173 research outputs found

    On-line-pH- und -DO-Messungen in Mikrocarrier-basierter hMSC Kultur

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    Erworben im Rahmen der Schweizer Nationallizenzen (http://www.nationallizenzen.ch)Spinner flasks are often used for microcarrie-based cultivations of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). Normally, they are not equipped with pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) probes. This application note describes the cultivation of hMSCs in single-use spinner flasks equipped with optical pH (SP-HP8) and DO (SP-PSt3) sensors for the first time. While reaching peak cell numbers between 4.1 × 107 cells and 5.9 × 107 cells in two cultivation runs, reliable DO and pH data were delivered

    Sensors and Techniques for On-Line Determination of Cell Viability in Bioprocess Monitoring

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    In recent years, the bioprocessing industry has experienced significant growth and is increasingly emerging as an important economic sector. Here, efficient process management and constant control of cellular growth are essential. Good product quality and yield can only be guaranteed with high cell density and high viability. Whereas the on-line measurement of physical and chemical process parameters has been common practice for many years, the on-line determination of viability remains a challenge and few commercial on-line measurement methods have been developed to date for determining viability in industrial bioprocesses. Thus, numerous studies have recently been conducted to develop sensors for on-line viability estimation, especially in the field of optical spectroscopic sensors, which will be the focus of this review. Spectroscopic sensors are versatile, on-line and mostly non-invasive. Especially in combination with bioinformatic data analysis, they offer great potential for industrial application. Known as soft sensors, they usually enable simultaneous estimation of multiple biological variables besides viability to be obtained from the same set of measurement data. However, the majority of the presented sensors are still in the research stage, and only a few are already commercially available

    Investigation and evaluation of a 3D-printed optical modified cultivation vessel for improved scattered light measurement of biotechnologically relevant organisms

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    In the field of bioprocess development miniaturization, parallelization and flexibility play a key role reducing costs and time. To precisely meet these requirements, additive manufacturing (3D-printing) is an ideal technology. 3D-printing enables rapid prototyping and cost-effective fabrication of individually designed devices with complex geometries on demand. For successful bioprocess development, monitoring of process-relevant parameters, such as pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and biomass, is crucial. Online monitoring is preferred as offline sampling is time-consuming and leads to loss of information. In this study, 3D-printed cultivation vessels with optical prisms are evaluated for the use in upstream processes of different industrially relevant microorganisms and cell lines. It was shown, that the 3D-printed optically modified well (OMW) is of benefit for a wide range of biotechnologically relevant microorganisms and even for mammalian suspension cells. Evaluation tests with Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were performed, providing highly reproducible results. Growth behavior of OMW cultures was comparable to behavior of shake flask (SF) cultivations and the signal to noise ratio in online biomass measurement was shown to be reduced up to 95.8% by using the OMW. Especially the cultivation phases with low turbidity respective optical densities below 1.0 rel.AU could be monitored accurately for the first time. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the 3D-printed optics are transferable to different well geometries and sizes, enabling efficient biomass monitoring for individual requirements with tailor-made 3D-printed cultivation vessels in small scale

    Toward microbioreactor arrays : a slow-responding xxygen sensor for monitoring of microbial cultures in standard 96-well plates

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.In this study, a slow-responding chemo-optical sensor for dissolved oxygen (DO) integrated into a 96-well plate was developed. The slow response time ensures that the measured oxygen value does not change much during plate transport to the microplate reader. The sensor therefore permits at-line DO measurement of microbial cultures. Moreover, it eliminates the necessity of individual optical measurement systems for each culture plate, as many plates can be measured successively. Combined with the 96-well format, this increases the experimental throughput enormously. The novel sensor plate (Slow OxoPlate) consists of fluorophores suspended in a polymer matrix that were placed into u-bottom 96-well plates. Response time was measured using sodium sulfite, and a t90 value of 9.7 min was recorded. For application, DO values were then measured in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultures grown under fed-batch–like conditions. Depending on the DO sensor’s response time, different information on the oxygenation state of the culture plate was obtained: a fast sensor variant detects disturbance through sampling, whereas the slow sensor indicates oxygen limitation during incubation. A combination of the commercially available OxoPlate and the Slow OxoPlate enables operators of screening facilities to validate their cultivation procedures with regard to oxygen availability.BMBF, 02PJ1150, Plattformtechnologien für automatisierte Bioprozessentwicklung (AutoBio

