144 research outputs found

    Rapid Displacement of Dengue Virus Type 1 by Type 4, Pacific Region, 2007–2009

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    Since 2000–2001, dengue virus type 1 has circulated in the Pacific region. However, in 2007, type 4 reemerged and has almost completely displaced the strains of type 1. If only 1 serotype circulates at any time and is replaced approximately every 5 years, DENV-3 may reappear in 2012

    Multiple recombinant dengue type 1 viruses in an isolate from a dengue patient

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    Between 2000 and 2004, dengue virus type 1 (DENV-1) genotypes I and II from Asia were introduced into the Pacific region and co-circulated in some localities. Envelope protein gene sequences of DENV-1 from 12 patients infected on the island of New Caledonia were obtained, five of which carried genotype I viruses and six, genotype II viruses. One patient harboured a mixed infection, containing viruses assigned to both genotypes I and II, as well as a number of inter-genotypic recombinants. This is the first report of a population of dengue viruses isolated from a patient containing both parental and recombinant viruses

    A population of bang-bang switches of defective interfering particles makes within-host dynamics of dengue virus controllable.

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    The titre of virus in a dengue patient and the duration of this viraemia has a profound effect on whether or not a mosquito will become infected when it feeds on the patient and this, in turn, is a key driver of the magnitude of a dengue outbreak. The assessment of the heterogeneity of viral dynamics in dengue-infected patients and its precise treatment are still uncertain. Infection onset, patient physiology and immune response are thought to play major roles in the development of the viral load. Research has explored the interference and spontaneous generation of defective virus particles, but have not examined both the antibody and defective particles during natural infection. We explore the intrinsic variability in the within-host dynamics of viraemias for a population of patients using the method of population of models (POMs). A dataset from 208 patients is used to initially calibrate 20,000 models for the infection kinetics for each of the four dengue virus serotypes. The calibrated POMs suggests that naturally generated defective particles may interfere with the viraemia, but the generated defective virus particles are not adequate to reduce high fever and viraemia duration. The effect of adding excess defective dengue virus interfering particles to patients as a therapeutic is evaluated using the calibrated POMs in a bang-bang (on-off or two-step) optimal control setting. Bang-bang control is a class of binary feedback control that turns either 'ON' or 'OFF' at different time points, determined by the system feedback. Here, the bang-bang control estimates the mathematically optimal dose and duration of the intervention for each model in the POM set

    Myanmar dengue outbreak associated with displacement of serotypes 2, 3, and 4 by dengue 1

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    Published version is free to read on publisher website In 2001, Myanmar (Burma) had its largest outbreak of dengue—15,361 reported cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS), including 192 deaths. That year, 95% of dengue viruses isolated from patients were serotype 1 viruses belonging to two lineages that had diverged from an earlier, now extinct, lineage sometime before 1998. The ratio of DHF to DSS cases in 2001 was not significantly different from that in 2000, when 1,816 cases of DHF/DSS were reported and dengue 1 also was the most frequently isolated serotype. However, the 2001 ratio was significantly higher than that in 1998 (also an outbreak year) and in 1999, when all four serotypes were detected and serotypes 1, 2, and 3 were recovered in similar numbers. The large number of clinical cases in 2001 may have been due, in part, to a preponderance of infections with dengue 1 viruses

    Using paired serology and surveillance data to quantify dengue transmission and control during a large outbreak in Fiji.

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    Dengue is a major health burden, but it can be challenging to examine transmission and evaluate control measures because outbreaks depend on multiple factors, including human population structure, prior immunity and climate. We combined population-representative paired sera collected before and after the 2013/14 dengue-3 outbreak in Fiji with surveillance data to determine how such factors influence transmission and control in island settings. Our results suggested the 10-19 year-old age group had the highest risk of infection, but we did not find strong evidence that other demographic or environmental risk factors were linked to seroconversion. A mathematical model jointly fitted to surveillance and serological data suggested that herd immunity and seasonally varying transmission could not explain observed dynamics. However, the model showed evidence of an additional reduction in transmission coinciding with a vector clean-up campaign, which may have contributed to the decline in cases in the later stages of the outbreak

    Ross River virus antibody prevalence in the Fiji Islands, 2013-2015

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    A unique outbreak of Ross River virus (RRV) infection was reported in Fiji in 1979. In 2013, 29 RRV seroprevalence among residents was 46.5%. Of those born after 1982, 37.4% had anti-RRV 30 antibodies. Between 2013-2015, 10.9% of residents had seroconverted to RRV suggesting 31 ongoing endemic circulation of RRV in Fiji

    Ross River virus antibody prevalence in the Fiji Islands, 2013-2015

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    A unique outbreak of Ross River virus (RRV) infection was reported in Fiji in 1979. In 2013, 29 RRV seroprevalence among residents was 46.5%. Of those born after 1982, 37.4% had anti-RRV 30 antibodies. Between 2013-2015, 10.9% of residents had seroconverted to RRV suggesting 31 ongoing endemic circulation of RRV in Fiji

    Myanmar Dengue Outbreak Associated with Displacement of Serotypes 2, 3, and 4 by Dengue 1

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    In 2001, Myanmar (Burma) had its largest outbreak of dengue—15,361 reported cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS), including 192 deaths. That year, 95% of dengue viruses isolated from patients were serotype 1 viruses belonging to two lineages that had diverged from an earlier, now extinct, lineage sometime before 1998. The ratio of DHF to DSS cases in 2001 was not significantly different from that in 2000, when 1,816 cases of DHF/DSS were reported and dengue 1 also was the most frequently isolated serotype. However, the 2001 ratio was significantly higher than that in 1998 (also an outbreak year) and in 1999, when all four serotypes were detected and serotypes 1, 2, and 3 were recovered in similar numbers. The large number of clinical cases in 2001 may have been due, in part, to a preponderance of infections with dengue 1 viruses

    Defective Interfering Viral Particles in Acute Dengue Infections

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    While much of the genetic variation in RNA viruses arises because of the error-prone nature of their RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, much larger changes may occur as a result of recombination. An extreme example of genetic change is found in defective interfering (DI) viral particles, where large sections of the genome of a parental virus have been deleted and the residual sub-genome fragment is replicated by complementation by co-infecting functional viruses. While most reports of DI particles have referred to studies in vitro, there is some evidence for the presence of DI particles in chronic viral infections in vivo. In this study, short fragments of dengue virus (DENV) RNA containing only key regulatory elements at the 3′ and 5′ ends of the genome were recovered from the sera of patients infected with any of the four DENV serotypes. Identical RNA fragments were detected in the supernatant from cultures of Aedes mosquito cells that were infected by the addition of sera from dengue patients, suggesting that the sub-genomic RNA might be transmitted between human and mosquito hosts in defective interfering (DI) viral particles. In vitro transcribed sub-genomic RNA corresponding to that detected in vivo could be packaged in virus like particles in the presence of wild type virus and transmitted for at least three passages in cell culture. DENV preparations enriched for these putative DI particles reduced the yield of wild type dengue virus following co-infections of C6–36 cells. This is the first report of DI particles in an acute arboviral infection in nature. The internal genomic deletions described here are the most extensive defects observed in DENV and may be part of a much broader disease attenuating process that is mediated by defective viruses