18 research outputs found

    Peran Tikus Sebagai Reservoir Leptospira di Tiga Ekosistem di Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta

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    Bantul is one of leptospirosis endemic areas which has been reported the cases every year and the presence of rats is an important risk factor relating to leptospirosis incidence in Bantul. Therefore, the role of rats as reservoir was examined in three types of ecosystems: forest, non-forest, and coastal ecosystems. Rat trapping was carried out using 100 single livetraps which were distributed in 9 locations: 2 points in the forest, 5 points in the non-forest, and 2 points in the coastal ecosystem. The rats were identified and their kidneys were collected and preserved in 70% alcohol medium. Leptospira were detected in the kidney by using PCR method. A number of 196 rats were obtained during the study. Most of them were commensal rats obtained from settlements ecosystems. Rattus tanezumi was the dominant species in the three ecosystems, but the highest infection rate of leptospira pathogen was in R.norvegicus. Coastal ecosystems were contained more infected rats, where the main habitat were mangrove forests. Based on these results, rats have great potency in leptospirosis transmission in Bantul, especially in settlements and coastal areas although leptospirosis cases were reported rarely in study area. Nonetheless, awareness of transmission should be disseminated since the presence of pathogenic leptospira in rats is very high. Keywords: leptospirosis, rat, reservoir, ecosystem, Bantul Abstrak Kabupaten Bantul merupakan salah satu daerah endemis leptospirosis yang sejak lama melaporkan kasus ini setiap tahunnya dan keberadaan tikus merupakan faktor risiko penting yang mempengaruhi kejadian leptospirosis di Kabupaten Bantul. Oleh karena itu peranan tikus sebagai hewan reservoir diteliti di tiga jenis ekosistem yaitu ekosistem hutan, non-hutan, dan pesisir. Penangkapan tikus dilakukan menggunakan perangkap tunggal sebanyak 100 buah yang disebar di 9 titik lokasi, meliputi dua titik di ekosistem hutan, lima titik di ekosistem non-hutan, dan dua titik di ekosistem pesisir. Tikus tertangkap diidentifikasi kemudian organ ginjalnya dikoleksi dan diawetkan dalam medium alkohol 70%. Bakteri leptospira dideteksi pada specimen ginjal dengan metode PCR dari total 196 tikus diperoleh selama penelitian. Sebagian besar tikus diperoleh dari ekosistem dekat pemukiman dan semuanya merupakan tikus komensal. Rattus tanezumi merupakan spesies dominan di ketiga ekosistem, namun persentase infeksi leptospira patogen paling tinggi terdapat pada R. norvegicus. Ekosistem pesisir mengandung tikus terinfeksi leptospira patogenik paling tinggi, dengan habitat utama hutan mangrove. Berdasarkan hasil ini maka tikus berpotensi besar menularkan leptospirosis di Kabupaten Bantul, terutama di daerah pemukiman dan pesisir. Meskipun kasus leptospirosis di daerah penelitian sedikit sekali dilaporkan, namun kewaspadaan terhadap penularan perlu dilakukan sedini mungkin karena leptospira patogenik yang terkandung dalam tikus tergolong tinggi. Kata kunci: leptospirosis, tikus, reservoir, ekosistem, Bantu


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    Epidemiologically bats are important sources of leptospirosis transmission because of their size, abundance, distribution, and their connectivity with domestic animals. The research objective was to detect and identify pathogenic Leptospira species from bats in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java and in Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi. This research is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. The study was conducted from February to March 2017. Detection of Leptospira in bats by PCR technique using specific primers for the 16S rRNA gene. Identification of Leptospira species by comparing the sequence of research results with sequences from GenBank using the BLAST program. Results showed 68 caught bats consisting of 7 genera and 11 species. Bats that detected positive Leptospira were 8 bats consisting from 3 species (Macroglossus sobrinus, Cynopterus brachyotis and Eonycteris spelaela). Detection of pathogenic Leptospira in M. sobrinus is a new record in the world esspecially in Indonesia . Identification of Leptospira sequences from bats showed that one sequence had 98% homology with L. borgpetersenii and another sequence had 97% homology with L.kircheneri

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Tembakau (Nicotiana tabacum L) dari Semarang, Temanggung, dan Kendal Sebagai Larvasida Aedes aegypti L