    Improved time resolved KPI and strain characterization of multiple hosts in shake flasks using advanced online analytics and data science

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    Shake flasks remain one of the most widely used cultivation systems in biotechnology, especially for process development (cell line and parameter screening). This can be justified by their ease of use as well as their low investment and running costs. A disadvantage, however, is that cultivations in shake flasks are black box processes with reduced possibilities for recording online data, resulting in a lack of control and time-consuming, manual data analysis. Although different measurement methods have been developed for shake flasks, they lack comparability, especially when changing production organisms. In this study, the use of online backscattered light, dissolved oxygen, and pH data for characterization of animal, plant, and microbial cell culture processes in shake flasks are evaluated and compared. The application of these different online measurement techniques allows key performance indicators (KPIs) to be determined based on online data. This paper evaluates a novel data science workflow to automatically determine KPIs using online data from early development stages without human bias. This enables standardized and cost-effective process-oriented cell line characterization of shake flask cultivations to be performed in accordance with the process analytical technology (PAT) initiative. The comparison showed very good agreement between KPIs determined using offline data, manual techniques, and automatic calculations based on multiple signals of varying strengths with respect to the selected measurement signal

    Predictive monitoring of shake flask cultures with online estimated growth models

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    Simplicity renders shake flasks ideal for strain selection and substrate optimization in biotechnology. Uncertainty during initial experiments may, however, cause adverse growth conditions and mislead conclusions. Using growth models for online predictions of future biomass (BM) and the arrival of critical events like low dissolved oxygen (DO) levels or when to harvest is hence important to optimize protocols. Established knowledge that unfavorable metabolites of growing microorganisms interfere with the substrate suggests that growth dynamics and, as a consequence, the growth model parameters may vary in the course of an experiment. Predictive monitoring of shake flask cultures will therefore benefit from estimating growth model parameters in an online and adaptive manner. This paper evaluates a newly developed particle filter (PF) which is specifically tailored to the requirements of biotechnological shake flask experiments. By combining stationary accuracy with fast adaptation to change the proposed PF estimates time-varying growth model parameters from iteratively measured BM and DO sensor signals in an optimal manner. Such proposition of inferring time varying parameters of Gompertz and Logistic growth models is to our best knowledge novel and here for the first time assessed for predictive monitoring of Escherichia coli (E. coli) shake flask experiments. Assessments that mimic real-time predictions of BM and DO levels under previously untested growth conditions demonstrate the efficacy of the approach. After allowing for an initialization phase where the PF learns appropriate model parameters, we obtain accurate predictions of future BM and DO levels and important temporal characteristics like when to harvest. Statically parameterized growth models that represent the dynamics of a specific setting will in general provide poor characterizations of the dynamics when we change strain or substrate. The proposed approach is thus an important innovation for scientists working on strain characterization and substrate optimization as providing accurate forecasts will improve reproducibility and efficiency in early-stage bioprocess development

    Potential of Low Dose Leuco-Methylthioninium Bis(Hydromethanesulphonate) (LMTM) Monotherapy for Treatment of Mild Alzheimer’s Disease : Cohort Analysis as Modified Primary Outcome in a Phase III Clinical Trial

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    The supplementary material is available in the electronic version of this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/JAD-170560. The study was sponsored by TauRx Therapeutics (Singapore). We thank Lon Schneider and Howard Feldman for their contribution to the Scientific Advisory Board. We gratefully acknowledge study investigators and the generosity of study participants. Authors’ disclosures available online (http://j-alz.com/manuscript disclosures/17-0560r3).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Polyurethane scaffold with in situ swelling capacity for nucleus pulposus replacement

