643 research outputs found

    Kear v. Hilton: Enforcing the Treaty On Extradition Between the United States and Canada

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    This Note examines the justness of the Kear decision. The current provisions of the Extradition Treaty, the powers of bounty hunters, and the role of the courts in regulating extradition are discussed. The Note concludes that extradition was not only proper, but necessary in order to maintain the Extradition Treaty\u27s goal of suppressing crime through cooperation between Canada and the United States

    Reducing the carbon footprint of red meat

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    ThesisDoctoral thesisThe contribution of ruminant agriculture towards climate change is significant and responsible for approximately 14.5% of anthropogenic global greenhouse gas emissions. The reduction of sectorial emissions is dependent on farmer decision-making at a multitude of scales, which comprise of the field scale, the farm, farmer typologies (farm scale with focus on farmers), and the community-scale. This conceptual framework provides the basis for the research carried out in this PhD. The first research chapter builds upon previous work carried out by Bangor University where farmers deemed the most practical mitigation measure they could adopt on their farming enterprises was the planting of leguminous crops. The research in this thesis demonstrated that grass-clover systems offered the same yield as grass swards receiving conventional amounts of nitrogen fertiliser. However, nitrous oxide emissions from the grass-clover sward were significantly lower. My second research chapter moves onto the farm scale and investigates the carbon footprint (CF) from 15 farming enterprises over two timescales. Considerable reductions in the CF of beef and lamb were demonstrated if efficiencies were increased to match those of the least-emitting producers. On-farm decisions are motivated by personal interests and goals. Hence, the third research chapter identifies distinct types of farmers based on perceptions of climate change. Four farmer types were identified which can aid the dissemination of climate change information and consequently increase the adoption of climate change measures. The final chapter evaluates social capital and collaboration amongst farmers at the community scale; such interactions can serve to facilitate mitigation and adaptation. Although overall collaboration was low, there was considerable latent social capital which can be used to further encourage collective action. The work carried out in this thesis can help reduce the livestock sector’s greenhouse gas emissions across numerous scales; thereby helping the industry meet its emission targets

    The Category Theoretic Understanding of Universal Algebra: Lawvere Theories and Monads

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    Lawvere theories and monads have been the two main category theoretic formulations of universal algebra, Lawvere theories arising in 1963 and the connection with monads being established a few years later. Monads, although mathematically the less direct and less malleable formulation, rapidly gained precedence. A generation later, the definition of monad began to appear extensively in theoretical computer science in order to model computational effects, without reference to universal algebra. But since then, the relevance of universal algebra to computational effects has been recognised, leading to renewed prominence of the notion of Lawvere theory, now in a computational setting. This development has formed a major part of Gordon Plotkin’s mature work, and we study its history here, in particular asking why Lawvere theories were eclipsed by monads in the 1960’s, and how the renewed interest in them in a computer science setting might develop in future

    The Hylands of Clonmoran: An Enterprising Catholic Family in County Kilkenny, 1816-1917

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    This is the story of a County Kilkenny family over one hundred and one years (1816- 1917) with a particular emphasis on their enterprising activities. The study is based largely on family papers that have fortuitously survived. The Hyland family exemplifies a specific stratum within Catholic Ireland both socially and in terms of geographic location. The Hylands were members of a most influential class that may be described generically as the Catholic middle class. Through this case study a deeper historical insight into a grouping that has received little attention from historians is provided. This group, exemplified by the Hylands, had a vital, i f not overt, ftinction in the socio-economic, cultural and political landscape in what was a stratified and complex society. Connected to the masses in religious faith and nationalism; connected to the classes in privilege, their wealth was meagre in comparison with the affluent ascendency - their fortune, unimaginable to most of their brethren. What further distinguished this family from much of Catholic society and most of the ascendency was their engagement with trade; they possessed a mercantilist mentality. This entrepreneurial spirit was demonstrated in the various ventures they undertook and in their ability to diversify and engage at different levels with all sections of the community. Their business activities included the operation of a slate quarry, distillery and com mill and the management of a local theatre. With both business and farming interests, both landlords and tenants, the Hylands involved themselves in many aspects of life in their locality and beyond

    Combining social and nutritional perspectives: from adolescence to adulthood (the ASH30 study)

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to focus specifically on the benefits of using mixed methods to investigate dietary change from adolescence to adulthood exemplified using the findings from the ASH30 longitudinal study. The ASH30 study is a longitudinal dietary survey which provided quantitative evidence of dietary change and investigated factors influencing dietary change from adolescence to adulthood. Design/methodology/approach Two three-day food diaries were collected both in 1980 (aged 11-12 years) and 2000 (aged 31-32 years) from the same 198 respondents in North East England. In 2,000 questionnaires were used to collect perceptions of, and attributions for, dietary change and open-ended responses were analysed using content analysis. Findings The use of mixed methods brings added breadth and depth to the research which cannot be achieved by a single discipline or method. Determining what has influenced change in dietary behaviour from adolescence to adulthood is a complex and multifaceted task. Eating habits are influenced by multiple factors throughout the life course. Change in food intake between adolescence and adulthood related to life-course events and trajectories. The qualitative findings highlighted relevant contextual information such as themes of moral panics, the concept of “convenience” and “fresh” foods. Practical implications Adopting mixed method approaches to exploring dietary change should offer a rich perspective from which to base realistic interventions. Originality/value Longitudinal dietary surveys present an opportunity to understand the complex process of dietary change throughout the life course in terms both of how diets have changed but also of why they have changed

    French Nuclear Forces

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    Declared French nuclear strategy rests today on the Gaullist doctrine of proportional deterrence elaborated more than two decades ago. Proportional deterrence doctrine states a weak state (France) can deter a strong state (USSR) when the weak nation possesses the capability to inflict enough damage on the strong one so that the value of the conquest of the weak country to the strong one is less than the value of the damage which the weak can inflict on the strong

    Pseudo-commutative Monads

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    AbstractWe introduce the notion of pseudo-commutative monad together with that of pseudo-closed 2-category, the leading example being given by the 2-monad on Cat whose 2-category of algebras is the 2-category of small symmetric monoidal categories. We prove that for any pseudo-commutative 2-monad on Cat, its 2-category of algebras is pseudo-closed. We also introduce supplementary definitions and results, and we illustrate this analysis with further examples such as those of small categories with finite products, and examples arising from wiring, interaction, contexts, and the logic of Bunched Implication