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    Dengue fever (DF) is a health problem in Indonesia. The spread of DF occurs through mosquito vectors. Vector control is one of important methods in dengue prevention. However, the occurence of insecticide resistance leads the need of new inovation of botanical insecticide, such tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L). The research aimed to know larvicidal effectivity of tobacco extracts against Aedes aegypti larvae, and also analyzed nicotine content of tobacco leaves which collected from three sites: Semarang, Temanggung, and Kendal; used  experimental design and carried out on March-December 2013. Tobacco leaves was extracted with etanol then tested to Aedes aegypti 3rd instar larvae. The results showed that tobacco leaves from Temanggung was the most active as larvicides, then were followed from Semarang and Kendal. The analysis result showed that to reach 90% death from total number of larvae samples (LD90), required tobacco extract of Kendal at concentration 447ppm, Semarang 241 ppm, and Temanggung 212 ppm. Larvicidal effects of tobacco leaves extract was unproportional to the content of nicotine, such as Semarang (4,69%), Temanggung (3,61%), and Kendal (1,85%). ABSTRAK Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan permasalahan kesehatan di Indonesia. Penyebaran DBD melalui vektor nyamuk. Pengendalian vektor merupakan tahapan penting dalam mencegah DBD. Adanya resistensi insektisida membuat pengendalian vektor terhambat, sehingga diperlukan penelitian inovasi insektisida nabati, salah satunya tembakau (Nicotiana tabacum L). Penelitian bertujuan menguji efektivitas larvasida ekstrak tembakau terhadap larva Aedes aegypti serta menganalisis kandungan nikotin dari tembakau yang dikoleksi dari tiga tempat, yaitu Semarang, Temanggung, dan Kendal; menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimental murni, dan dilaksanakan Maret-Desember 2013. Tembakau diekstraksi dengan etanol lalu diuji pada larva Ae. aegypti instar tiga. Hasil pengujian memperlihatkan ekstrak tembakau Temanggung paling aktif sebagai larvasida diikuti Semarang dan Kendal, sedangkan untuk  mendapatkan respon biologis 90% kematian dari jumlah total sampel larva diperlukan konsentrasi ekstrak tembakau Kendal pada konsentrasi 447 ppm, Semarang 241 ppm, dan Temanggung 212 ppm. Efek larvasida ekstrak tidak berbanding lurus dengan kadar nikotin ekstrak tembakau, yaitu tembakau Semarang (4,69%), Temanggung (3,61%), dan Kendal (1,85%)


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    Leptospirosis is primarily a disease of wild and domestic animals, and may be transmitted to humans through direct or indirect contact with infected animal urine. Leptospirosis is endemic in part of Indonesia territory. This work aimed to find the leptospirosis cases in Semarang city, one of the endemic leptospirosis in Indonesia by active and passive case finding. The leptospirosis were screened in the community base active case finding and passive case finding in primary health care center and hospitals, by using modified WHO-SEARO criteria and laboratory confirmation test. There were 191 cases detected with modified WHO-SEARO criteria, and among those cases only 31 cases confirmed by laboratory test, either by using Rapid Detection Test (RDT), Microscopic Agglutinations Test (MAT) or Polymerase chained reaction (PCR). It was found that leptospirosis was not correlated with rainfall season. Fever, headache and myalgia were the most common symptoms experienced by >90% patients. Active case finding add no more than 7% probable leptospirosis and 14% confirmed cases to the traditional passive case finding.  It was conclude that leptospirosis case finding is still challenging in the endemic area, such as Semarang city. The application of modified WHO-SEARO criteria as diagnostic tool may be needed to be further evaluated.   Keywords: Leptospirosis, Surveillance,  Case finding,  Endemic, Detection&nbsp