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    Nucleus pulposus (NP) replacement offers a minimally invasive alternative to spinal fusion or total disc replacement for the treatment of intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration. This study aimed to develop a cytocompatible {NP} replacement material, which is feasible for non-invasive delivery and tunable design, and allows immediate mechanical restoration of the IVD. A bi-phasic polyurethane scaffold was fabricated consisting of a core material with rapid swelling property and a flexible electrospun envelope. The scaffold was assessed in a bovine whole {IVD} organ culture model under dynamic load for 14 days. Nucleotomy was achieved by incision through the endplate without damaging the annulus fibrosus. After implantation of the scaffold and in situ swelling, the dynamic compressive stiffness and disc height were restored immediately. The scaffold also showed favorable cytocompatibility for native disc cells. Implantation of the scaffold in a partially nucleotomized {IVD} down-regulated catabolic gene expression, increased proteoglycan and type {II} collagen intensity and decreased type I collagen intensity in remaining {NP} tissue, indicating potential to retard degeneration and preserve the {IVD} cell phenotype. The scaffold can be delivered in a minimally invasive manner, and the geometry of the scaffold post-hydration is tunable by adjusting the core material, which allows individualized design. Keywords : Intervertebral disc degeneratio

    A VERITAS/Breakthrough Listen Search for Optical Technosignatures

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    The Breakthrough Listen Initiative is conducting a program using multiple telescopes around the world to search for "technosignatures": artificial transmitters of extraterrestrial origin from beyond our solar system. The VERITAS Collaboration joined this program in 2018, and provides the capability to search for one particular technosignature: optical pulses of a few nanoseconds duration detectable over interstellar distances. We report here on the analysis and results of dedicated VERITAS observations of Breakthrough Listen targets conducted in 2019 and 2020 and of archival VERITAS data collected since 2012. Thirty hours of dedicated observations of 136 targets and 249 archival observations of 140 targets were analyzed and did not reveal any signals consistent with a technosignature. The results are used to place limits on the fraction of stars hosting transmitting civilizations. We also discuss the minimum-pulse sensitivity of our observations and present VERITAS observations of CALIOP: a space-based pulsed laser onboard the CALIPSO satellite. The detection of these pulses with VERITAS, using the analysis techniques developed for our technosignature search, allows a test of our analysis efficiency and serves as an important proof-of-principle.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Towards real-time cardiovascular magnetic resonance guided transarterial CoreValve implantation: in vivo evaluation in swine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Real-time cardiovascular magnetic resonance (rtCMR) is considered attractive for guiding TAVI. Owing to an unlimited scan plane orientation and an unsurpassed soft-tissue contrast with simultaneous device visualization, rtCMR is presumed to allow safe device navigation and to offer optimal orientation for precise axial positioning. We sought to evaluate the preclinical feasibility of rtCMR-guided transarterial aortic valve implatation (TAVI) using the nitinol-based Medtronic CoreValve bioprosthesis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>rtCMR-guided transfemoral (n = 2) and transsubclavian (n = 6) TAVI was performed in 8 swine using the original CoreValve prosthesis and a modified, CMR-compatible delivery catheter without ferromagnetic components.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>rtCMR using TrueFISP sequences provided reliable imaging guidance during TAVI, which was successful in 6 swine. One transfemoral attempt failed due to unsuccessful aortic arch passage and one pericardial tamponade with subsequent death occurred as a result of ventricular perforation by the device tip due to an operating error, this complication being detected without delay by rtCMR. rtCMR allowed for a detailed, simultaneous visualization of the delivery system with the mounted stent-valve and the surrounding anatomy, resulting in improved visualization during navigation through the vasculature, passage of the aortic valve, and during placement and deployment of the stent-valve. Post-interventional success could be confirmed using ECG-triggered time-resolved cine-TrueFISP and flow-sensitive phase-contrast sequences. Intended valve position was confirmed by ex-vivo histology.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study shows that rtCMR-guided TAVI using the commercial CoreValve prosthesis in conjunction with a modified delivery system is feasible in swine, allowing improved procedural guidance including immediate detection of complications and direct functional assessment with reduction of radiation and omission of contrast media.</p