132 research outputs found

    Balancing Disturbance and Conservation in Agroecosystems to Improve Biological Control

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    Disturbances associated with agricultural intensification reduce our ability to achieve sustainable crop production. These disturbances stem from crop-management tactics and can leave crop fields more vulnerable to insect outbreaks, in part because natural-enemy communities often tend to be more susceptible to disturbance than herbivorous pests. Recent research has explored practices that conserve natural-enemy communities and reduce pest outbreaks, revealing that different components of agroecosystems can influence natural-enemy populations. In this review, we consider a range of disturbances that influence pest control provided by natural enemies and how conservation practices can mitigate or counteract disturbance. We use four case studies to illustrate how conservation and disturbance mitigation increase the potential for biological 2 control and provide co-benefits for the broader agroecosystem. To facilitate the adoption of conservation practices that improve top-down control across significant areas of the landscape, they will need to provide multifunctional benefits, but should be implemented with natural enemies explicitly in mind

    Connecting Soil to the Cloud: A Wireless Underground Sensor Network Testbed

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    In this demo, a novel underground communication system and an online underground sensor network testbed is demonstrated. The underground communication system, developed in the Cyber-physical Networking (CPN) Laboratory at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, includes an underground antenna that is tailored to mitigate the adverse effects of soil on underground communication. An online connection is established with the CPN underground sensor network testbed that is located at Clay Center, Nebraska. The underground sensor network testbed consists of a network of underground communication systems equipped with soil moisture sensors and a mobile data harvesting unit equipped with cellular communication capabilities. Real-time soil moisture data delivery from Nebraska to Korea is demonstrated

    Connecting Soil to the Cloud: A Wireless Underground Sensor Network Testbed

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    In this demo, a novel underground communication system and an online underground sensor network testbed is demonstrated. The underground communication system, developed in the Cyber-physical Networking (CPN) Laboratory at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, includes an underground antenna that is tailored to mitigate the adverse effects of soil on underground communication. An online connection is established with the CPN underground sensor network testbed that is located at Clay Center, Nebraska. The underground sensor network testbed consists of a network of underground communication systems equipped with soil moisture sensors and a mobile data harvesting unit equipped with cellular communication capabilities. Real-time soil moisture data delivery from Nebraska to Korea is demonstrated

    Shared genes related to aggression, rather than chemical communication, are associated with reproductive dominance in paper wasps (Polistes metricus)

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    BackgroundIn social groups, dominant individuals may socially inhibit reproduction of subordinates using aggressive interactions or, in the case of highly eusocial insects, pheromonal communication. It has been hypothesized these two modes of reproductive inhibition utilize conserved pathways. Here, we use a comparative framework to investigate the chemical and genomic underpinnings of reproductive dominance in the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes metricus. Our goals were to first characterize transcriptomic and chemical correlates of reproductive dominance and second, to test whether dominance-associated mechanisms in paper wasps overlapped with aggression or pheromone-related gene expression patterns in other species. To explore whether conserved molecular pathways relate to dominance, we compared wasp transcriptomic data to previous studies of gene expression associated with pheromonal communication and queen-worker differences in honey bees, and aggressive behavior in bees, Drosophila, and mice. ResultsBy examining dominant and subordinate females from queen and worker castes in early and late season colonies, we found that cuticular hydrocarbon profiles and genome-wide patterns of brain gene expression were primarily associated with season/social environment rather than dominance status. In contrast, gene expression patterns in the ovaries were associated primarily with caste and ovary activation. Comparative analyses suggest genes identified as differentially expressed in wasp brains are not related to queen pheromonal communication or caste in bees, but were significantly more likely to be associated with aggression in other insects (bees, flies), and even a mammal (mice). ConclusionsThis study provides the first comprehensive chemical and molecular analysis of reproductive dominance in paper wasps. We found little evidence for a chemical basis for reproductive dominance in P. metricus, and our transcriptomic analyses suggest that different pathways regulate dominance in paper wasps and pheromone response in bees. Furthermore, there was a substantial impact of season/social environment on gene expression patterns, indicating the important role of external cues in shaping the molecular processes regulating behavior. Interestingly, genes associated with dominance in wasps were also associated with aggressive behavior in bees, solitary insects and mammals. Thus, genes involved in social regulation of reproduction in Polistes may have conserved functions associated with aggression in insects and other taxa

