route of establishing intracellular C3 stores. We found that many types of human cells specifically internalized C3(H(2)O), the hydrolytic product of C3, and not native C3, from the extracellular milieu. Uptake was rapid, saturable, and sensitive to competition with unlabeled C3(H(2)O), indicating a specific mechanism of loading. Under steady-state conditions, approximately 80% of incorporated C3(H(2)O) was returned to the extracellular space. These studies identify an ICS recycling pathway for C3(H(2)O). The loaded C3(H(2)O) represents a source of C3a, and its uptake altered the cytokine profile of activated CD4(+) T cells. Importantly, these results indicate that the impact of soluble plasma factors should be considered when performing in vitro studies assessing cellular immune function

    Salivary melatonin onset in youth at familial risk for bipolar disorder

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    Melatonin secretion and polysomnography (PSG) were compared among a group of healthy adolescents who were at high familial risk for bipolar disorder (HR) and a second group at low familial risk (LR). Adolescent participants (n = 12) were a mean age 14 ± 2.3 years and included 8 females and 4 males. Saliva samples were collected under standardized condition light (red light) and following a 200 lux light exposure over two consecutive nights in a sleep laboratory. Red Light Melatonin onset (RLMO) was defined as saliva melatonin level exceeding the mean of the first 3 readings plus 2 standard deviations. Polysomnography was also completed during each night. HR youth, relative to LR, experienced a significantly earlier melatonin onset following 200 lux light exposure. Polysomnography revealed that LR youth, relative to HR, spent significantly more time in combined stages 3 and 4 (deep sleep) following red light exposure. Additionally, regardless of the group status (HR or LR), there was no significant difference in Red Light Melatonin Onset recorded at home or in the laboratory, implying its feasibility and reliability

    The burden of proof: the current state of atrial fibrillation prevention and treatment trials

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an age-related arrhythmia of enormous socioeconomic significance. In recent years, our understanding of the basic mechanisms that initiate and perpetuate AF has evolved rapidly, catheter ablation of AF has progressed from concept to reality, and recent studies suggest lifestyle modification may help prevent AF recurrence. Emerging developments in genetics, imaging, and informatics also present new opportunities for personalized care. However, considerable challenges remain. These include a paucity of studies examining AF prevention, modest efficacy of existing antiarrhythmic therapies, diverse ablation technologies and practice, and limited evidence to guide management of high-risk patients with multiple comorbidities. Studies examining the long-term effects of AF catheter ablation on morbidity and mortality outcomes are not yet completed. In many ways, further progress in the field is heavily contingent on the feasibility, capacity, and efficiency of clinical trials to incorporate the rapidly evolving knowledge base and to provide substantive evidence for novel AF therapeutic strategies. This review outlines the current state of AF prevention and treatment trials, including the foreseeable challenges, as discussed by a unique forum of clinical trialists, scientists, and regulatory representatives in a session endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society at the 12th Global CardioVascular Clinical Trialists Forum in Washington, DC, December 3–5, 2015


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    Bell Inequality Experiment for a High Brightness Time-Energy Entangled Source

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    A periodically poled MgO - doped LiNbO3 (MgO:LN) non-degenerate photon pair source is utilized for spontaneous parametric down-conversion of 532-nanometer photons into time-energy entangled pairs of 800- and 1600-nanometer photons. The entangled photons are separated using previously detailed sorting optics, such that each wavelength is independently directed through one of two modified Mach-Zehnder interferometers - also known as a Franson interferometer - after which they are fiber-optically guided to high-efficiency photon detectors. Output from the detectors is sent to a high resolution time tagger, where coincidences between the entangled photons are recorded. By varying the length of the long path in one Mach-Zehnder interferometer, it is possible to observe high visibility sinusoidal fringes in the measured coincidence rates (while no variation is seen in single photon detection rates). These fringes - due to interference between the photon probability amplitudes - are indicative of a violation of the Bell inequality, and confirm inconsistencies with local hidden variable theory for the correlations of the time-energy entangled photon pairs

    Is nephrogenesis affected by preterm birth? Studies in a non-human primate model

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    Nephrogenesis occurs predominantly in late gestation at a time when preterm infants are already delivered. The aims of this study were to assess the effect of preterm birth and the effect of antenatal glucocorticoid treatment on nephrogenesis. Preterm baboons, which were delivered at 125 days gestation and ventilated for up to 21 days postnatally, were compared with gestational controls. A cohort of preterm baboons that had been exposed to antenatal glucocorticoids were compared with unexposed preterm baboons. The number of glomerular generations was estimated using a medullary ray glomerular-counting method, and glomerular number was estimated using unbiased stereology. CD31 and WT-1 localization was examined using immunohistochemistry and VEGF was localized using in situ hybridization. The number of glomerular generations was not affected by preterm birth, and total glomerular numbers were within the normal range. Kidneys were significantly enlarged in preterm baboons with a significant decrease in glomerular density (number of glomeruli per gram of kidney) in the preterm kidney compared with gestational controls. Neonates exposed to antenatal steroids had an increased kidney-to-body weight ratio and also more developed glomeruli compared with unexposed controls. Abnormal glomeruli, with a cystic Bowman's space and shrunken glomerular tuft, were often present in the superficial renal cortex of both the steroid-exposed and unexposed preterm kidneys; steroid exposure had no significant effect on the proportion of abnormal glomeruli. The proportion of abnormal glomeruli in the preterm kidneys ranged from 0.2 to 18%. In conclusion, although nephrogenesis is ongoing in the extrauterine environment, our findings demonstrate that preterm birth, independent of steroid exposure, is associated with a high proportion of abnormal glomeruli in some, but not all neonatal kidneys. Whether final nephron endowment is affected in those kidneys exhibiting a high proportion of abnormal glomeruli is yet to be confirmed

    Updated Field Synopsis and Systematic Meta-Analyses of Genetic Association Studies in Cutaneous Melanoma: The MelGene Database

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    We updated a field synopsis of genetic associations of cutaneous melanoma (CM) by systematically retrieving and combining data from all studies in the field published as of August 31, 2013. Data were available from 197 studies, which included 83,343 CM cases and 187,809 controls and reported on 1,126 polymorphisms in 289 different genes. Random-effects meta-analyses of 81 eligible polymorphisms evaluated in >4 data sets confirmed 20 single-nucleotide polymorphisms across 10 loci (TYR, AFG3L1P, CDK10, MYH7B, SLC45A2, MTAP, ATM, CLPTM1L, FTO, and CASP8) that have previously been published with genome-wide significant evidence for association (P<5 × 10−8) with CM risk, with certain variants possibly functioning as proxies of already tagged genes. Four other loci (MITF, CCND1, MX2, and PLA2G6) were also significantly associated with 5 × 10−8<P<1 × 10−3. In supplementary meta-analyses derived from genome-wide association studies, one additional locus located 11 kb upstream of ARNT (chromosome 1q21) showed genome-wide statistical significance with CM. Our approach serves as a useful model in analyzing and integrating the reported germline alterations involved in CM