    Leptospirosis pada Tikus Endemis Sulawesi (Rodentia: Muridae) dan Potensi Penularannya Antar Tikus dari Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Leptospirosis is zoonotic disease which caused by pathogenic Leptospira bacteria and potentially causing death in human. Rat, as main reservoir of Leptospira, had been most studied in urban or rural areas around the settlement  of community. In contrast, leptospirosis studies in endemic rat were still limited. This study was aimed to identify endemic rat species of Sulawesi as reservoir of Leptospira in some regencies of South Sulawesi Province namely Bulukumba, Pangkep and East Luwu. This study was a part of Rikhus Vektora in 2017 by using live traps to catch rats in six various ecosystem types each regency. All catched rats were identified morphologically and followed by examinations using Microscopic Agglutination Test and Polymerase Chain Reaction. The result showed various endemic rats such as Rattus marmosurus, Rattus hoffmanni, Bunomys chrysocomus, Bunomys andrewsi and Bunomys coelestis were infected with leptospirosis. This study also showed new record of some endemic rat species were infected with leptospirosis. It is important to rise awareness  of  leptospirosis transmission in the forest habitat by the endemic rats. ABSTRAK Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit zoonosis disebabkan bakteri Leptospira patogenik dan berpotensi menyebabkan kematian pada manusia. Tikus sebagai reservoir utama Leptospira kebanyakan diteliti di kawasan perkotaan atau pedesaan di sekitar permukiman. Sebaliknya, penelitian leptospirosis pada tikus endemis jumlahnya sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis tikus endemis Sulawesi sebagai reservoir Leptospira di Kabupaten Bulukumba, Pangkep dan Luwu Timur. Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari Rikhus Vektora tahun 2017 dengan menggunakan perangkap hidup untuk menangkap tikus di enam ekosistem berbeda pada tiap kabupaten. Seluruh tikus tertangkap diidentifikasi secara morfologis yang selanjutnya diuji Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) dan Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Hasilnya diperoleh berbagai tikus endemis seperti Rattus marmosurus, Rattus hoffmanni, Bunomys chrysocomus, Bunomys andrewsi dan Bunomys coelestis terinfeksi leptospirosis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan catatan baru beberapa jenis tikus endemis Sulawesi terinfeksi leptospirosis. Kondisi ini perlu diwaspadai karena terdapat potensi penularan leptospirosis di habitat hutan dari tikus endemis tersebut

    Kepadatan Larva Nyamuk Vektor sebagai Indikator Penularan Demam Berdarah Dengue di Daerah Endemis di Jawa Timur

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is one of the serious health problems in Indonesia.There are always DHF cases every year. East Java is a province with high cases of DHFevery year, with the peak of burden was 86,52 cases per 100.000 people in 2010. Thisstudy, conducted in 2011, was aimed to know the larval density figure and key container inthe dengue endemic areas in East Java. In total, there were 10 villages from three districts(Tulungagung, Malang and Kediri) were surveied. One hundred houses were visualysurveied to count the larvae indices: House Index (HI), Container Index (CI), and BreteauIndex (BI) based on the WHO regulation. Larvae-Free Index based on the IndonesianMinistry of Health regulation was also measured. The larvae indices measured indicatedthat eight villages were categorized as middle risk (density figure 5) and two villages(Bago Village from Tulungagung and Mojoroto Village from Kediri) were categorized ashigh risk (density figure 6). Cement bath tub was the key container of all location. Basedon these results known that three districts were potential for dengue transmission

    Leptospirosis pada Tikus di Kabupaten Minahasa, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara Tahun 2016

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    Abstract Leptospirosis is an endemic zoonotic disease and remains a health problem in Indonesia. The word’s third-heighest cases of leptospirosis. This study aimed to determine the type of mouse as an intermediate transmission of leptospirosis disease in Minahasa District, North Sulawesi. Trapping of rats was performed by using 100 mouse traps (live Trap) for two consecutive days across six ecosystems. Rats were identified by external morphological characteristics. Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) were conducted using  rat kidney samples. The number of rats caught in the present study was 105 heads consisting of six species e.g Rattus tanezumi, Rattus exulans, Rattus hoffmanni, Bunomis coelestis, Bunomis fratorum, and Paruromys dominator. The proportion of rats identified as MAT-based leptospirosis reservoir was  0.9% while the PCR test was 1.9%. Rattus tanezumi identified as leptospirosis reservoirs were found were found in the NHDP (non forest near to sattlement) ecosystem. Rattus tanezumi trapped near the settlement was positive as leptospirosis reservoirs in the Minahasa District. Abstrak Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit zoonosis endemik dan masih menjadi masalah Kesehatan di Indonesia. Angka CFR penyakit ini dilaporkan sebesar 2,5 – 16,4% atau rata-rata 7,1% sehingga menempatkan Indonesia sebagai negara peringkat ketiga tertinggi di dunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis tikus perantara penyakit leptospirosis di Kabupaten Minahasa Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Penangkapan tikus dilakukan dengan menggunakan 100 perangkap tikus (live trap) selama 2 hari berturut-turut di enam ekosistem. Tikus diidentifikasi dengan melihat karakteristik morfologi eksternalnya kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan secara biomolekuler yaitu uji Microscopic Aglutination Test (MAT) dan Polimerase Chain Reaction (PCR) terhadap sampel ginjal tikus. Jumlah tikus yang tertangkap sebanyak 105 ekor yang terbagi menjadi enam spesies yaitu: Rattus tanezumi, Rattus Exulans, Rattus hoffmanni, Bunomis coelestis, Bunomis fratorum, dan Paruromys dominator. Proporsi tikus yang teridentifikasi sebagai reservoir leptospirosis berdasarkan uji MAT adalah  0,9% dan sebesar 1,9% berdasarkan uji PCR. Spesies Rattus tanezumi teridentifikasi sebagai reservoir leptospirosis dan ditemukan di ekosistem Non Hutan Dekat Pemukiman (NHDP).  Beberapa Rattus tanezumi yang tertangkap di lokasi dekat pemukiman teridentifikasi positif sebagai reservoir leptospirosis di Kabupaten Minahasa. &nbsp


