5 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Lingkungan Abiotik dan Potensi Keberadaan Leptospira Patogenik di Air dalam Kejadian Luar Biasa Leptospirosis di Kota Semarang

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    Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit zoonosis yang tersebar di seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Lingkungan sangat berpengaruh dalam kehidupan bakteri Leptospira. Leptospirosis dapat terjadi melalui kontak dengan air yang terkontaminasi bakteri Leptospira patogen. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis lingkungan abiotik dan mendeteksi Leptospira patogenik pada air baik pada badan air alami maupun tempat penampungan air di masyarakat dalam kejadian luar biasa leptospirosis di Kota Semarang. Pengambilan sampel air secara random sampling dan dilakukan pengukuran lingkungan abiotik. Sampel air diperiksa menggunakan PCR dan pengukuran lingkungan abiotik dianalisis secara deskriptif. Enam sampel (10%) dideteksi positif Leptospira patogenik berdasarkan PCR. Hasil pengukuran lingkungan abiotik yaitu pH, salinitas, suhu dan kelembaban udara menunjang pertumbuhan Leptospira. Penelitian ini menunujukkan bahwa air dan kondisi lingkungan berpotensi menyebabkan penularan leptospirosis di Kota Semaran

    Prevalence and Identification of Pathogenic Leptospira in Commensal Rodent From Maumere Flores Origin

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    Commensal rat have been report as main source of leptospirosis to humans, but in Indonesia the status of leptospirosis in rats commensal still not widely known. The aim of this study was to calculate the prevalence and identified pathogenic Leptospira in commensal rats in Maumere multicipality, Flores. The study was conducted from August to November 2014. Rats trapped in the perimeter and buffer area El Sai and Wuring Port, Maumere Multicipality, Flores. Detection of Leptospira in commensal rats were using PCR with specific primers 16S rRNA gene. Determination of Leptospira species by compared with the sequence of the research results with origin GenBank sequences using the BLAST program. Phylogeny tree arranged with Mega 6.2 software. The results showed that 125 commensal rat was trapped, consisted of two species, namely Rattus norvegicus and Rattus tanezumi. Five R. norvegicus positive PCR test. BLAST analysis of the results of all sequences of Leptospira synonymous with L. interrogans. Phylogenetic analysis, sequences clustered with L. interoggans Maumere. Based on the results of the research, the prevalence of Leptospira in commensal rats in Maumere multicipality were 4 percent and Leptospira that found in Maumere multiciplity was L. interogans. There was potential transmission of leptospirosis in Maumere multicipality

    Karakteristik Molekuler Segmen L Virus Seoul (SEOV) dari Rattus Norvegicus Asal Semarang, Jawa Tengah

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    Seoul virus (SEOV) is one of four hantaviruses causing haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). The virus was a negative single-strand RNA genome that consists of three segments, S, M, and L. The aim of study was to characterize L segment Seoul virus of R. norvegicus from Semarang and it can be used as biological material such as vaccine development or diagnostic material. The sample of study was RNA Seoul virus isolate of R. norvegicus lung tissue from Semarang. Amplification L segment was used by nested PCR. Data analysis used GenBank database and phylogenetic tree was constructed using Mega 6 software. The result showed the homology of isolate from Semarang and GenBank nucleotide level ranged from 93.1 to 97.1% and amino acid level ranged from 98,1 to 100%. Analysis of phylogenetic showed Seoul virus from Semarang closer to Seoul virus from France and Jakarta. The conclution of this research was the character of L segment Seoul virus from Semarang has more in common with the Seoul virus from French and JakartaKeywords : Seoul virus, L segment, SemarangAbstrakVirus Seoul adalah satu satu dari empat spesies Hantavirus penyebab Haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). Virus Seoul merupakan virus RNA negatif rantai tunggal, terdiri dari tiga segmen gen yaitu S, M, dan L. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi segmen L virus Seoul dari R. norvegicus asal Semarang. Diharapkan isolat virus yang telah terkarakterisasi dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan biologik, baik untuk pengembangan vaksin maupun untuk bahan diagnostik. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan adalah RNA virus Seoul yang diisolasi dari jaringan paru R. norvegicus asal Semarang. Amplifikasi segmen L virus Seoul dilakukan dengan nested-PCR. Analisis menggunakan data pembanding dari GenBank. Pohon filogenetik disusun menggunakan program Mega 6. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan homologi antara virus Seoul asal Semarang dengan sekuen asal GenBank ditingkat nukleotida berkisar antara 93.1 97.1% dan ditingkat asam amino 98,1 100%. Homologi tertinggi ditingkat nukleotida (97,1%) dengan sekuen virus Seoul asal Perancis. Hasil analisis filogenetik menunjukkan Virus Seoul asal Semarang lebih dekat dengan virus Seoul asal Perancis dan Jakarta. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa karakter segmen L virus Seoul asal Semarang mempunyai lebih banyak kesamaan dengan virus Seoul asal Perancis dan Jakarta.Kata kunci : Virus Seoul, Segmen L, Semaran

    Rickettsia Pada Pinjal Tikus (Xenopsylla Cheopis) Di Daerah Pelabuhan Semarang, Kupang Dan Maumere

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    The genus of Rickettsia is gram negative bacteria causing rickettsioses and involve mammal hosts and arthropod vectors in their life cycle (lices, mites, ticks, and fleas). Rats were one of rickettsial hosts, and fleas were rat ectoparasites that involve in the transmision from bacteria into humans. Unspecific clinical manifestation and difficulties of laboratory diagnoses caused the information about rickettsioses in humans were still limited. The aim of this study was to detect Rickettsia spp on rat fleas. Rat flea specimens were collected from three seaports of Semarang, Kupang and Maumere. Specimens were analyzed using PCR method by gltA amplification (primer 877F and 1258R). Confirmation of rickettsia species was conducted by sequencing. The results showed percentages of rickettsial infections on rat fleas for Semarang, Kupang, and Maumere were 19%, 61%, and 44%, respectively. Seven samples from eighteen samples sequences confirmed as Rickettsia typhi and the other 11 samples were Bartonella sp. This study was provided additional information about the presence of Rickettsia in 3 seaport in Indonesia and could be initiating rickettsioses surveilans in the regions