215 research outputs found

    What is a bank?

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    A location scale based CFAR detection framework for FOPEN SAR images

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    The problem of target detection in a complex clutter environment, with Constant False Alarm Ratio (CFAR), is addressed in this paper. In particular an algorithm for CFAR target detection is applied to the context of FOliage PENetrating (FOPEN) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging. The extreme value distributions family is used to model the data and exploiting the location-scale property of this family of distributions, a multi-model CFAR algorithm is derived. Performance analysis on real data confirms the capability of the developed framework to control the false alarm probability

    Multi-model CFAR detection in FOliage PENetrating SAR images

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    A multi-model approach for Constant False Alarm Ratio (CFAR) detection of vehicles through foliage in FOliage PENetrating (FOPEN) SAR images is presented. Extreme value distributions and Location Scale properties are exploited to derive an adaptive CFAR approach that is able to cope with different forest densities. Performance analysis on real data is carried out to estimate the detection and false alarm probabilities in the presence of a ground truth

    Scaling of oscillatory kinematics and Froude efficiency in baleen whales

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    High efficiency lunate-tail swimming with high-aspect-ratio lifting surfaces has evolved in many vertebrate lineages, from fish to cetaceans. Baleen whales (Mysticeti) are the largest swimming animals that exhibit this locomotor strategy, and present an ideal study system to examine how morphology and the kinematics of swimming scale to the largest body sizes. We used data from whale-borne inertial sensors coupled with morphometric measurements from aerial drones to calculate the hydrodynamic performance of oscillatory swimming in six baleen whale species ranging in body length from 5 to 25 m (fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus; Bryde\u27s whale, Balaenoptera edeni; sei whale, Balaenoptera borealis; Antarctic minke whale, Balaenoptera bonaerensis; humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae; and blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus). We found that mass-specific thrust increased with both swimming speed and body size. Froude efficiency, defined as the ratio of useful power output to the rate of energy input (Sloop, 1978), generally increased with swimming speed but decreased on average with increasing body size. This finding is contrary to previous results in smaller animals, where Froude efficiency increased with body size. Although our empirically parameterized estimates for swimming baleen whale drag were higher than those of a simple gliding model, oscillatory locomotion at this scale exhibits generally high Froude efficiency as in other adept swimmers. Our results quantify the fine-scale kinematics and estimate the hydrodynamics of routine and energetically expensive swimming modes at the largest scale

    Scaling of swimming performance in baleen whales

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    The scale dependence of locomotor factors has long been studied in comparative biomechanics, but remains poorly understood for animals at the upper extremes of body size. Rorqual baleen whales include the largest animals, but we lack basic kinematic data about their movements and behavior below the ocean surface. Here, we combined morphometrics from aerial drone photogrammetry, whale-borne inertial sensing tag data and hydrodynamic modeling to study the locomotion of five rorqual species. We quantified changes in tail oscillatory frequency and cruising speed for individual whales spanning a threefold variation in body length, corresponding to an order of magnitude variation in estimated body mass. Our results showed that oscillatory frequency decreases with body length (proportional to length(-0.5)(3)) while cruising speed remains roughly invariant (proportional to length(0.08)) at 2 m s(-1). We compared these measured results for oscillatory frequency against simplified models of an oscillating cantilever beam (proportional to length(-1)) and an optimized oscillating Strouhal vortex generator (proportional to length(-1)). The difference between our length-scaling exponent and the simplified models suggests that animals are often swimming non-optimally in order to feed or perform other routine behaviors. Cruising speed aligned more closely with an estimate of the optimal speed required to minimize the energetic cost of swimming (proportional to length(-1)). Our results are among the first to elucidate the relationships between both oscillatory frequency and cruising speed and body size for free-swimming animals at the largest scale

    Energetic and physical limitations on the breaching performance of large whales

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    The considerable power needed for large whales to leap out of the water may represent the single most expensive burst maneuver found in nature. However, the mechanics and energetic costs associated with the breaching behaviors of large whales remain poorly understood. In this study we deployed whale-borne tags to measure the kinematics of breaching to test the hypothesis that these spectacular aerial displays are metabolically expensive. We found that breaching whales use variable underwater trajectories, and that high-emergence breaches are faster and require more energy than predatory lunges. The most expensive breaches approach the upper limits of vertebrate muscle performance, and the energetic cost of breaching is high enough that repeated breaching events may serve as honest signaling of body condition. Furthermore, the confluence of muscle contractile properties, hydrodynamics, and the high speeds required likely impose an upper limit to the body size and effectiveness of breaching whales
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