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    Commensal rat have been report as main source of leptospirosis to humans, but in Indonesia the status of leptospirosis in rats commensal still not widely known. The aim of this study was to calculate the prevalence and identified pathogenic Leptospira in commensal rats in Maumere multicipality, Flores. The study was conducted from August to November 2014. Rats trapped in the perimeter and buffer area El Sai and Wuring Port, Maumere Multicipality, Flores. Detection of Leptospira in commensal rats were using PCR with specific primers 16S rRNA gene. Determination of Leptospira species by compared with the sequence of the research results with origin GenBank sequences using the BLAST program. Phylogeny tree arranged with Mega 6.2 software. The results showed that 125 commensal rat was trapped, consisted of two species, namely Rattus norvegicus and Rattus tanezumi. Five R. norvegicus positive PCR test. BLAST analysis of the results of all sequences of Leptospira synonymous with L. interrogans. Phylogenetic analysis, sequences clustered with L. interoggans Maumere. Based on the results of the research, the prevalence of Leptospira in commensal rats in Maumere multicipality were 4 percent and Leptospira that found in Maumere multiciplity was L. interogans. There was potential transmission of leptospirosis in Maumere multicipality


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    oai:jurnalkesehatan.ejournal.litbang.depkes.go.id:article/8121Leptospirosis merupakan zoonosis yang terdapat hampir di seluruh daerah tropis dan subtropis dengan tingkat morbiditas dan mortalitas cukup tinggi di dunia. Di Indonesia, leptospirosis sering menimbulkan Kejadian Luar Biasa. Tiga sumber penularan penting leptospirosis adalah lingkungan terkontaminasi bakteri leptospira, keberadaan tikus dan keberadaan hewan ternak sebagai reservoir. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui reservoir yang berperan dalam penularan leptospirosis di daerah peningkatan kasus leptospirosis di Desa Pagedangan Ilir, Kecamatan Kronjo, Kabupaten Tangerang. Penangkapan tikus dilakukan selama dua kali, masing-masing selama 2 hari. Selain itu juga dilakukan survei hewan ternak yang ada di area lokasi penelitian. Spesimen serum tikus dan hewan ternak diambil untuk pemeriksaan leptospirosis dengan metode MAT, sedangkan spesimen ginjal tikus diambil untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan dengan metode PCR. Hasil penangkapan tikus pertama dan kedua menunjukkan kepadatan relatif 17% dan 20% di dalam rumah, serta 14% dan 10% di luar rumah. Terdapat dua spesies tertangkap yaitu Rattus norvegicus serta Rattus tanezumi. Prevalensi leptospira patogen pada tikus dengan uji PCR adalah 33% pada penangkapan pertama dan 26% pada penangkapan kedua. Hasil survei hewan ternak diperoleh 4 spesimen darah dari 4 kambing. Semua hewan ternak tidak menunjukkan positif PCR melainkan hanya ditemukan satu sampel positif serologis (MAT) dengan titer rendah (1:20). Hasil penelitian memberikan informasi bahwa tikus merupakan reservoir yang paling potensial dalam penularan leptospirosis di daerah penelitian