    Top-down network analysis characterizes hidden termite–termite interactions

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    The analysis of ecological networks is generally bottom-up, where networks are established by observing interactions between individuals. Emergent network properties have been indicated to reflect the dominant mode of interactions in communities that might be mutualistic (e.g., pollination) or antagonistic (e.g., host–parasitoid communities). Many ecological communities, however, comprise species interactions that are difficult to observe directly. Here, we propose that a comparison of the emergent properties from detail-rich reference communities with known modes of interaction can inform our understanding of detail-sparse focal communities. With this top-down approach, we consider patterns of coexistence between termite species that live as guests in mounds built by other host termite species as a case in point. Termite societies are extremely sensitive to perturbations, which precludes determining the nature of their interactions through direct observations. We perform a literature review to construct two networks representing termite mound cohabitation in a Brazilian savanna and in the tropical forest of Cameroon. We contrast the properties of these cohabitation networks with a total of 197 geographically diverse mutualistic plant–pollinator and antagonistic host–parasitoid networks. We analyze network properties for the networks, perform a principal components analysis (PCA), and compute the Mahalanobis distance of the termite networks to the cloud of mutualistic and antagonistic networks to assess the extent to which the termite networks overlap with the properties of the reference networks. Both termite networks overlap more closely with the mutualistic plant–pollinator communities than the antagonistic host–parasitoid communities, although the Brazilian community overlap with mutualistic communities is stronger. The analysis raises the hypothesis that termite–termite cohabitation networks may be overall mutualistic. More broadly, this work provides support for the argument that cryptic communities may be analyzed via comparison to well-characterized communities

    One gene versus two: A regional study on the efficacy of single gene versus pyramided resistance for soybean aphid management

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    Citation: McCarville, M. T., M. E. O’Neal, B. D. Potter, K. J. Tilmon, E. M. Cullen, B. P. McCornack, J. F. Tooker, and D. A. Prischmann-Voldseth. 2014. “One Gene Versus Two: A Regional Study on the Efficacy of Single Gene Versus Pyramided Resistance for Soybean Aphid Management.” Journal of Economic Entomology 107 (4): 1680–87. https://doi.org/10.1603/EC14047.The soybean aphid (Aphis glycines Matsumura) is a threat to soybean production in the Midwestern United States. Varieties containing the Rag1 soybean aphid resistance gene have been released with limited success in reducing aphid populations. Furthermore, virulent biotypes occur within North America and challenge the durability of single-gene resistance. Pyramiding resistance genes has the potential to improve aphid population suppression and increase resistance gene durability. Our goal was to determine if a pyramid could provide improved aphid population suppression across a wide range of environments.Weconducted a small-plot Þeld experiment across seven states and three years. We compared soybean near-isolines for the Rag1 or Rag2 gene, and a pyramid line containing both genes for their ability to decrease aphid pressure and protect yield compared with a susceptible line. These lines were evaluated both with and without a neonicitinoid seed treatment. All aphid-resistant lines signiÞcantly decreased aphid pressure at all locations but one. The pyramid line experienced lower aphid pressure than both single-gene lines at eight of 23 location-years. Soybean aphids signiÞcantly reduced soybean yield for the susceptible line by 14% and for both single-gene lines by 5%; however, no signiÞcant yield decrease was observed for the pyramid line. The neonicitinoid seed treatment reduced plant exposure to aphids across all soybean lines, but did not provide signiÞcant yield protection for any of the lines. These results demonstrate that pyramiding resistance genes can provide sufÞcient and consistent yield protection from soybean aphid in North America

    Seeds of Change: Corn Seed Mixtures for Resistance Management and Integrated Pest Management

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    The use of mixtures of transgenic insecticidal seed and nontransgenic seed to provide an in-field refuge for susceptible insects in insect-resistance-management (IRM) plans has been considered for at least two decades. However, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has only recently authorized the practice. This commentary explores issues that regulators, industry, and other stakeholders should consider as the use of biotechnology increases and seed mixtures are implemented as a major tactic for IRM. We discuss how block refuges and seed mixtures in transgenic insecticidal corn, Zea mays L., production will influence integrated pest management (IPM) and the evolution of pest resistance. We conclude that seed mixtures will make pest monitoring more difficult and that seed mixtures may make IRM riskier because of larval behavior and greater adoption of insecticidal corn. Conversely, block refuges present a different suite of risks because of adult pest behavior and the lower compliance with IRM rules expected from farmers. It is likely that secondary pests not targeted by the insecticidal corn as well as natural enemies will respond differently to block refuges and seed mixtures

    Development of a Certificate in Healthcare Improvement for Inter-Professional Teams

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    Introduction To address gaps in care team improvement-science education and connect geographically dispersed learners, we created a healthcare improvement certificate program, now completing the third program year, for inter-professional (IP) healthcare teams, including third year medical students. Methods This hybrid learning program consists of five modules: Learning Healthcare Systems, Improvement Science, Patient Safety and Diagnostic Error, Population Health and Health Equity and Leading Change. The curricular materials are comprised of focused readings, concise videos, faculty-moderated discussion boards, weekly synchronous calls of participants with faculty, and a longitudinal improvement project. The faculty are content experts, and worked with a curricular designer to define learning objectives and develop content. Results We have completed three years of this six-month program, training 61 participants (17 of whom were medical students) at 14 sites. In the third year, several medical students participated without an IP team. Development of the materials has been iterative, with feedback from learners and faculty used to shape the materials. Discussion We demonstrate the development and rollout of a hybrid-learning program for diverse and geographically dispersed IP teams, including medical students. Time restrictions limited the depth of topics, and scheduling overlap caused some participants to miss the interactive calls. We plan to evaluate the utility of the program for participants over time, using qualitative methods. Conclusion This educational model is feasible for IP teams studying improvement science and implementing change projects, and can be adopted to dispersed geographic settings
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